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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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8 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

That Deep State was on his side, got him elected in 2016. He would not have won without Comey announcing that Clinton emails were found on Weiner's laptop. Whatever happened to that story?


The former director of the CIA, explicitly endorses HRC in the NYT, pre-election. 

The NYT was so enamored of this Morrel op-ed, Q/A they ran a companion piece, 


I am not sure intel officials should ever get involved in politics, this goes beyond Trump v. Clinton. 

But here is the unsettling truth: The left-wing is now taking cues from the Deep State.  Former intel officials swarm over CNN, MSNBC and NYT, WaPo, where they are feted, especially if they say anything anti-Trump. 

JFKA researcher Richard Russell has written about how many of the "new left wing" news-sites, such as Insider or Daily Beast, have been funded by the CIA. 

There is no loyal opposition anymore to huge expansion of military-intel funding or powers. The Espionage Act, long loathed by civil libertarians, is now championed.  

Indeed, while members of this forum remain obsessed with Trump's hoped-for pending execution, and the Mar-a-Lago raid, another $50 billion was added onto the Defense Department funding request by Congress, without detectable debate. 

In other words, if the powers of the panopticon state can be weaponized and applied to political opponents...then we love the panopticon.

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      Not sure how many times I've posted the facts for Ben about how the New York Times colluded in sabotaging Hillary Clinton's candidacy in 2016 but, incredibly, Ben still seems to think that the NYT was promoting Hillary's 2016 candidacy! 

     It wasn't about occasional op-eds.  It was about the weekly headline stories, typically based on anonymous "leaks," about the Hillary Email nothing burger-- right up until Election Day (and Comey's FBI/Weiner Laptop "October Surprise.")  NYT Editor-in-Chief Dean Baquet also explicitly put the kibosh on any pre-election NYT stories about Trump's ties to Russia, as NYT readers learned in 2017.

    As a daily reader of the NYT in 2016, I watched the whole baffling charade unfold in the summer and fall of 2016.  It was obvious to me, and other NYT readers, that the NYT was sabotaging Hillary.  My theory at the time was that it was about money-- tax policy differences between Trump and Hillary.

     The Columbia Journalism Review, and other academic analyses (e.g., the Harvard/Berman Klein Institute) clarified the skewed media coverage of Hillary's Emails in detail, ex post facto.

Study: Hillary Clinton’s emails got as much front-page coverage in 6 days as policy did in 69 - Vox

Don’t blame the election on fake news. Blame it on the media. - Columbia Journalism Review (cjr.org)

Hillary Clinton: the shameful conclusion to the But Her Emails debacle - Vox



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The former director of the CIA, explicitly endorses HRC in the NYT, pre-election. 

So you're mad that the former director of the CIA, was looking to protect his country, and made a correct assessment of the damage Donald Trump could cause as POTUS? And he was proven correct? In spades?

That's a confusing take there, Ben.

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9 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

So you're mad that the former director of the CIA, was looking to protect his country, and made a correct assessment of the damage Donald Trump could cause as POTUS? And he was proven correct? In spades?

That's a confusing take there, Ben.

Not if Ben has some vendetta against the U.S. Which it always sort of appears.

It's none of my business Ben, but do you collect Social Security there in Thailand?

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Timeline of the search for the documents. Article confirms report last night on ABC National News that footage of the closed-circuit camera captured what was going on in the corridor outside the storage room. I gather that footage shows the persons who were removing boxes from the storage room for some reason and later returned them or other boxes.



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It also appears that the national security threat implications were apparent longer than a couple weeks. Reports are saying that Garland agonized over authorizing the search warrant, which is sad; he shouldn't have to worry about doing the right thing simply because slimeballs will try to politicize it or threaten terrorism.

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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Not if Ben has some vendetta against the U.S. Which it always sort of appears.

It's none of my business Ben, but do you collect Social Security there in Thailand?

Unfortunately still working. BTW, I paid into SS for 50 years. You think I am entitled? 

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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Not if Ben has some vendetta against the U.S. Which it always sort of appears.

It's none of my business Ben, but do you collect Social Security there in Thailand?

What threat did Trump pose to the nation? 

Unlike Bush jr., who inveigled the US into not one but two fantastically expensive but counterproductive wars? 

Or LBJ, who got the US in Vietnam and wider SE Asian conflicts, also at fantastic expense and bloodshed? 

Trump put tariffs on China, and tried to reduce the flow of illegal labor into the US that harms the bottom half of the US labor pool, and exacerbates social tensions, resulting in  BLM and right-wing militants.

You take your cues now from the intel-state? 

