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Controlling The Past - 2019

Gary Murr

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It is great to hear that you are making “Controlling the Past" available to members.

I have a copy of your initial draft. To members who have not read your work this is an astonishing pieve of writing. The breadth of your understanding of the JFK assassination is quite astonishing. I believe the wordage of your three volumes may exceed Bugliosi's tome, but that is not the point of comparison. We all know the details of the SBT and where the bullet is stated to have entered John Connally's body etc. Your trilogy was the first I read that ignored such cliche''s and descriptions. Your descriptions takes the reader through the detail medical descriptions of what Robert Shaw - and his team did. What I did not know till much later was that you had access to Connally's complete medical record. Aside from myself - to whom you kindly gave me a copy - I doubt anyone has got this document and ever read it.The authority of your writing is impossible to mistake. One reason for that is the thousands and thousands and thousands od pages of evidence you have both received and gone through.

Generally speaking I glamce at a writer's footnotes to see whether they are just a reference account. Yours are essential reading. In my copy, which was an early draft of your work, I believe the footnotes amount to over a thousand pages. When I first began reading your work I always had the footnote PDF up beside the Text pdf. I found it so instructive to read your footnotes along with your text. One does not compliment the other - both together are really the complete text. I learnt just as much from the footnotes as I did from the text. Indeed the footnores often explained points I might be puzzeling about the text.

And then there are the images you have accumulated. I still remember the day I began looking through them. They are mind blowing.

I have copies of all your Lancer presentation. One and three refer yo your Connally work. But the 2018 Lancer presentation - among other things - describes your work ethic. I mentioned to you that I had ordered it and you commented "well I think I lost them a bit there." I beileve that that this presentation  may refer to "Forgotten" and not the Connally work. But the point is this that you came across an individual and you dug unto who that person was. The details of the search you made are mind blowing. Essentially you used up most of your fifty minutes of your presentation. It took you around fifty minutes to describe these months of research and study. I can appreciate that the Lancer audience missed the importance of the final moments of this research. Probably tired of your research and all the details you described thiey missed the outcome. You have probably tracked down the person who supplied the Mannlicher–Carcano amunition for the assassination.

That description above describes the depth  and breadth of research that Gary has undergone. Having read the trilogy, it is impossible to come away with any other impression than this is how John Connally was wounded and this is why the SBT is nonsense.

I look forward to dowloading an updated copy of your work.


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Well said, James. I would only add that Gary's work stands out like a beacon of light in the darkness, and sets the standard (albeit a high one) for real research, and the way in which such research should be presented.




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Your excellent work on Tippit inspired me to dig further into the anomalies associated with his murder.  The Tippit story is for me the true Rosetta Stone (but not in the sense that Wesley Liebeler meant) which points clearly/brightly to treachery by a larger group in the President's death.  I know there are many other subplots, loose ends, and things that don't fit together ... but the Tippit story is one that I simply can't turn away from.  I'm sure your work on Connally meets the same standard for excellence.  Volume notwithstanding, one aspect that I believe keeps many from digging into the JFK story is that it requires a lot of work, and a lot of reading (i.e. patience).  One has to perform their due diligence; there are no short cuts, thanks to the devious plotters and psychological operations expertise applied. 

Thanks for making "Controlling the Past" available,

Gene Kelly

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James, Micah, Chris, and Gene:

I thank you all for your comments. I do appreciate what has been said. As I indicated in my 2019 note at the beginning of this, volume 1, all of this writing was accomplished over a span of some two decades. Because of the vagaries of "real life" I was in the position where I was only able to write on a part time basis, usually in blocks of 3 or 4 month stretches. Over this same time span I made six trips to NARA, staying on half of these occasions in Frederick, Maryland, in order that I could visit Harold Weisberg and take advantage of his document collection. I had some trepidation in releasing this, a fear that some of the more accomplished researchers and writers who frequent this forum and have an encompassing knowledge of the events of November 22, 1963, might find some of what I cover "old" news. However, I hope that individuals new to the subject matter of the assassination event will find what is contained herein, and the volumes that will follow, of some help in understanding in particular the inner workings of those individuals and agencies given the task of examining the death of a president and the wounding of John Connally. There is, as James can attest, much more of this in volume 2 in great detail while volume 3 deals with what John Connally's aides titled "the Connally document" - the governors attempt to control his version of the past as it related to his wounding in Dealey Plaza and the aftermath that followed.


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