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Oswald was not in MC

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Vince Palamara's most recent book "Who's Who In The Secret Service" has a Secret Service document in Appendix III on pages 277-279 that indicates someone closely resembling Oswald was seen in Washington D.C. on September 27, 1963. The witness is a man named Bernard Thompson, the chauffeur of then Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman. I have no idea if this story is relevant, but it's not every day that you have a witness like Mr. Thompson with both a personal friend and character witness in Secret Service agent Floyd Boring. And it appears that Thompson's encounter was more substantial than just passing someone on the street. You can read it and decide for yourselves.

Vince's text before the reproduction of this report says that Ruth Paine had returned to New Orleans from Washington D.C. some time not long before September 27, where Paine had visited CIA headquarters while seeing her sister. In view of this, Vince appears to have an interesting hypothesis on the possible Oswald lookalike.

Here's my transcription of the document:


Field Washington, D.C. FILE NO. CO-2-601.0
TYPE OF CASE Protective Research
STATUS Pending
Washington, D.C.
Special Agent William H. McClarin, Jr.

Person Identified:
Name: Harvey Lee Oswald
Alleged appearance in Washington, D.C., on September 27, 1963

Mr. Bernard Thompson, Chauffeur for Secretary Freeman, identified photograph of Harvey Lee Oswald as resembling an individual whom he had a conversation with on September 27, 1963, in front of the Willard Hotel. This individual made several antagonistic remarks regarding the Secretary’s car being parked in a no parking area.


This case originated with information received in this office from Assistant Special Agent in Charge F. W. Boring, White House Detail, on December 2, 1963, that a personal acquaintance of his, Mr. Bernard Thompson, 2104 Shiply Terrace, S.E., Apartment 203, telephone #562 3450, office telephone # DU 8 5092, a Chauffeur for Secretary of Agriculture Freeman, had reported to him that he believed he had a conversation with Oswald regarding the Secretary’s car in front of the Willard Hotel in the latter part of September 1963.


On December 2, 1963, ASAIC Boring was interviewed and related that Mr. Bernard Thompson, whom he has known for some time and who is employed as a Chauffeur for Secretary Freeman, had informed him on December 1, 1963, that he believed he had seen Harvey Lee Oswald in front of the Willard Hotel in the latter part of September of this year. Thompson told Mr. Boring that a stranger had walked over to the Secretary’s car which was parked in front of the Willard Hotel and demanded to know whose car it was. Mr. Thompson refused to tell him anything except that it was a Government car and thereupon moved it around the corner, and this individual again approached him and asked the same question.

REPORT MADE BY William H. McClarin, Jr.  DATE 12/11/63
APPROVED Harry W. Geiglein  DATE 12/11/63

Mr. Boring said that Mr. Thompson was quite concerned about this matter at the time because he did not believe this individual was acting in a usual manner and that this matter had been preying on his mind for some time; that when the pictures of Oswald appeared in the paper after the President’s assassination , Mr. Thompson thought that he recognized Oswald as being this same individual. Mr. Boring stated that Mr. Thompson is not a crank and that he has a sincere desire to give information which he believes to be of value in our investigation.

On December 3, 1963, a photograph of Harvey Lee Oswald was obtained from the Protective Research Section. The following known aliases of Harvey Lee Oswald were also obtained at that time: O. H. Lee, A. J. Hidell, Alek J. Hidell, Alex James Hidell, A. Haidell.

