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When did I ever say that?

That is something no one can really determine with certainty.

I do think we would have had a much more civil and equitable society.  But how long it would have lasted, I don't know. 

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Jim D. says

Who me? When did I ever say that?

No Jim, you didn't say that.

 Your offering about how the world would have changed if Kennedy lived was made in perfect context with my asking to explain an  assertion by Ron that tied the Kennedy Assassination to current events, among other things, the recent mass slayings. I'm sure that was all a coincidence.

Since Ron isn't going to explain,  it really is in part, that kind of paranoid, unsubstantiated  talk that is destroying the Kennedy CT movement,  and the fact that those who make a living on it are being co opted or just seeking to not offend this possible new readership through this populism wave. Not that I have found  Ron before this to be that irresponsible or necessarily part of this wave . But everyone can be asked to explain what they say.

Eddy said:

Everyone I know is not part of a cover-up, or is pressured into silence on the assassination. But, everyone I know looks at me with a mix of disinterest and concern that I may have a screw loose when I try to discuss it. 

Concern about "having a screw loose" is very regrettable, disinterest is natural. If the only people we hang around with are fervent Kennedy conspiracy people like us , we're living in a bubble. And you can be sure the real war of ideas won't be won by ascribing more conspiracies to people who simply disagree with you.



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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People often ask me if I think everything is a conspiracy. I respond that our leaders have been overwhelmingly corrupt and/or incompetent for a very long time, and the manner in which they conduct important business is simply organized corruption. That's a pretty good definition of conspiracy. 

As Truman administration James Forrestal once said, before he "jumped" out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital, if things were random, once in a while a mistake would be made in favor of the common people. If true outsiders could ever attain power in this country, then we'd have someone good rise to the top, at least occasionally. Instead, whoever's "in charge," whether they are "liberal" or "conservative," we see the same agenda; perpetual war (more literally nonstop bombings and occupations of other sovereign nations); outsourcing of industry; demands that the riff raff continue to "sacrifice," leading to ever lowered standards of living; laughable rhetoric about how "great" America and Americans are; complete neglect of our crumbing infrastructure; and a rigged economy and marketplace that ensures a steady flow of wealth upwards into a small elite. 

The court historians, like mainstream "journalists," control the public debate with constant barrages of misinformation. Most Americans are historically illiterate; try even explaining the false official narratives to most young people. They don't even know the fake history, so how do we expose the lies? As Orwell said, "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." As I will show in Hidden History 2, the leading "liberals" of their day supported virtually every war America has ever been in. This includes Vietnam, which was supported by almost all of the establishment Left (think LBJ, Humphrey, etc.) until the later years. 

If we had politicians, business leaders, and professional journalists who were independent minded, you'd see some real diversity at the top. You'd see some hard-hitting stories about the many crimes and cover-ups perpetrated by powerful people. But instead, each and every one of them, and I do mean every one of them, dismisses any "conspiracy theory" which rears its ugly head. Except, of course, for the "Russian" narrative they're trying to sell. None of this can possibly be mere coincidence. 

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11 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Jim D. says

Who me? When did I ever say that?

No Jim, you didn't say that.

 Your offering about how the world would have changed if Kennedy lived was made in perfect context with my asking to explain an  assertion by Ron that tied the Kennedy Assassination to current events, among other things, the recent mass slayings. I'm sure that was all a coincidence.

Since Ron isn't going to explain,  it really is in part, that kind of paranoid, unsubstantiated  talk that is destroying the Kennedy CT movement,  and the fact that those who make a living on it are being co opted or just seeking to not offend this possible new readership through this populism wave. Not that I have found  Ron before this to be that irresponsible or necessarily part of this wave . But everyone can be asked to explain what they say.

Eddy said:

Everyone I know is not part of a cover-up, or is pressured into silence on the assassination. But, everyone I know looks at me with a mix of disinterest and concern that I may have a screw loose when I try to discuss it. 