According to the New Donk heroes in the intel-state, we should still occupy Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and a few other nations too...and deposing or murdering a US president is justified....

Bret Stephens of the NYT said Russiagate was an "elaborate hoax." What does that tell you? 

Trump posed as much threat to the U.S. as Billy Barty...

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3 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So you've paid into ss for 50 years and you say you've been in Thailand for 10? So you're well into your 70's, and you're still working .. What do you do for worK?

A little too personal Kirk.

I started paying into SS at age 17.  So I am not 70 yet. If you must know, yes I could draw SS, but all the experts say wait as long as possible. I am not sure that is the best advice.

You realize after age 60 there might not be that many years left....


I would advise drawing at age 62 and retiring unless you are very happy in your work...



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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you must know, yes I could draw SS, but all the experts say wait as long as possible. I am not sure that is the best advice.

I'm only asking, and you might be happy I did. Your experts sound like they're full of crap.

5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You realize after age 60 there might not be that many years left....

What!? I realize? if you realized it, you'd be retired. But haven't you spent your last 10 years in Thailand?


7 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I would advise drawing at age 62 and retiring unless you are very happy in your work...

From your responses. Why in the world would I take your advice?

If you have faith SS will continue for a long time, the age you retire should be mostly governed by how long you think you have a probability of living.

You say you're working "unfortunately" and you have 50 years contributing to ss. You're over 65, yet you have no idea what you'd collect? I might suggest you get more engaged and you might end up thanking me.

Isn't it great being in Thailand and having a thread like this?

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm only asking, and you might be happy I did. Your experts sound like they're full of crap.

What!? I realize? if you realized it, you'd be retired. But haven't you spent your last 10 years in Thailand?


From your responses. Why in the world would I take your advice?

If you have faith SS will continue for a long time, the age you retire should be mostly governed by how long you think you have a probability of living.

You say you're working "unfortunately" and you have 50 years contributing to ss. You're over 65, yet you have no idea what you'd collect? I might suggest you get more engaged and you might end up thanking me.

Isn't it great being in Thailand and having a thread like this?

Kirk, Kirk, Kirk---

There are imponderables in life, such as the DOA date. 

Also, I have kids. 

Unscheduled expenses. Unscheduled kids for that matter. 

I will gaze more deeply into my crystal ball next time around....

Perhaps you have tread through life without blunder. Congratulations. 

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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I can appreciate this.

There but for the grace of god...

There but for the grace of god...

Matt, I probably say this once a day, if not more. I consider myself lucky. 

Anyone can end up anywhere with a few turns of bad luck, a medical or auto accident, a really bad spouse, you name it.  Some high fraction of American today are depressed or taking mental meds. 

Sure, a lot of people do themselves in through drugs and crime. But even being an alcoholic may be a matter of the genes, rather than willpower. 

I am in a OK spot now. Yeah, I have to keep working. So what. Kids are great too. 

I wish I had dodged a few bullets along the way....




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In the Forensic Psychiatrist interview link I posted earlier, the Psychiatrist "Bandy Lee" is asked why she has come out so publicly in writing and speaking about Donald Trump in the most serious warning way from her professional perspective which her Trump supporting critics claim crosses the line ethically and even professionally.

Dr. Lee's response ( as best as I can relate ) is she feels compelled to share her most urgent warning belief that Trump is in reality truly a dangerously very mentally ill man who when given great highest governmental position power has inflicted major harm to our society to degrees she feels are so damaging - even criminal ( she equates his response handling of the Corona virus to mass murder resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths ) that in her personal and professional opinion and sworn oath to care for the public health warrant her serious warnings of his past and continuing danger to us all - publicly.

I feel that same way and I am sure many others here on the forum do to. Hence my much higher than normal, born out of true concern posting activity on this thread.

My greatest concern is seeing half our country championing Trump, no matter how many proven facts reveal him to be the seriously mentally ill and dangerous bad character person Dr. Bandy Lee describes.

And as well, their choosing to believe the unprecedented damage he has inflicted upon us all isn't real. Or even if it is ... downplaying it to mind blowing irresponsible degrees ( the Jan.6th, 2021 Capital building attack wasn't that bad or important ) which to me indicates a kind of mass false propaganda influenced mental illness itself.

One of rejecting true fact based realities over false ones, accepting, embracing and following a delusional man's words and actions no matter how dangerously divisive, damaging and violence feeding they are, and a willingness to keep pretending Trump is a much more good person versus bad and that those who feel differently are their greatest enemy ( even evil ) and no longer looked upon as fellow Americans worthy of respect and defending.

My 2 cents.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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