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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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3 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

And I stumbled on to this which gives much greater perspective to Ms. Pease diagram.


RFK was slightly past where the crouching policeman is when he was shot.  There were 70 plus people in this area at the time.  Sirhan and the girl in the Polka dot Dress were standing on the tray cart to the left by the ice machine when RFK  came through the double doors where the man in the distance is in the picture.  As RFK approached Sirhan stepped off the tray cart toward the tables on the right and began firing  at RFK around another man from 3-6' away (blanks?).  Another man, similary dressed, crouching on the table beside and behind him began firing to RFK's right, hitting four people.  Upon this signal Security guard Thane Cesar from Ace Security, leading him by his right hand with his left shot RFK three times in the chest with is right.  At the same time a man hiding between the ice machine and the wall sticking out behind it behind the kneeling officer in this picture stepped out and shot RFK behind his right ear. Possibly twice.  


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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

[Note --- Proper punctuation, in the form of many needed commas, have been added to this Ron Bulman post by DVP.]

As RFK approached, Sirhan stepped off the tray cart toward the tables on the right and began firing at RFK around another man from 3-6' away (blanks?).  Another man, similary dressed, crouching on the table beside and behind him, began firing to RFK's right, hitting four people.  Upon this signal, Security guard Thane Cesar from Ace Security, leading him by his right hand with his left, shot RFK three times in the chest with [his] right.  At the same time, a man hiding between the ice machine and the wall sticking out behind it behind the kneeling officer in this picture, stepped out and shot RFK behind his right ear. Possibly twice.



Oh, brother. What an imagination. Just like with the JFK case, CTers always go "over the top" with their fantastic "multi-gunmen" conspiracy theories in the RFK assassination as well. It never ends. Just incredible.


Edited by David Von Pein
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On 1/4/2019 at 8:46 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Larry, for yours, Paul's and others observations, a fuller context of Ms. Pease work.

'A document from the LA division of the CIA surfaced during the Church Committee investigation with the subject "Review of the ZRRIFLE file" …  "Harold Metzler, was involved in the rackets with the upper echelon hoodlums throughout the U.S. … "In 1959 he furnished information to our QJWIN California office.." During the Church Committee , the CIA claimed  they  had a paid assassin as an  employee... claimed served as a spotter of talent."  "QJWIN was not just a person , but a much larger assassination operation " (within ZRRIFLE?).

Meltzer is the correct spelling. Took a while to figure that out. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I posted something relevant on the thread about the 2017 presentation with Hancock and Newman.

I’d like to read this document you (and David Boylan) quote.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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Paul, I would have to refer you to Newman's book - his second one - on the document citation.  I discussed it with him in myself and he characterized it for me but I have not actually seen the specific LA related QJ/WIN document/s myself.  Sounds like Hank has a copy or something similar but I have not seen that...its not something mentioned in the Ganis book so I'm waiting on Hank's book and doing other things at the moment.

We know that the QJ/WIN crypt was used more than once and we know that Harvey used the crypt as part of his ZR/RIFLE project so those parts are consistent but I would be interested in precisely where this quote comes from "during the Church Committee , the CIA claimed  they  had a paid assassin as an  employee... claimed served as a spotter of talent."  It would surely be a first for the CIA to admit that they employed a paid assassin"?  Of course the CIA did admit to the Church committee that they had an employee who was a "spotter of talent" and that he was also directed to support the poison effort against Lumumba - but that's a bit different than the CIA admitting to "employing a paid assassin".  That I'd like to see.



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22 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

RFK was slightly past where the crouching policeman is when he was shot.  There were 70 plus people in this area at the time.  Sirhan and the girl in the Polka dot Dress were standing on the tray cart to the left by the ice machine when RFK  came through the double doors where the man in the distance is in the picture.  As RFK approached Sirhan stepped off the tray cart toward the tables on the right and began firing  at RFK around another man from 3-6' away (blanks?).  Another man, similary dressed, crouching on the table beside and behind him began firing to RFK's right, hitting four people.  Upon this signal Security guard Thane Cesar from Ace Security, leading him by his right hand with his left shot RFK three times in the chest with is right.  At the same time a man hiding between the ice machine and the wall sticking out behind it behind the kneeling officer in this picture stepped out and shot RFK behind his right ear. Possibly twice.  


