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Trump shared a picture of himself wearing a Q lapel pin, overlaid with the QAnon phrases “The Storm is Coming” and “WWG1WGA,” on his Truth Social account on Monday evening. The post was originally shared on Truth Social by an account called “Patriots in Control,” before Trump re-shared it.



Steve Thomas

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I have long believed that President Trump communicated with his Russian handler in the U.S. using his secure cell phone while in the middle of one of his golf courses when he played golf on many occasions. Sometimes he spoked directly to Putin. All this was done with no one knowing. 

I also believe he employed this strategy yesterday to meet and confer in the middle of one of his golf courses with his lawyers and certain others who are well connected through the Federalist Society to make things happen favorably for him in the future in the judiciary. 

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I have long believed that President Trump communicated with his Russian handler in the U.S. using his secure cell phone while in the middle of one of his golf courses when he played golf on many occasions. Sometimes he spoked directly to Putin. All this was done with no one knowing. 

I also believe he employed this strategy yesterday to meet and confer in the middle of one of his golf courses with his lawyers and certain others who are well connected through the Federalist Society to make things happen favorably for him in the future in the judiciary. 


Well, no one knew except Douglas Caddy. 

Query: Let's accept what you say as true.

Was Trump's brand of personal diplomacy with Putin actually a success?

After all, as soon as Trump left office, Putin invaded Ukraine, on Biden's watch.

The Biden Administration made signal errors: 1.  All but publicly offering Zelensky refuge (thus signaling defeat), and 2) also signaling it would never send troops to Ukraine and would honor Russia's no-fly zone over Ukraine. 

None of this exonerates Putin, who is obviously a revanchist thug, and also a crony capitalist who has made alliance with the Orthodox (Catholic) church (in short, a typical US ally, if in Latin America). 

So now the US effectively pours money into Communist China and is at war with capitalist-religious Russia. 

Funny how things turn out. 

Were we better off with Trump making deals on his secret cell phone on golf courses? 



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Former Harvard psychiatrist says Trump is untreatable total psychopath. Says he could create a police state if he returns to power.

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     There is no effective psychotherapeutic treatment for sociopathy.  I learned that lesson years ago from one of my favorite psychiatric mentors. 

     As interventions, the only thing that most sociopaths respond to is the threat of external consequences for their sociopathic behavior-- e.g., "If you break the law, you could go to jail."

    And Donald Trump has spent his entire adult life evading consequences for his sociopathic behavior.  He's very good at it.  One of Trump's biographers even said a few years ago that Trump gets a peculiar bang out of scamming people and getting away with it.

    It's interesting, and disturbing, to see how Trump has even incited his cult followers, and a judge, to help him evade consequences for his criminal conduct-- creating an illusion that he is a victim rather than a criminal.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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49 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

A toothless condemnation.  Will he respond?  No I'd guess.  But it still needed to be publicly stated, jmo.

House Oversight Committee calls on Trump to certify he surrendered all documents (msn.com)

Ron, this is a chess move. If Trump lies and certifies that he HAS surrendered all documents, he can be tried for perjury. If he tells the truth and says he has NOT returned all the documents, then he is admitting he is guilty of violating the Espionage Act. If he pleads the Fifth Amendment, it looks the same as an admission of guilt, because he would be saying that telling the truth would incriminate him.


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Number of mysterious Russian businessmen deaths in just the last 8 months rises to 9!

Pechorin is at least the ninth prominent Russian businessmen to have reportedly died by suicide or in unexplained accidents since late January, with six of them associated with Russia's two largest energy companies.
Four of those six were linked to the Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom or one of its subsidiaries, while the other two were associated with Lukoil, Russia's largest privately owned oil and gas company.
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This is how seriously you can take Ben.

This is the group that Ben has said over and over again that he has hopes to take over the Republican Party.

My guess is Ben can tell you  the names of about  4 of these faces.

And that's how seriously you can take what Ben says.


Trai-tors for sale or rent!


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The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States.

Confronting this threat is the FBI’s top counterintelligence priority.

To be clear, the adversary is not the Chinese people or people of Chinese descent or heritage. The threat comes from the programs and policies pursued by an authoritarian government.

The Chinese government is employing tactics that seek to influence lawmakers and public opinion to achieve policies that are more favorable to China.

At the same time, the Chinese government is seeking to become the world’s greatest superpower through predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions.

China’s efforts target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public and will require a whole-of-society response. The government and the private sector must commit to working together to better understand and counter the threat.


Made in Beijing: The Plan for Global Market Domination

Through interviews with FBI agents and executives of victim companies, this film aims to help the private sector recognize the urgent need to protect their intellectual property against sustained and ongoing industrial espionage by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Visit fbi.gov/chinathreat to learn more.

Transcript / Visit Video Source

“The greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray

Well, this needs to be updated.

The President, in his official capacity and not as campaign rhetoric, has said the MAGA Republicans are greatest threat to US democracy. Even with Mr. Buffalo Horns in prison. 

The people swilling the Donkey-piss kool-aid agree. 

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      I never knew that you were a Christopher Wray fan!  Will wonders never cease?  

      Have you forgotten what Wray said last year about the threat of domestic terrorism in the U.S. and the deadly January 6th attack on Congress that you have repeatedly described as a mere "scrum?"  🤥

FBI chief warns violent 'domestic terrorism' growing in US | AP News

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20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      I never knew that you were a Christopher Wray fan!  Will wonders never cease?  

      Have you forgotten what Wray said last year about the threat of domestic terrorism in the U.S. and the deadly January 6th attack on Congress that you have repeatedly described as a mere "scrum?"  🤥

FBI chief warns violent 'domestic terrorism' growing in US | AP News


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