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Edwin Walker

Jim Root

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Paul, when actual "evidence," the "stuff" I've presented in this and in my previous three posts on this thread is introduced into this debate, almost nothing you've posted makes any sense....

Tom, I tried to set my FORUM profile to "ignore" your posts, yet because you're a "moderator" that isn't allowed by the FORUM software. Lucky me.

Anyway -- my theory about ex-General Edwin Walker is supported by a growing cache of material evidence, including (1) Walker's resignation from the Army in 1959 when he joined the John Birch Society and heard that Eisenhower was a "Communist"; (2) Walker's dismissal from his command over 10,000 troops in Germany for calling President Truman a "Communist"; (3) Walker's deeper involvement with the race segregation elements in the South, like the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, the White Citizens' Councils, the Lousiana White Education Commission, and so much more; (4) Walker's humilitation at the Senate Subcomittee in April 1962; (5) Walker's humiliation in losing his bid for Texas Governor which was financed by H.L. Hunt; (6) Walker's deeper involvement in the racist politics in the South, through Faubus, Ross Barnett, George Wallace, and Guy Banister; (7) Walker's open challenge to JFK at Ole Miss university on 30 September 1962 by eliciting thousands of violent "protestors" to Oxford, Mississippi and leading charges against thousands of Federal troops, causing riots in which hundreds were wounded and two were killed -- and then he lost; (8) Walker's humiliation by being sent to the Springfield, Illinois military insane asylum by JFK and RFK; (9) Walker's super-humiliation in having to perjure himself before a Mississippi Grand Jury in order to be acquitted [according to Bishop Duncan Gray]; (10) Walker's coast-to-coast speaking tour with segregationist Reverend Billy James Hargis in which he finally came out publicly as a personal racist; (11) Walker's narrow escape of being shot by a sniper at his house -- a sniper he presumed, to the end of his life was sent by JFK and RFK; (12) Walker's deeper descent into the rightist underground including Lake Pontchartrain, Interpen, Cuban Exiles and the plot to make Lee Harvey Oswald a patsy [according to Harry Dean].

This is still only a theory, but it's a new theory -- after 50 years of flailing by the JFK research community, repeating the same stale ideas over and over again -- without material evidence. Honestly -- we get tired of the same old stuff year after year.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Guest Tom Scully

(quote name='Tom Scully' timestamp='1365350786' post='271096')

(quote name='Ian Kingsbury' timestamp='1365337627' post='271075')


Dulles and his cohorts (posted extensively by Tom Scully)

Had their own agenda for Amerika .

Justice should have been served at Nuremburg not bypassed

For power everlasting.

Keepin it in the "family" how many Bushes went to Veitnam?.

I bet more went to the Whitehouse!.



So the more we learn, the more we come to appreciate how foolish it is to put too little or too much importance on a minor player like Edwin A. Walker or give

Allen Dulles any benefit of the doubt. I think it is safe to say that Lee Harvey Oswald was put through a discrediting process the mirror opposite of, and possibly

by the same Rockefeller-Bush-Dulles (the Macomber brothers succeeding Dulles in the processing of GW Bush) that transformed GW Bush from a failure to

a governor and then POTUS, in record time.


Paul, I certainly envy you, all your hard evidence just pointing you to one resigned U.S. General. You are truly a fortunate researcher. I cannot even determine with certainty where Jackie's role and knowledge was positioned. I even wonder if she truly knew.

I just don't see Gen. Edwin A. Walker in any of this....I see DeMohrenschildt assigned to the dipping of Oswald, Priscilla Johnson assigned to write key narratives,

and more than once. I see Tom Devine carrying out an assignment to interface with DeMohrenschildt at critical point in the timeline, and Devine's old fraternity Bud,

Garry Coit, similarly assigned to Priscilla Johnson. The publishing team behind Priscilla's "work" with bothe Marina and Svetlana was led by Allen Dulles's subsequent

biographer, Cass Canfield. Cass's stepson was involved in the Paris Review with Matthiessen and Plimpton, and Tom Guinzburg was Matthiessen's Yale roommate

and an usher in John Macomber's wedding (see displayed wedding announcement.) John Macomber financially backed Bush, Jr. and hired Devine as a Celanese

V.P. Macomber's brother was the best man in Nancy Bush's and in Devine's wedding.

John Macomber teamed up with senior Knight of Malta in the U.S. , William HG Fitzgerald, to lead the Atlantic Council. An usher in Fitzgerald's wedding, Oliver W. Hammonds, became Jack Crichton's accountant and Arabian Shield partner. Hammonds and his accounting partner, George Day, along with Stuart Dyckman, U.S. Naturalization sponsor of George Bouhe, all served as presidents of the tiny, Dallas Harvard Club.

A closed loop of reliable folk of the same social class who would not talk publicly about each other. The proof of that is that the silence still endures.

In none of thes relations do I observe a tight fit or a key role of Gen. Edward Walker. Sorry, I confine myself to facts, I keep my pants on and resist pulling

anything out of my *** and calling it "hard evidence."

Svetlana Seeks Secluded Home .

‎Miami News - Apr 24, 1967

Johnson is the father of Mrs. Priscilla Johnson macmillan who will translate Mrs. ... Mrs. macmillan had a secret trip to Geneva earlier this month to discuss the

TIME: How George got his groove - June 21, 1999

‎CNN - Jun 21, 1999

Even some close friends are surprised by Bush's sudden rise. ..... One month after he was cleared, Bush resigned from Harken's board--and declared for


(quote name='Tom Scully' date='16 February 2009 - 11:50 AM' timestamp='1234781407' post='162914')

Perhaps TJ Devine, his "best man", William B. Macomber, his brother, John D. Macomber, and the great-grandson of Francis Smith Bush, George HW Bush, and his son, George W. Bush, should accurately be described as, the Rochester, NY, mafia?

(quote)http://books.google....nG=Search Books

Rochester: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases‎ - Page 395

by Icon Group International, Inc.

He was the child of Obadiah Newcomb Bush and Harriet Smith (1800 - 1867). ...

John D. Macomber (born January 13, 1928) in Rochester, New York is the ...

Limited preview -


Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of TJ Devine

- New York Times - Apr 15, 1973

Mr. Devine is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Devine and of the late Prof. and Mrs. Charles W. Dodge, all of Rochester(/quote)


Diplomat William Macomber Jr., 82, Dies

By Patricia Sullivan

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, November 21, 2003; Page B07

...Survivors include his wife of 39 years, Phyllis Macomber of Nantucket; and a brother, John Macomber of Washington.


William Macomber, Diplomat and Met Chief, Dies at 82


Published: November 22, 2003

William Butts Macomber Jr., a former government official and diplomat who in 1978 became the first full-time president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, died on Wednesday at his home in Nantucket, Mass. He was 82....

....William Macomber was born in Rochester, N.Y., on March 28, 1921, and graduated from Yale in 1943...


Anne Weisman, William Macomber II

Published: October 8, 2006

Anne Lauren Weisman, a daughter of Elizabeth Barnett Weisman and Dr. Michael Herman Weisman of Los Angeles, is to be married this afternoon to William Butts Macomber II, the son of Caroline Morgan Macomber and John DeWitt Macomber of Washington....

....The bridegroom, 32, is the principal editor at Fancy Film, a documentary editing business in Los Angeles, which he founded. His credits include "Raising Teens," which was shown on Logo, a cable television network for gays and lesbians; and episodes of "Deep Sea Detectives," a series on the History Channel. He graduated from Wesleyan University.

His mother is a trustee of the Phillips Collection, the Washington art museum, and of the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York. His father was from 1988 to 1992 the chairman and president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States in Washington and had retired as the chairman and chief executive of the Celanese Corporation in New York.(endquote)


Export-Import Bank Nominees


Published: June 26, 1989

...President Bush has chosen John D. Macomber to be president of the Export-Import Bank and Eugene K. Lawson to be first vice president, the White House announced last week.

Mr. Macomber, chairman of his own private investment and advisory firm, is a former chairman and chief executive of the Celanese Corporation. Mr. Lawson has been Deputy

Under Secretary of Labor for international affairs since last year. If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Macomber would succeed John Bohn and Mr. Lawson would replace William Ryan.


John D. Macomber, MBA

Member, Board of Directors

John Macomber is a Principal of JDM Investment Group, a private investment firm, since 1992. He was nominated by President Bush Sr. to become Chairman and President of the United States Export-Import Bank, serving from 1989 to 1992.

He was a Senior Partner at McKinsey until 1973 and Chairman and CEO of Celanese Corporation until 1986. He is a Director of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, Mettler-Toledo International, Mirror World Technologies, Sovereign Chemical Company, and Textron, Inc.

Mr. Macomber is also Chairman of the Council for Excellence in Government, Rand McNally and Company, and Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Council. He has retired from serving on the Board of Directors of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, The Brown Group, Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, RJR Nabisco, Pilkington Ltd., Rand McNally and Xerox Corporation.

Mr. Macomber received his BA from Yale University and his MBA from Harvard University.


Plan to Cut Ex-Im Bank Draws Business Protest

New York Times - Feb 6, 1990

John D. Macomber, six months on the job as Export-Import Bank chairman and a friend of Mr. Bush, denies that the institution has been weakened.


