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The Tippit Case in the New Millenium

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

And neither will the fact that Frazier had the stretcher bullet before Todd gave it to him.

That in itself says that either there were four bullets or one was substituted. 

Or that somebody made a simple error in writing down the time. (But, of course, such a "simple error" is not even on the radar screen of possibility if you're an Anybody But Oswald conspiracy theorist like James DiEugenio of Los Angeles, California, USA.)

Edited by David Von Pein
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Just now, Michael Clark said:

Get over yourselves. What about Tippit and JFK?



Well those two did a nice job in derailing the thread. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Nah David, that's the truth.  Defending the Warren Omission is pretty asinine these days given the facts, evidence that has emerged over the years.





The link you provide, which I've not bothered to click on, is the cheap shot.  Calling or implying someone is stupid is a cheap last resort childish playground response.  

The truth is sometimes brutal, Ron. Live with it.

And just examine the 22 ridiculous things Jim D. believes on my list. It's hilarious beyond words. If that list--in its entirety--doesn't deserve being described with the "S" word (with a Capital S), then I don't know what would deserve such a description.


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Well those two did a nice job in derailing the thread. 

And we didn't hear a peep out of you as the "derailment" commenced....right, Jim? (Geesh.)

Edited by David Von Pein
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Why James,  I do believe your under attack by the mockingbirds.  They would much rather talk about you than Into the Nightmare.  I'd guess they have not read it and don't really know anything about Tippit's murder other than the Warren Omission's obfuscation.

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33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Most of the people here,





33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

But its been used so many times, why should I have to illustrate it again?

You should post evidence if you want to convince people of your CT.  Opinions without evidence have no credibility.


33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

 Anyone who comes on this site, and has not read those two books is, in my view, an amateu

Anyone who comes on this site, and cites opinions as evidence instead of primary sources is, in my view, an amateur.


33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

your patty caking with Trejo and DVP



33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

But anyone who will defend Dale Myers and his Single Bullet Fact BS, has gone a long way to defining himself already.

I assume this isn't directed at me since I haven't defended Dale Myers?





Jim, I think we've each made our point and so I will call a temporary truce.     

If your point here is to reassure like minded CTers - just keep on what you're doing.  If you want to convince those of us (me included) who have no CT to advocate, evidence as primary sources are required.     

I think you have a lot to offer researchers because you have an impressive knowledge of the many CTs and the many works by conspiracy theorists going  back decades.  You are in this sense potentially a kind of librarian that we might turn to and ask - hey, Jim, who went deep into Tippit or the magic bullet or General Walker?  ... and you would have a good list available for a researcher to get started.

I don't understand why you are so angry with Paul Trejo, and by extension me.  If you don't want to read about Walker and the radical right, fine.  But is repeatedly insulting me for "patty caking" in a field you don't like enhancing your credibility?     I think it would be wonderful if a few people worked on the radical right, a few people worked on the CIA, a few people worked on the FBI, a few people worked on the 2 or 3 (?) Oswalds, and so forth.  Why so upset I choose an area few look at?   Why attack research you don't like?




Edited by Jason Ward
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Ok, to give DVP the benefit of the doubt, since he once did me a favor.

I can only scratch my head and wonder (all night) what that favor might have been.




Why does he not go to the Archives and show us how Hunt was wrong then?

If you want to pay for the airline ticket and my motel room (and any other expenses), then maybe I'll consider it. (Although it's rather humorous to think that the NARA would just let me waltz in there and permit me---a total NOBODY who they've never heard of before---to personally handle and examine the Stretcher Bullet. Too funny.)

But I want you to link to any post I made in the past which gave you the idea that I had implied that I definitely was planning to go to NARA. Good luck finding such a post, because it doesn't exist and never did.

Edited by David Von Pein
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I gotta say I’ve lost track of who started derailing this thread. But in everyone’s interest I suggest that Jim, David, and Jason cease and desist. 

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5 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

DVP, I have seen only one video interview of Mrs. Tippit, from around 1963. Do you have or know of any more?

I don't have any interviews with Marie Tippit in my collection. But there is one available at the Sixth Floor YouTube channel (from 2014)....


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7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I don't have any interviews with Marie Tippit in my collection. But there is one available at the Sixth Floor YouTube channel (from 2014)....


Thanks David. I can only find this one assassination era video (interview) of her. My point in asking was that I had thought I had seen an vintage video of her from which I came away thinking that Mrs. Tippit seemed far too sophisticated and intelligent to be the husband of the man that we are so often led to believe was a simple, sorry example of a man and a cop. This video does not belie that impression which I had, but does not really give me the same impression that I had.


Edited by Michael Clark
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

In the article I linked to in order to show what a hack Myers is, there are 22 footnotes to make my case of 15 major evidentiary points.

And yet the name "Dale Myers" doesn't appear even ONCE in that article. Strange, huh?


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43 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:




The truth is sometimes brutal, Ron. Live with it. (And just examine the 22 ridiculous things Jim D. believes on my list. It's hilarious beyond words. If that list--in its entirety--doesn't deserve being described with the "S" word (with a Capital S), then I don't know what would deserve such a description.


The truth is sometimes brutal.  Yep.  Oswald and Tippit were both patsy's.  Once again, have you, PT or his walker hanger on er Jason read Joseph Mc Bride's Into the Nightmare and are thus qualified to discuss it's contents and implications, I. E. the subject of this thread?

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