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American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations

W. Niederhut

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American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?
by Ron Unz
January 27, 2020
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FYI.  For those who aren't familiar with Ron Unz's American Pravda series, it's a remarkable collection of detailed, scholarly "Untold History" review articles.

Every new chapter reads like a virtual college course on the designated subject, accompanied by fairly extensive references to history books, including many that have been largely suppressed or ignored in the U.S. media (and in academe) during the past century.

This latest chapter is highly relevant to current events-- e.g., the assassination of Solemani-- and also to events of the past century, from the murders of James Forrestal and JFK, (e.g. Michael Collins Piper's work) to 9/11.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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  • 1 year later...

Another interesting article along that line...


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On 2/17/2020 at 10:02 AM, W. Niederhut said:
American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?
by Ron Unz
January 27, 2020

The reviewer complains that David Talbot's books don't have "Jews" listed in the index.

That's a telling complaint. 

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7 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

The reviewer complains that David Talbot's books don't have "Jews" listed in the index.

That's a telling complaint. 

Richard B.---

Which reminds of an old joke. 

Mr. Finebaum was on his porch in Jerusalem...reading the Damascus Daily

So his son encounters his father, and asks, "Dad, why every day do you read the Damascus Daily, and not the Jerusalem Post

"Aaach," says the father, opening up a copy of the Jerusalem Post. "Look at this this. Every day we are surrounded by enemies, besieged even in our homeland," the father said, pointing at various stories. "Not a day of rest."

Then the father unfurled the Damascus Daily

"Look at this!" said the father.

The headline:

Jews Rule the World!

Control Finance, Media, Governments

"Which paper would you read?" asked the father. 



Suffice it to say, no, LOH was not a Mossad agent, and the Dulles brothers, or Phillips, or Angleton, or Joannides, did not report to Jerusalem. 

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Richard B.---

Which reminds of an old joke. 

Mr. Finebaum was on his porch in Jerusalem...reading the Damascus Daily

So his son encounters his father, and asks, "Dad, why every day do you read the Damascus Daily, and not the Jerusalem Post

"Aaach," says the father, opening up a copy of the Jerusalem Post. "Look at this this. Every day we are surrounded by enemies, besieged even in our homeland," the father said, pointing at various stories. "Not a day of rest."

Then the father unfurled the Damascus Daily

"Look at this!" said the father.

The headline:

Jews Rule the World!

Control Finance, Media, Governments

"Which paper would you read?" asked the father. 



Suffice it to say, no, LOH was not a Mossad agent, and the Dulles brothers, or Phillips, or Angleton, or Joannides, did not report to Jerusalem. 

I’m not so sure that Angleton didn’t report to Jerusalem, and perhaps to the KGB. I found JFK’s ‘private’ communications with Kruschchev quite revealing. Both were worried about their own military hardliners. The Cold War was Big Business. As for Mossad, don’t you find it shocking that they hired Otto Skorzeny to carry out their mission against the Egyptian nuclear program? Skorzeny was a businessman, and a killer, with deep connections to fascists in Spain and elsewhere, and a major player in the ‘Fourth Reich’. I think he was part of the CIA’s QJWIN operation. LHO was not a Mossad agent, but he was also not a murderer. So when looking for who the shooters were and who hired them, the microscopic study of Oswald’s life, while yielding important clues, is also a bit of a rabbit hole. If you look at the evidence against LHO and decide it’s weak, tainted, planted, deliberately obfuscated, it’s time to look elsewhere. 

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57 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m not so sure that Angleton didn’t report to Jerusalem, and perhaps to the KGB. I found JFK’s ‘private’ communications with Kruschchev quite revealing. Both were worried about their own military hardliners. The Cold War was Big Business. As for Mossad, don’t you find it shocking that they hired Otto Skorzeny to carry out their mission against the Egyptian nuclear program? Skorzeny was a businessman, and a killer, with deep connections to fascists in Spain and elsewhere, and a major player in the ‘Fourth Reich’. I think he was part of the CIA’s QJWIN operation. LHO was not a Mossad agent, but he was also not a murderer. So when looking for who the shooters were and who hired them, the microscopic study of Oswald’s life, while yielding important clues, is also a bit of a rabbit hole. If you look at the evidence against LHO and decide it’s weak, tainted, planted, deliberately obfuscated, it’s time to look elsewhere. 