Soft on Saddam

Subscription - Washington Post - HighBeam Research - Apr 10, 1990

After Congress voted at the end of 1989 to bar US Export-Import Bank credits to Iraq, President Bush signed a waiver on Jan. 17. He said it was in America's ...


Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President‎ - Page 66

by James Hatfield - Biography & Autobiography - 2001 - 417 pages

Some of the largest financiers included: John D. Macomber, CEO of Celanese Corp.

and William H. Draper HI, a leading venture capital investor. ...


Amiraqa and the New American Century‎ - Page 22

by Chris Wogan - Social Science - 2004 - 380 pages

The Eximbank had insured hundreds of millions of dollars worth of shipments to Iraq from 1987 to 1990.

Companies that exported goods to Iraq under the Eximbank guarantees include John Deere, Snap On Tools, Bristol Myers, and DOW Chemical. The Atlanta-BNL financed 51 transactions worth just shy of $50 million through Eximbank loan guarantees. Overall, Eximbank had to pay over $50 million in insured

shipments due to Iraqi nonpayment, $3.2 million of which was owed to the BNL. Once again, can you guess who had to cover the $50 million? That's right, it was the American taxpayer!

Following the BNL scandal in 1989, Congress enacted sanctions against Iraq prohibiting Eximbank financing without a presidential waiver. The State Department quickly drafted a waiver and President

Bush signed it January 17, 1990. Bush declared that a prohibition on Eximbank loan guarantees for Iraq would not be, "in the best interests of the United States."

Interestingly enough, the two men in charge of the Export-Import Bank for the duration of the Reagan and Bush's presidencies, John D. Macomber and William H Draper III, were two major contributors to George W. Bush's early oil ventures and were close to the Bush family...


Amiraqa and the New American Century‎ - Page 88

by Chris Wogan - Social Science - 2004 - 380 pages

...Investors in Bush's early oil ventures included drug store magnate (Rite Aid) and PNAC-member Lewis Lehrman, George L. Ball (head of EF Hutton Inc), George L. Ohrstrom, venture caplitalist William H. Draper III, John D. Macomber (CEO of Celanese Corp), Russell E. Reynolds, Salem bin Laden, James Baker III (who held many positions for both Reagan and Bush Sr) Philip Uzielli, Stephen Kass, and Khalid bin Mahfouz of the BCCI (identified as a defendant in the 9/11 families' lawsuit against finaciers of 9/11), among others. Draper and Macomber both held the position of head of the Export Import Bank (Eximbank) during both the Reagan and Bush administrations, the Eximbank being essential in the arming of Iraq....


Bush Name Helps Fuel Oil Dealings

By George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano

Washington Post Staff Writers

Friday, July 30, 1999; Page A1

Sixth of seven articles

...Reynolds put up $23,250 for Arbusto's 1980 drilling program and a similar amount in a later partnership. He doesn't invest in oil and gas ventures anymore. "I think I ended up getting back 20 cents on the dollar," Reynolds recalled, though the write-offs he got "mitigated the pain."

The roster of prominent partners in Bush's oil ventures could have been extracted from a business world's who's who: drugstore magnate and onetime New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Lewis Lehrman and Lehrman family trusts ($140,500 over a three-year period); George L. Ball, then head of E.F. Hutton Inc., a New York stock brokerage ($100,000); George L. Ohrstrom, head of a New York investment management company and scion of one of Virginia's richest families ($100,000); California venture capitalist William H. Draper III ($93,000); and John D. Macomber, chief executive of the Celanese Corp. and an old Yale friend of Jonathan's ($79,500). Draper became president of the Export-Import Bank under President Ronald Reagan and Macomber held the same post under President George Bush.

Not all were recruited by Jonathan Bush, who was paid commissions for his work. Ball, for instance, was enlisted by Barbara Bush's brother-in-law Scott Pierce, an associate at E. F. Hutton. Ohrstrom, who doesn't give interviews, said through his wife that he and Bush's father went to school together (they were four years apart at Greenwich Country Day). And Bush lined up others on his own, like Stephen Kass, a friend and classmate from Harvard Business School. ....(/quote)



- New York Times - Mar 30, 1967

Edward Gordon Hooker, a stockbroker formerly with E.F. Hutton Co., died yesterday in his home at 1160 Park Avenue,

George Bush Presidential Library Foundation » Trustees

Denver, Colorado, John D. Macomber Washington, D.C.. Jack S. Blanton, Sr. ... William H. Draper, III Atherton, California (Emeritus), Samuel K. Skinner ...



George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Dies; Virginia Financier, Sportsman

By Patricia Sullivan

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, October 9, 2005

George Lewis Ohrstrom Jr., 78, chairman of a private equity and leveraged-buyout firm and scion of one of the wealthiest families in Virginia, died of pneumonia Oct. 6 at his home in The Plains.

Mr. Ohrstrom was the long-time chairman of G.L. Ohrstrom & Co. The New York firm, founded by his father, is one of the private equity firms that started and grew three companies, Dover Corp., Carlisle Cos. and Roper Industries Inc., which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

A classmate of former president George H.W. Bush at Greenwich Country Day School in Connecticut, Mr. Ohrstrom was an investor in President George W. Bush's Texas oil business, according to a 1999 article in The Washington Post. Virginia Business magazine, in its annual listing of the richest residents in the Old Dominion, said in 2004 that Mr. Ohrstrom was worth about $200 million.

In 1974, he sold his New York townhouse to Iraq for use as a residence for its ambassador to the United Nations.


Click here!

Perhaps best known in the Washington area as a fox hunter, sportsman and philanthropist, Mr. Ohrstrom was a president of the Orange County Hunt and founder of the Bath County Hounds.

As a breeder and owner of thoroughbred and steeplechase horses, Mr. Ohrstrom raced many stakes winners in the United States and Europe, including France's 3-year-old champion filly, Comtesse De Loir, and grade 1 stakes winner Mossflower. He had a particular passion for timber racing, part of the steeplechase in which horses jump over large, freestanding wooden railed fences. An Orange County Hunt timber race is named for him.

As a founder of the Piedmont Environmental Council, he was an early supporter of the use of conservation easements to preserve open space. The council was a key opponent of the Walt Disney Co.'s attempt in the early 1990s to build a history theme park in Prince William County.

Mr. Ohrstrom was past chairman of the board of the National Sporting Library in Middleburg, the country's only scholarly repository dedicated exclusively to equine and field sports.

Born in Bronxville, N.Y., Mr. Ohrstrom grew up in Greenwich and entered the Marine Corps during World War II. After the war, he graduated from Princeton University, where he rowed bow on the crew team, which finished third in the 1948 Olympic trials. In 1949, Mr. Ohrstrom organized a team from the Princeton Cottage Club to compete in the Grand Challenge Cup at the Royal Henley Regatta in England. He later became a trustee of the Princeton University Rowing Association.

After college, he went to work for the State Department in France. He began his business career at Lehman Brothers from 1955 to 1960 and then worked at his father's firm. He became chief executive in 1960. According to his firm's Web site, he sat on the boards of FHP Holdings Inc., Tritex Corp., Leach Holding Corp., Vistan Corp. and Flexi-Mat Corp.

He was also president of the Ohrstrom Foundation Inc., established by his father in 1955, and was founder of the George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation.

A son, Peter F.S. Ohrstrom, preceded him in death. Four of his marriages, to Joan Sumner, Lili Clarke, Sandra Wright and Pamela Braga, ended in divorce.


Pamela B. Ohrstrom

Middleburg equestrienne Pamela Braga Ohrstrom died last week in New York following a lengthy illness.

A prominent horse show rider and avid foxhunter, Ohrstrom was integral in the interior design of the National Sporting Library prior to its grand re-opening in 1999. Like former husband George L. Ohrstrom of The Plains, she was president of the local Orange County Hunt and sat on the board of the NSL.

She was also married to J. Carter Brown, for 23 years director of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

Ohrstrom also served as co-chair of the advisory committee of the Museum of Hounds and Hunting at Morven Park in Leesburg.

She is survived by two adult children and her mother, Mary Braga of Middleburg.


B. RIONDA BRAGA - Obituary - NYTimes.com

Jul 25, 1986 – B. Rionda Braga, a sugar merchant and former president of the ... He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Sayles Booker; two sons, David, ... N.Y.; a daughter, Pamela Brown of Washington, and four grandchildren

Survivors include his wife, Jacqueline Ohrstrom of The Plains; his sister, Magalen O. Bryant of Middleburg; a son from his first marriage, George F. Ohrstrom of New York; a son from his second marriage, Clarke Ohrstrom of The Plains; two children from his third marriage, Winifred O. Nichols of McLean and Wright Ohrstrom of New York; and five grandchildren.


Paid Notice: Deaths


Published: October 10, 2005

OHRSTROM--George L. Jr. 1927-2005. George Lewis Ohrstrom Jr., of The Plains, Virginia, died at his home on Thursday, October 6, 2005. Mr. Ohrstrom was born on June 9, 1927 in Bronxville, NY, the second of three children of George L. Ohrstrom, Sr. and Emma Riggs Ohrstrom. He grew up in Greenwich, CT. Mr. Ohrstrom was graduated from St. Paul's School, in New Hampshire, in 1945 and from Princeton University in 1950, following two years in the Marine Corps. In the early 1950s he worked at the State Department and in the intelligence services. ......

