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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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I mentioned earlier that I sense a "Joe McCarthy" type fall from grace tipping point being reached regards Trump and his bullying, belligerent, nation dividing, constitution attacking and obsessive self-aggrandizing and self-interest serving reign of diluted power crazed rule that has upset and exhausted us all like no president has ever done before.

I first sensed this while watching and listening to former Federal Appeals Court Judge John Michael Luttig in one of the January 6th investigation hearings, describe Trump as " a clear and present danger" to our nation, society and democracy.

Luttig has often been labeled and revered as an icon of conservative philosophy legal scholarship.

His impassioned warning calling out of Trump ( and his enablers, defenders and followers ) to a large national viewership audience that day was reminiscent of another congressional hearing held on June 9th, 1954 where Special Council to The Army Joseph Welch confronted Senator Joseph McCarthy and his reign of bullying, belittling, nation dividing and paranoia spreading rhetoric which had finally reached it's societal exhausting and damaging breaking point.

"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency sir...at long last?"

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Breaking news from The New York Times: "The SEC has broadened its inquiry into whether Elon Musk properly disclosed his investment in Twitter and his intentions for the social media company. The agency said a tweet from Musk in May suggested he planned to abandon his deal to buy Twitter."

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Mike Florio (Pro Football talk) has been on this story since last year. He reported it and even then it took Favre a long time to acknowledge and pay it back. If I'm not mistaken before this story broke out by MSM Favre had repaid half it? Disgusting corruption.

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8 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

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Other significant differences:

  • The election is only for one position -- president.
  • There are no primaries -- you can vote for any of the 12 candidates who qualified -- they've had 500 mayors sign their petition to run (IIRC).
  • 2 weeks later is the parliamentary representative election
  • You can vote a blank piece of paper --> none of the above.
  • Elections are held on Sundays when most stores are closed and people are off and not on a workday.


Bill Fite-

Thanks for the post.

You know, in 2018, the New York Times ran cover stories that US election security was in "crisis" it was so vulnerable to hacking.


Left wing publications have written that the 2000, 2004 and even 2016 elections were gamed through absentee ballots and other gimmicks.

Now...the discussion about election security is considered bogus. Conspiracy theories! 

I say we go back to paper ballots, and same-day voting only at the ballot box, and after ID is shown. 

I do not believe the 2020 election was stolen. But all recent elections have been vulnerable to gimmicks. 


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10 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The ’50 former senior intelligence officials’  that said the Hunter Biden Laptop was a hoax (October 2020) is a good example of Legacy Media's collaboration with the Intel community. 

I do not expect your average news reader or reporter to parse the list of 50 names and Red Flag names that might have less than honorable intentions.

One would think though, the 50 names on the list would get a more critical look from the participants on this forum. The list has a few names that your average consumer of corporate news would recognize, like Panetta and Clapper.

It also has a few names that regularly show up in the annals of mid-20th Century assassinations, coups, plots and psy-ops. A few names that sound familiar include Wise, Bruce, Buckley, Harrington, and Snyder. 

That the same names show up throughout the history of the US of the past 75 years, whenever there is an assassination or other type of skullduggery, is simply coincidence to the thread participants here, and who presumably joined this forum because they appreciate a good conspiracy.  

The ’50 former senior intelligence officials’  that said the Hunter Biden Laptop was a hoax (October 2020) is a good example of Legacy Media's collaboration with the Intel community. 

I am mildly disappointed, but no longer surprised, that people in the JFKA research community place stock in the slant and content of legacy-media reporting. 

The prostitution-drug antics of Hunter Biden concern me not, in fact only make me sad.

But the Biden family, we are learning through the laptop, has accepted millions of dollars for foreign sources with deep connections to foreign governments.

From the Times of London: 


State-linked Chinese energy company paid $4.8 million to Hunter Biden

Hugh Tomlinson
, Washington
Thursday March 31 2022, 1.20am BST, The Times
Hunter Biden received the money from CEFC Energy, which has ties to the Communist party and the People’s Liberation Army"Hunter Biden received the money from CEFC Energy, which has ties to the Communist party and the People’s Liberation Army. Hunter Biden received almost $5 million in just over a year from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist Party, according to documents released by Republican senators, as the investigation deepens into the business dealings of the president’s son."
This strikes me as grifting, and of course raises questions of conflicts of interest. President Biden is now considering reductions in tariffs on China imports.  
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Matt Taibbi's take on the extended, extended again, and super-duper important emergency session of the J6 hearing: 

"Tonight was meant to be the grand primetime finale of the January 6th hearings, but those have been postponed. MSNBC’s Ali Vitali, when asked the reason, answered in classic fashion. “Look,” she said. “You have to infer that the reason for that is they’re getting new cooperation, not least of which from former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone…”

Do we? Have to infer that? From George Nader to Michael Cohen to Hope Hicks to Michael Flynn to Don McGahn to Alexander Vindman to Cassidy Hutchinson to a long, long list of others, we’ve been repeatedly told the key Bearer Of Secrets had turned states evidence, and the “John Dean moment” was here. Do you remember the New Yorker article from the summer of 2018, “Allen Weisselberg, the Man Who Knows Donald Trump’s Financial Secrets, Has Agreed to Become a Coöperating Witness”? The one containing the line, “Allen is the one guy who knows everything”?



Is there another word for "bombshell"? 

We know the Cheney-crat J6 hearings are not about justice or determining the truth---otherwise, actual and real eyewitnesses, instead of hearsay witnesses who said what they recalled and interpreted what actual eyewitness said, would be put "on the stand." 

Meanwhile, batten down the hatches, put on your selt-belts, burrow into the bunkers, affix helmets!

More bombshells! 

Even draft tweets that were never sent! 




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Carol Loenig is on MSNBC right now, discussing the current SS destroyed evidence scandal, and will be discussing missing SS evidence in the JFK assassination and investigation. Turn it on now!


edit : Well, a few million more people now know a lot more about the JFKA coverup than they did before wow

Edited by Matt Allison
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Worth watching.


So why did the NYT suddenly humanize a guy (Ray Epps) who on 1/5 and 1/6 loudly exhorted scrummers to "go into the Capitol"? 

Why does the NYT take Ray Epps' claim that he was not a federal asset on faith? 

Given that Ray Epps helped breach the Capitol (captured on video)...why is he getting the "nice guy" treatment? 

Very fishy. As in National Aquarium fishy. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Carol Loenig is on MSNBC right now, discussing the current SS destroyed evidence scandal, and will be discussing missing SS evidence in the JFK assassination and investigation. Turn it on now!


edit : Well, a few million more people now know a lot more about the JFKA coverup than they did before wow


I do not condone the erasing of any evidence, or government documents or records. 

You, and everybody else, should loudly condemn such erasures, and if possible, determine what evidence has been destroyed. 


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

WaPo coverage, free to read:


Thanks Matt.  That is why they are called the "Secret" Service.  They keep secrets.  For all Presidents.  And for themselves.  Video and audio of Malcom Perry 3X 11/22/63, Entrance Wound.  That bullet behind the right ear in the Belmont Memo.  Both, disappeared. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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The destruction of public records cannot be tolerated. 

If you are a Donk, no doubt you think the Secret Service disappearing records re Trump show he planned an insurrection.

If you are a Trumper, you suspect the disappeared records might reveal a Deep State plot to maneuver Trump into backfiring situation, such as an ugly scrum at the Capitol. 

In either case, there should be consequences for destroying public records. 

If you think the Secret Service is always die-hard loyal the Chief...think about Dallas. 

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