On December 3, 1963, Mr. Thompson was interviewed in the Washington field office. He stated that in the later part of September, rather around the 25th of the month, at about 3:10 P.M., he arrived at the north entrance of the Willard Hotel which would be the corner of of 14th & F Streets; that he parked in the no parking zone in front of the hotel entrance, as he was expecting Mrs. Freeman to come out of the hotel where she was attending a function; that an individual whom he did not know came out of the hotel entrance, walked directly to his car and demanded to know “Whose car is this.” Mr. Thompson said that he replied that it was a Government car. Mr. Thompson said that this individual then said to him, “This must be some big official’s car. This is a no parking zone. You have no right to park here.” Mr. Thompson said that this man did not say this in a conversational type of tone, or a friendly tone in any sense, but that he appeared to be highly antagonistic and Mr. Thompson classified him as the “rebel rouser type.” Mr. Thompson then said that rather than to get in an argument with this man, he drove slowly around the block again returning to the F Street side, but rather than parking directly in front of the hotel entrance, he parked nearer to 15th Street. The same individual who had accosted him before spotted the car, walked down the sidewalk from in front of the hotel entrance and stood opposite the car, staring at Mr. Thompson; that Mr. Thompson became concerned as he did not think this was normal behavior. He noticed that a White House car was parked directly in front of him  and he thereupon spoke with the driver whose first name he recalls as George, and told him of the actions of this individual. He requested the White House driver to take a good look at this man and keep his eye on him while he, Mr. Thompson, went over and spoke with the policeman at the 14th Street intersection about this man. Mr. Thompson said that he spoke with this officer and advised what this individual had done and also requested permission from the officer to park in the entrance of the hotel while waiting for Mrs. Freeman. He said that the officer told him it was alright to park there while waiting for Mrs. Freeman and also that the officer walked with him down the sidewalk and took a good look at the man, however, the police officer did not stop and question the individual, but merely walked on down the sidewalk.

Mr. Thompson said that he was concerned about this incident and when he returned to the Agriculture Department, he informed his supervisor about it and also Mr. Thomas Hughes, the Secretary’s Executive Officer.

At this point, Mr. Thompson examined a spread of photographs containing one of Oswald. After examining each photograph, he picked the photograph of Oswald as most resembling the individual involved in the incident described above. Mr. Thompson described the individual whom he saw as a white American male, early 20’s. 5’7” tall. 130-135 lbs., slender build, dark hair, either black or brown, combed straight back with a slight wave, wearing a sport shirt and light colored trousers with narrow cuffs.

Mr. Thompson said that the only picture he really has looked at since the President’s assassination, was a picture in the newspaper taken at the time Oswald was shot by Ruby in the Dallas Police Station and that he felt that Oswald very closely resembled the individual described in the incident above.

On the same date, while Mr. Thompson was in the office, he telephonically contacted Mr. Thomas Hughes, Executive Officer to Secretary Freeman, in an effort to establish the date on which the foregoing incident occurred. Mr. Hughes checked Mrs. Freeman’s social calendar and determined that the date was September 27, 1963.

On this same date, I spoke with Inspector Thacker in the Protective Research Section, in an effort to determine whether or not Oswald’s movements and whereabouts on September 27 were known. Inspector Thacker informed me that Oswald’s movements between September 23rd and October 4th, 1963, were still not definitively established. He advised me that new information on his whereabouts during this period was arriving, and that perhaps he would shortly be able to furnish information as to Oswald’s whereabouts on September 27, 1963.


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5 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

As I recall there are some equally good sources that put him in Houston,  also at McKewon's and of course there is the Abilene connection.  As to Odio,  having taken Sylvia entirely at her word for a very long time I'm not quite so sanguine any longer;  there is a case to be made that her sister Sarita and she may well have both had contact with Oswald within exile circles and that her hallway encounter story was a diversion.  Its worth noting that Martino knew the sisters were in Dallas and said so during his speech there; there is no obvious way he would have known the Odio's movements since research shows he was never in the same prison as her father.

Of course her Uncle in New Orleans certainly did know here whereabouts and was even at Oswald's trial there. In one conflicting remark Sylvia said her Uncle had written to her about Oswald in New Orleans; in other remarks she denied that.  As a counter Sylvia clearly wrote her father about suspicious visitors and he replied, warning her.  Not trying to resolve any of this here but for those who don't feel Oswald went to Mexico it certainly its worth reexamining all this...especially after David's study of the MC evidence.

If you write off Oswald in Mexico City clearly there are other leads to explore.

Larry, by at Oswald's trial, in new Orleans, are you referring to his incarceration and fine after the staged confrontation with Carlos Bierunger?  Sylvia Odido's uncle  was in NO at that time and hung around several hours, after O's demand to speak with the FBI while jailed, to wait to see the outcome?  That's pretty deep.