George Ohrstrom was an usher in Peter Matthiessen's (of the Paris Review and the CIA) wedding, as was the sister-in-law of Richard Ober of CIA. Usher Thomas Guinzburg would later hire Jackie Onassis. He was Matthiessen's Yale roommate and presented as not being witty to Matthiessen's CIA affiliation, but Guinzburg's father was OSS minister of propaganda (OWI) and immediately after WWII led a US intelligence program intended to influence what would and would not be suitable subject matter for publication


Ohrstrom's father:


New York Times - Nov 22, 1938

G. T, Ohrstrom Co., Inc., New York, was "the real party at interest" in the ... an examiner for the Securities and Exchange Commission, declared in a report made ..


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Dec 17, 1938

Chicago Tribune - Dec 17, 1938

GL Ohrstrom & Co., Inc., securities dealers, were accused today by the Securities and Exchange commission of fraud and making false statements in a ...


New York Times - May 22, 1943

The Securities and Exchange Commission today denied the application for registration as an over-the-counter broker-dealer of George Lewis Ohrstrom, doing ..

OHRSTROM TO GET HEARING; SEC Reveals His New Application...

New York Times - Aug 24, 1943

The Securities and Exchange Commission disclosed today that a new at-i tempt was being made by George Lewis Ohrstrom, doing business as GL Ohrstrom ...

GL Ohrstrom & Co. Reinstated

Wall Street Journal - Oct 29, 1943

PHILADELPHIA The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved the application of George Lewis Ohrstrom, doing business as GL Ohrstrom & Co., ...

Mel Gibson "took a bath" after he purchased Ohrstom, Sr.'s 1926 Greenwich, CT estate:


Ohrstrom, Jr.'s late brother, Ricard:


Ricard R. Ohrstrom '44

Published in Sept. 13, 1995, issue

Ric died of a heart attack Feb. 22, 1995, after heart surgery at a clinic in Honolulu. He was 72. He had lived in The Plains, Va. and also had homes on the Kona Coast of Hawaii and in Sun Valley, Idaho.

He joined our class after attending the Greenwich Country Day School and St. Paul's School. Ric was a member of Cottage Club and manager of baseball, Major "P". After graduation, he joined the Marine Corps first as an artillery instructor at Quantico and then as an officer on Okinawa.

He subsequently obtained a law degree at the Univ. of Virginia and then joined G. L. Ohrstrom & Co. After his father's death in 1955, he assumed control of the company until his semi-retirement in 1966 due to heart problems.

Ric was a lifelong horseman and became interested in horse racing and breeding both overseas and in the U.S. He was also an enthusiastic golfer and regular participant in class reunions at Pine Valley. He was a member of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club in Scotland and as recently as 1994, participated in the fall competition in St. Andrews.

The class extends its sympathy to his wife, Allen Dunnington Rosse; his brother, George L. Jr.; his sister Magden O. Bryant; and his six sons.

All of Ricard Riggs Ohrstrom's six sons resulted from his marriage to:

Mrs. Ohrstrom Has Son

New York Times - May 3, 1962

Mrs. Ohrstrom Has Son A son was porn April 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Ricard R. Ohrstrom ... Mary Murchison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murchison of Dallas, Tax

Kenneth Murchison, 68, Dead; Insurance Executive in Dallas

New York Times - Nov 11, 1969

Mr. Murchison was the founder of Kenneth Murchison Co., an insurance partnership ... Western Gas Company, which had been organized by his brother, Clint...


Viscountess Rothermere, Socialite, Is Dead

Published: April 07, 1993

Mary, Viscountess Rothermere, a philanthropist and socialite, died last Thursday at a hospital in West Palm Beach, Fla., at the age of 62. She had homes in Palm Beach, Manhattan, Monte Carlo and Newport, R.I.

The cause was heart failure, her family said....

...A native of Dallas, she was a member of a prominent business family in Texas as the daughter of Kenneth Murchison. After attending Sweetbriar College, she married Ricard R. Ohrstrom, a financier and industrialist.

After they divorced, she moved to England in 1966 and remarried, to Viscount Rothermere. He headed a British publishing empire that included The Daily Mail newspaper. After his death in 1978, she returned to the United States.

She leaves six sons by Mr. Ohrstrom, Ricard Jr. of Greenwich, Conn.; Kenneth of McLean, Va.;, George of Berrville, Va.; Christopher of Strasbourg, France; Barnaby of Tampa, Fla., and Mark of London, all of whom retained the Ohrstrom name, and one son by the Viscount, Esmond Harmsworth of Cambridge, Mass. She is also survived by two sisters, Anne Smith of Boston and Jane Hamilton of Denver; a brother, Kenneth Murchison of Las Cruces, N.M., and several grandchildren.

An all too brief and tragic, subsequent marriage:

Mrs. McKellar Is Wed To Ricard Ohrstrom

New York Times - Feb 2, 1967

Mrs Monique von Mudra McKellar, daughter of Alfred von Mudra of Einbeck, ... Mudra of Palo Alto, Calif., was married to Ricard R. Ohrstrom of New York on Jan.

Probe Set In Death Of Socialite .

Free Lance-Star - Dec 21, 1967

Ricard Ohrstrom, a Wall Street financier with an es tate at The Plains. Mrs. Ohrstrom was admitted to Winchester Memorial Hospit al Friday night, suffering from what Hill called ... Bryant would not give that permission, and Ohrstrom could not be.

George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. succeeded his brother, Ricard, as head of their father's firm. Their sister is the mother of JC Herbert Bryant, Jr., a man with a colorful background who received "special" consideration by Federal Authorities while GHW Bush was US President.:


U.s. Marshals Criticized For Deputizing Va. Man

By The Washington Post | December 4, 1992

A Justice Department probe has found that U.S. Marshals Service officials made "serious misjudgments" when they gave a badge and arrest authority to a wealthy Middleburg man who had formed a private Loudoun County group to provide armored vehicles to law enforcement agencies, sources said. In an internal report, Justice investigators said the Marshals Service did not have a good reason to grant special deputy marshal status to J.C. Herbert Bryant Jr., who also used to head another private group that promotes the service.

Recently I came upon Hugo G. Koehler, Jr.. His father was quite a character, and was the step-father of Claiborne Pell. This wedding party provided my access.:


New York Times - Dec 9, 1951

The ushers were James G. Woodbury, brother of the bride; Lieut. ... R. L; Hugo G.' Koehler of New York, James K.- Donaldson of Washington, Shepard Sykes ...

Mr. Handy attended the Berkshire School in Sheffield, Mass., and was graduated

I am interested because James K. Donaldson was also listed as an usher in this 1955 wedding.:

Diplomats' Kin Usher at Barbara Pullman's Wedding Today

Chicago Tribune - Oct 1, 1955

... and Lt. James-K. Don. aldson of the marines, who is the stepson of James H. ... broth- ers of the bride; Thomas Devine of Midland, Tex., Andre Rhe- ault and ...



.In 1956, career U.S. diplomat, Robert O. Gates married CIA's Charles S. Whitehouse's sister, Sylvia.

My last post here details the names of the ushers in the 1955 wedding of CIA's Albert Bradley Carter, Jr., including known CIA Thomas Devine and Andre Rheault, later named CIA Edwin Curtiss "Buff" Bohlen, as well as Charles and Sylvia Whitehouse's first cousin, Alexander Aldrich, Henry Brunie's stepson, Charles Hubbard, Henry Cabot of Boston, and best man, later linked to the CIA by PD Scott, W. Palmer Dixon.

Henry Cabot was also an usher in the Alexander Aldrich's wedding.

So, the wedding of Sylvia Whitehouse is also noteworthy because hers and her brother Charles' mother is the sister of Alexander Aldrich's mother. Besides Edward Freers and CIA's Andre Rheault and Charles Whitehouse, another usher in the Sylvia Whitehouse-Robert O. Gates wedding is J. Woodward Redmond, son-in-law of Winthrop Aldrich and brother-in-law of his son, Alexander Aldrich.

John McCloy was the Rockefeller family lawyer and he had taken the position at Chase bank formerly held by Winthrop Aldrich.

Just a month befor the 1956 Gates-Whitehouse wedding, Edward Freers was also an usher in the wedding of Stuart Wesson Rockwell, the U.S. Ambassador in Tehran in 1953, during the Mossadegh coup. Other ushers in Rockwell's wedding were Marshall Green, U.S. Ambassador in Indonesia, who reportedly took an active role in the "emergence" of General Suharto, and D. Chadwick Braggiotti, a U.S. diplomat whose sister was married to the brother of Henry Cabot Lodge.:..(endquote)

Did the C.I.A. "Sheep Dip" and Orchestrate the Tale of the Patsy ...

educationforum.ipbhost.com › ... › JFK Assassination DebateMay 17, 2012 – James K. Donaldson's mother, Elinor Thompson Donaldson Douglas, (stepmother of ... Pakistan, July 31, (UPI! .... building ventures conducted by Rodman Rockefeller and his IBEC Housing Corporation and Willard Garvey ..

An Uncommon Man: The Life & Times of Senator Claiborne Pell - Page 214



- 2011 -
wrote of Koehler's own search “after this supposed extraordinary revelation” for proof of his origins, an exercise in
The senator approachedJackie Kennedy
, who had established herself as a leading editor at Doubleday.
Onassis provided encouragement to Pell, but no offer of
a contract for an autobiography or biography by another writer. Pell turned to his cousin John Pell Train, author and co-founder of The Paris Review.....