Notice the Eight ceiling tiles removed in the picture.  LAPD expert criminologist/investigator Wolfer commented on the number of bullet holes in the ceiling.  The tiles I guess disappeared from evidence after the trial along with the door facings with bullet holes in them.  Wolfer then testified on RFK being shot from 3/4" away behind his right ear.  Not 3 - 6' away from the front.  He then lied about the identification of bullets from RFK and other victims.  Conflicted?  Further evidence of malfeasance is presented in the book, read it.    


Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 1/6/2019 at 3:40 AM, David Von Pein said:


Oh, brother. What an imagination. Just like with the JFK case, CTers always go "over the top" with their fantastic "multi-gunmen" conspiracy theories in the RFK assassination as well. It never ends. Just incredible.


Dude, Pease lists people who literally say they saw other gunmen. Two separate people also said they saw bits of paper fly out of the gun Sirhans hand, implying blanks.

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 1:52 PM, Larry Hancock said:

Ron,  I think you will find some diagrams in this that might be useful as a reference on floorplans:




Yes Larry the diagrams do ultimately help with understanding.  At first they confused me further (easily done sometimes, per my wife).  The scene is confusing given the size of the facility,  the number of people there, observing with different but similar statements, and, the number of participants.  

I was trying to figure out how Polka Dot Dress Girl (let's call her PDG1, since their were two) along with the guy in the gold sweater escaped from the pantry and passed Sandy Serrano on the fire escape.  One of the diagrams made me question, which fire escape?  Orientation is key to understanding.



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1 minute ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes Larry the diagrams do ultimately help with understanding.  At first they confused me further (easily done sometimes, per my wife).  The scene is confusing given the size of the facility,  the number of people there, observing with different but similar statements, and, the number of participants.  

I was trying to figure out how Polka Dot Dress Girl (let's call her PDG1, since their were two) along with the guy in the gold sweater escaped from the pantry and passed Sandy Serrano on the fire escape.  One of the diagrams made me question, which fire escape?  Orientation is key to understanding.  For the sake of anyone else reading the book.



This first diagram is incomplete and thus misleading.  There is a service entry to the Embassy Foyer from the pantry/'serving kitchen before the hallway and it leading to the Colonial room where RFK was headed.


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Just now, Ron Bulman said:

This first diagram is incomplete and thus misleading.  There is a service entry to the Embassy Foyer from the pantry/'serving kitchen before the hallway and it leading to the Colonial room where RFK was headed.


My understanding, at this point, per witnesses, is they would have crossed through the Embassy foyer, from it, into the ballroom and the exit to the South fire escae nearest the foyer.  The shortest route out from where they were.  Where Sandy Serrano was outside cooling off and heard PDG1 celebrate exclaiming "We Shot Him!"  "Who?".  "We Shot Kennedy!".

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Ron, the first thing to note is that this diagram and all the diagrams in my series of essays were created from LAPD crime scene drawings that were obtained from the Melanson archive...what you see is as only as good or bad as the official case files he obtained.  Debra's sister Sherry was kind enough to prepare the graphics in my essay from those drawings.

As you probably noted, those diagrams are in the first of several other sections of my essay and there is more commentary on the movements of the PDG, her associates and witnesses in the other sections...I'd certainly recommend reading the whole thing as the diagrams were intended to work with my text...so they may or may not work well with Lisa's.   I'd have to revisit the whole thing myself to give a definitive response but in my recollection there were several options for the attack and the exit and it appears to me that the attack itself was an iterative process with several contacts between various individuals that evening and ultimately the steering of Sirhan into the service pantry.  There is certainly evidence one or more of the individuals involved was familiar with the hotel and the kitchen/pantry area. 

As to an exit route, there were options including moving down the side service halls to the exits, across the foyer, back down the pantry and out through the Colonial room or through the hall access door by the restrooms on the diagram.  It was interesting to me that the security guard in one interview noted that during the speech someone tried to enter the stage from either the side or rear and he simply pushed them back - maybe he did, maybe not but if the shooting had occurred on stage there would have been options to exit through the other end of the service hall rather than running though the crowded pantry.

In any event, if the diagrams help, great...if not, sorry.  My own RFK research and essays are available to all on MFF.  If anyone wants to discus those they can message or email me but I really don't want to butt in and insert myself  into a thread about Lisa's book.


