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Thoughts on Q Anon?

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Just wanted to see who all on this board was familiar with Q Anon and this theory that JFK Jr faked his own death and is working with Trump to take down the cabal. It sounds pretty far fetched but there are quite a few intriguing rabbit holes one can go down on this subject! One theory is that JFK Jr is Q. If you look at an aerial view of JFK's grave site it is in the shape of a Q pretty much. Just food for thought! Was just curious if any board members had any thoughts on Q.


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1 hour ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

Just wanted to see who all on this board was familiar with Q Anon and this theory that JFK Jr faked his own death and is working with Trump to take down the cabal.

I'm not familiar with this theory. What exactly is Trump doing "to take down the cabal"? Is falling in love with Kim Jong Un, kowtowing to Vladimir Putin, and holding his Trumpberg Rallies part of this?



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My thought: If we ignore it, will it crawl back into its hole?  Is that working yet?

Let me put forth a new conspiracy: I Anon.  In I Anon, Trump is secretly working with Obama to keep the AHCA alive, for the benefit of the insurance corporations and the destruction of the working poor.  What, that happened?

Edited by David Andrews
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