Hugo G. Koehler; NY businessman, kin of Sen. Pell

Providence Journal - Aug 15, 1990

Mr. Koehler spent his career in the investment business. ... For many years he was manager of Train, Smith Counsel Inc. He was a graduate of St. Andrew's .

Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of TJ Devine

New York Times - Apr 15, 1973

Miss Alexandra Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wynne Mills of Locust ... William B. Macomber Jr., United States. Ambassador to Turkey, was best man. ... Mr. Devine is with Train, Cabotj Inc.; a private New York investment concern.

Bell Aircraft Promotes Aide

‎New York Times - Jun 16, 1959

Dr. Walter R. Dornberger, rocket and space specialist, was elected a vice ... Rico, Inc., and George D. O'Neill, vice presi-[ dent of the Equity Corporation,] which .

http://www.meriwethercapital.net/about.htm GEORGE D. O'NEILL

Mr. O'Neill is the founder of Meriwether and has been active in the firm since its inception in 1976. Prior to the formation of Meriwether, Mr. O'Neill held various positions with several financial institutions including Train, Cabot & Associates, Equity Corporation and Chase Manhattan Bank. Mr. O'Neill has served as a director of many companies including Rockefeller Group, Inc., Bell Aircraft and Wheelabrator. He was formerly a Commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Mr. O'Neill is a graduate of Harvard University..........................................

Abby Rockefeller Mauzé - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_Rockefeller_MauzéAbigail "Abby" Rockefeller Mauzé (November 9, 1903 – May 27, 1976) ... Abby Rockefeller Milton, married George Dorr O'Neill; Marilyn Rockefeller Milton, ..

Edited by Tom Scully
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Actually, just ascribing guilt to Allen Dulles for the JFK murder -- without material evidence -- is no better than ascribing guilt to Lee Harvey Oswald on circumstantial evidence.

We didn't accept it with Oswald -- why should we accept it with Dulles? Just because Dulles was rich and powerful? That's not a reason, that's a cheap shot.

There is far more material evidence that links ex-General Edwin Walker to the JFK assassination -- and I can cite posts by John Dolva on this point -- the radical right wing had the motive, means and opportunity in Dallas -- and Walker was not just a member, he was a leader of the radical right in 1963.

Walker's connections with Guy Banister (whom Jim Garrison linked to Lee Harvey Oswald quite well) links Walker with Oswald in the summer of 1963. This is material evidence, people.

The only case anbody has against Dulles is pure subjective speculation. One can at the very best make the case that Dulles was a curious observer of the Dallas/New Orleans plot unfolding before his eyes, and that he did nothing to prevent it.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

It has always seemed implausible to me that, if Edwin Walker were involved in a plot to kill Kennedy, that he would be involved in political machinations in October, 1963 which could have easily led to the White House calling off the trip to Dallas.

Planning and executing a plot to murder the President is a very complex affair.

The notion that Walker would be involved in that--and then also be involved in the anti-Kennedy events in October is not just implausible: I think its ludicrous.

Those who glibly talk of Walker's involvement in the events of 11/22/63 have to answer that question.

Glib talk about Walker and his "ground crew" and David Ferrie, etc etc--that just won't do.

If you're planning to kill the President of the United States when he visits Dallas, Texas, in November, 1963, you don't undertake actions in October, 1963, which could easily lead to the cancellation of that trip.


4/7/13; 5:50 PM PDT

Los Angeles, California

In the swirl of data, I do not see an answer to the question I posed.

So I am asking it again:

If you're planning to kill the President of the United States when he visits Dallas, Texas, in November, 1963, you don't undertake actions in October, 1963, which could easily lead to the cancellation of that trip.

How can you possibly reconcile any theory of Walker's involvement in the November assassination of Kennedy, with actions in October that could easily have resulted in the cancellation of the Dallas trip?


4/7/13; 8:10 PM PDT

Los Angeles, California

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In the swirl of data, I do not see an answer to the question I posed.

So I am asking it again:

If you're planning to kill the President of the United States when he visits Dallas, Texas, in November, 1963, you don't undertake actions in October, 1963, which could easily lead to the cancellation of that trip.

How can you possibly reconcile any theory of Walker's involvement in the November assassination of Kennedy, with actions in October that could easily have resulted in the cancellation of the Dallas trip?


4/7/13; 8:10 PM PDT

Los Angeles, California

It's a good question, David, and I've considered it before. It's similar to the question posed by Robert Morrow on this Forum last year, namely, why would Walker continue to needle the Government about the Warren Commission bullet for years after the event -- knowing that would continue to throw light on himself? Robert felt certain that nobody would do that.

My answer to your question will be similar to my answer to Robert's question -- the question doesn't fully appreciate the chutzpah of ex-General Edwin Walker -- the only US General to resign in the 20th century.

Edwin Walker -- as a Major General and as a citizen, was prone to dramatic acts. He was a great World War 2 hero -- highly decorated. Yet he never married, and to the best of our information in his personal papers, he never had a girlfriend.

Yet, if he was gay, that was a court-martial offense in the US Army from 1931-1961, when he served. Think of the emotional strain on Walker if he was secretly gay and also a Major General in those days.

We also know that after two years in General Douglas MacArthur's home town, Little Rock, Arkansas, keeping the peace for the Brown decision on behalf of President Eisenhower, Major General Edwin Walker fell in with Robert Welch and his infamous John Birch Society. Robert Welch taught his followers that FDR, Truman and Eisenhower were all Communists. (This is printed in the 1959 edition of Welch's Black Book (cf. Ernie Lazar)).

As a direct result of this, General Walker submitted his resignation to the US Army in 1959 -- during the Eisenhower administration. He cited as his reason a "fifth column conspiracy," i.e. he was too bashful to tell Eisenhower the plain truth. Note that resignation from the Army is a hostile act -- it is not the same as retirement. Walker could have easily retired and then lived any way he wanted to live. But when an officer resigned from the Army, that officer foreited his pension.

What a rash act! It's hard to fathom this -- he served for 28 years in the US Army and was highly decorated and rose to the rank of Major General -- and then he chose to be the only US General to resign in the 20th century -- and gave up his 28 year pension!

That is not the act of a normal, rational person. That's my first suspicion with Walker.

In his stay in Germany, he told his brother Frank that he was hounded by the Overseas Weekly and other locals from the very first weeks he arrived in Germany. His very words were that they "hate my guts." Here's the letter; notice the date: http://www.pet880.co...to_Frank_01.JPG

He was hounded by the Overseas Weekly reporter assigned to the base, Siegfried Naujocks, who noticed that General Walker did not attend social functions at the base like other officers -- but went off on his own at night. Where did he go?

Now, you and I don't care where he went -- that's his business. But this was the US Army in 1960 -- and we know very well that people cared very much. Naujocks did not report that Walker was meeting Nazi citizens (though he might have been meeting Gerhard Frey). Naujocks did not report that Walker was going to homosexual parties (though these were not uncommon in Germany after the war). Instead, Naujocks snooped around a story that Walker might have a brain tumor. Notice in that same letter to Frank Walker that Edwin Walker used the word 'blackmail' to describe his treatment.

Anyway, after Walker quit the Army, he formed a fast relationship with segregationist Reverend Billy James Hargis -- who later in life lost his Church School in a scandal involving his homosexual activities.

Walker came out of the Army strong -- he moved to nice neighborhood in Dallas (without any visible means of support) and he copyrighted six speeches. His speeches were received by large crowds that gave him multiple standing ovations. (To get an idea of his initial reception, one should see the reception received by the character played by Burt Lancaster in the 1964 movie, Seven Days in May, which was patterned after Walker.) He was a sight to behold. (All his copyrighted speeches are on my website at www.pet880.com, which is a work in progress.)

He thought he could be Govenor of Texas at this time, and H.L. Hunt thought so too, so H.L. Hunt bankrolled Walker's campaign.

In all of his speeches Walker promised his audiences that he would be vindicated by the upcoming Senate Subcommittee hearings in April, 1962, sponsored by rightist Senators Strom Thurmond and John Stennis. When those Senate hearings came and went, Walker was widely perceived as a big loser. He could preach to the choir, but he fumbled for words under cross-examination. (Two psychiatrists reviewing his performance in those hearings independently came to the conclusion that Walker showed signs of a persecution complex, and delusions of grandeur).

Partly as a result of his pitiful showing at the Senate Subcommittee hearings in April 1962, Walker finished in last place in the race for Texas Governor in May 1962.

Now Walker was completely out of the mainstream game. He could no longer give his full copyrighted speeches which promised his vindication within the Senate Subcommittee. His political dreams were dashed by his first bid for office. He quickly faded from national interest.

Nevertheless, Walker's fame among the extreme right-wing underground in the South was at an all-time high. Walker still had an audience -- but now they included elements like White Citizens' Council interactions with the KKK.

