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Who Is that Masked Man Standing Next to Ruby When Ruby Shot Oswald?

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Can you imagine if the DPD never publicly announced Oswald's transfer and did this in secret with a secured basement with no newsmen?

Oswald's movement security couldn't have been more compromised if the DPD had simply handed him to the lynch mob outside. 

Seriously, Oswald was murdered right in their own building with some 70 armed personnel standing by. Wouldn't have happened if they just did the most basic common sense security measures instead of parading Oswald around and through unchecked crowd packed surroundings.

The heads of the DPD should all have been fired for this ultimate worst case scenario security let down regarding the most important criminal suspect in our country's history.

I still feel anger and suspicion watching videos of strip joint owning Jack Ruby gunning down Oswald right inside the DPD building surrounded by 70+ armed security personnel.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 hours ago, John Butler said:


In the photo with the mic missing.  Oswald has just been shot from the grimace on his face.  There's not enough time for the sound man who has the boom mic to react.  No one else has reacted in the photo other than facial expressions by Detective Leavelle who is at Oswalds side.  I don't count the cigar smoking man.  IMO, he an addition as the microphone man is abstracted.  That is what it appears like to me.  It doesn't appear to me to be sufficient time for anyone to move other than Leavelle who sees what is coming.

If so and true, what I can figure out is why?  Why would these changes be made?  It doesn't make sense. 

Thank you for the compliment in your other post. I just noticed the still shot with the boom mic in it was taken by a guy who was up on something like a ladder. Saw an interview with another reporter who said that guy always would try and get a up high and shoot downward. It may be the fact that he's so much higher that we see the more of the boom mic. I will look at the video again to see how much time there was for him to step back. I'm still looking for possible explanations, I'm not convinced that this has been altered.

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Two of the 3 videos or film show the still camera flash as Ruby jumps out. But this one does not show any flash. Maybe this one is film and the shutter was closed. Does anyone know which footage was the live shot?

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I assumed the flash that generated the mic shadow had to be from the camera that took the image but I couldn't see how the mic shadow would not be behind the mic if the camera that took the photo also created the flash. But flash attachments were mounted to the side and above the camera. I tested that and found just a few inches shifts the shadow to closely match the mic shadow in the photo.
    Because the camera man was up on a ladder to the height of the mic the shadow landed on the wall. A flash from the cameras at ground level would most likely create a mic shadow on the ceiling.
So that mic shadow had to be created by the flash that was up high on the ladder or whatever he was on. The mic shadow would have only been there for the duration of the flash and that is why we don't see it the other photo.


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How do you explain two mic shadows on the wall and no mic visible.  Can you explain the people along the wall in some scenes and other scenes not at the same time.

Fritz-f.jpgThe two mic shadows are roughly in the same spot as the shadow of the pic showing the mic.  Shouldn’t the mic be visible.

Edited by John Butler
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17 hours ago, John Butler said:


How do you explain two mic shadows on the wall and no mic visible.  Can you explain the people along the wall in some scenes and other scenes not at the same time.

Fritz-f.jpgThe two mic shadows are roughly in the same spot as the shadow of the pic showing the mic.  Shouldn’t the mic be visible.

John, I am not yet convinced that those are actually microphone Shadows. They seem to be a different shape. My initial thought was that it is a shadow of a light hanging from the ceiling. The only ceiling light we can see is a little different but it is possible the lights beyond the hallway don't have a cover. The double shadow would be caused by two more of those lights casting a shadow of that third light. The light for the video camera only cast 1 shadow. So we'd have to explain a light source that is at least as high as the video lights that has two lights shining to cast two Shadows.

I understand why the original mic shadow would not be in the second picture because of the Flash. But why the mic itself is not in that photo I don't know. I thought it would be the low camera angle but it's really hard to tell how far the original microphone was from the wall. It seems unlikely to me now that the second photograph that doesn't show the microphone is due to the lower camera angle.

