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21 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

No Paul, you did NOT examine Greg Parker's critique of this "Two Oswalds Two Schools" claim. Because had you done so you would know that your understanding of Greg's position is incorrect. He does NOT say it's a case of clumsy school records or the misinterpretation thereof.

Shame on you for pretending to have done that. You join the likes of Mike Walton in being the type of person who takes a position first and then willfully ignores the evidence.

FYI Greg's position is that Oswald attended PS 44 in NYC for part of the semester and Beauregard in NO for the remainder of the semester.


After more carefully reviewing the exchange by yourself and Greg Parker from last summer -- I must repeat my conclusions.

The 8th grade school records for Lee Harvey Oswald that you showed for the school year 1953-1954 are not any sort of proof of two boys named Lee Harvey Oswald attending two different schools, with two mothers named Marguerite Oswald.

On the contrary -- it is a combination of two records from two schools for one student.   This is self-evident, by my reading.  Any other reading is an obvious mistake -- possibly made on an emotional basis -- because there is no logical way to conclude that two boys with the same name are indicated by the material evidence.

 Greg Parker is correct to conclude that you and the H&L writers have misinterpreted the clumsy school records that were kept in the early 1950's.   Perhaps your objection was that I did not submit the sort of detail that Greg Parker submitted -- so I'm happy to do so now.

Let's focus on the first form you posted, Sandy, from Beauregard Junior High School (BJHS), 1955.  It's a little hard to read because it's a Xerox, and because the writer has sort of sloppy handwriting, but here is my reading:

1.   The box near the upper-right which is labeled, "Originally Admitted," contains the date, January 13, 1954.  This means the student missed the first half of that school year at BJHS, being a transfer student from another school.

2.  The line above that box gives the name of the previous school:  PS44, New York City.

3.  There are six rows below this box, with columns for graded subjects, namely: English / Reading / Spelling / Social Studies /Civics / Algebra / Gen. Math / General Science / Latin / French / Spanish / Homemaking / Industrial Arts / Occupations / Art / Vocal Music / Instrumental Music / Physical Education. 

4.  Then, an additional column for Total Units

5.  The six rows of data correspond to two school years -- three rows for the 8th grade year from 9/1953 to 6/1954, and another three rows for the 9th grade year from 9/1954 to 6/1955.

6.  The first three rows are the rows in question, namely, for the 8th grade year.

7.  The first row is the row you highlighted in yellow, Sandy.  It represents the row of data transferred from PS44 in New York City.

8.  That row indicates the Fall Semester, from 9/1953 to 12/1953.  It shows 1 Day Absent, and 89 days Present.   The total is 90 Days, obviously.

9.  The second row indicates the Spring Semester, from 1/1954 to 6/1954.  It shows 4 Days Absent and 86 Days Present.  (The number 86 is hard to read, but MSPaint shows it's there.)   The total again is 90 Days, obviously.

10.  The third row is the simple addition of the first two rows.  It shows 5 Days Absent and 175 Days Present.   (The number 175 is hard to read, but again, MSPaint shows it's there.)   The total is 180 Days, obviously.

There is nothing mysterious or odd or crooked about this bookkeeping.  It is a little sloppy, but we can make out the main details.

CONCLUSION:  There was only One Oswald in question, with One Mother, and the boy went to Two Schools, because she kept moving around.   That's all the record says to me. 

By the way, that grade of 71.8 under the Total Units column is exactly what the name implies -- Oswald's Grade was about a C minus.  All y'all got that one wrong.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

But generally speaking, I believe Oswald was a false defector and contract agent for the CIA. The CIA planned and executed the assassination, the primary reason being that Kennedy's policies were counter those of the far-right dominated MIC and CIA leadership. A secondary reason being to create a context for war with Cuba specifically and communism in general.

I actually agree with you on this.  I know you don't care what I believe in but just for what it's worth I'm very much of the same mind. 

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On 12/15/2017 at 9:06 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

Oh, sure, and the Harvey and Lee Menace® has spread to last month’s Fort Worth Star Telegram, which reports that Oswald’s “teachers and classmates remember him at Stripling, though there is no official record.”  Your denials are approaching the bizarre.

Jim, this really means nothing. Do you really think that just because Oswald, one of thousands going through the system, and his records could not simply have been misplaced that it proves there was some kind of Oswald double?