If that sounds a bit unstable -- wait until you see his next performance. When James Meredith chose to be the first Black American to attend Ole Miss University in Oxford, Mississippi in the fall of 1962, and Ross Barnett vowed to reject his application no matter what the Supreme Court said, and JFK vowed to send Federal troops to Ole Miss (in the same way that Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock) ex-General Edwin Walker promptly wrote an insulting open letter to JFK. Here is the letter: http://www.pet880.co...Open_Letter.JPG

In addition, Walker went onto radio and newspaper and called for protesters, "ten thousand strong from every State in the Union" to join him in Mississippi to confront those Federal troops, and support Ross Barnett. Suddenly the FBI reported movements from many US States, especially Minutemen, KKK, paramilitary militia and more, sometimes with cars and trucks full of weapons, to join ex-General Walker in Mississippi. Here is some evidence: http://www.pet880.co...ker_on_TV_1.JPG

Here is a video of the aftermath:

This simply did not sound like rational behavior to JFK, RFK and their advisors, and they chose to remand Walker to an insane asylum. Now -- it remains possible that Walker's sanity really was on the shaky side. If that was really the case, David, then my answer to your question would be complete. Why expect an irrational person to act in a rational way?

However, this is politics -- where the response to such questions is always: "you get your psychiatrists and we'll get ours." Walker and his cronies got their own psychiatrists, and in just a few days of bureacratic red tape, Walker was free to go.

NEXT, Walker had to perjure himself to a Grand Jury to get himself acquitted in late January, 1963. I know this for a fact because of the eye-witness testimony of Duncan Gray -- then a Priest, and today a retired Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Oxford, Mississippi. Walker told the Grand Jury he never led a charge, but was on the Ole Miss campus to calm the students and rioters down. Duncan Gray told me personally (and other reporters) that Walker blatantly lied to the Grand Jury. Walker not only directed multiple charges against the Federal troops, but he also directed students to knock down and beat up Duncan Gray who was there to calm the students and rioters down.

I'd personally accept the word of an Episcopalian Bishop over the word of a paranoid, BIrcher, ex-General any day.

NEXT, Walker does not accept his victory quietly -- he and his attorneys Robert Morris and Clyde Watts devise a plan to sue every national newspaper that reprinted the AP story that Edwin Walker led a charge at Ole Miss. They tallied that they would make more than $30 million dollars from their lawsuits, if they one every single one. (That amounts to more than $300 million today, adjusted for inflation). Here is one tally of their lawsuits: http://www.pet880.co...Walker_v_AP.JPG

Walker and his attorneys really got their hopes up. Walker would promise to support radical groups "in the future" when his money came in. They sued and sued for more than three solid years. Yet, IMHO, Walker himself, inwardly a man of honor, knew that this was all based on his perjury.

NEXT Walker set up a coast to coast right-wing speaking tour with Billy James Hargis, called Operation Midnight Ride, billed as an Anticommunist crusade, but was actually a John Birch festival of accusing all US Presidents since FDR of being Communist. This is not normal right-wing behavior -- this is over the edge. This is tantamount to treason.

No wonder JFK felt compelled to give his "flouride" speech in response to this nonsense.

After nine weeks of non-stop speeches from Miami to Los Angeles, the tired men returned home, and the very next night Edwin Walker barely escaped assassination at the hands of a sniper in his Dallas living room. Just two days before, Robert Allen Surrey (leader of the American Nazi Party in Dallas, who held an office at Walker's home) had reported to the DPD that two men had been snooping around Walker's backyard.

After the shooting, a neighbor boy sighted two men running into a car in a parking lot behind Walker's alley, and speeding away. To the end of his days, Walker was certain of two things: (1) that there were two shooters in that party; and (2) that JFK and RFK sent the shooters. Days before Marina Oswald told the FBI that Lee Harvey Oswald was Walker's shooter on 10 April 1963, Edwin Walker told a German rightwing newspaper, Deutsche Nationalzeitung, that Oswald was his shooter, and that Oswald had been sent by RFK. Here is a fragment of that newspaper story: http://www.pet880.co...Deutsche_NZ.jpg

As I said, Walker stuck to that story to the end of his days. There are many examples, but I'll supply only one more, his very final example, about a year before he died: http://www.pet880.co...ld_arrested.pdf

Was Walker paranoid? Did he suffer from delusions of grandeuer? Or was he simply a publicity hound? Did he love the spotlight above all else?

My first answer to your question, David, is that Walker might have been mildly insane -- and this would be a reasonable answer to your question about why he might behave irrationally.

My second answer to your question, however, is the real possibility that, given that Walker was legally sane, he was possibly also a life-long expert at deception, expert at keeping secrets (e.g. his secret gay lifestyle), and an expert at manipulation.

Walker lied to the Mississippi Grand Jury, according to Bishop Duncan Gray -- does anybody then doubt Walker would lie to the Warren Commission? For nearly five years Walker broadcast in his speeches and on his lawn the standard John BIrch Society slogan: IMPEACH EARL WARREN!

With such self-righteous animosity toward Earl Warren, does anybody believe that ex-General Edwin Walker would hesitate one minute from playing cat and mouse with Wesley Liebeler? Read his WC testimony again with that in mind -- and notice how Walker even turns the tables on Liebeler and begins to interrogate Liebeler!

Walker toyed with the Warren Commission. (The entire wasted testimony of Warren Reynolds was engineered by ex-General Walker to deliberately waste their time -- that should now be intuitively obvious to the casual observer.)

And that would be a fitting second answer to your question, David. Walker toyed with the Warren Commission and won. He enjoyed teasing them for years afterwards -- and teasing the HSCA as well.

Either that -- or Walker was mad as a hatter -- or possibly a bit of both.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Paul; I found this letter,Nov.67... PDF of Weisberg's on page 5 it mentions a man's name and his car being at Walker's house, I have no idea if anything you may be interested in, just thought I would pass it along, it mentions several names of researchers at that time, Thompson, Lifton, Meagher, etc, and books...It may be adressed to Hal Verb,, he only uses the first name, any way, FYI...best b

Item 08......weisberg.pdf

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Paul; I found this letter,Nov.67... PDF of Weisberg's on page 5 it mentions a man's name and his car being at Walker's house, I have no idea if anything you may be interested in, just thought I would pass it along, it mentions several names of researchers at that time, Thompson, Lifton, Meagher, etc, and books...It may be adressed to Hal Verb,, he only uses the first name, any way, FYI...best b

Bernice, thanks for the Harold Weisberg memo -- it's a keepsake. As for that "man's name and his car being at Walker's house," here's the snippet from the memo:

"What do you know of Charles F. Kilhr in Vol.22, p.586. His car at Walker's home sticks in the back of my mind but I can't recall what it is. Maybe it has something to db with his license plate number?"

Now, in this memo Weisberg's mind is racing 150 miles an hour -- if he had slowed down and taken a deep breath he might have remembered that General Walker himself was asked about Charles F. Kilhr by Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler in 1964. Here's a snippet of that testimony:

------------------------------- Begin 23 July 1964 testimony of Walker for Warren Commission -----------------

Mr. LIEBELER. I show you a document, a picture which is a copy of Commission Exhibit No. 5 and ask you if you recognize the scene portrayed in that picture?

General WALKER. I recognize my house in this picture.

Mr. LIEBELER. Do you recognize anything else? Specifically, I draw your attention to the automobile that is shown in there.

General WALKER. I do not recognize the car.

Mr. LIEBELER. Do you know Charles Klihr?

General WALKER. Would you spell it again?

Mr. LIEBELER. I will spell it right in just a minute. K-l-i-h-r. 2046 Rosebud Street, Irving, Texas. Do you know that man?

General WALKER. Not that spelling. I know a Charles Clyr. As I know the spelling, it is C-l-y-r.

Mr. LIEBELER. Does he live out in Irving?

General WALKER. I think he does.

Mr. LIEBELER. Would you recognize his address?

General WALKER. I wouldn’t recognize his address. I don’t recognize that address. That could or couldn’t be it.

Mr. LIEBELER. How about that car, do you recognize that as his car?

General WALKER. I don’t recognize that car.

Mr. LIEBELER. This gentleman that we may be talking about, we may be talking about the same man, is a volunteer worker for you from time to time?

General WALKER. If it is the one I am referring to, he is in and out quite often, right. He and his wife have helped me quite a bit.

Mr. LIERELER. But you aren’t able to identify that car as being his?

General WALKER. No; I am not.

Mr. LIEBELER. Does that car appear to be a 1957 Chevrolet? Or aren’t you able to tell by looking?

General WALKER. I am not able to tell. I am not very good on cars.

...<change of topic>...

Mr. LIEBELER. Going back to the record on this Klihr, it does appear, in fact, to be K-l-i-h-r.

General WALKER. Why don’t we ring the house and establish that that is correct. LA l-4415.

(General Clyde Watts called on phone and confirmed it was K-l-i-h-r.)

General WALKER. What is it?

General WATTS. K-l-i-h-r.

General WALKER. All right; ‘that is the original spelling you had?


General WALKER. OK; that is correct. It is Charles Klihr.

Mr. LIEBELER. Do you know Robert Allen Surrey?

General WALKER. Yes, I do.

Mr. LIEBELER. Has Mr. Surrey discussed with you the fact that on June 3, 1964, he was interviewed by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and shown a picture, or a copy of a picture similar to Commission Exhibit No. 5, which showed this automobile behind your house with the license plate obliterated on it? Did he tell you he had been asked about that?

General WALKER. He told me about a picture being shown to him of the back side of my house, and I believe he referred to it showing some automobile or automobiles being behind the house, but I don’t remember any reference to that car or the hole in it. There wasn’t any reference to that car, if that is a hole in the car.

Mr. LIEBELER. I represent to you that Commission Exhibit No. 5 that we have here is a copy of an original photograph, which in fact had a hole torn in there right where the black part is on the car. The original picture itself has a hole right through there.