Concern about "having a screw loose" is very regrettable, disinterest is natural. If the only people we hang around with are fervent Kennedy conspiracy people like us , we're living in a bubble. And you can be sure the real war of ideas won't be won by ascribing more conspiracies to people who simply disagree with you.



Well Kirk I've just seen your post.  First,  just to be clear I was not trying to say the JFK assassination Caused the recent mass shootings or anything in between.  What I think I'm trying to say is the act of having his brains blown out in front of witnesses there to admire and support him, then two days later Oswald being shot on national TV, did result in what I've read being called a loss of innocence for a large majority of U S citizens at the time.  People were still shocked when they learned of Charles Whitman took his guns to the tower at UT in 1966.  The public assassinations of RFK, MLK and Malcom X shocked them as well.  The Chicago Democratic Convention riot's.  The Black Panthers kill a cop bit.  Race riots.  Eventually Kent State.  The Vietnam War broadcast nightly in peoples living rooms much more graphically than anyone saw on news reels at the movies in the 40's & 50's.  Peoples attitudes and perception changed.  Maybe not acceptance of the things that happened but kind of a well what do you expect attitude?  "They " (?) shot the president and wanted us to believe a lone nut did it with a junk rifle in six seconds while witnesses claimed frontal shots.  Even with all I read about, heard about on radio news and saw on TV in the late 60's and 70's I was still shocked when I heard about John Lennon being shot in 1980.  Waco, Ruby Ridge, Iraq, Afganistan, Iraq, Columbine...  It seems violence has become more a part of life to almost be expected anymore within our country.  And the first defining overt act in this sad an unfortunate trend was the assassination of JFK.  

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Don Jeffries said:

People often ask me if I think everything is a conspiracy. I respond that our leaders have been overwhelmingly corrupt and/or incompetent for a very long time, and the manner in which they conduct important business is simply organized corruption. That's a pretty good definition of conspiracy. 

As Truman administration James Forrestal once said, before he "jumped" out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital, if things were random, once in a while a mistake would be made in favor of the common people. If true outsiders could ever attain power in this country, then we'd have someone good rise to the top, at least occasionally. Instead, whoever's "in charge," whether they are "liberal" or "conservative," we see the same agenda; perpetual war (more literally nonstop bombings and occupations of other sovereign nations); outsourcing of industry; demands that the riff raff continue to "sacrifice," leading to ever lowered standards of living; laughable rhetoric about how "great" America and Americans are; complete neglect of our crumbing infrastructure; and a rigged economy and marketplace that ensures a steady flow of wealth upwards into a small elite. 

The court historians, like mainstream "journalists," control the public debate with constant barrages of misinformation. Most Americans are historically illiterate; try even explaining the false official narratives to most young people. They don't even know the fake history, so how do we expose the lies? As Orwell said, "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." As I will show in Hidden History 2, the leading "liberals" of their day supported virtually every war America has ever been in. This includes Vietnam, which was supported by almost all of the establishment Left (think LBJ, Humphrey, etc.) until the later years. 

If we had politicians, business leaders, and professional journalists who were independent minded, you'd see some real diversity at the top. You'd see some hard-hitting stories about the many crimes and cover-ups perpetrated by powerful people. But instead, each and every one of them, and I do mean every one of them, dismisses any "conspiracy theory" which rears its ugly head. Except, of course, for the "Russian" narrative they're trying to sell. None of this can possibly be mere coincidence. 