Ron Unz's American Pravda chapter here about the Mossad is a broad review of the general world history of political assassinations, which goes on to explore the history of the Mossad, in particular -- especially Ostrovsky's memoirs.  It was penned shortly after Soleimani's assassination last year, which is what, apparently, prompted the review.

Unz then discusses journalist Michael Collin Piper's book Final Judgment, which mainly focused on the political conflict between JFK and David Ben Gurion over the Dimona nuclear project.  Piper also claimed that Meyer Lansky was the de facto king pin of the American Mafia, and tried to make a case that Jack Ruby was primarily working for Lansky and Micky Cohen on behalf of the Israeli government.  If I recall, he also tried to make a case that Menachem Begin and assassins involved in Irgun had been in contact with Micky Cohen (and possibly Ruby) in 1963.   So, any Mossad connection to the JFK assassination, in the Piper hypothesis, would have involved Ruby, not Oswald.

I probably know less about this subject than many forum members here, but my impression is that Piper's thesis was mostly speculative, and short on facts.  

My own belief is that JFK's assassination was a CIA op related to JFK's efforts to de-escalate the Cold War and get out of Vietnam.



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William - I read both Unz articles you reference and another as well. I’d forgotten that Nixon was quoted as saying that Ruby, who he had met in 1946, was one of Johnson’s boys.

Unz does not seem to be aware of the Mossad/Skorzeny link. Has anyone but me read that material? It’s easy to google. 
There seems to be an undercurrent of anti-semitism in some of the articles Unz pens. It’s one thing to criticize Israel, and Zionism, and quite another to claim that there is something inherent in Orthodox Judaism that makes assassination their chosen tool. Yeah, the Old Testament is full of extreme warlike sentiments and lends support to the idea of Jews feeling superior. But I object for the same reason I do so when the Koran is used similarly. Anglo Saxons have been incredibly warlike throughout their history too. I prefer to look at the lust power as a corrupting influence that goes beyond religion, and to conclude that the love of power brings sociopaths and psychopaths into positions of leadership. 
I don’t dismiss the possibility of Mossad involvement.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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5 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m not so sure that Angleton didn’t report to Jerusalem, and perhaps to the KGB. I found JFK’s ‘private’ communications with Kruschchev quite revealing. Both were worried about their own military hardliners. The Cold War was Big Business. As for Mossad, don’t you find it shocking that they hired Otto Skorzeny to carry out their mission against the Egyptian nuclear program? Skorzeny was a businessman, and a killer, with deep connections to fascists in Spain and elsewhere, and a major player in the ‘Fourth Reich’. I think he was part of the CIA’s QJWIN operation. LHO was not a Mossad agent, but he was also not a murderer. So when looking for who the shooters were and who hired them, the microscopic study of Oswald’s life, while yielding important clues, is also a bit of a rabbit hole. If you look at the evidence against LHO and decide it’s weak, tainted, planted, deliberately obfuscated, it’s time to look elsewhere. 

Paul B-

I look at the evidence (much as it is) and I deduce that LOH was an CIA-intel asset, and was in the TSBD at the time of the JFKA, then went home and got a gun. He may have been a patsy (I think so), but he was likely involved. LOH is a valuable lead to put it mildly.

The national security state-globalist class wanted JFK out. 

The above all strongly suggests elements of US intel-CIA, perhaps rogue, got JFK. 

The JFKA cover-up was not rogue, and the murder of LOH probably was tacitly approved by intel higher-ups.  

That's my take. 

But more importantly, did you like my joke about reading the Damascus Daily?  


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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

William - I read both Unz articles you reference and another as well. I’d forgotten that Nixon was quoted as saying that Ruby, who he had met in 1946, was one of Johnson’s boys.

Unz does not seem to be aware of the Mossad/Skorzeny link. Has anyone but me read that material? It’s easy to google. 
There seems to be an undercurrent of anti-semitism in some of the articles Unz pens. It’s one thing to criticize Israel, and Zionism, and quite another to claim that there is something inherent in Orthodox Judaism that makes assassination their chosen tool. Yeah, the Old Testament is full of extreme warlike sentiments and lends support to the idea of Jews feeling superior. But I object for the same reason I do so when the Koran is used similarly. Anglo Saxons have been incredibly warlike throughout their history too. I prefer to look at the lust power as a corrupting influence that goes beyond religion, and to conclude that the love of power brings sociopaths and psychopaths into positions of leadership. 
I don’t dismiss the possibility of Mossad involvement.


