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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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Isn’t that standard FBI procedures.  Kind of like SOP.  When you read about current FBI scandals, how does that differ from the past behavior?  DiEugenio is dead on.

Edited by John Butler
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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

But Moldea says "Ignore her!"

How do you ignore 20 witnesses? Its Warren Commission time.

I've not read Moldea's  work.  I'd guess he is referring to Sandy Serrano.

You know better than I having edited the first draft, and I don't want to get ahead of myself, but...  With Pena and Hernandez being CIA assets, the latter trained by them in interrogation and doing so to Serrano among others to the point of changing their original statements, one has to question just about everything that follows from the "investigation". 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Moldea said that in the recent online audio special.

He says he did not consider the girl in the polka dot dress or the hypnosis angle.

Which is like saying in the JFK case, well, I am going to ignore 544 Camp Street, and the background of Ruth and Michael Paine.

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14 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Moldea said that in the recent online audio special.

He says he did not consider the girl in the polka dot dress or the hypnosis angle.

Which is like saying in the JFK case, well, I am going to ignore 544 Camp Street, and the background of Ruth and Michael Paine.

Moldea thinks Sirhan is faking his memory loss because "every time he claims to can't remember something, it traces back to means, motive, and opportunity". That is the worst logic I have ever heard. "Means, motive, and opportunity" is a legal term, not a psychological term. And how could Moldea differentiate Sirhan's "faked" memory loss with forgetting other past experiences in life? There is no way.

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I think I'm developing a better understanding of the term "kangaroo court".  Defense?  What Defense?  The Judge, Prosecutor and "defense"  falling over each other in his chambers to agree on how to convict him as the lone assassin And convince the public their was no conspiracy.  Repeatedly, as well as in the courtroom.  Leading a witness?  That's illegal?

I googled the term just to confirm my understanding of it.  It was pretty accurate.  It also turned up this which I'd never seen or heard of before.  The latter part of it feels kind of accurate too.


Happy New Year.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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John Newman mentions this in his work (second book I think) and I've posted on it here before;  John discovered a reference to the use of the crypt by the CIA in liaison work with drug enforcement activities - in California.  It appears the CIA was interested in drug traffickers as potential sources or assets (the same came up with Harvey being given QJ/Win as a Belgian asset).  I've found a number of complaints from DEA about about the CIA wanting to share lists of suspects, and then essentially pirating them as assets.

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Larry, for yours, Paul's and others observations, a fuller context of Ms. Pease work.

'A document from the LA division of the CIA surfaced during the Church Committee investigation with the subject "Review of the ZRRIFLE file" …  "Harold Metzler, was involved in the rackets with the upper echelon hoodlums throughout the U.S. … "In 1959 he furnished information to our QJWIN California office.." During the Church Committee , the CIA claimed  they  had a paid assassin as an  employee... claimed served as a spotter of talent."  "QJWIN was not just a person , but a much larger assassination operation " (within ZRRIFLE?).

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Thanks Ron,  previously I've posted, written and presented on QJ/WIN and the relationship of the crypt to ZR/RIFLE at great length over a number of years now so I would hope someday it seems less mysterious.  John Newman's work expanded the picture by letting us know that the crypt had been associated with individuals associated with drug dealing as far back as the 1950s in the Los Angeles area so that helped clear up the appearance of QJ/WIN as a crypt later used out of the CIA station in Belgium.  Based on Church committee documents we also know that the QJ/WIN individual from that office had been used for some years (and in the Congo, because he held a Belgian passport) before he was handed off to Harvey as a spotter for growing Staff D resources in Europe. Of course Harvey then decided to use the ZR/RIFLE crypt within Staff D to hide the assassination project he got from Helms.  All this should be far less mysterious now than it used to be, especially the connection between the general QJ/WIN crypt and individuals involved in illegal drug activities.


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Yesterday, I interviewed Lisa Pease on my new weekly radio show "I Protest." 


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8 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Thanks Ron,  previously I've posted, written and presented on QJ/WIN and the relationship of the crypt to ZR/RIFLE at great length over a number of years now so I would hope someday it seems less mysterious.  John Newman's work expanded the picture by letting us know that the crypt had been associated with individuals associated with drug dealing as far back as the 1950s in the Los Angeles area so that helped clear up the appearance of QJ/WIN as a crypt later used out of the CIA station in Belgium.  Based on Church committee documents we also know that the QJ/WIN individual from that office had been used for some years (and in the Congo, because he held a Belgian passport) before he was handed off to Harvey as a spotter for growing Staff D resources in Europe. Of course Harvey then decided to use the ZR/RIFLE crypt within Staff D to hide the assassination project he got from Helms.  All this should be far less mysterious now than it used to be, especially the connection between the general QJ/WIN crypt and individuals involved in illegal drug activities.


Thank you Larry.  I've never really followed closely the discussions on QJWIN or read about it much.  I had a vague idea that it was A person, an assassin himself and/or recruiter of such in the French-Corsican-Italian area.  Like I said I've not followed the subject closely but thought Paul Brancato on here had been trying to figure out who that person was.  Ms. Pease seemed kind of taken aback by the discovery in the way she presented it.  "What QJWIN Office", in italics were her words.  She also mentions she had never heard of this until H Abarelli showed her the document mentioned.  

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Totally understand Ron,  its just one of the myriads of mysteries that have been in play for decades.  Certainly its something the Church committee looked into it at length and they collected a variety of documents related to the crypt and William Harvey, including the Belgian QJ/WIN's employment history, and his actual pay record.  Newman's findings in regard to LA are much more recent and I assume that was what Hank provided - both Ralph Ganis and Hank bring QJ/WIN into their work in a major way.  I've been researching and presenting on it for several years and John's find in regard to a California appearance of the crypt was new to me as well.  I know others want it to be more significant than it appears to me so I'll leave that to them....I just wanted to butt in and so that we do have a lot of information on the crypt at this point, although no doubt there is more to be learned.

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8 hours ago, Don Jeffries said:

Yesterday, I interviewed Lisa Pease on my new weekly radio show "I Protest." 


Thank you also Don.  That is an excellent interview.  I've got 125 pages to go and the book is just stunning so far.

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In trying to figure out where different things happened in the pandemonium of the night and I googled Ambassador Hotel Los Angeles.  It was demolished in 2005.  Ms. Pease has a diagram of the pantry and it's entrances which helps greatly on page 146.  But trying to understand the floor difference between the front and back, where the fire escape is, etc. is confusing, amid that pandemonium.   I found a little bit but still don't know much.


If I remember right some suspects fled to the North, towards Wilshire Blvd.  So I wonder if the kitchen and ballrooms were along that side, considering the Cocanut Grove nightclub was on that side I'd think maybeso.  Plus any conspirators would want to get away quickly.  

Then I found this picture of the fountain around which the Sirhans., the ladies in the polka dot dresses, and 4-5 men gathered prior to the assassination.


Edited by Ron Bulman
By Sirhan's I don't mean family. Yes, like with Oswald there Was a Imposter.
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