3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Well Kirk I've just seen your post.  First,  just to be clear I was not trying to say the JFK assassination Caused the recent mass shootings or anything in between.  What I think I'm trying to say is the act of having his brains blown out in front of witnesses there to admire and support him, then two days later Oswald being shot on national TV, did result in what I've read being called a loss of innocence for a large majority of U S citizens at the time.  People were still shocked when they learned of Charles Whitman took his guns to the tower at UT in 1966.  The public assassinations of RFK, MLK and Malcom X shocked them as well.  The Chicago Democratic Convention riot's.  The Black Panthers kill a cop bit.  Race riots.  Eventually Kent State.  The Vietnam War broadcast nightly in peoples living rooms much more graphically than anyone saw on news reels at the movies in the 40's & 50's.  Peoples attitudes and perception changed.  Maybe not acceptance of the things that happened but kind of a well what do you expect attitude?  "They " (?) shot the president and wanted us to believe a lone nut did it with a junk rifle in six seconds while witnesses claimed frontal shots.  Even with all I read about, heard about on radio news and saw on TV in the late 60's and 70's I was still shocked when I heard about John Lennon being shot in 1980.  Waco, Ruby Ridge, Iraq, Afganistan, Iraq, Columbine...  It seems violence has become more a part of life to almost be expected anymore within our country.  And the first defining overt act in this sad an unfortunate trend was the assassination of JFK.  

Both of these postings say so much truth.

Truth about the reality of America both now and during the last 3 generations past.


People have also asked me if I thought "everything" was a conspiracy if I dare mention anything like JFK. 

Always the same persons who feel the need to be the chosen, politically correct, smug social gathering debunkers when you dare mention anything outside of sports and celebrity gossip e.g. the  Kardashians, Oprah, Super Bowl, etc..

They loved that stupid question and asserted it more than asked it.

Eventually they or someone else backing them up would chuckle and say something like ...so you believe in UFOs, Big Foot, the Fake Moon Landing and Elvis is still alive too?

These debunker types always seemed to me to be doing okay in their lives financially ...weird.

I always wondered if they would still be willing to believe so little in conspiracies if something nationwide happened to instantly bring them down to their financial knees?

I had an in-law who was always super far right republican. From Nixon through Bush they could do no wrong. Everyone who made it like him ( worth between 1 and $2 million in the 1990's ) just acquired their wealth through their own hard work and brains and self-discipline and Republican wealthy tax break creating trickle down policies. Working class and especially poor people were just stupid degenerate losers. They "liked" their lifestyle. Didn't really want a better one.

He also lumped people who talked about conspiracies into this loser group as well.

When the Bush Real Estate collapse happened in 2007 this fellow lost everything he had ( everything but his $4 to $5000 a month pension ) as he had tied all his financial assets into a big home in a wealthy area. Like millions of others he thought he could eventually cash out at $2,000,000. He paid $1,000,000 ( his life savings ) for the home and borrowed another $750,000 to upgrade it even more.

He waited too long to try to sell this home and within one year it had dropped in value from 1.75 million to $750.000!  He owed more on the home than the $750,000! He let it go back to the bank!

He lost his initial $1,000,000 investment. All of his assets!

We saw this relative several times after this wipe out and he seemed numb. He was in his eighties.

He finally mumbled something to the effect that this disaster couldn't be his fault. It had to have been ... OMG...a conspiracy!

Somehow the fed chairman Greenspan had manipulated the hyper-inflating RE value and loan market until after Bush II had been re-elected...and then Greenspan raised interest rates to stop all the feel good "WE'RE RICH" shenanigans and madness. Everything dropped at least 50% in a year!

And yes, most Americans are truly hugely historically uninformed. They know as much about the foundations of our democracy and the principles and motivations and philosophies behind it's creation as I do Quantum Physics.

Americans are more conditioned to just work and make as much money as you can and just do what people do.

With the cost of living as high as it is in most parts of the country now millions are almost forced to live this way. To focus all their thoughts on work and just keeping up financially before anything else.

These millions of Americans may not talk about conspiracies or have any historical perspective on them...but that means nothing regards their reality.

When Nixon and his entire staff and their dirty political hired hands were all outed ( and IMPRISONED! ) in 1974...what America witnessed was the exposing of dozens of conspiracies! 

All at the highest levels of our government!  And it's for certain this was just the tip of the iceberg during Nixon's entire run and the runs of LBJ and others.

