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Was Dubya in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63?

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On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 9:58 PM, Denis Morissette said:

George H.W. Bush at the Kiwanis Club in Tyler, Texas, on November 22, 1963 (thanks to Steve Roe) and a letter from him detailing where he was on that day.

Bush in Taylor, TX.jpg

Bush letter.jpg

I've never seen this picture of GHWB at the Kiwanis, I guess it's in Tyler at the Blackstone hotel.  It's 98 miles from Dallas.  The possibility of him being in Dealy Plaza at 12:30 or afterward is multi faceted and I personally find it not impossible but lacking in credulity.   Though his location on 11/21 - 23/63 is intriguing.

First, when did he start speaking in Tyler at his election campaign stop?  He reportedly had just started his speech when told of the assassination and stopped it though he can't remember the sequence of events or where he was at.  JFK was pronounced dead at 1:00 (?).  It was announced on the news within a few minutes.  Someone in Tyler heard it on the radio or TV, they conveyed it to someone who conveyed it to someone in charge of the event who conveyed it to Bush who terminated his speech.  1:15 - 1:30?  Could the former fighter pilot have made it from Dealy Plaza to Redbird Airport 10 minutes away, then to Tyler airport and the Blackstone hotel by then?  Tight.  If he was seen hanging around after the assassination damn near impossible.  Why would he be there?  Prior knowledge?  Observing for Daddy Prescott's old friend Dulles, now out of the CIA?  Good chance he might have been involved in recruiting funding for Operation 40 or maybe even logistics for it but onsite use in the JFK assassination?  The after briefing memo by Hoover is again, also,  intriguing.    

Edited by Ron Bulman
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The logistics are tight as Ron states but damn...that picture of the Bush look-alike in Dealy Plaza sure looks just like Bush.

Like a clone.

Same general age appearance too IMO.

Same suit, same tie and knot style and location, same hair cut, same face structure, same thin build and Bush was often pictured in that "hands in his pockets" stance.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Was this picture of GHWB available anywhere in print in the days before the internet?  Before photoshop came about?  No one recognized him before the 88 or 92 presidential runs or the MSM just kept it repressed?  

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12 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

This is how Steve Roe found the  Tyler photo: From Steve: I obtained this photo from the archivist at the George Bush Library in College Station. She pulled it out of many photos and newspaper clippings on George Bush’s first 1964 Senate run against Ralph Yarbrough



      Do you have any dated newspaper clippings or contemporaneous documentation about George H.W. Bush speaking in Tyler, Texas on 11/22/63?

      I still find it hard to believe that GHWB, on record, had no memory of where he was when he first learned that JFK had been assassinated.

     Surely, he would have remembered, in the first place, that he was giving a speech at a Kiwanis Club meeting in Tyler, Texas-- wouldn't he?

     I still remember EXACTLY where I was when I heard that President Kennedy had been shot.  (I was a 6 year old boy in Denver, trying to raise the flag in front of my elementary school, after some joker had lowered it halfway down the flagpole, before our school principal walked outside and told me to leave it where it was.)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

I’m waiting for Steve. Anyone can write the Bush Library and inquire. This way, you would bypass Steve who could be a CIA agent. ;)


     You just bypassed my question.  Do you know of any contemporaneous public documentation about GHWB's 11/22/63 public appearance in Tyler?

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I don’t have any other info than you have. Steve just replied to me: “I found it in the Bush Library. On the photo was “Tyler” and it was in a group of clippings taken from Bush’s Texas Senate run campaign. Bush announced his run in September 1963. We know he spoke at the Kiwanis club in Tyler on the 22nd. If you study the photo it was obviously a luncheon speech. As far as I could research, he wasn’t in Tyler anytime after that in 1963. He suspended his campaign after the assassination, and resumed in early 1964. Although there is no absolute proof, there remains the very high probability that the photo was taken on the 22nd. I did find he was in Tyler in early November 1963, but it was not a Kiwanis function. Bush was living in Houston at that time.”

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3 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

You may contact Kiwanis. But maybe it’s a CIA front, or the person who will talk to you is a CIA agent.

     A CIA agent, Denis?  Like "Mr. George Bush of the CIA," the guy who was briefed, in person, by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63 about the FBI's non-investigation of JFK's murder?  GHWB must have been a CIA man of some importance in 1963 if he met in person with the FBI Director on behalf of the agency on 11/29/63, eh?

    Why do you find that so amusing?

    As for his whereabouts on 11/22/63, we know that GHWB was scheduled to speak at the Dallas Sheraton on 11/21/63, but I have yet to see any definitive proof that he was in Tyler, Texas on 11/22/63.  And why did he and Barbara allegedly fly from Tyler to Fort Worth, then to Love Field, then to Houston on the afternoon of 11/22/63?

     Why the strange, circuitous route home?


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