General WALKER. Then it is not a hole in the car?

Mr. LIEBELER. No; it is a hole in the original photograph, of which this thing I show you now is a copy.

General WALKER. Oh, I see.

Mr. LIEBELER. I thought exactly what you thought the tlrst time I looked at it; that that was a hole in the car. It is not. It is a hole in the picture.

General WALKER. He referred to being shown pbotographs with the back of the premises and the car or something back there.

Mr. LIEBELER. But you don’t remember him telling you that he was able to identify this as Charles Klihr’s car?

General WALKER. No: I don’t remember that he identied the car.

<end of questioning about Klihr>

------------------------------- End 23 July 1964 testimony of Walker for Warren Commission -----------------

Now, in my opinion, ex-General Walker is here playing cat-and-mouse with Liebeler, and Liebeler is eating out of Walker's hand. Walker demands to check the spelling of the name. "Let's call them up and ask them how they spell their name!" "OK!"

And Walker plays cute: "Oh, that's a hole in the picture, and not a hole in the car itself?" And Liebeler fauns back, "I thought exactly the same thing you did!"

I get an impression that Walker is playing "dumb old man" and Liebeler believes he should patronize this "dumb old man," but really it is Liebeler who is being patronized.

Getting back to the facts at hand -- Charles Klihr and his wife were members of the "Friends of Walker" organization, and they volunteered their time to Walker's American Eagle Publishing Company from time to time.

Marina Oswald remembered that photograph -- before there was a hole in the picture where the license plate used to be. This suggests that Oswald took this picture when he was scoping out Walker's back yard.

Now, the modus operandi of the FBI is to protect the innocent by blacking out their names every chance they get. Yet Liebeler was told that the photo with the hole in it was the "original". Thus, IMHO, this is more evidence that the FBI regularly lied to the Warren Commission -- a fact that has already been well-established.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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I recall the photo, thank you..Harold was in a hurry to solve the assassination of his President before all was destroyed, hidden or covered up, but as we know he was not able to reach all before it was, imagine what he could have done with a good team to aid him....but what a one man army he was..take care b..

i found the photo, it wasn't eaten..thanks for the print out also...b



Edited by Bernice Moore
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I recall the photo, thank you..Harold was in a hurry to solve the assassination of his President before all was destroyed, hidden or covered up, but as we know he was not able to reach all before it was, imagine what he could have done with a good team to aid him....but what a one man army he was..take care b...

Regarding Harold Weisberg, he was ahead of his time, as most researchers agree -- yet because he was so far out in front, he (like Jim Garrison) missed so much that was under his nose. For example, Weisberg supplies very little information about General Walker -- he doesn't dig deeply enough into the dynamics of Walker's involvement with both Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK throughout 1963.

One great example is that a young man, Jack Martin, heard Weisberg and Shoerner speak at his university, and was so impressed that he brought them a gift -- it was his home movie (now called the Jack Martin film) in which the first part of the home movie was an exhibit of the holes in Walker's house from the 10 April 1963 shooting, and the second part of the movie was Oswald being arrested in New Orleans on 9 August 1963.

The admitted genius, Harold Weisberg, simply did not see the connection between Walker and Oswald via this young Jack Martin.

Weisberg asked Jack Martin for some background, and learned that Jack was a young soldier under General Walker in Augsburg, Germany in 1960-1961, and was fiercely loyal to Walker. After Walker was dismissed from his command on 17 April 1961 (same day as Bay of Pigs), Jack Martin missed the old man. After Jack Martin was honorably discharged, he returned to the USA and joined the Minutemen paramilitary group in Minnesota, and he obviously stayed in contact with General Walker -- and was invited to Walker's house in order to film Walker's bullet holes in the first part of that home movie.

But Harold Weisberg was disinterested in all that -- the only thing that Weisberg and Schoerner wanted to investigate was the arrest of Oswald, and more specifically, all the faces of the people in the street at the time Oswald was arrested. They spent hours, days, weeks, trying to identify each face and the background of each face. In the end, they found nothing of great import in those faces, and they put the film on a shelf.

It wasn't until I was reseaching General Walker last year, and I read Martin Shackelford's able description of the Jack Martin film, that it suddenly became clear that the Jack Martin film is a treasure because it materially links Walker with Oswald after the 10 April 1963 shooting and before the JFK assassination.

Jack Martin knew Walker personally -- perhaps intimately. He was a guest in Walker's home. His film begins dramatically, with his taking an airplane trip to meet ex-General Edwin Walker. Then the bullet holes are carefully surveyed and catalogued. Then, we are transported to a park in New Orleans, on a lovely sunny day, observing the flowers and the statues -- but what's this? A commotion on Canal Street! Let's run over and see...well, it's Lee Harvey Oswald, handing out FPCC leaflets, and fighting with Carlos Bringuier, and the police arrive and haul them both away! Wow. Now let's get a close-up of one of the FPCC fliers on the sidewalk here. OK. Now let's pan up dramatically to the building tops for a classic ending.

Does anybody else find this suspicious? This home-movie makes a material connection between the bullet holes in Walker's home with Lee Harvey Oswald, the Communist. It is a clear statement, IMHO, that a Communist was to blame for shooting at Walker. And this was the Communist.

But how or why would Jack Martin select Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans? Jack didn't know Lee from Adam. Was it mere coincidence? I strongly doubt that.

It makes far more sense to me that the young Jack Martin was instructed by ex-General Edwin Walker to film both the bullet holes in his home, and also the culprit who tried to kill him, Lee Harvey Oswald. We have evidence from General Walker's personal papers that he believed and repeated (for the rest of his life) that the authorities in Dallas arrested Oswald on the day of the shooting, and then set him free. How would Walker come to suspect that (even if it were partly true)?

My theory says that somebody did tell Walker -- on Easter Sunday 1963 -- that Lee Harvey Oswald was his shooter. Walker then immediately went into revenge mode, and coordinated with elements in New Orleans -- almost certainly starting with Guy Banister -- to sheep-dip Lee Harvey Oswald for a severe punishment.

The Jack Martin film is the best material evidence I know about to support my theory. However, Harold Weisberg did not make that connection. Yet it was right under his nose.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a long time since I logged into this site but I am happy to read that intelligent discssion still being delivered. Please excuse my spelling error in advance!

Myy study of Walker includes going to his hometown, interviews with people who knew him and his mother, local research from his youth in both Texas and New Mexico. I then followed his career to West Point and beyond till his death.

What is most interesting for myself is the connections that I found, beginning prior to WWII, that can be associated with the assassination of JFK. While at West Point Walker was a student of Maxwell Taylor. Their relationship would continue right up until, it seems, Walkers resignation from the Military.

Walker's involvement in intelligence seems apparent throughout his career and an early connection to William Friedman and his team of cryptologist (including John Hurt) led to my making the connection of the "Raliegh Call" to the NSA's John Hurt. I especially like connections to Operation Stella Polaris and the Venona Project where Hurt and Walker can be tied together.

The John Hurt of William Friedman's team (later the NSA) is easily connected to two of John J. McCloy's great coups as Asst. Sec. of War under Stimson....namely prior knowledge of Japan's intention to declare War on the US (just hours prior to Pearl Harbor) and McCloys suggestion that Japan would be willing to surrender without dropping the Atomic Bomb (if e were willing to allow the Emperor to remain in Japan). I have previously shown that the same John Hurt is associated with Frank Rowlett and Meredith Gardner who woud be tasked by the Warren Commission (via the CIA via the NSA) to investgate LHO for possible intelligence connections.

Walker during WWII was tasked with moving the Nazi "loot" found at Merker's mine, negotiated the surrender of Norway by the Germans and the repatriation of both German and Russian Soldiers. During the US's successful intervention in the Greek Civil War Walker was running the Greek Desk at the Pentagon, during the Korean War Walker negotiated the prisoner exchange between China and the US, during the First Straits of Tiawan Crisis he was the Army's point man on scene. Walker was selected by his old friend Max Taylor to go to Little Rock, trained rangers for Korea, was involved with special forces beginning in WWII and commanded a unit that had over 100 future intelligence opperatives recruited from it. Walker was in Hawaii when the first covert troops were sent to Vietnam via his post and had been involved in the training of most of that group. Walker's unit, during WWII, captured the most sophisticated radar instalation that the Japanese possessed and Edwin Walker was traveling to Germany to take command of the 24th ID at the same time that Oswald was mysteriously arriving in Helsinki aboard a plane or planes that nobody bothered checking the passenger lists on (see previous posts of mine dealing with that subject).

But for me, despite this breif discription of Walker's career, I do not believe that Walker was actually involved in the assassination of JFK directly but I do firmly believe that he immedietly knew who was! Walker's communication with the German newspaper Overseas Weekly the morning following the assassination of JFK, while Walker was in Sherveport, LA is, to me, interesting. I do believe that Walker recognized Oswald and that he had reason to belive that he would be connected not only to Oswald but then, also, to the assassination of JFK which, then led to Walker's neeed to communicate with the Germans and to declare that Oswald had shot at him as well. Self survival, I believe, is the key to Walker's actions after the assassination.