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10 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

 In one conflicting remark Sylvia said her Uncle had written to her about Oswald in New Orleans; in other remarks she denied that. 



I could very well be wrong, but I think the conflict was whether Sylvia had been in contact with her uncle before Oswald's appearance at her doorstep, or afterwards.

If he had written her about Oswald right after the August New Orleans fracas, and then he shows up on her doorstep in September... that's kind of ominous.


Steve Thomas

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10 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

 As to Odio,  having taken Sylvia entirely at her word for a very long time I'm not quite so sanguine any longer;  there is a case to be made that her sister Sarita and she may well have both had contact with Oswald within exile circles and that her hallway encounter story was a diversion.  Its worth noting that Martino knew the sisters were in Dallas and said so during his speech there; there is no obvious way he would have known the Odio's movements since research shows he was never in the same prison as her father.




I once started putting together a scenario, or narrative of Sylvia as a gun runner, or at least as a conduit for arms smuggling. Why are all these people coming to Sylvia? I am keeping my eyes and ears open.

Commission Document 946 - SS Aragon Report of 5 May 1964 re: Sylvia Odio, Rogelio Cisneros Diaz page 3



On May 4, 1964 in an interview in his home with SS Agent Ernest I. Aragon, Rogelio Cisneros told Aragon that:


Rogelio Cisneros, a JURE member in Miami, went to Dallas alone, by plane in June, 1963 for the specific purpose of contacting Sylvia Odio who was supposed to introduce Cisneros to a Uruguayan named Juan Martin, who was interested in selling small arms to JURE. “He further identified himself as Rogelio Cisneros Diaz, an officer of JURE, at Miami,Florida, and added that the name “Eugenio” is his designated “war name"”.


The JURE office in Dallas was already in operation, having been established in May, 1963. He only contacted Sylvia Odio once. When they went to her house, Cisneros was accompanied by Jorge Rodriguez (Alvarada) (Alvereda?), their Dallas delegate, and no one else.


My question is, why would Rogelio Cisneros fly from Miami, FL. To Dallas, TX. alone, in a plane for the specific purpose of contacting Sylvia Odio in order to meet a gun runner who he had never met before? Why her?



On October 20, 1965 Antonio Francisco Alentado Leon is given as the President of JURE in Dallas. They have had no meetings since October, 1964.




Johnny Martin 9923 Carnegie Dr. Dallas, Texas


Father Walter J. McHann (Mary Ferrell's database spells it Machann)

CE 2943 p. 402.



Letter from James Rowley of the Secret Service to J. Lee Rankin dated May 5, 1964. McHann interviewed by SS Inspector Kelly on April 30, 1964.

McHann was chaplain to the Cuban Catholic Committee of Dallas. They organized religious and social activities for the Cuban refugees. Did they organize the picnic?


McHann said he had been introduced to John Martin aka Juan Martin; and that one night, John Martin came to Sylvia's while he was there. McHann described John Martin as a Latin, but not a Cuban. Martin had a house in Dallas, but did not live there. He lived in a different city with his family. Sylvia seemed to know John Martin quite well.

McHann said he had no recollection of Manuel Rodriguez, George Parrel, or any of the officers of SNFE.


At the request of Inspector Kelly, McHann telephoned Sylvia Odio. In that phone call Sylvia told McHann that “John Martin was a Uruguayan who was supplying arms purchased in some South American countries to some Cuban groups.”


McHann told Kelly that in the phone call, she told McHann that the second man (not Leopoldo) who had come to visit her was Eugenio Cisneros.


Rogelio Cisneros was interviewed in Miami by Ernest Aragon of the SS on May 4, 1964. Rogelio told Aragon that he used the name Eugenio as a war name.

CE 2986 p. 349


(This is also page 3 of CD 946)


Sylvia would later on tell the WC that McHann had misunderstood her about Eugenio in the phone call.


Lucille Connell also said she had been introduced to John Martin – a Uruguayan who was trying to obtain guns for the Cuban people in their efforts to overthrow Castro. She said she was suspicious of Martin because he claimed to be an “airplane engineer”, although Sylvia Odio stated he owned a washeteria.