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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

...But generally speaking, I believe Oswald was a false defector and contract agent for the CIA. The CIA planned and executed the assassination, the primary reason being that Kennedy's policies were counter those of the far-right dominated MIC and CIA leadership. A secondary reason being to create a context for war with Cuba specifically and communism in general...

Sandy and Michael,

For what it's worth, I'm very much a skeptic of this CT.   The US Government simply doesn't work like this, or anything close to it.

The killers of JFK were Dallas based civilians among the Radical Right who had always proposed an overthrow of the government.

So, it's unnecessary to propose that that CIA killed JFK.

It is typical of the Radical Right that they include (and welcome) US veterans and retired military generally.  So, a vast expertise in military and paramilitary maneuvers is to be expected on the Right (rather than the Left, typically).   So, it is incorrect to presume that the Radical Right lacked the military expertise for an operation of this caliber.

While I agree that the JFK Killers wanted to seduce the USA into an invasion of Cuba, I maintain that this was always an openly stated goal of the Radical Right in the USA.   Insofar as two or three CIA agents chose to go ROGUE and join these civilians (i.e. Howard Hunt, David Morales and Bill Harvey) this does not entail the CIA as an Agency -- only the possibility of ROGUES in any political uprising.

I also name Dallas FBI agent James Hosty and Dallas SS agent Forrest Sorrels as ROGUES.   There were others.

As for Lee Harvey Oswald, although he was smart enough to be part of the Fake Defector program of the ONI and CIA in 1959, it is unnecessary to suspect the CIA in his faking his way into the USSR.  Oswald was smarter than his GPA would indicate.  

Oswald taught himself Russian in 1959 because he felt like it -- he was a self-taught guy, and because of that he was also self-motivated -- he faked his way into the USSR on his own accord, simply to have fun.  Yes, he was only 19 when he entered the USSR -- so he was smart (just not smart enough to stay alive in this cat and mouse game with the Cold War).

My evidence is that Oswald never applied for USSR citizenship, he never joined the Communist Party, he never surrendered his US Passport, and he married a Russian girl who hated the USSR.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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5 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

So, it's unnecessary to propose that that CIA killed JFK.

I do remember a short discussion with you on this Paul.  Obviously that's where things will diverge for us.  State Secret does it for me. I encourage you to read it. I can't remember where I read this but someone on here said LHO's whole training ground in the world of intel is while he was in the military. From there, and as SS shows, they used him and Webster as a dangle, they both did their false defections to Russia, and when LHO came back, he probably had high hopes he'd stay involved.

They probably didn't quite know what to do with him at this point (his usefulness in Russia was over) but they probably kept tabs on him afterward. When the decision was made to kill Kennedy, they thought what better a person to be blamed for it than Oswald, a former defector who spoke Russian.

I know you're not going to agree with this scenario but that's fine.

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4 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

I do remember a short discussion with you on this Paul.  Obviously that's where things will diverge for us.  State Secret does it for me. I encourage you to read it. I can't remember where I read this but someone on here said LHO's whole training ground in the world of intel is while he was in the military. From there, and as SS shows, they used him and Webster as a dangle, they both did their false defections to Russia, and when LHO came back, he probably had high hopes he'd stay involved.

They probably didn't quite know what to do with him at this point (his usefulness in Russia was over) but they probably kept tabs on him afterward. When the decision was made to kill Kennedy, they thought what better a person to be blamed for it than Oswald, a former defector who spoke Russian.

I know you're not going to agree with this scenario but that's fine.


It's OK to agree to disagree.   You're polite about it.   As for Bill Simpich's milestone eBook, State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City (2014), I've read it carefully, with intense interest when it first came out.

Nobody can say they know squat about Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City without reading this eBook.  It's that important.   Also, since it is available for free on the Mary Ferrell website, there is no excuse for anybody to avoid reading it.

Now -- Bill Simpich invited alternate interpretations of his data -- and my interpretation is that given his ample evidence for a top-secret CIA Mole Hunt to find the Telephone Impersonator of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City on October 1, 1963, that the CIA high-command is absolved of anything related to that Telephone Impersonation -- including the JFK Assassination itself.

Bill Simpich is unwilling to make that logical link.  We also agree to disagree.

