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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

If surveillance videos show boxes being moved in and out of the storage room in Mar-a-Lago, some material may have been moved to storage offsite.

The FBI may still not have recovered everything Trump took.

Steve Thomas

I would hope the DOJ and FBI considers this possibility.

And depose under oath everyone who was in a position to know if the DOJ files charges...yes?

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13 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

A must read.

"It has to be a knowing lie."

Lou Dobbs in his Fox show was stating much more against Dominion than anything reported from Trump and his minions.

So, Fox News wasn't just reporting Dominion fraud stated by others.

They came up with their own Dominion fraud assessments based on their own investigations.

Notice Fox news dumped Lou Dobbs right after Trump was dumped.

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Trump will be getting charged. There is absolutely no doubt about that.

When that will happen is unknown, as it's entirely dependent on how long it takes DOJ to go through the documents and prepare their case.

That means the GOP might run someone under indictment as their next Presidential candidate. Could they really be that screwed up? The sad, pathetic answer to that is "yes".

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This is an interesting read, in the uber-liberal New Yorker. 

It paints Trump as a boor and a fool, unlearned and beyond arrogant. Probably all true. 

But there is something else going on too.

Now, the military-intel state is being elevated in "left wing" circles. They are the good guys, enlightened, upstanding. True blue. 

And so the military-intel state has all but completely co-opted America's left wing. 


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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


No!  Let him keep talking, give him enough rope to hang himself.  Maybe he can get both feet, and his tiny hands in his mouth.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Trump will be getting charged. There is absolutely no doubt about that.


To quote MacBeth, "If it were done... 'twere well it were done quickly."

Trump is using the uncertainty surrounding the investigation to incite threats and violence against a judge and law enforcement officers.

He leaked a copy of the warrant to Rupert Murdoch (WSJ, Fox News) and Breitbart, before it was unsealed by the judge on Friday, in order to promote a false, pre-emptive narrative of himself as a victim of DOJ/FBI overreach.

Classic Trump public relations sleaze.

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It was always a matter of time before one of Trump's dozens of law skirting and law breaking schemes finally collapsed under it's own fraudulent weight.

Trump's huge number and well financed wall of protection he enjoyed while in office has long ago broken up. Too many in those ranks not only abandoned ship but have even turned on their former blustering and bragging leader.

Trump is now left fighting his typical legal problem battles with a patchwork team of desperate tainted loyalists and "in it for the money only" lawyers.

One of Trump's leaking legal dikes is going to break. Too many of them to keep plugged up like he did with the power of the presidency.

If it isn't the Mar-A-Lago affair it could very well be the Georgia election interference, the fake electors scam and/or the January 6th, 2021 attack on our Capital building that finally takes Trump into "face the music" land.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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10 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ex-CIA agent says fallout over raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago resembles the lead up to the January 6 Capitol attack and predicts there will be another 'catastrophic event' 

Those 1/6 people never thought they'd face consequences for what they did.

So with that mindset not working out so well for them, I wouldn't count on seeing any more large-scale insurrections for a while.

But with the GOP seeming to be perfectly content morphing into a full-time terrorist movement, I would expect suicide bomber-type MAGA terrorism.

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