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Bill Moyers - LBJ's trusted aide is getting

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a pass!

Let's see what Bill Moyers was involved in on that fateful day November 22nd, 1963.  I am not saying that Bill knew that his actions would set up JFK for assassination. What I am saying is that he was most likely told to do certain things without the foreknowledge that JFK was about to get assassinated.

1. Told Ken O' Donnel, JFK's secretary, to select the Trade Mart as the place for the luncheon.

2. Told DPD Assistant Chief George Lumpkin (Lead Car) to change the motorcade route to turn on Elm Street instead of going straight on Main Street through Dealey Plaza.

3. Asked his aide Betty Harris to tell Secret Service Agent Sorrels to have the bubble top removed from JFK's car at Love Field. 



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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Slowly I've learned that the participants in many similar things are brought into the net somehow, someway. Then he or she is part of it. In 1988 I couldn't figure why Bush picked Quayle .(I'm unsure if McBride's publication of the Hoover memo was before or after the VP pick). It made no sense to me. Years later, reading through books on Iran/Contra, I found that members of Congress "helped out" by letting their offices be used as makeshift hotels by some of those involved in this illegal activity-all-for-a-better-cause

. Quayle was one of them. Now I see it as a kind  of an insurance policy for Bush. Nixon I think felt the same with Agnew ..little did he realize....

I agree with you that Moyers joins the long list of those used by others. I still can't locate McGeorge Bundy's place.

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The silence of SO MANY is hard to fathom. When I think of all the people whose career was made by their association with JFK, to have so few of them say a peep has always been depressing (I exclude the Irish mafia and their tale to Tip O'Neill). God bless Mark Lane. There is a picture of him and JFK together; there was a friend who acted like one.

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14 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

a pass!

Let's see what Bill Moyers was involved in on that fateful day November 22nd, 1963.  I am not saying that Bill knew that his actions would set up JFK for assassination. What I am saying is that he was most likely told to do certain things without the foreknowledge that JFK was about to get assassinated.

1. Told Ken O' Donnel, JFK's secretary, to select the Trade Mart as the place for the luncheon.

2. Told DPD Assistant Chief George Lumpkin (Lead Car) to change the motorcade route to turn on Elm Street instead of going straight on Main Street through Dealey Plaza.

3. Asked his aide Betty Harris to tell Secret Service Agent Sorrels to have the bubble top removed from JFK's car at Love Field. 





Are you saying that Moyers suggested to O'Donnell that the Trade Mart be selected?

And that he suggested to Lumpkin to change the route?

And had his assistant suggest to Sorrels that the bubble-top be removed?

Or did actually tell them to do those things?

--  Tommy  :sun


Edited by Thomas Graves
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At the time, they just didn't talk. They never defended Lane. What the hell did Sorensen ever say about the SBT? I made reference to "the unspeakable" in my first post on MSU the other day, alluding to the work of Talbot, Douglass and others. What I was trying to say was that the force of authority can quiet the inner voice.

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8 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

Hi Tommy,

From my research, Moyers had the final decision on the speech site, motorcade route, and if the bubble top of the limousine should have been removed.

Are you saying that Moyers suggested to O'Donnell that the Trade Mart be selected?

'DNC advance man Jerry Bruno told the HSCA that Moyers "Was asked to visit Texas on behalf of the president to settle the conflict over  the speech site and motorcade route."' - Page 103, Survivors Guilt....

And that he suggested to Lumpkin to change the route?

And had his assistant suggest to Sorrels that the bubble-top be removed?

"The HSCA reported that, as with the motorcade route decision, the team of Betty Harris and Bill Moyers has a hand in this decision to remove the bubbletop." - Page 83, Survisors Guilt, The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy. 

Or did actually tell them to do those things?

--  Tommy  :sun



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Yes, I think Larry is correct about that.

And there is no evidence I have ever sent that Moyers changed the motorcade route.

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