Yet with the emerging data from the JFK Records Act -- I expect to demonstrate that the US Radical Right also had accomplices in Mexico City -- even among Mexican Government officials.  It's going to get a lot more interesting in the coming months.

I could say -- let's get back to this thread on John Armstrong -- but IMHO Armstrong has a mixed-up opinion about Mexico City -- so this topic remains relevant within this thread.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On 12/16/2017 at 4:00 PM, Paul Trejo said:

7.  The first row [in the Beauregard Junior High School record] is the row you highlighted in yellow, Sandy.  It represents the row of data transferred from PS44 in New York City.


This is where you are wrong Paul.

You say that Oswald's classes at Public School 44 were transferred to Beauregard. Oswald completed seven classes at PS 44  and passed SIX of them. (He failed only Fine Arts). So why was only ONE of those classes -- Physical Education -- transferred to Beauregard? And why was his score for that class lowered from 80 to 70 in the transfer? Finally, how do you explain the General Science class that was transferred, given that Oswald didn't even take General Science at PS 44?

The answer is because you are wrong. Classes were not transferred from PS 44 to Beauregard.


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On 12/16/2017 at 1:51 PM, Paul Trejo said:

I've examined all of the evidence on Ruth Paine -- all of it -- and there's a ton.   You have NOTHING in the way of solid evidence to back up this sort of insult.  You are insulting a living person -- a mother with living children.   You think I should be ashamed, but rather, the shame belongs to you for spreading these rumors which have no foundation in fact.


If I should be ashamed of suspecting Ruth Paine was a CIA agent, then you should be considerably more ashamed for claiming General Walker was behind the Kennedy assassination. After all, that is a considerably harsher accusation.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

This is where you are wrong Paul.

You say that Oswald's classes at Public School 44 were transferred to Beauregard. Oswald completed seven classes at PS 44  and passed SIX of them. (He failed only Fine Arts). So why was only ONE of those classes -- Physical Education -- transferred to Beauregard? And why was his score for that class lowered from 80 to 70 in the transfer? Finally, how do you explain the General Science class that was transferred, given that Oswald didn't even take General Science at PS 44?

The answer is because you are wrong. Classes were not transferred from PS 44 to Beauregard.

Sandy - I think this was simply a matter of honest mistakes in the record, handwritten numbers where a mistake here and there could make it appear in Team Hardly's collective minds that this is the proof that more than one Oswald existed.

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On 12/4/2017 at 9:35 AM, W. Tracy Parnell said:

There goes David Josephs again, resorting to insults as he often does. Michael Walton has as much right to post here as you do. If you want to have a discussion with him or refute his arguments go ahead, but please stop the tactics of personal insult.

Come on Parnell, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Walton is hooked to your hip and .john's. Same old storied lone nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome nonsense whiners have been foisting on the research community for 25 years.

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The posts in this thread for the past two days speak volumes about the commitment of certain JFK researchers for the truth.  Of the people active in this thread, it appears that only D.J., Sandy, and me have any interest whatsoever in exploring endless anomalies in the school records of “Lee Harvey Oswald.”  All the others are only interested in making smug excuses and endless denials.

From the New York City School system to New Orleans and on to Fort Worth, we have example after example of the two similarly aged and traveled “Lee Harvey Oswalds” attending the same, or nearby, or distant schools.  Let’s just take one example and look at the fall semester of 1954.

FALL 1954

During this school semester, LEE Oswald was attending Beauregard JHS in New Orleans and HARVEY Oswald was at W.C. Stripling junior high in Fort Worth, Texas.  Since the Warren Commission published the Beauregard records indicating “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended classes at Beauregard for the full fall semester of 1954, evidence that he also attended Stripling school at the same time would be a serious problem.  (Just as the Beauregard and NYC records, both published by the WC, are a serious problem now.)

So, what evidence is there that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended Stripling School in Fort Worth?  H&L critics refuse to believe ANY of the following:

Stripling assistant principal Frank Kudlaty in 1963 met FBI agent at the school and gave them “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” Stripling records.  His YouTube interview is here.

On two separate occasions,  Robert Oswald told a Fort Worth newspaper that his brother attended Stripling.  See one of the articles here.

Robert also testified to the Warren Commission that his “brother” attended Stripling.

