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Jim DiEugenio spanks The Post

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Jim, I'm on topic and giving you my wrap up of the previous 6 pages! And now you're off topic, talking about Tommy, for some reason.

Just as well, You've done a helluva job Jim. I think you should just kick back and relax and spank your post!

You deserve it!

heh heh

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I guess you missed Tommy's last one.

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10 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:



I will make one concession:

Maybe, just maybe, with a little help from some witting or unwitting CIA rogues.


--  Tommy  :sun

Just when I thought you'd become a pinko commie Russian media agent provocateur, not just a hijacker of threads. 

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16 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Just when I thought you'd become a pinko commie Russian media agent provocateur, not just a hijacker of threads. 


With all due respect, what does Communism have to do with it?

--  Tommy  :sun

PS  Did I hijack a thread?

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10 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


With all due respect, what does Communism have to do with it?

--  Tommy  :sun

The Washington Post.  They were staunch anti communists.  That's why Hanks made the movie, to honor them for their patriotism.

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12 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

The Washington Post.  They were staunch anti communists.  That's why Hanks made the movie, to honor them for their patriotism.



12 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

The Washington Post.  They were staunch anti communists.  That's why Hanks made the movie, to honor them for their patriotism.


With all due respect, was it bad to be a staunch anti-Communist back then?

Okay then, ..... well, ... gosh, ... how about staunch anti KGB / GRU?


"Anna Chapman" in 2010 ???


..... dang

--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You sound more and more like an old-line anti-Soviet guy, circa 1956. Surely you must have a revisionist opinion of Joseph McCarthy at this point? 

For the record, Putin has put out a decree that any Rothschilds entering Russia are to be arrested on the spot. He has banned GMOs from Russian food. He has made inferences that the JFK assassination was the result of a conspiracy. Much of what he says sounds a lot more reasonable than the tired rhetoric we get from our own homegrown Republicrat politicians. 

If you think Putin is so bad, what must you have thought of Lenin or Stalin? 


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To a neocon, it does not matter: Lenin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Krushchev, Putin.  

Same thing.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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And if Putin is awful because he was once KGB, what was the KGB like when it really had power?

Why would the same "liberals" who seemingly want us to go to war with Russia now, and in fact supported sanctions against them, have been so desirous of peace with the Soviet Union?  And why do they seem so cool with China? 


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2 hours ago, Don Jeffries said:


You sound more and more like an old-line anti-Soviet guy, circa 1956. Surely you must have a revisionist opinion of Joseph McCarthy at this point? 

For the record, Putin has put out a decree that any Rothschilds entering Russia are to be arrested on the spot. He has banned GMOs from Russian food. He has made inferences that the JFK assassination was the result of a conspiracy. Much of what he says sounds a lot more reasonable than the tired rhetoric we get from our own homegrown Republicrat politicians. 

If you think Putin is so bad, what must you have thought of Lenin or Stalin? 



With all due respect, the more I learn about how, probably, we ended up with a blackmail-able anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-CIA, anti-FBI, etc, "useful idiot" of Vladimir Putin for our president, the more I realize that McCarthy was on the right track, but was way "over-the-top," probably due to the fact that he was an alcoholic egomaniac, and that he was heavily influenced by Roy Cohen.

"On the right track" in the sense that we WERE heavily penetrated by the KGB and the GRU, something you appear to want to ignore, or perhaps think was a good thing?

Have you read Bagley's "Spy Wars," and "Ghosts of the Spy Wars," yet?  They're free to read on the Internet.

--  Tommy  :sun

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OMG:  Trump is the Manchurian Candidate. :rolleyes:

As they say, if you live long enough you see everything, including the neocons unleashed on the EF.


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13 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

OMG:  Trump is the Manchurian Candidate. :rolleyes:

As they say, if you live long enough you see everything, including the neocons unleashed on the EF.



With all due respect - Once again, could you please tell me what a "neocon" is?

Are they evil?  Almost as evil as neo-fascist Vladimir Putin?

--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Neocon : Example would be State Department rep Victoria Nuland, who engineered the coup in Ukraine, and actually handpicked the new leaders out of her office.

Also her husband Robert Kagan. Co founder of the PNAC which tried to disappear after W actually implemented their nutty policies and caused  the Middle East to explode.

Max Boot: also backed the W invasion and is now trying to rewrite Vietnam as  a Noble Cause.

They are all beyond the fringe fruitcakes who do not think that what they did in the Middle East was enough to screw up the world.  They are now trying to provoke Cold War Part 2.

Their ideas, in every major way, are opposed to what Kennedy was doing, and was honing and refining by 1963 in his Pax Americana Speech.  

Their influence is incredibly pervasive in relation to the utter nonsense that their policies are based upon and the horrendous results they have achieved.  Some examples:  Iraq and Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Libya.  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Neocon : Example would be State Department rep Victoria Nuland, who engineered the coup in Ukraine, and actually handpicked the new leaders out of her office.

Also her husband Robert Kagan. Co founder of the PNAC which tried to disappear after W actually implemented their nutty policies and caused  the Middle East to explode.

Max Boot: also backed the W invasion and is now trying to rewrite Vietnam as  a Noble Cause.

They are all beyond the fringe fruitcakes who do not think that what they did in the Middle East was enough to screw up the world.  They are now trying to provoke Cold War Part 2.

Their ideas, in every major way, are opposed to what Kennedy was doing, and was honing and refining by 1963 in his Pax Americana Speech.  

Their influence is incredibly pervasive in relation to the utter nonsense that their policies are based upon and the horrendous results they have achieved.  Some examples:  Iraq and Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Libya.  


With all due respect, do you think that that "coup in Ukraine" was unwarranted, regardless of whether or not it was supported by the evil, evil, evil U.S. government?


Tangential, follow-up question:

Do you prefer to believe Putin's statement that "no Russian soldiers are fighting in Ukraine except, you know, maybe a few who are doing so on their vacation," or bellingcat. com's, etc., estimate that there are about 7,000 Russian "regulars" fighting in Donbas?

--  Tommy  :sun

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On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 10:55 AM, Don Jeffries said:

Why do any of you treat Thomas Graves as a serious researcher? His every post is filled with sarcastic jabs and unsuccessful attempts at humor. He has become much more than just another John Armstrong-basher, as he promulgates the only conspiracy theory the establishment has ever loved- the "Russians did it" nonsense. He is also becoming some kind of outlandish grammar cop. 

From what little I can decipher out of his multitude of posts, Graves now believes disinfo agent/lone nutter Edward Epstein was essentially right. He is promoting the Oswald-did-it mantra, just in a more subtle way than Tracy Parnell or DVP. Reading his posts is like watching a mainstream media broadcast, while very drunk. Chris Cuomo might as well be posting here. 

Engaging him in "debate" and treating his intentionally incoherent ramblings seriously just lowers the level of discourse here. It's hard to picture all the fine researchers who no longer post here, ever giving Thomas Graves the time of day. 

For the record, RT is the only television network that will tell the truth about the massive corruption in this country. I'm proud to have been interviewed at their studios a couple of times. They are not disseminating any propaganda, unlike our own homegrown television networks, which are far closer to the old Pravda. The difference between Pravda and CNN, CBS, NBC, etc., is that the Soviets were awake enough to at least realize they were absorbing state propaganda. 

I do not consider him serious in the least. Never have. So I don't respond to him.  In fact I rarely come here anymore as there are so many lone nuts that wading through all the posts is a waste of time.  Glad I saw this one from you Don. Totally agree.

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