You want to ask conspiracy debunkers if they were alive during Watergate. And if so...do they think that wasn't all one huge mass of conspiracies? Everything is a conspiracy? No, but they are so much more prevalent than most want to believe.

And Ron, you mention so many of the violent incidents that we read about on an almost weekly basis now that happen all across America and have for decades.  When you list them side by side ( and there are hundreds if not thousands more ) all together it's obvious that America since the 60's has become one of the most violence prone nations on Earth. Much of the political connection violence the result of conspiracies.

A noticeable part of our society has become mentally sick. Kids going off on other kids. Postal workers going off on other postal workers. Mothers and fathers killing their babies and themselves.

People killing themselves over debt and loneliness.

Most of us no longer have a sense of community.

We are so divided economically, politically, culturally ( even language ) and we no longer have common bonds like we seemed to have before the 60's.

Life is too competitive for young people. School is now about taking 3 main subject courses only and things like sports, art, music, clubs...are no longer publicly financed.

Just here in California you cannot believe the financial divide. There is so much wealth in the Bay area with almost any home valued at least at $1,000,000 ...on the cheap side!

Rents are 3 to $4,500 a month for a simple home! $2,000 for 1 to 2 bedroom apartments!

The huge majority of Californians make $15 an hour or less. They can't even rent an apartment on their own!

There are large chunks of wealth up and down the California Coast from Marin down to San Diego. 

Yet, drive in 50 miles to 150 miles inland across the inner parts of California and into the rural North and instantly you see some of the most poverty stricken areas with some of the most dilapidated housing you can imagine.

Thousands of tin house trailer parks. I grew up in California ( 66 years here) and even I can't believe how many poor people reside here in towns like Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton and all along the Highway 99 corridor farther North and way more down South. 

Huge wealth to stark poverty often just 50 miles apart.

And Spanish is perhaps the number one language spoken in the poorer rural and urban areas.

Schools, hospitals, stores, government offices, jails. The majority of California residents are now Latino.

Not mentioning that fact in a racially biased way. I mention it in how much we have divided culturally and linguistically in the last 50 years.

When you divide this starkly economically, culturally, religiously, racially, linguistically, morally, educationally, etc. I think this fosters confusion and a loss of direction, identity, sense of our democratic history and maybe that what we were told growing up was the American dream?

And spending most of our capital on the military since WWII just makes this whole situation even worse.

Trump is the epitome of this divide.


When JFK, RFK and MLK were killed off is when this massive divide truly took off... IMO.






Edited by Joe Bauer
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Well Joe, you can probably appreciate this video.  You probably know Hag was a troubled child after his dad died, raised in a boxcar there, then reform school and prison.  But he never shot anybody in spite of his problems.


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I completely agree with these passages. Well put, Don

Don says:

If true outsiders could ever attain power in this country, then we'd have someone good rise to the top, at least occasionally. Instead, whoever's "in charge," whether they are "liberal" or "conservative," we see the same agenda; perpetual war (more literally nonstop bombings and occupations of other sovereign nations); outsourcing of industry; demands that the riff raff continue to "sacrifice," leading to ever lowered standards of living; laughable rhetoric about how "great" America and Americans are; complete neglect of our crumbing infrastructure; and a rigged economy and marketplace that ensures a steady flow of wealth upwards into a small elite. 

The court historians, like mainstream "journalists," control the public debate with constant barrages of misinformation. Most Americans are historically illiterate; try even explaining the false official narratives to most young people. They don't even know the fake history, so how do we expose the lies? As Orwell said, "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

I think you'd have to be unconscious or heartless to not agree and appreciate what you guys have said in that last few posts. Ron,I like the "conspiracy that turned out true." Some of those, I never hear the rumor, I just suspected. I like Merle, I know the area. You've chronicled every violent incident of my life and maybe yours too. I guess I think we've always been a violent nation. We just  never all had the powerful access, and as Joe mentions  as a nation, there is not the sense of community we once had, but we've never particularly good at taking care of one another outside of our immediate families, and re :JFK, there's no chance in hell JFK could have stopped the race riots of the 60's. Joe, I do think what you've written is  getting to the heart of the problem. What is clouded to me is the nature of the enemy?