Harvey Oswald’s classmate Fran Schubert said she attended Stripling with Oswald and watched him walk home from Stripling to his house at 2220 Thomas Place.  See her YouTube interview with John here.

In the 1990s, Stripling School principal Ricardo Galindo told John that it was “common knowledge” that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended Stripling.  Not one “researcher” here has made an effort to contact Galindo to see if he is still alive and if he would repeat his claim.

John also spoke to local student Bobby Pitts, who remembered that Oswald attended Stripling with his younger brother and that he (Bobby) remembered seeing (Harvey) Oswald standing on the porch at 2220 Thomas Place, directly across the street from Stripling.  John also spoke with former Stripling student Doug Gann, who attended ninth grade at Stripling with Harvey and remembered that he live “across the street from the basketball courts and one or two houses to the left,” which exactly describes 2220 Thomas Place, where “Marguerite Oswald” lived at the time of the assassination of JFK.  H&L critics have not one bit of interest in any of these witnesses.  They just want to describe them as liars.

H&L critics have no explanation why a Forth Worth Star-Telegram article from November 2017 would indicate that Oswald’s “teachers and classmates remember him at Stripling, though there is no official record.”  Read the article here.

Isn’t it remarkable the the H&L critics work so hard to say that all this Stripling School business is nonsense, but they don’t have even a tiny bit of curiosity about discovering whether it might be true.  Not a bit!

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On 12/16/2017 at 5:00 PM, Paul Trejo said:

1.   The box near the upper-right which is labeled, "Originally Admitted," contains the date, January 13, 1954.  This means the student missed the first half of that school year at BJHS, being a transfer student from another school.

2.  The line above that box gives the name of the previous school:  PS44, New York City.

Point 1: Actually, that's the start of the second semester at Beauregard, when "LHO" became a full-time student.  If he really wasn't attending the school earlier, how do you explain his 89 days of attendance with just one absence the previous semester as a part-time student, in which he received a grade of 70 in General Science and Physical Education?  According to NYC records, he didn't even take science that semester.

Point 2: Read it more carefully.  It actually says "PS 44 Byron Junior High" in New York, New York.  There are at least four different PS 44s in NYC, (each in different boroughs), but there is no PS 44 "Byron" in the city. With an incorrect name of any of the four or five different PS 44s, how could Beauregard personnel possibly get "LHO's" PS 44 records?  Why would they give him a grade of 70 in a science class in New Orleans at the same time he was taking completely different classes in NYC?  Can you think of a reason Harvey Oswald's handler(s) might have wanted him to give a false NYC school name to Beauregard?  Of course you can't!








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1 hour ago, David G. Healy said:

Come on Parnell, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Walton is hooked to your hip and .john's. Same old storied lone nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome nonsense whiners have been foisting on the research community for 25 years.

I'll let Mr. Walton defend himself, but he says he believes in conspiracy and I accept him at his word.

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53 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Of the people active in this thread, it appears that only D.J., Sandy, and me have any interest whatsoever in exploring endless anomalies in the school records of “Lee Harvey Oswald.”

Not only school records, but anomalies in general. The reason for that is the H&L theory is based purely on such anomalies which, rather than an indication of something sinister, are a natural occurrence in any large body of data.


55 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Stripling assistant principal Frank Kudlaty in 1963 met FBI agent at the school and gave them “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” Stripling records.

The problem with Kudlaty is he only came forward with his story after speaking with his good friend Jack White and hearing the H&L theory. What probably happened is the FBI came to check on some records and 40 years later Kudlaty, armed with White's information, "remembered" the "confiscation" of the records. After all, who doesn't demand a receipt if original records are taken? And why did Kudlaty never mention the missing records before?


59 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

H&L critics have no explanation why a Forth Worth Star-Telegram article from November 2017 would indicate that Oswald’s “teachers and classmates remember him at Stripling, though there is no official record.”

I certainly do. First, the article you link to provides no details of who remembered LHO at Stripling. However, we can assume the reports are similar to those presented on Armstrong. These are simply anecdotal with no other proof besides the individuals memory after years and years. No documents, photographs (which we have from schools LHO actually attended) or anything else. The witnesses are probably misremembering Robert who did attend Stripling. And as I have pointed out, it is not newsworthy to have seen Robert Oswald but would be to have seen LHO.

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