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James Jenkins -- his story

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I was wondering if anyone has explained the "two autopsy" theory in detail.

It seems that Jenkins was at the first autopsy, as he said that Dr. Hume left soon after it started for a period of about 10 minutes. And that only him and Paul O'Connor were in the room. (But maybe the FBI had two agents there too?)

Later, I've heard that the autopsy was a crowded affair with General LeMay in a front row seat blowing smoke at the doctors, and there there was lots of talking and it was a bustling, chaotic time. Do we have names of who was helping at the 2nd autopsy?


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Autopsy laboratory technician James Curtis Jenkins provided the following information in a 9/23/1979 interview with researcher David Lifton, as summarized in his 1980 book *BEST EVIDENCE: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy*:


[Part VI – 1979: The Coffin/Body Problem*, Chapter 27. The Recollections of James Curtis Jenkins, et al., Interviewing Jenkins]


Jenkins had vivid recollections about the controversy concerning the neck trajectory. The wound at the front of the throat, throughout the autopsy, he said, was assumed to be a tracheotomy. Yet, said Jenkins, the civilians who seemed to be in charge seemed to be trying to get Humes to conclude that a bullet passed from back to front through the body.




James Jenkins told me that during the autopsy, when the "civilians" were practically arguing with Humes, they put the idea to him that the bullet entered at the rear, exiting through the tracheotomy incision , and that that bullet went on to hit Connally.**62




[Part VII – Synthesis, Chapter 30. The X-rays and Photographs Reconsidered, The Puzzle of the Ruler]


>[...] Unfortunately, Jenkins never made a written record , and so it is easy to discount his recollections by claiming he was influenced by what he later read in books and magazines. But having spoken with him, I didn’t belive that was the case. Jenkins did not follow the case and, in fact, until I spoke with him in September 1979, did not know a bullet wound at the front of the neck had been observed in Dallas. Jenkins kept referring to it as the "tracheotomy incision," and couldn’t understand why those “civilians in the autopsy room kept claiming that a bullet exited there.


This contradicts the official story - the claim that Humes, Boswell, and Finck disregarded the throat wound as a tracheotomy through the entire duration of the autopsy.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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8 hours ago, Ken Martinson said:

I was wondering if anyone has explained the "two autopsy" theory in detail.

It seems that Jenkins was at the first autopsy, as he said that Dr. Hume left soon after it started for a period of about 10 minutes. And that only him and Paul O'Connor were in the room. (But maybe the FBI had two agents there too?)

Later, I've heard that the autopsy was a crowded affair with General LeMay in a front row seat blowing smoke at the doctors, and there there was lots of talking and it was a bustling, chaotic time. Do we have names of who was helping at the 2nd autopsy?


You ought to start with this.


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It amazes me that with all the people involved with the autopsy and transportation of the body from Dallas to Bethesda that people can still question the wounds. I mean how can LNers say that everyone was lying or totally wrong when so many people seen the back of his head blown out? How many people said they were able to see the cerebellum? That's only possible if the lower back of his head was damaged.

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On 3/15/2019 at 7:35 PM, John Kozlowski said:

It amazes me that with all the people involved with the autopsy and transportation of the body from Dallas to Bethesda that people can still question the wounds. I mean how can LNers say that everyone was lying or totally wrong when so many people seen the back of his head blown out? How many people said they were able to see the cerebellum? That's only possible if the lower back of his head was damaged.

How about the "official" autopsy reported weight of JFK's removed brain?

How does a high caliber bullet exploded brain lose so much matter that is extensively sprayed both out of and all over the inside back seat of the Limo, on almost everyone in the limo, on the limo trunk, on the two motorcycle escort DPD men right behind the limo and with visible chunks that can be seen left on the back seat and with the Parkland doctors and nurses saying more brain matter was still 
"oozing out" of JFK's shattered skull while he was on the ER table ...

then be described as having more weight than an even average size male brain that is undamaged?

That official autopsy JFK brain weight finding discrepancy alone shouts conspiracy!


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Two Brains?

"FBI Agent O’Neill told the ARRB in 1997 that when JFK’s brain was removed, “more than half of the brain was missing (The assistant autopsy photographer, Floyd Riebe, recalled things much the same way. When asked by ARRB counsel, “Did you see the brain removed from President Kennedy?” Riebe answered, “What little bit there was left, yes … Well, it was less than half of a brain there.” Moreover, in JAMA, Humes reported that, “Two thirds of the right cerebrum had been blown away.” Boswell recalled that one half of the right cerebrum was missing. The Zapruder film shows a massive explosion of Kennedy’s head, with such a shower of brain matter being ejected from the right side of the skull that no one would dispute these autopsy witnesses. Moreover, the chief of anesthesia at Parkland Hospital reported that Jackie Kennedy had handed him “a large chunk of her husband’s brain tissues” during the resuscitation effort."