Ruby moved forward about a foot or two from one picture to the next. The second photo was taken a few feet to the left of the first photo. So Ruby would have to have jumped forward even farther in order to cover the image of the cop on the left of Oswald. I think that would be easily enough time for the boom mic operator to jerk the microphone up and out of the frame. That would literally take about a half a second in reaction to the gunshot. That's the only answer I have as to why the mic is not in that shot. Boom mics used in a studio have a big tripod bases with wheels and long telescoping booms. Judging from some video of Oswald before they came through the door I think that the lights or the lights and the mic we're being handheld on a stick. That would allow them to move the mic even quicker. That's my theory I'm not married to it

I have tracked some of the people on the wall and haven't found any problems. Do you have a specific person who appears in one frame but suspiciously disappears?

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20 hours ago, Dan Troyer said:

  To me, the shadows in the “non-mic” picture also show the flash was up in the air.  Several hats are above their shadows by quite a bit.

I was comparing the Shadows of people up against the wall in both pictures and in both the shadow seems to fall about 3 to 4 in lower than their hats. I think that's due to the flash attachment being above the camera by a few inches. Oswald shadow is much lower since he is farther from the wall. The difference between the shadow height and the height of what is casting it is not so much a measure of How High the light in the room is. It is a measure of how much higher the light is than the camera.

Edited by Chris Bristow
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The events in this photo frame comparison takes place within a time period of 1 or 2 seconds, perhaps less.  Can you now see what I am talking about?


Unless there is another wall somewhere out of camera range (which I doubt because that is the only corner behind the Ruby/Oswald/others) I would suggest something fishy with  a large stink quotient is present.

The top two photos show this scene from different camera angles, but the time frame is different by less than a second.  There is not enough time for glasses, raincoat man to jump out of camera range and the man in the suit to jump in. 

If you look at the film frames showing the man in the suit he doesn't leave the corner during the entire shooting sequence and the tackling of Ruby by the detectives.  Where is the raincoat/glasses man who is there at the start of the Ruby/Oswald shooting sequence.  The man in a suit was standing there at the corner before the shooting sequence began.

The top, right frame has people standing along the wall.  I don't see those people in the other two frames.


Edited by John Butler
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7 hours ago, John Butler said:


The events in this photo frame comparison takes place within a time period of 1 or 2 seconds, perhaps less.  Can you now see what I am talking about?


Unless there is another wall somewhere out of camera range (which I doubt because that is the only corner behind the Ruby/Oswald/others) I would suggest something fishy with  a large stink quotient is present.

The top two photos show this scene from different camera angles, but the time frame is different by less than a second.  There is not enough time for glasses, raincoat man to jump out of camera range and the man in the suit to jump in. 

If you look at the film frames showing the man in the suit he doesn't leave the corner during the entire shooting sequence and the tackling of Ruby by the detectives.  Where is the raincoat/glasses man who is there at the start of the Ruby/Oswald shooting sequence.  The man in a suit was standing there at the corner before the shooting sequence began.

The top, right frame has people standing along the wall.  I don't see those people in the other two frames.


John, raincoat guy and the other guy are on opposite walls. Raincoat guy is on the wall to the right and the other guy is on the wall on the left. Notice their positions relative to Ruby. Raincoat guy is on Ruby's right while the other guy is on Ruby's left.

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Chris B,

I agree.  More on this later.  I found your missing mic with two shadows.




There are still problems with this.

Edited by John Butler
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Chris B,

Chris D. posted this.  It is good, but IMO it doesn't tell the whole story.


I have to admit I have been mixing up different films, different camera angles, different groups of people with white hatted policemen, walls with doors, and a wall without doors.

Apparently, that is easy to do.  Let's see if I can straighten this out.  There are two walls with doors.  These have the man on the corner with a suit and a man on the other wall corner in glasses and raincoat.  One doesn't replace the other.  The man in the suit stays on his corner during most of the shooting sequence.  The man in glasses and raincoat leaves his corner and disappears from the scene.  He may show up at one of the films ending scenes.  It is hard to tell his face isn't seen, but just a raincoat.