FBI interview of Lucille Connell on November 29, 1963.

CD 205 p. 640




The testimony of Sylvia Odio was taken at 9 a.m., on July 22, 1964



Mr. LIEBELER. So that you have been in Dallas since March of 1963, is that correct?
Mrs. ODIO. That's right.


Mrs. ODIO. Well, I had been having little groups of Cubans coming to my house who have been asking me to help them in JURE. They were going to open a revolutionary paper here in Dallas. And I told them at the time I was very busy with my four children, and I would help, in other things like selling bonds to help buy arms for Cuba. And I said I would help as much as I could.


This man, the other one, the second Cuban, took out a letter written in Spanish, and the content was something like we represent the revolutionary counsel, and we are making a big movement to buy arms for Cuba and to help overthrow the dictator Castro, and we want you to translate this letter and write it in English and send a whole lot of them to different industries to see if we can get some results.


Mrs. ODIO. No. I have told you I moved several times, and it is because of reasons of my work, and because my children at the time were in Puerto Rico, I and I went down to get them in Puerto Rico June 29th.
That was exactly the day that I saw Ray again. We had been trying to establish a contact in Dallas with Mr. Johnny Martin, who is from Uruguay. He is from there, and he had heard that I was involved in this movement. And he said that he had a lot of contacts in Latin America to buy arms, particularly in Brazil, and that if he were in contact with one of our chief leaders of the underground, he would be able to sell him second-hand arms that we could use in our revolution.


FBI Interview by SA's Norman W. Propst and Ural E. Horton, Jr. with Mrs. C.L. Connell dated 11/29/63

Mrs. Connell told the Agents that, “Odio further reported to Connell during this conversation (a telephone conversation between Sylvia Odio and Mrs. Connell on 11/28/63) that a call had been made in recent months by a Cuban associate of hers to an unknown source in New Orleans, Louisiana, requesting information on Lee Harvey Oswald. Odio volunteered that information was in turn received from the New Orleans source to the effect that Oswald was considered by that source in New Orleans to be a “double agent”. The source stated Oswald was probably trying to infiltrate the Dallas Cuban refugee group, and that he should not be trusted.”


Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro was sent to Dallas to establish a chapter of Alpha 66. He established residency on September 6th. Veciana of Alpha 66 meets with Phillips in Dallas allegedly on September 7th. Who really arranged that Veciana/Phillips meeting?


When Veciana went back to Miami, did he tell anyone there about having met Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas?


Steve Thomas

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Steve, first off Martino really didn't talk to anyone about Oswald or anything else related to the conspiracy until his remarks to his family the evening before and to his son the morning of the assassination.  Martino was trusted inside the exile community for his intense anti-Castro fervor after being in a Cuban prison and for being tight lipped.

On your question about Sylvia, the answer is really much broader in scope and relates to why all the major anti-Castro groups were increasingly desperate to acquire weapons by October/November.  DRE was probably the most active, in Chicago and Dallas.  The Sierra Junta (JCGE)  would have been second,  primarily in Chicago and the Illinois area. As for JURE, it had largely moved its operations offshore - which cut its opportunities for weapons acquisition and it was under intense pressure in Florida because it had tried to infiltrate JMWAVE and had been targeted in return, with orders from Hecksher and Artime for DRE missions to actually engage with and fire on JURE boats if they were encountered.   And both AMWORLD and DRE were in intense competition - with DRE trying to buy weapons to support a base in Costa Rica and actually being ordered to stop military action by CIA.

Long story short, all the groups other than Artime/AMWORLD were now on the outside with no US support, desperate to the the materials to demonstrate some sort of military action (proving they should still be supported by the US or more importantly getting private/business donations) and under extensive tracking by the FBI to abort their purchases. The groups were using more love level and inexperienced connections (like Sylvia)  than before to try to evade FBI tracking  (you find that in Dallas with both DRE and JURE).  But that was not working since the FBI could simply pick the new folks up at the points of weapons contact.