"...FBI Agent Francis O’Neill rejected them, claiming, correctly, “This looks almost like a complete brain.” The brain images show that there was no significant loss of brain tissue, but only a disruption and displacement along the right side. The given brain weight supports the impression of the eye against the witnesses who said a lot of the brain was missing: the brain weight was measured at 1500 grams, a higher-than-average weight for a full and complete human brain. The FBI agent was not the only witness to challenge the brain pictures. The photographer of record, John Stringer, rejected the authenticity of the extant brain photographs. Stringer claimed that he took images of sections of the brain, which are missing, and that the images in the current file were not taken with the type of camera, or the kind of film, he had used."

Edited by Joe Bauer
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22 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

How about the "official" autopsy reported weight of JFK's removed brain?

How does a bullet imploded brain lose so much matter that is extensively sprayed both out of and all over the inside back seat of the Limo, on almost everyone in the limo, on the limo trunk, on the two motorcycle escort DPD men and with visible chunks that can be seen left on the back seat and with the Parkland doctors and nurses saying more brain matter was still 
"oozing out" of JFK's shattered brain while he was on the ER table ...

then be described as having more weight than an even average size male brain that is undamaged?

That official autopsy JFK brain weight finding discrepancy alone shouts conspiracy!


Those "chunks of brain" on the limousine photographs may be rose pedals.

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On 3/15/2019 at 8:35 PM, John Kozlowski said:

It amazes me that with all the people involved with the autopsy and transportation of the body from Dallas to Bethesda that people can still question the wounds. I mean how can LNers say that everyone was lying or totally wrong when so many people seen the back of his head blown out? How many people said they were able to see the cerebellum? That's only possible if the lower back of his head was damaged.


Unfortunately it isn't just LNers who deny the BOH wound. Some respected researchers do as well, like Pat Speer. I've thought about this a lot and it appears to me that the reason they deny the BOH wound is because they are unwilling to accept that photos and film were altered to hide that wound.


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On 3/18/2019 at 11:37 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


Unfortunately it isn't just LNers who deny the BOH wound. Some respected researchers do as well, like Pat Speer. I've thought about this a lot and it appears to me that the reason they deny the BOH wound is because they are unwilling to accept that photos and film were altered to hide that wound.




Have you seen this alleged proof that the shadows on the Zapruder Film are natural? This, combined with the fact that the Nix and Muchmoore films show the same thing kind of makes the case that the shadows covering the back of the head really are natural.

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39 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:
On 3/18/2019 at 9:37 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


Unfortunately it isn't just LNers who deny the BOH wound. Some respected researchers do as well, like Pat Speer. I've thought about this a lot and it appears to me that the reason they deny the BOH wound is because they are unwilling to accept that photos and film were altered to hide that wound.




Have you seen this alleged proof that the shadows on the Zapruder Film are natural? This, combined with the fact that the Nix and Muchmoore films show the same thing kind of makes the case that the shadows covering the back of the head really are natural.


It's irrelevant whether or not the shadows in the Zapruder film look natural. They could have been painted in natural looking.

And the other two films likewise could have been touched up too, and most likely were.



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On 3/18/2019 at 5:43 PM, Micah Mileto said:

Those "chunks of brain" on the limousine photographs may be rose pedals.

Just listened to Vince Palamara's interview of SS agent Sam Kinney.

Kinney was riding in the SS "Queen Mary" car right behind JFK's limo.

Kinney clearly states JFK's "brain matter" sprayed onto the windshield of the Queen Mary with the head shot.

So that's even "more" of JFK's brain matter ejected out of his obliterated skull besides that which hit the two DPD motorcycle officers, the limo occupants and all inside the limo interior.

I wonder if Vince Palamara could weigh in here regards chunks of JFK's brain matter being seen either on his seat or on the carpet below ( beyond rose petals ) later during cleaning?

My simple point though is just that no exploded brain loses that much brain matter as described by eye witnesses right there in and around the limo when JFK's head was hit, at Parkland hospital and by Bethesda hospital corpsmen who saw JFK's shattered skull up close and then weigh in at approximately 1400 to 1500 grams as described in the official autopsy report.

Even without deep research study anyone can see the official autopsy reported JFK brain weight versus the reality of how much brain matter was proven to have exploded or later oozed out of JFK's open skull makes that finding an outrageously obvious and conspiracy suggesting lie.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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