As to Walker's Pro Blue involvement? It can be traced back years before his arrival to take command of the 24th ID. And, in interviews with people involved with Overseas Weekly at the time, we find that OW's involvement in the frying of Walker can be traced to Oswald's first letter that indicated that he wanted to return to the US (Warren Commission report says this letted did not exist, just as the Raleigh Call is not mentioned, Hosty's third note is not made a commission exhibit and the passenger lists of Oswald's travel to Russia were apparently overlooked). Too me it makes since that if Oswald were to return to the US after the downing of the U-2 and the failure of the Paris Summit in 1960 (two issues that Oswald would be speaking about just weeks before the assassination of JFK at Spring Hill College) and be able to identify Walker if he were the man who had helped him to enter the Soviet Union (check prior posts of mine dealing with intelligence information that provided information about what a person would need to do to receive a visa into Russia within 24 hours that was sent one day prior to Oswald's arrival in Helsinki) as G. P. Hemming told me Walker was!

In my humble opinion Walker is not a conspirator but if we move beyond the presentation of Walker being as a Right Wing crackpot and look at him as a highly complicated and sophisticated tool of US intelligece at the highest level (under John J. McCloy) we can really start to unravel a conspiracy theory that does fit all the pieces!

Keep up the fine work all,

Jim Root

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Been a long time since I logged into this site but I am happy to read that intelligent discssion still being delivered. Please excuse my spelling error in advance!

Myy study of Walker includes going to his hometown, interviews with people who knew him and his mother, local research from his youth in both Texas and New Mexico. I then followed his career to West Point and beyond till his death.

What is most interesting for myself is the connections that I found, beginning prior to WWII, that can be associated with the assassination of JFK. While at West Point Walker was a student of Maxwell Taylor. Their relationship would continue right up until, it seems, Walkers resignation from the Military.

Walker's involvement in intelligence seems apparent throughout his career and an early connection to William Friedman and his team of cryptologist (including John Hurt) led to my making the connection of the "Raliegh Call" to the NSA's John Hurt. I especially like connections to Operation Stella Polaris and the Venona Project where Hurt and Walker can be tied together.

The John Hurt of William Friedman's team (later the NSA) is easily connected to two of John J. McCloy's great coups as Asst. Sec. of War under Stimson....namely prior knowledge of Japan's intention to declare War on the US (just hours prior to Pearl Harbor) and McCloys suggestion that Japan would be willing to surrender without dropping the Atomic Bomb (if e were willing to allow the Emperor to remain in Japan). I have previously shown that the same John Hurt is associated with Frank Rowlett and Meredith Gardner who woud be tasked by the Warren Commission (via the CIA via the NSA) to investgate LHO for possible intelligence connections.

Walker during WWII was tasked with moving the Nazi "loot" found at Merker's mine, negotiated the surrender of Norway by the Germans and the repatriation of both German and Russian Soldiers. During the US's successful intervention in the Greek Civil War Walker was running the Greek Desk at the Pentagon, during the Korean War Walker negotiated the prisoner exchange between China and the US, during the First Straits of Tiawan Crisis he was the Army's point man on scene. Walker was selected by his old friend Max Taylor to go to Little Rock, trained rangers for Korea, was involved with special forces beginning in WWII and commanded a unit that had over 100 future intelligence opperatives recruited from it. Walker was in Hawaii when the first covert troops were sent to Vietnam via his post and had been involved in the training of most of that group. Walker's unit, during WWII, captured the most sophisticated radar instalation that the Japanese possessed and Edwin Walker was traveling to Germany to take command of the 24th ID at the same time that Oswald was mysteriously arriving in Helsinki aboard a plane or planes that nobody bothered checking the passenger lists on (see previous posts of mine dealing with that subject).

But for me, despite this breif discription of Walker's career, I do not believe that Walker was actually involved in the assassination of JFK directly but I do firmly believe that he immedietly knew who was! Walker's communication with the German newspaper Overseas Weekly the morning following the assassination of JFK, while Walker was in Sherveport, LA is, to me, interesting. I do believe that Walker recognized Oswald and that he had reason to belive that he would be connected not only to Oswald but then, also, to the assassination of JFK which, then led to Walker's neeed to communicate with the Germans and to declare that Oswald had shot at him as well. Self survival, I believe, is the key to Walker's actions after the assassination.

As to Walker's Pro Blue involvement? It can be traced back years before his arrival to take command of the 24th ID. And, in interviews with people involved with Overseas Weekly at the time, we find that OW's involvement in the frying of Walker can be traced to Oswald's first letter that indicated that he wanted to return to the US (Warren Commission report says this letted did not exist, just as the Raleigh Call is not mentioned, Hosty's third note is not made a commission exhibit and the passenger lists of Oswald's travel to Russia were apparently overlooked). Too me it makes since that if Oswald were to return to the US after the downing of the U-2 and the failure of the Paris Summit in 1960 (two issues that Oswald would be speaking about just weeks before the assassination of JFK at Spring Hill College) and be able to identify Walker if he were the man who had helped him to enter the Soviet Union (check prior posts of mine dealing with intelligence information that provided information about what a person would need to do to receive a visa into Russia within 24 hours that was sent one day prior to Oswald's arrival in Helsinki) as G. P. Hemming told me Walker was!

In my humble opinion Walker is not a conspirator but if we move beyond the presentation of Walker being as a Right Wing crackpot and look at him as a highly complicated and sophisticated tool of US intelligece at the highest level (under John J. McCloy) we can really start to unravel a conspiracy theory that does fit all the pieces!

Keep up the fine work all,

Jim Root

Jim, your research into ex-General Edwin Walker surpasses anything I've ever found in academia. The best published work we possess on Walker -- to the very best of my knowledge -- is Chris Cravens' 1993 dissertation, Edwin Walker and the Right Wing in Dallas 1960-1966.

But that dissertation, I've concluded, was a whitewash that maintained silence about Walker's violently active role and alarming connections in segregation politics on the one hand, and his proven guilt in starting the race riot at Ole Miss in 1962 in which hundreds were wounded and two were killed.

That's why I hope you'll publish your work on Walker in the near future. Walker will turn out to have played a key role in the JFK assassination, I strongly suspect.

You find Intelligence connections for Walker -- and that's valuable and tells more about Walker than most accounts. He is too often regarded as "crazy" because JFK and RFK detained him in an insane asylum for seven days. That's a superficial treatment of this US General. I appreciate your intelligent treatment of Walker.

Your theory and mine agree on a critical point -- we both firmly believe that Walker immedietly knew who was involved in the JFK conspiracy.

When you said Walker communicated with the German newspaper, surely you meant to write the Deutsche NationalZeitung, and not the Overseas Weekly. (The OW hated Walker's guts.)

You and I also agree that Walker was obsessed about distancing himself from Lee Harvey Oswald -- knowing that it was possible to find a real, historical connection between them. Thus Walker, about 18 hours after the death of JFK, called the Deutsche NationalZeitung with his claim that Oswald was his shooter as well.

We only disagree on the nature of that statement. I say the statement was true, and that Walker was boasting, knowing that this linkage would take him off the suspect list. You say the statement was false, and that Walker was conniving, but for the same reason.

If (and only if) I'm correct, then Walker's call to the Deutsche NationalZeitung was tantamount to his confession of an active and leading role in the JFK assassination. If (and only if) you're correct, then Walker's call expressed some vague, hidden feelings about his knowledge of the plotters.

There is so much effort to blame the CIA for the JFK murder, and if sufficient evidence to prove this ever surfaces, then Walker's links to US Intelligence will take center stage, IMHO, and the value of your work will skyrocket. But if such evidence continues to evade JFK researchers, then IMHO we should continue to keep digging around the case of Edwin Walker, and explore the possibility of Walker's direct involvement

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Jim, your research into ex-General Edwin Walker surpasses anything I've ever found in academia.

In my humble opinion Walker is not a conspirator

I do not believe that Walker was actually involved in the assassination of JFK directly but I do firmly believe that he immediately knew who was!

Lee, just because I greatly admire the work of Jim Root does not mean that I agree with everything he ever wrote. That should be obvious to the objective reader.

Jim Root traced General Walker far better than Chris Cravens -- who's dissertation scholars have found to be the best (and perhaps only) scholarly work on Walker to date. That's why Jim Root's work is the best.

Still -- that doesn't make Jim Root infallible -- except to one-sided thinkers, evidently.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In my humble opinion, the solution to the JFK assassination will tumble forth when we can obtain material proof that ex-General Edwin Walker perjured himself before the Warren Commission in 1964, when he claimed that he never spoke about Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination.

Reverend (now Bishop) Duncan Gray of the Episcopalian Church says that ex-General Walker perjured himself before a Mississippi Grand Jury when he claimed that he was at Ole Miss University on 30 September 1962 merely to calm the crowd and avoid group violence. Instead, hundreds were wounded and two were killed, and Duncan Gray was an eye-witness to the fact that Walker did indeed incite to riot and led charges against the Federal Marshals sent by JFK.

Having won acquital in January 1963 from charges of insurrection at Ole Miss, based entirely on this perjury, Edwin Walker and his two lawyers, Robert Morris and Clyde Watts, set about suing every American newspaper that had printed the truth about him -- claiming libel, since after all a Grand Jury had found Walker innocent of those charges. They expected to amass tens of millions of dollars in these lawsuits which they pursued from 1963 through 1967 -- again, all based on on Walker's perjury.

Thus says an Episcopalian Bishop to this very day.

