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Watts Line to Judyth Vary Baker

Guest Rich Pope

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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I just accessed the Walt Brown link.

I admit, so many of JVB's claims sound ridiculous, even crazy.

Not giving her entire story "any" credibility seems the logical and rational thing to do.

It's just those damn little parts of it such as the Reilly work coincidence and the Oschner and Mary Sherman Castro cancer plan ( and Sherman's diabolical murder ) and some others that keep you pulling it out of the trash now and then and rereading those parts that don't sound crazy.

So many of the other stories about the eccentric characters in New Orleans at the time such as David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, Clay Shaw, Dean Andrews also present crazy contradictions though as well. So JVB's fits right in. 

New Orleans back then sounded surreal in it's mix of super odd character craziness including steamy sex perversion intrigue, widespread corruption and extreme hot-headed political fanaticism.

Oliver Stone captured this sweaty surreal extreme N.O. craziness well in his film JFK imo.


Yes, she does fit in well doesn't she.  With Ferrie, Banister, Shaw and maybe even Bringuier.  Isn't that strange?   


I wonder about the Guidebook For Marines Bringuier was "found in possession of"... "owned by Oswald". 


Edited by Ron Bulman
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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Mark Andrews: As for me, I am waiting for the revelation that Judyth Vary Baker was Bobby Baker's sister, and that Oz and LBJ were in communication through the Baker siblings.  "You just get me the presidency, and I'll get you your damned honorable discharge!"

Are you trying to give Mr. Pope more ideas?


Edited by David Andrews
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21 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes, she does fit in well doesn't she.  With Ferrie, Banister, Shaw and maybe even Bringuier.  Isn't that strange?   


I wonder about the Guidebook For Marines Bringuier was "found in possession of"... "owned by Oswald". 


Bringuier gets the gloves-off treatment in chapter 16 of Harold Weisberg's unpublished manuscript:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/HW Manuscripts/Inside the Assassination Industry/

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In reply to Bob's comment....(and I did work with telephone switching equipment for some 12 years), there were test numbers which would generate calls for troubleshooting and other types of switch testing - but that would be entirely different from a WATs line.  And of course there would be no need to specify the name of who you were giving the number to - like to Judyth or Oswald.  And yes they were routinely changed.  Long distance test and maintenance calls were billed, those sorts of test calls went to special maintenance and test accounts.  And of course with the right type of signalling you could fool the billing system entirely. Again, nothing to do with WATS.

Interestingly the first hacking started a in the mid-sixties, with things called Blue Boxes that could fool a switch into making free calls using the right type of signaling....and totally passing the billing systems.....a thing in the college world of the sixties...


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Sorry Dave.

Am i seeing things or did Weisberg write over a thousand pages zapping the critical community?

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56 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Sorry Dave.

Am i seeing things or did Weisberg write over a thousand pages zapping the critical community?

Weisberg has some things to say in chapters 16-18 about Oswald, Garrison and Bringuier that are worth looking at and evaluating, including info about Oswald's military intel connections.  Chapters 3-15 are autobiography and pretty much dispensable.  I haven't gotten past chapter 18 yet.  Scattered around are comments on Mark lane, Gerald Posner, and [an author who is a member here] that would be libelous if Weisberg were alive and this manuscript published.

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Sorry Dave.

Am i seeing things or did Weisberg write over a thousand pages zapping the critical community?

Is the following name or pseudonym from Weisberg, chapter 21, useful to anybody researching Farewell America?

That book, by the French counterpart of the CIA, known by its initials SDECE and pronounced sih-dick, was masterminded by the French spook who used, among other names, that of Herve Lamarre.  His name on the book when it was published is "James Hepburn". 

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  • 2 years later...

I had an email interview exchange with miss Baker some years back. (She was on her book tour here in LA and was doing radio.) She told me she was hired by the CIA at a young age to do all this scientific mumbo jumbo - (she uses no vernacular of the science she proposes to be an expert in btw - just saying) anyway I listen to all this blather and finally ask her, "You were hired by the CIA right" "Yes". "You worked for the CIA, right?" "Yes" - "Okay, let me ask you this, when did you resign from the CIA, what date, and do you have a letter or documentation saying as such." End of interview. Thank god for Walt Brown. Took one for the team.

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Not defending Baker because there are just too many stories about her exaggerating, making up details etc.

Yet ... STILL!

She and Oswald were both hired the same day at Rileys ( or Reilly's? ) coffee company and placed in cover jobs. Come on...we know this. Oswald gets a job as a machinery greaser? Baker some type of secretary?

They were both let go within 2 days of each other?

The Reilly brothers were "extreme" anti-Castro activists and funders and were tied into INCA.

Baker and Oswald both took buses and lived right near the same bus line that took them both to Reillys every morning and back. Getting off at the same bus stop and catching the same bus home there as well sure provides a good chance they at least noticed each other. Maybe they even went in and out of their work building together?

Baker says she first met Oswald at the post office and Oswald always had a P.O. Box so he would naturally go there often.

Baker was a precocious cancer researcher showing very advanced talents and abilities at a very young age. This is all documented.

She ends up being placed in some capacity ( small or not ) with a documented world known cancer researcher Dr. Alton Oschner and his clinic. Oschner is a rabid anti-communist. Mary Sherman was a real person and Baker's recollections of her ring true to some degree.

David Ferrie was truly into cancer research and had cages of mice right in his own apartment to experiment on.  Since this was Baker's main field of study...a chance meeting with Ferrie regarding his cancer research isn't as far-fetched as her meeting Jack ( Sparky ) Ruby.

Like I have said in past postings, just enough of Baker's story checks out to keep her in mind in some way more than not at all imo.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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