Edited by Larry Hancock
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I'm fumbling for words.  I've already said this book is stunning.  I'm stunned again just starting the last chapter.  After reading the next to last chapter, Mind Games.  The book is Not just about the RFK assassination.  It's about the freedom to Think for oneself independently.  It brings 1968, 1963 and before to relevance to tonight.  Right this minute our unelected president is speaking, afterwards a rebuttal from the speaker of the house and minority senate whip.  Both of whom state their reluctance to take on the CIA in the Mind Games chapter. 

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7 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm fumbling for words.  I've already said this book is stunning.  I'm stunned again just starting the last chapter.  After reading the next to last chapter, Mind Games.  The book is Not just about the RFK assassination.  It's about the freedom to Think for oneself independently.  It brings 1968, 1963 and before to relevance to tonight.  Right this minute our unelected president is speaking, afterwards a rebuttal from the speaker of the house and minority senate whip.  Both of whom state their reluctance to take on the CIA in the Mind Games chapter. 

For some reason I've been having trouble editing comments the last couple of nights.  Clicking submit does nothing.

edit:  1984 was happening well before 1963.

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Lisa's book does a nice job of laying out the suspicious behavior of Michael Wayne (aka Wien), a 21-year old from England who purportedly was a "collector" of political trinkets and worked at a bookstore on Sunset Boulevard. Wayne bore a resemblance to Sirhan (one of several Doppelgangers apparently in play).  Lisa paints him out to be a facilitator of sorts, gathering press badges for the conspirators and possibly smuggling a gun into the Ambassador. Wayne was seen earlier at candidate headquarters , stole a copy of RFK's itinerary, got a ride with the enigmatic Khaibar Khan, and gained access to RFK's 5th floor suit prior to the evening's speech. A photo shows RFK autographing Wayne’s poster (possibly used to later shield a weapon) as Senator Kennedy walked to the Embassy Room to give his speech.  Wayne was later cleared as a suspect, and disappeared into history leaving a cold trail ... not much is known or recorded about Wayne, and I would be very curious to know who he really was, and what became of him.

Wayne appears to have been monitoring RFK's movements for the operation, and gained entry to the Pantry, "guarded" by a part-time security guard/bodyguard/hitman named Thane Eugene Cesar who has clear links to Howard Hughes machinations and the infamous Robert Maheu (who some believe orchestrated RFK's murder). Cesar was sheltered/protected by a "handler", author Dan Moldea, for the ensuing 30 years. Ace Guard Services was formed in early 1968 by Frank and Loretta M. Hendrix, and Gene Cesar was hired in May of 1968, just days before the assassination.  Several years after the assassination, DeWayne Wolfer (criminalist in Sirhan’s case) became president of Ace. Wayne was observed to be loitering in the kitchen/pantry areas, was asked to leave (by hotel managers) but returned shortly before RFK was shot, and was with Sirhan.  Wayne was observed by several witnesses running from the pantry, and was arrested/handcuffed by an Ace Security Guard (Augustus Mallard) and taken to the Hotel Security's office ... notably, not apprehended by police authorities.  Lisa makes the case that Wayne's role after the shooting was to "draw focus" and allow the actual shooters and operatives to escape. She also makes a case for a rather large operation at play.

Lisa points out a cogent remark by FBI agents, who stated that Wayne wasn't much bothered by his being detained that night. Wayne's later interviews and polygraphs with LAPD clearly appear to be managed/minimized, especially his alleged affiliation with a militant extremist (Keith Duane Gilbert) whose business card was in his possession.  Wayne's polygraph was conducted by LAPD Sgt. Enrique Hernandez, who predictably determined Wayne to be "truthful" and also infamously interrogated (i.e. intimidated) witness Sandra Serrano. Hernandez "retired" in 1973 and later made his reputation in private security as founder of Inter-Con Security Systems, allegedly servicing NASA contracts with NASA at Edwards Air Force Base. 

Its not too difficult to connect all the dots here.





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Pretty easy.

Compare what Hernandez did with the witnesses he polygraphed who indicated a conspiracy--Serrano and Fahey-- versus what he did with Wayne, who was really a suspect. I mean how do you get more suspicious than that guy?

And then Wolfer becomes president of Ace, and then Hernandez retires four years later and runs Inter Con.  BTW, that company has contracts with many municipal entities in Los Angeles, like court houses and ticket paying kiosks and windows.

Did she add where Hernandez was living last?  San Marino, which has a higher per capita income than Beverly Hills.  Try and find an apartment house there.

Hernandez did well after covering up the not so open and shut case.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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