I've been blogging on this on Wordpress for some time now and will be doing an expanded post on the volatility in the exile groups by this weekend. It brings up the point that the FBI had quite a good grip on the situation in both Chicago and Dallas and the major established weapons/explosives dealers were under real scrutiny...which brings up the point of Hosty remarking to the Secret Service that Oswald had been observed by the FBI meeting with "subversives" during the weeks immediately prior to the assassination.

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17 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Do you give any credence to the idea that Oswald was running around south Texas in and around October 3rd?

Oswald in Aliceland?

A Tale of Two Days: A Tale of Two Oswalds

by Chris W. Courtwright

Presented to JFK Lancer's *November in Dallas* Conference on November 21, 1997



Steve Thomas

You mean there may have been someone impersonating Oswald with wife and child?


wasnt Marina and baby at Ruth’s all that week?   Maybe Judy V knows...? (Kidding)

Marina was less than 3 weeks from giving birth... Marina wasn’t blond either...

The wife was described as being blond with near shoulder-length hair, 24 years old, 110 pounds, and as acting as though she were afraid of the man.”

That’s Arthur Vallee at bottom right.  I feel people underestimate the involvement of Vaganov.



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On 1/24/2019 at 8:47 AM, David Josephs said:

You mean there may have been someone impersonating Oswald with wife and child?


wasnt Marina and baby at Ruth’s all that week?   Maybe Judy V knows...? (Kidding)

Marina was less than 3 weeks from giving birth... Marina wasn’t blond either...

The wife was described as being blond with near shoulder-length hair, 24 years old, 110 pounds, and as acting as though she were afraid of the man.”

That’s Arthur Vallee at bottom right.  I feel people underestimate the involvement of Vaganov.



You posted:



In the thread on the assassination of Dag Hammerskold, Jim DiEugenio posted in the Education Forum on January 24, 2019,


Ace of Spades was left in the collar of Hammerskold's collar

“I was talking about the Hammarskjold murder, you know, shot out of the sky over Congo, with what appears to be an instant cover up with someone sticking the ace of spades in his collar.”


What is going on here?


Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

As for JURE, it had largely moved its operations offshore - which cut its opportunities for weapons acquisition and it was under intense pressure in Florida because it had tried to infiltrate JMWAVE and had been targeted in return, with orders from Hecksher and Artime for DRE missions to actually engage with and fire on JURE boats if they were encountered.   And both AMWORLD and DRE were in intense competition - with DRE trying to buy weapons to support a base in Costa Rica and actually being ordered to stop military action by CIA.

Long story short, all the groups other than Artime/AMWORLD were now on the outside with no US support, desperate to the the materials to demonstrate some sort of military action (proving they should still be supported by the US or more importantly getting private/business donations) and under extensive tracking by the FBI to abort their purchases. The groups were using more love level and inexperienced connections (like Sylvia)  than before to try to evade FBI tracking  (you find that in Dallas with both DRE and JURE).  But that was not working since the FBI could simply pick the new folks up at the points of weapons contact.

I've been blogging on this on Wordpress for some time now and will be doing an expanded post on the volatility in the exile groups by this weekend. It brings up the point that the FBI had quite a good grip on the situation in both Chicago and Dallas and the major established weapons/explosives dealers were under real scrutiny...which brings up the point of Hosty remarking to the Secret Service that Oswald had been observed by the FBI meeting with "subversives" during the weeks immediately prior to the assassination.



I didn't know all this. You've rocked me on my heels a little bit, and brings up a couple of questions in my mind:

1) Would you say that Artime and AMWORLD were connected to Alpha 66?

2) Does this say anything about Alpha 66 being spurned by the CIA and turning to the Army Chief of Staff, Intelligence for support?

3) The CIA is running DRE.

ACSI is running Alpha 66

Who's running JURE?

4) Were the CIA and the Pentagon really that much at odds that they were firing on each other's ships?

5) I always believed that Hosty's comments about the FBI observing Oswald meeting with subversives related to the house on Harlendale. Am I wrong?


Steve Thomas


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47 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

What is going on here?

Much more than meets the eye, evidently....

Igor was tied into the German master race concepts....