      Ron Unz is Jewish, and he has written a lot about the history of Judaism in various articles.  I agree that some of his articles are critical of traditional Orthodox Judaism.  Perhaps that constitutes "Anti-Semitism."

      I'm hardly an expert on the subject, but I did take a Religious Studies course when I was an undergraduate at Brown, which included some lectures and articles by the highly-acclaimed Talmudic scholar, Professor Jacob Neusner, from Brown's Hillel Center.

      If I understand it correctly, Orthodox Judaic doctrine and praxis is based on the collected interpretations of the Torah and other sacred Hebrew texts by the Hebrew sages--e.g., the Talmud and Mishnah.  As described in the Old Testament Hebrew texts of the canonical "Bible," Orthodox Judaism is, obviously, tribal -- comprised of descendants of the Twelve Tribes/sons of Israel/Jacob.   It is also inherently separatist, viewing non-Jews (goyim) as spiritually different from the people of Israel-- inherently unclean.  And, like many tribal religions, Orthodox Judaism may be potentially militant in the defense and preservation of the tribe.

     How traditional Orthodox Judaic doctrine influences the political and military policies of the State of Israel (including the Mossad) is a question for the experts, and beyond my ken.  From what I have read in newspapers, it seems like the Orthodox political factions in Israel are the most ardent about occupying the traditional territory of ancient Israel-- viewing it as a kind of theological mandate.

     Did Ben Gurion and Israelis involved in establishing and defending the State of Israel-- many of whom had relatives who were killed in the Holocaust during WWII-- view JFK as an existential threat to the people of Israel?  I don't know the answer to that question.


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The following article is owed to Malcolm Blunt.  His work in the archives produced it.

What Piper left out was Kennedy and Nasser. Kennedy liked Nasser both politically and personally. And he was willing to walk a tightrope in the Middle East in this regard. What has happened to American foreign policy there is an almost reverse imprint of what Kennedy was working for.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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20 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The following article is owed to Malcolm Blunt.  His work in the archives produced it.

What Piper left out was Kennedy and Nasser. Kennedy liked Nasser both politically and personally. And he was willing to walk a tightrope in the Middle East in this regard. What has happened to American foreign policy there is an almost reverse imprint of what Kennedy was working for.


Actually Unz does mention Nasser and JFK. Again, I’m not sure why everyone reads Skorzeny and rolls their eyes and moves on. Skorzeny was hired by Mossad to destroy Nasser’s nuclear program. That seems relevant. 

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I think it’s easy to see why he would have been seen as an existential threat. If you’d 20 years earlier lost brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers etc etc through a holocaust, you’d be wanting to avoid that happening to you or your people ever again. One school of thought is that the only way you can assure that doesn’t happen again is by arming yourselves to the teeth and having the most powerful weaponry (nuclear) as a deterrent or an offensive capability. Israel is surrounded by natural enemies and superior numbers, so they’d want to have nuclear weapons at all costs. It would be seen as essential for survival. With passions high, I wouldn’t think anyone could convince them otherwise, after all, nobody really saved them in WW2. I would think having their destiny in the hands of others was something they would not desire after WW2 and the holocaust, its one of the reasons they wanted a secular state, which Churchill worked hard with Ben Gurion on. JFK being seen as the obstacle in that path would not be forgiven. They would not want to be seen as equals to Arab nations. And they wouldn’t have liked JFK’s communications with Nasser. If you add a bit about JFK’s father being an ‘appeaser’ of Hitler, I can see JFK wouldn’t have been popular there. They wouldn’t have known that Ambassador Joe Kennedy asked FDR to take as many Jews as possible as the US immigration quota at the time (100k) as he thought something bad was going to happen. 

I fell asleep just after starting that podcast last night, i’ll have another go at it tomorrow. 

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On 4/22/2021 at 4:56 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

But more importantly, did you like my joke about reading the Damascus Daily?  

It was great.


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I guess this is simplistic thinking.

JFK opposed anyone in the Middle East or for that matter the rest of the world acquiring nuclear weapons that didn't already have them.  He negotiated the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty between us and the USSR.

In 1963 James Jesus Angleton of the CIA holds Oswald's files "close to the vest".

In I forget 1964 or1965 Angleton told the Israelis when and where to find enriched uranium here in the USA.  Their last need to fully arm their weapons.  Arranged to have the gate left open for them. 

He wouldn't have done that of his own free will.  

Edited by Ron Bulman
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