Now, given that material evidence, are we to expect that ex-General Walker would hesitate to perjure himself before the Warren Commission? Before you respond, consider that since 1959, when General Walker joined the John Birch Society and submitted his first resignation to the US Army (on the Birch Society grounds that President Eisenhower was a Communist), Walker adopted the John Birch Society slogan -- Impeach Earl Warren!

Following the logic of the segregationist right under Judge Tom Brady (Black Monday), Judge Leander Perez, Robert Patterson (White Citizens' Council) and the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, General Edwin Walker charged Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren of treason for his Brown ruling to racially integrate US public schools -- a move which the far-right, including the KKK, claimed was a Communist plot, and therefore an act of treason.

Actually, ex-General Edwin Walker installed a full-size billboard on his front lawn in Dallas, with a different Bircher slogan every few months, including, Impeach Earl Warren! It is clear where Walker's politics remained -- back at Ole Miss -- and he told the press on his Midnight Ride tour with Billy James Hargis, "I would do it again."

So, I ask again -- is it feasible that ex-General Walker, facing the court of this Supreme Court Justice whom he despised for five years, would behave with more honor than he would at a Mississippi Grand Jury?

So, when ex-General Edwin Walker told Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler, in sworn testimony, that he never spoke of Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination, we should be open to an opposing testimony.

Jack Ruby told Earl Warren that Edwin Walker and the John Birch Society were behind the JFK assassination. That claim fell on deaf ears. ATF Agent Frank Ellworth advised the Warren Commission to investigate more fully Edwin Walker and the Dallas Minutemen. That advice fell on deaf ears.

Harry Dean told the FBI in early September 1963 that he was present at a John Birch Society meeting in which ex-General Walker told the assembly that he had selected Lee Harvey Oswald to be their patsy in their plot to kill JFK. That report fell on deaf ears. (And today the FBI denies any record of such information.)

Finally -- perhaps ultimately -- there is one person young enough to be alive today who is still in a position to produce a sworn affidavit to the effect that ex-General Edwin Walker was profoundly aware of Lee Harvey Oswald through the spring, summer and autumn of 1963. That person is the young John (Jack) Martin, who made the home movie that Martin Shackleford has called, "The Jack Martin Film," which is in two parts: (1) showing the bullet holes in Walker's home in Dallas; and (2) showing Lee Harvey Oswald being arrested in New Orleans.

John Martin was an estimated 27 years old in 1968, and perhaps 21 in 1960 when he served under General Walker in Augsburg, Germany. In 1963, Martin was out of the Army and was a member of the Minnesota Minutemen.

In 1968 John Martin handed his film to Harold Weisberg and Gary Schoener, because he had experienced a change of heart, and removed himself from rightist politics entirely. Sadly, Weisberg and Schoener failed to see the importance of this film -- it materially connected Walker and Oswald in one film. Sadder still, Weisberg and Schoener lost all contact with John Martin.

In my humble opinion, if we can somehow -- anyhow -- make contact with John Martin of Minnesota (who should be about 74 years old today) -- and ask him to confirm or deny whether ex-General Edwin Walker had actually instructed him to make this film, we would be make a giant step in our quest.

Because -- if John Martin confirms this allegation, then we have material evidence that Walker knew in advance exactly when Oswald was going to be arrested in New Orleans!

Having that fact, we will then have material evidence -- conclusive in my opinion -- that Walker perjured himself before the Warren Commission as well as to the Mississippi Grand Jury.

That would start the dominos falling, and the people associated with ex-General Edwin Walker -- including the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, the John Birch Society, Interpen, Lake Pontchartrain, the DRE, the CRC, Guy Banister and all the rest -- would suddenly fall into their rightful place in history.

I have searched and searched and cannot locale this John Martin. Does anybody have any clue about how I could possibly make contact?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Maybe a deal was struck "you get the film I disappear"

What are the odds of filming the 2 events randomly?.

This makes him (Martin) part of the plot would you stick your head out

For a looksee's?.

There must be many for whom the penny has dropped , those facilitators

With an ignorant part to play the small details that have leaked that cannot be

Proved because the participants part whosever small has become self evident

Only those on the outside of the planning would want to be "involved".


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Guest Tom Scully

I have searched and searched and cannot locale this John Martin. Does anybody have any clue about how I could possibly make contact?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Ian, Weisberg and his young friend Gary claimed John Martin approached them in !968 and that they were able to make and keep two copies of his film. The two examined the frames closely and found nothing recognizable on them. FBI claimed it was only personal film of John Martin's summer vacation but Martin claimed he gave the FBI his only print and they returned it to him missing key segments. Paul is not swayed by Weisberg's lack of interest which was high because Weisberg believed his luggage was intercepted and wrecked when he was taking a flight home from Minnesota just after Martih gave him a copy of the film. Weisberg thought the sabotage was an attempt to steal the film. This surely influenced Weisberg and Gary to examine the film meticulously. Both men lost interest in the film's potential to be of value. Paul considers the film in his own, unique way. Everyone has overlooked Walker's role, the desparate need to avert civil war, and the firm jello that the John Martun film is the Rosetta Stone. How could Gary conceal it in the clutter of his garage for 46 years. Gary is no Great American. Dulles and Warren had uncluttered garages and did whatever was required to avert civil war.

Paul, maybe this guy can assist you. He comes across as a contemporary Sherlock Holmes.


Seems like the real deal....

Janney (at 37:30) "....In his testimony at trial, Mitchell attempts to frame Ray Crump."

Janney (at 38:30) "...That allegedly sparked a telephone conversation between the two at the end

of March, in 1993, where Mitchell told Damore how Mary Meyer had been

murdered in what he termed was a CIA operation. Despite many years of searching it was not until last summer that the trail of William L. Mitchell.... this is in August, 2012 now, had become known. I promptly brought this information to my chief intelligence researcher, Roger Charles, who enlisted the support of another Pulitzer nominated investigative reporter by the name of Don Devereaux. What we uncovered was that William L Mitchell entered Cornell University....

Edited by Tom Scully
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I have searched and searched and cannot locale this John Martin. Does anybody have any clue about how I could possibly make contact?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Ian, Weisberg and his young friend Gary claimed John Martin approached them in !968 and that they were able to make and keep two copies of his film. The two examined the frames closely and found nothing recognizable on them. FBI claimed it was only personal film of John Martin's summer vacation but Martin claimed he gave the FBI his only print and they returned it to him missing key segments. Paul is not swayed by Weisberg's lack of interest which was high because Weisberg believed his luggage was intercepted and wrecked when he was taking a flight home from Minnesota just after Martih gave him a copy of the film. Weisberg thought the sabotage was an attempt to steal the film. This surely influenced Weisberg and Gary to examine the film meticulously. Both men lost interest in the film's potential to be of value. Paul considers the film in his own, unique way. Everyone has overlooked Walker's role, the desparate need to avert civil war, and the firm jello that the John Martun film is the Rosetta Stone. How could Gary conceal it in the clutter of his garage for 46 years. Gary is no Great American. Dulles and Warren had uncluttered garages and did whatever was required to avert civil war....

Tom, thanks for recognizing that my theory about the Jack Martin film is unique. I've never seen it in any book or thread before my posts on the Forum.

As for Harold Weisberg and Gary Schoener, I was able to contact Gary Schoener myself last year, and he explained to me why he and Weisberg found "nothing of interest" in the film, after examining it for some weeks. Namely, they were completely focused on the segment of Lee Harvey Oswald -- they carefully examined each and every face in the street during the period before, during and after his arrest on 9 August 1963. They recognized nothing new or "interesting" to them in the faces there -- and actually they recognized almost none of the faces in the crowd.

Yet Gary Schoener also admitted to me that it did not occur to Harold Weisberg or himself that this film footage of Lee Harvey Oswald being arrested in New Orleans was contained in the same home movie that contained footage of buttet holes in General Walker's home in Dallas. These bullet holes would -- in December 1963 -- be blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald by Marina Oswald. Somehow they simply overlooked the fact that the bullet holes were materially linked to Oswald in this very film.

So, you're right -- I seem to be the first person in JFK research to recognize that the John Martin film is the material link between Oswald and Walker before the JFK assassination.

Now -- before Marina told the FBI this fact on or about 1 December 1963, we have documented proof that ex-General Edwin Walker held a telephone conference with a German weekly newspaper called the Deutsche Nationalzeitung, and he told that news reporter that Lee Harvey Oswald had been his shooter on 10 April 1963. Here is the front page headline of that weekend's news article:


Now, how did the Deutsche Nationalzeitung know that Oswald was Walker's shooter before the FBI knew that? Wesley Liebeler asked Walker that very question -- and Walker's answer was, "they guessed it." Liebeler accepted that answer and moved on.

I don't accept that answer. I'm convinced that ex-General Walker perjured himself before the Warren Commission multiple times. Why not? He had already perjured himself before a Mississippi Grand Jury and got away with it, and in fact was suing multiple American newspapers in an extention of that same perjury!

In fact, ex-General Edwin Walker repeated that story for the rest of his life -- that Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested on 10 April 1963 and released that same night by Federal authorities. (In some versions of the story, as in the Deutsche Nationalzeitung, Oswald was released by RFK himself.) He stuck to that story and had it re-printed in the year before he died. Here's a URL to that 1992 newspaper article:


In addition to this, H.L. Hunt also repeated this same story in his own Playboy interview in 1966. So did the John Birch Society.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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