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The Irishman: A Crushing Disappointment

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32 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

He looks like the Incas bound it to flat boards as a baby.

And born with a tattoo of Nixon on his back. I wonder what the Incas thought of that.



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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Roger Stone and his big, planar, polyhedral head on Roy Cohn and Trump:


A good follow up video on You Tube.

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Just look at that damn head.  He looks like the Incas bound it to flat boards as a baby.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was going to look further back for the Once Upon A Time thread but this one relates.  Is this irony, the story the move tells versus calling out the senators?


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The only problem is, I did not like Parasite either.

But Joe McBride is happy, he did like that one and he also liked Jo Jo Rabbit.  

Which I saw last night and thought was worse than Parasite.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


The only problem is, I did not like Parasite either.

But Joe McBride is happy, he did like that one and he also liked Jo Jo Rabbit.  

Which I saw last night and thought was worse than Parasite.


Why, exactly, did you not like Parasite?

Why, exactly, did you not like Us?

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The first part of Parasite was mildly interesting.  When the old lady housekeeper came knocking on the door, that is when I saw in infrared lighting:


And from there the plottiness kept on coming, not quite as bad as Knives Out, but almost. 

IMO, Parasite owes way too much to what I think is Joseph Losey's best film, The Servant.  And if you compare the two you will see just how much better the Losey film is, in every way. It is incredible to me that no one has brought this point up. But that is how far film criticism has fallen.

I don't even want to talk about Us.  I will only do that if someone pays me.  

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I've seen The Servant, thanks.  Parasite manages to do class distinctions with pathos and comedy instead of the kind of tony sadism that inspired a film like the Cammel-Roeg-Jagger Performance.

When you've seen enough film, and studied screenwriting, you can see the plot points coming.  It's been a long time for me since Lawrence rescued Gasim, and then I had to go, "Oh, no!  Now he has to execute him!"

In Parasite, the whole structure is meant to give the Kims, who live half underground, the hope of an aboveground life through the wiles available to the poor, and then to condemn Mr. Kim to a life underground that it would take his son hundreds of years of paychecks to redeem.  You're right -- the housekeeper's return is the key to that.  Otherwise we would never know that in the cellar of the dream home is a worse fate for the Kims than being flooded out.  We wouldn't have that plot turn if the housekeeper had gone quietly like the chauffeur.

Parasite relates a class-consciousness fable in a way that can be understood universally, even overcoming the violence of the climactic scene.  You think it's pandering now?  Wait till they remake it with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson as the rich couple, and convince Bong that it's in his best interests to direct.  Thank God it's not the early 1990s, or we'd see it with white-bread artifacts like Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen as the rich couple, John Goodman as Mr. Kim, and Kathy Bates as the housekeeper.

Edited by David Andrews
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DA Wait till they remake it with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson as the rich couple, 



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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

It's been a long time for me since Lawrence rescued Gasim, and then I had to go, "Oh, no!  Now he has to execute him!"


Looking on the bright side, Lawrence enjoyed killing him. I don't know why, but whatever turns you on.


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I wouldn't quite say that Ron.

Its not until the film progresses further that that aspect comes out.

And then its wonderfully countered by Sharif shoving Lawrence's words back at him about the Arab people being a backward people.

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