But Don, you seem to have a clear idea about  the nature of the enemy, and you don't play politics like some. This is a question that Di Eugenio has been very evasive about for the last year, and I would hope for a much more direct answer from you.

Is the Mueller Investigation just a scam where the deep state will go to any lengths to remove or diminish a President who won't do their bidding for them? If so, what specifically is  their agenda?


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I can't pretend to understand the dog and pony show that passes for our political discourse today. On the surface, the Mueller investigation is typical partisan politics at work, and by "partisan" I mean at the gutter, mud-slinging level. Huey Long called them Tweedledum and Tweedledee for good reasons; the Dems and Republicans will never get "partisan" about war, for instance, or any significant kind of corruption. 

I am still undecided if Trump ever had any sincere principles, or if his populist rhetoric was theater, to rally segments of the populace behind a message that touched on real issues that effect their lives. The Goldstein-like hatred for Trump, which continues nonstop from every pillar of the establishment, is truly puzzling, since he has not even attempted any of the things he promised, and has surrounded himself totally with Bush-friendly neocon types. Not a hint of "draining the swamp."

If the entire thing isn't just being staged (after all, the guy who correctly declared the system was rigged won the election), then I suspect the elites are afraid of Trump being such a loose cannon that he might just attempt something good someday. No sign of that yet, but it could be they hold their breath whenever he takes the stage, in fear that he might just rant about 9/11 being an inside job or something. Trump did, like Clinton before him (a supposed doubter of the Warren Commission) publicly say Oswald killed JFK. And I'm still waiting on that vaccine commission chaired by RFK, Jr., or an audit of the Fed. 

Bottom line; the Mueller probe and the relentless cries of Russian "collusion" from the establishment are just another in what H.L. Mencken referred to, long ago, as "an endless series of hobgoblins." The American people are being more ignorant that usual if they believe that the Russians are in any way responsible for the pathetic state of this country. 


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Trump is almost too easy to figure.

He's one of the most transparent individuals that's ever been elected president ... which he wasn't by 3 million + votes.

Trump is a man super "obsessively driven" by only two main interests far above any other ... acquiring more and more wealth and the personal indulgences this wealth presents and satisfies - prestige, pampering, power over others and especially sex.

It's his religion. His church.

To me, Trump is actually a prisoner to this obsession and it's gratification of his every whim 24/7.

It's an addiction and it controls his life in every way.

There is often a great fear commonly felt by very wealthy people. People who's every whim is met from the second they wake up to the second they go to sleep at night.

This fear is their worst nightmare. 

The nightmare is that they will wake up one morning with all their wealth lost. That they might have to instantly live the most humiliating, undignified, unprivileged, unprotected and dismissive life of a pauper. A nobody.

And along with this loss, everything they have built their self-esteem and value system on. 

It's a foundation that is actually very empty and fragile.   

One could easily understand suicide or at least depressive mental illness from such a loss.

Just look at Bernie Madoff and his immediate family's loss of wealth story. 

Trump measures every thought, policy and decision against it's profit margin potential first and foremost. And his own first and foremost.

He always has, he always will. Everything else is just a self-promotion sideshow.

And notice that Trump reserves and exhibits his highest disdain toward those who are disloyal or a threat to his standing, control and power. His own personal wealth.  Other ideologies have nothing to do with Trump's daily concerns.

I think Trump only sees two classes. A winning class...and a loser class. 

By the way, Warren Buffet recently stated that Trump's new tax plan increased his personal wealth by 24 BILLION dollars. 

Donald J. Trump...man of the people.

A simple man to understand.  


Edited by Joe Bauer
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