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Let's Send Joe Bauer to Dealey Plaza

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While reading a thread of Rick McTeague's photos of Dealey Plaza, Joe Bauer offered 3 reasons that it would be unlikely that he could make a trip to be there. Two of them - time constraints and health concerns - are beyond our capabilities to alter at will. So, we'll leave those aside. The 3rd concern - money - is needed needed to get there. 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Anytime something "out of the ordinary" is proposed, the one element one can sometimes alter is the economic one. Not necessarily "at will" but, a better chance than time and health offers.

Mr Bauer has offered candor and respect and honest  responses to a wide range of issues posted here. Those of us intertwined with JFK who have had the chance to be there, have had their attachment deepened.  I am not able to single handedly provide the sums needed, I could contribute $100. to the trip. My guess is that he and spouse could get there and back for about $1500. 

If anyone is interested and knows anything about how GoFundMe works, please start one for this purpose. We can even call it hirong Joe to report on his experience.

Other suggestions welcomed.

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Robert, I just came across your post.

Oh my gosh!

I will never forget your incredible Dealey Plaza visit offer including your asking others on the forum to chip in as well. 

What a beautiful, appreciated and inspiring gesture.

Of course , I could never for one second accept funds from others for such an experience.

For many reasons.

I think that there are probably some on the forum or even regular non-member visitors who may be in worse financial or physical shape than me.

My not being in a position to take a trip to Dallas, Texas is much less of a concern to me because of that reason and others.

I have had so much bestowed upon me in my life ( the most beautiful, giving and good character wife for 37 years and two loving children ) that not having travel funds to travel to Dealey Plaza is no big deal at all.

That doesn't mean however I am not really, really moved by your gesture and posting this on the forum.  Thank you so much Robert.  What a kind and thoughtful humanitarian mind, heart and spirit you obviously possess.

From my own heart let me add this .

In my fantasy of winning the lotto (stupid I know but commonly shared by millions of others) one of the priorities I had planned upon acquiring such a windfall was to contribute cash awards to everyone on this and maybe other JFK truth seeking forums.

Regardless of their debate stance. Especially if they needed such which I am sure many do.

This would be my way of supporting the community of JFK ( and RFK and MLK ) truth seekers and giving them something real back for their lifetime of effort and keeping the flame alive.

So, in the same spirit of brotherhood Robert, I cannot thank you enough for this posting.

I am currently fine. We don't have any assets such as home equity ( renters for all our 37 years ) but we do have my wife's 401 K and I do get a small SS check and my wife will have a larger one in the future when she retires.

I have a heart condition called "AFIB" which does make me unsure about long distance trips anymore.

I have been provided with so many great and informative pictures and even videos of Dealey Plaza via this forum I truly feel as if I HAVE been there.

In spirit for sure.

So, no need for a DP travel fund for me...but BRAVO to you Robert for even thinking up such an offer, let alone posting this.

Truly touched and proud to be a forum member, Joe Bauer.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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No, No, No members !

I will never accept money from anyone for such a purpose.

I would immediately send any funds back to their senders.

I wish we on the forum could be made aware of other members and those who read the forum whether THEY truly are in dire need of assistance. That would be a a much more practical use of such a fund.

I am doing fine here in California.

How about starting a JFK financial need award fund?

For those in the JFK truth community who are truly having it rough?

I am doing better than perhaps some think I am doing.

Thanks again all. 

What an incredibly positive point about this forum in particular regards the character and humanitarianism of many of it's members.

A real brother/sisterhood community.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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