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Steve, some of the details we are just learning as David Boylan and Bill Simpich are on a deep dive into new documents and new names; I'm simply trying to organize and convey some of it in my blogs posts.  I'll give a try at your questions below:

1) Would you say that Artime and AMWORLD were connected to Alpha 66?

Not really, Alpha 66 like DRE was in the process of being shut out of operation by the Administration crackdown. You do find some members of each ultimately being recruited....as a matter of fact the hard core DRE members that we talk about in the Wheaton Names monograph were some of the first recruits. But organizationally not at all, Alpha 66 and DRE were desperate for money and weapons and AMWORLD was going to get all they could handle and more.

2) Does this say anything about Alpha 66 being spurned by the CIA and turning to the Army Chief of Staff, Intelligence for support?

Things were happening and policies changing so quickly and on so many fronts in 1963 this gets quite confusing.  In spring the Army had proposed incorporating Alpha 66 into a new generation of covert military operations that the Army would run against Cuba, much in the same way JFK had taken covert ops away from the CIA in Vietnam it was looking like it could happen that way against Cuba - this was before AMWORLD was conceived and took precedence.  At that point CIA recommended against it because Alpha 66 was so uncontrollable. By fall they would shut off support for DRE military action for the same reason.

3) The CIA is running DRE.

The CIA had played a heavy role with DRE from before the Bay of Pigs and afterwards, many of the pre-landing maritime missions were supposed to support DRE...most failed. Afterwards the CIA continued a small level of military support (Morales was the DRE military case officer) but primarily focused on the political use of DRE as a propaganda asset.  By fall they were getting fed up even with that because DRE had consistently gone rogue on them.

ACSI is running Alpha 66

Early on Army intelligence was very interested in Alpha 66 as a source of intelligence collections, I don't think you could ever say they were running them.  You can say Alpha 66 trusted the Army more than the CIA (because they say that themselves)

Who's running JURE?

JURE was largely independent and had little support from the right wing factions in the CIA.  After the failure of the CRC they were very much on their own.

4) Were the CIA and the Pentagon really that much at odds that they were firing on each other's ships?

No,  not the CIA and the Pentagon....AMWORLD and JURE specifically, Hecksher felt JURE was sabotaging AMWORLD efforts and had some reason to do so.

5) I always believed that Hosty's comments about the FBI observing Oswald meeting with subversives related to the house on Harlendale. Am I wrong?

Nope, you are absolutely right on and I suspect Oswald was there and that the FBI had the place under surveillance...however Oswald may have contacted Cuban exiles at other places as well...DRE meetings, etc.


Edited by Larry Hancock
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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Much more than meets the eye, evidently....

Igor was tied into the German master race concepts....



Paul Brancato has been dipping into the Skorzeny papers.

Paul, if you are reading this, have you encountered any references to the face cards in the suit of Spades in your research?


Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

Steve, some of the details we are just learning as David Boylan and Bill Simpich are on a deep dive into new documents and new names; I'm simply trying to organize and convey some of it in my blogs posts.  I'll give a try at your questions below:

5) I always believed that Hosty's comments about the FBI observing Oswald meeting with subversives related to the house on Harlendale. Am I wrong?

Nope, you are absolutely right on and I suspect Oswald was there and that the FBI had the place under surveillance...however Oswald may have contacted Cuban exiles at other places as well...DRE meetings, etc.




Thanks for taking the time.


PS: I had forgotten that Oswald supposedly was seen at at a DRE meeting.


Steve Thomas

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5 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:



Thanks for taking the time.


PS: I had forgotten that Oswald supposedly was seen at at a DRE meeting.


Steve Thomas

Harlandale - Alpha 66

Debacle in New Orleans - DRE

Odio - JURE

Oswald was just all over the place.


Steve Thomas

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You bet Steve,  I will be posting more in this vein in my blog as soon as I can organize it; my blog posts are getting to be like term papers.  We will also be updating our Wheaton Names monograph to incorporate new research.  While I'm certainly not going to submit that the DRE was the source of the conspiracy, there were some very radical things being said in its meetings, and travel to Dallas may have served as a cover for a couple of the tactical team "pathfinders" in advance of the attack in the Plaza...as well as in keeping tabs on Oswald's value as a patsy.

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