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14 boxes of Jack Ruby records become public next week

Douglas Caddy

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Leavelle is an old man full of bull. SCNR. 

“I have nothing against the Sixth Floor. I think it is an excellent museum,” Tunheim said ---- booo ---- boooo 

The distortion of history is the ongoing everlasting business of those men ... 

Are this 14 boxes available online? 

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4 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Are this 14 boxes available online? 



Here's what I wrote on another thread:

"I indexed those files back in 2008. You can see them here:

New Dallas Documents Online



Back then I urged them to donate the material to the Mary Ferrell site where they would be keyword searchable, but to no avail.


The Dallas Morning News url link doesn't work anymore - they took it down. Sigh."


Steve Thomas



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I will hazard a prediction.

I predict that when the 14 boxes of material on Jack Ruby are sorted out and read thoroughly, that the portrait of Jack Ruby given by Dallas newsman Seth Kantor to the Warren Commission, and later in 1978, will be vindicated as the most accurate portrait of Jack Ruby ever presented to the public before 2017.

Seth Kantor's book, Who Was Jack Ruby? (1978), portrays Jack Ruby as a vain, ignorant and struggling pimp in Dallas, whose closest allies were corrupt members of the Dallas Police Department.  Jack Ruby accomplished his fateful deed at the request of these allies, hoping to get off easy, or perhaps become a national hero.

In other words -- in my own interpretation -- Jack Ruby had no contact with anybody in the JFK Kill  Team.  The murders of JFK and of Lee Harvey Oswald were entirely separate murders, planned and executed completely separately.   (Even if by the same culprits.)  Jack Ruby did what he was told by people he trusted.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On 9/25/2017 at 12:18 PM, Michael Walton said:

Ruby targeted Oswald, Leavelle explained, so he would have his own moment in history.

Sure Jim sure. Keep the nonsense coming.

Ha ha

Leavelle is a xxxx of the worst kind and still persisting in spreading it at that age.

Jimmy grow up you have been sussed ages ago already.

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Paul I almost want to believe you. Somewhere along the way LHO was not supposed to live until Sunday. Something went wrong and they got Ruby to do the deed.

So I'm having a hard time grasping Ruby not knowing *anything* about what was going to happen and was just plucked from nothing to kill LHO.

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I believe Oswald was supposed to have been killed on the same day JFK was.

Jack Ruby was in the Dallas PD building Friday night armed and supposedly bent on killing Oswald that evening if he could have gotten the chance. He reportedly told another reporter or policeman later on that the reason he didn't try was because too many policemen ( or reporters? ) were between him and Oswald and he didn't want to hit "one of you guys."

Here is another stupid Ruby lie/contradiction.

On 11,22,1963 Ruby stayed in the offices of the Dallas Morning News in their ad department from mid-to late morning until 12:30 PM and all during JFK and JACKIE's limo driving by just outside their entrance until shots rang out and Ruby finally left.

For a man claiming to be so enamored by "classy" Jackie Kennedy and also supposedly liking JFK and being a person who always had to be where the action is...Ruby holes up in this DMN office area the entire time while over half of Dallas is in the streets to see the president and his beautiful wife in person?

In his WC testimony Ruby said he did this because he didn't like crowds.???

His fear or dislike of crowds sure didn't prevent him from rushing to and through one Sunday morning to get into the Dallas PD building basement.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 2:41 PM, Michael Walton said:

Paul I almost want to believe you. Somewhere along the way LHO was not supposed to live until Sunday. Something went wrong and they got Ruby to do the deed.

So I'm having a hard time grasping Ruby not knowing *anything* about what was going to happen and was just plucked from nothing to kill LHO.


In my opinion -- and in the opinion of Seth Kantor (1978) -- Jack Ruby was out-of-the-loop of the drama of 11/22/1963 until that evening, when some Rogues among the Dallas Police prevailed upon him to kill Lee Harvey Oswald.

These Rogues did not explain the JFK plot to Jack Ruby -- they simply pressured him based on his great love for the Dallas Police -- to take revenge on this cop-killer.

They also assured him that he would get off with only a slap on the wrist.

They also assured him that he would become a National Hero -- with perhaps a parade in his honor.

They also assured him that he would be THEIR best friend for life (although he was, already, they insisted).

In other words, those Dallas Rogues who were part of the JFK conspiracy did a hard-sell on Jack Ruby on the night of 11/22/1963.  It took Jack Ruby 36 more hours before he finally got the gumption to do it. 

I forget who it is on this Forum that insists that the JFK murder and the LHO murder were strictly two separate murders -- but whoever it is -- that person is CORRECT.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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So when Ruby was asked, coming out of the court house years later, who was involved, he said something like if Adlai Stevenson had been VP, we'd have never had the assassination? And I guess we're expected to believe that he just made that up out of thin air? It was an interesting statement he made and could be sheer hyperbole but if he was a total babe in the woods, I'd hardly think he would have just made that statement up.

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23 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

So when Ruby was asked, coming out of the court house years later, who was involved, he said something like if Adlai Stevenson had been VP, we'd have never had the assassination? And I guess we're expected to believe that he just made that up out of thin air? It was an interesting statement he made and could be sheer hyperbole but if he was a total babe in the woods, I'd hardly think he would have just made that statement up.

Michael Walton...I agree.

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