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Phyllis Hall saw bullet on Kennedys strecher cart

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8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

... while Kennedy was on the stretcher ... 

1min41, quote nurse Phyllis Hall: "On the cart, halfway between the earlob and the shoulder (of Kennedy), there was a bullet, laying almost perpendicular there ... " 



So curious what our resident researchers in this particular area have to say about Nurse Phyllis Hall's intriguing recollection comments ( regarding seeing a bullet on JFK's stretcher ) in this video interview.

Ms Hall sure sounds and looks clear minded and together in this video.

And she recounts many details in her time and presence in the ER entrance scene and near JFK's body without hesitancy that should be easy to verify for accuracy when compared to statements made by so many others also present.

I am not sure when this Nurse Hall video was made, but with such an important observation stated by her regarding seeing a bullet on JFK's stretcher, I must ask, has any serious researcher been able to have a thorough sit down interview with her since?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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It's also interesting that she describes the throat wound as a "big exit wound under his Adam's apple", contradicting what Dr. Perry described three times in his press conference as appearing to be an entrance wound, which implies smaller and more round-shaped.  She seems to be describing the wound as in the autopsy photo, appearing as the big, gaping, post-tracheotomy / modified wound.

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As some one who was assigned to Detroit Homicide twice , I found that witnesses who did not routinely deal with gunshots and violence, often make extremely poor witnesses, but those who work ER's make superb witnesses because they wade in blood every day.

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7 hours ago, Trygve V. Jensen said:


I just watched this video interview of Nurse Phyllis Hall.

She never mentioned seeing any bullet on any stretcher as she is reported to have stated in the original thread.

I wonder, did Ms. Hall just not mention this in the interview? Or, did she perhaps mention this and it was edited out of the public record of this interview?

Ms. Hall didn't think JFK's wounds were caused by just one gunman.

The woman had worked in the ER for many years previous to 11,22,1963 and one must assume that she viewed many gun shot wounds in that time.

That fact does give her JFK wounds observations more credibility than not IMO.

She said she saw discrepancies in the published autopsy reports on JFK after Bethesda and the findings regarding the wounds did not match what she was aware of and saw on 11,22,1963.

She is quite clear that she doesn't buy the WC findings.

Nurse Hall said she was "very conservative" as a coded answer when asked if she had voted for JFK,  meaning she did not?

Interesting a woman of this political mind set ( obviously not liking JFK and at least one or more of



his policies) taking what many would assume is a conspiratorial view of JFK's killing and alterations to his body once JFK was removed from Parkland.

That is an interesting, uncommon and intriguing dichotomy in my thinking.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 5 months later...

A statement attributed to Sam Kinney (SS driver of followup car): 'People have been wondering about it [The bullet on the cart] for years.' "I put that there." He did not mention how he acquired this bullet, nor why he put it on the stretcher rather than report it. Hall states that she's never seen this bullet as evidence in the assassination. So this wasn't the "magic bullet" and the description by the guy who actually found the bullet on the stretcher doesn't mention the 1 1/2" length, but does say that it was pointed.


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9 hours ago, Tom Neal said:

A statement attributed to Sam Kinney (SS driver of followup car): 'People have been wondering about it [The bullet on the cart] for years.' "I put that there." He did not mention how he acquired this bullet, nor why he put it on the stretcher rather than report it. Hall states that she's never seen this bullet as evidence in the assassination. So this wasn't the "magic bullet" and the description by the guy who actually found the bullet on the stretcher doesn't mention the 1 1/2" length, but does say that it was pointed.


Tom, if this quote is proven to indeed be from Kinney and accurate, ( " I put that there" ) what are we to make of this astounding statement?

Does Vince Palamara have anything to say about this?

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11 hours ago, Tom Neal said:

A statement attributed to Sam Kinney (SS driver of followup car): 'People have been wondering about it [The bullet on the cart] for years.' "I put that there." He did not mention how he acquired this bullet, nor why he put it on the stretcher rather than report it. Hall states that she's never seen this bullet as evidence in the assassination. So this wasn't the "magic bullet" and the description by the guy who actually found the bullet on the stretcher doesn't mention the 1 1/2" length, but does say that it was pointed.


A statement to whom? When was this said?  What is your source for this?  Thanks.

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22 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Tom, if this quote is proven to indeed be from Kinney and accurate, ( " I put that there" ) what are we to make of this astounding statement?

Hi Joe,

I posted this because if Kinney's statement is true, the bullet he placed on the cart could be Hall's bullet.

About a decade after Kinney died, his friend and neighbor released a story to the media purporting to be info from Kinney that Sam wanted released after his and his wife's deaths. IIRC Kinney also stated that one or two shots "came from the front." This guy was a good friend of Kinney, and he didn't have anything to gain by lying as far as I can see. What he says is probably true, and I wish a reason had been given for leaving the bullet on the stretcher. Was it a bullet actually fired at JFK? Was he planting fake evidence? Too many possibilities... Whether any of this is true or not, Kinney IMO took a LOT of vital info to his grave.


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