The 3rd wall doesn't have a door.  This is a wall that the man in a suit is standing near.  This adds to the confusion.


The confusion arises from this group of people.  They look the same as a group of people on the other wall featuring the man with glasses and raincoat.


The biggest difference in the two groups is the man with fedora standing next to glasses/raincoat man has a tie.  The man with a fedora in the other group has a bow tie.

I think this straightens me out in what is going on in these films and photos.  Thanks to Chris B. and Chris D.

And, there is still David Josephs mic with shadow and mic without shadow.

And, take a look at Ruby's gun and fingers.  Like to get your take on that.

And, there is 9 fingered Ruby and the Gun of Doom.


9 fingers and a lot of room between the end of his trigger finger and his knuckle of the trigger finger.  It looks odd.  How is it in 50+ years that no one has noticed Ruby lacks a 10th finger and his enormously long trigger finger?  I think Ruby maybe using an old shooting method that uses the 1st finger as a guide pointing along the barrel and the 2nd finger becomes the trigger finger.  The problem with that and a man with large hands is you might shoot your finger off.  The trigger finger looks much larger than the others.  Even though I don't think this is happening, it is an alternative answer.

I think most people look at the media of the assassination and the assassination aftermath with uncritical judgement and accept whatever is shown.  That's just like watching TV and accepting all you see.     




Edited by John Butler
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6 hours ago, John Butler said:

Chris B,

Chris D. posted this.  It is good, but IMO it doesn't tell the whole story.


I have to admit I have been mixing up different films, different camera angles, different groups of people with white hatted policemen, walls with doors, and a wall without doors.

Apparently, that is easy to do.  Let's see if I can straighten this out.  There are two walls with doors.  These have the man on the corner with a suit and a man on the other wall corner in glasses and raincoat.  One doesn't replace the other.  The man in the suit stays on his corner during most of the shooting sequence.  The man in glasses and raincoat leaves his corner and disappears from the scene.  He may show up at one of the films ending scenes.  It is hard to tell his face isn't seen, but just a raincoat.

The 3rd wall doesn't have a door.  This is a wall that the man in a suit is standing near.  This adds to the confusion.


The confusion arises from this group of people.  They look the same as a group of people on the other wall featuring the man with glasses and raincoat.


The biggest difference in the two groups is the man with fedora standing next to glasses/raincoat man has a tie.  The man with a fedora in the other group has a bow tie.

I think this straightens me out in what is going on in these films and photos.  Thanks to Chris B. and Chris D.

And, there is still David Josephs mic with shadow and mic without shadow.

And, take a look at Ruby's gun and fingers.  Like to get your take on that.

And, there is 9 fingered Ruby and the Gun of Doom.


9 fingers and a lot of room between the end of his trigger finger and his knuckle of the trigger finger.  It looks odd.  How is it in 50+ years that no one has noticed Ruby lacks a 10th finger and his enormously long trigger finger?  I think Ruby maybe using an old shooting method that uses the 1st finger as a guide pointing along the barrel and the 2nd finger becomes the trigger finger.  The problem with that and a man with large hands is you might shoot your finger off.  The trigger finger looks much larger than the others.  Even though I don't think this is happening, it is an alternative answer.

I think most people look at the media of the assassination and the assassination aftermath with uncritical judgement and accept whatever is shown.  That's just like watching TV and accepting all you see.     




I don't see anything really weird about Ruby's hand or gun but shooting with the middle finger and pointing with the index finger an interesting technique. It looks like that is what he is doing from the length of his trigger finger and the knuckle of his index finger seems higher than the trigger. And he only shows two fingers on the grip.
The lack of mic shadow makes sense since there is no mic there in the second photo. But since the shadow was caused by a flash it would not be present after the flash anyway. I think the mic could be retracted in less than a second especially since it may have been a fear reaction from being a few feet from the round going off. Ruby shuffled forward a foot or two in that time frame so I think there was easily enough time to pull up on the mic.

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