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This cites Micheel Cohen's remarks on the Nicole Wallace interview of him on MSNBC.


Why did he steal the documents? Maggie Haberman's book may hold the answer - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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I read a report either last night of this morning that stated that Russia is sending new conscripts to the front in Ukraine with ZERO TRAINING: Russia-Ukraine war: Russian conscripts being sent straight to front, Kyiv says; UK sanctions Russians linked to ‘sham referendums’ – as it happened | Russia | The Guardian

Since you're the chief Putin apologist on this forum, please explain to me how this decision by Putin is Biden's fault.

As is apparently everything to do with that war, in YOUR world.

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On 9/23/2022 at 9:55 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

In fact, there was no grand conspiracy on 1/6.

No e-mails, texts, phone calls, letters, huddled conversations--despite a panopticon state that sees everything.  There ain't no there there.

Stay skeptical. 

In light of the newly revealed evidence about Mark Meadows' J6 texts, it's probably no coincidence that Ben Cole recently posted these MAGA-verse tropes about "no texts" implicating Trump's White House in the J6 coup plot.  Oops...

Riggleman: Meadows' text trove revealed a "roadmap to an attempted coup" - 60 Minutes - CBS News

It looks like another example of the Trumplicon propagandists trying to get out in front of the damning J6 evidence with a Faux counter-narrative-- shortly before the final J6 Congressional hearing.

We owe a Ben a thank you for keeping us continually up-to-date on these Faux MAGA-verse counter-narratives about almost everything -- e.g., the Deep State's J6 "Patriot Purge," the Deep State's "Russia Hoax," and the Donks' failure to respond appropriately to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

The moral of Ben's nightly dispatches from the MAGA-verse is, "Ignore the facts, never trust a Donk, and don't drink the blue kool aid."  🤥

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

The moral of Ben's nightly dispatches from the MAGA-verse is, "Ignore the facts, never trust a Donk, and don't drink the blue kool aid."  🤥

Yeah, and stay skeptical!!

heh heh heh heh heh heh ....ho!

On another front, word has it that Billionaires are shaking in their boots in fear of the prospect of hearing Ben's next Biden Globalist tirade because it hurts so bad!

And Republicans are marching on Wall Street against the 1%, to hear Ben tell it!


On a substantive level, Thanks Doug!, That's  really quite remarkable that Monroe, Madison, Hamilton,Burr and Marshall were under 25 at the signing of the Declaration of independence! Some more older guys, Washington was 44 and Franklin was the senior at 70!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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17 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So...have you tallied up the results? Do you know how many were arrested at the Capitol or in the grounds, on 1/6? Give us the answer. 

I counted 39 people total, but others are free to correct my work.


https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/publication/attachments/Unrest-Related Arrest Data as of April 18 2021.pdf

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:



I don't know what is going on. Hundreds were arrested on Capitol grounds. 

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9 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

This fellow, a former Republican member of the House of Representatives, was interviewed on "60 Minutes" last night. His pro-Jan. 6th Committee talk was a great lead-in into that Committee's final public hearing on this Wednesday. The Drudge Report says today that the Committee on Wednesday is going to announce they are unanimously referring Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution for his orchestrating the insurrection.

Count me skeptical, but to me this reads like political theater. Or call me cynical. 

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

In light of the newly revealed evidence about Mark Meadows' J6 texts, it's probably no coincidence that Ben Cole recently posted these MAGA-verse tropes about "no texts" implicating Trump's White House in the J6 coup plot.  Oops...

Riggleman: Meadows' text trove revealed a "roadmap to an attempted coup" - 60 Minutes - CBS News

It looks like another example of the Trumplicon propagandists trying to get out in front of the damning J6 evidence with a Faux counter-narrative-- shortly before the final J6 Congressional hearing.

We owe a Ben a thank you for keeping us continually up-to-date on these Faux MAGA-verse counter-narratives about almost everything -- e.g., the Deep State's J6 "Patriot Purge," the Deep State's "Russia Hoax," and the Donks' failure to respond appropriately to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

The moral of Ben's nightly dispatches from the MAGA-verse is, "Ignore the facts, never trust a Donk, and don't drink the blue kool aid."  🤥


Well, actually I have implored all to not drink the red or blue kool-aid.  The GOP lack verisimilitude in equal measure to the Donks. 

Well, let's see what is actually in Mark Meadows texts. 

There is a hullabaloo today about one phone call through the White House switchboard on Dec. 20 to a woman Oath Keeper. That means conspiracy! 


So...the Biden took family took $4.8 million from business entities in mainland China directly linked to the People's Liberation Army. Does that mean Biden is conspiring with the CCP? 

From WaPo:

Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives

By Matt Viser ,Tom Hamburger and  Craig Timberg

March 30, 2022 at 11:04 a.m. EDT

Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.


So....the Biden family took $4.8 million from the CCP. 

In modern parlance, that mean President Biden is "linked" and "tied" to the CCP, and money is being laundered to "buy off" Biden. 

In truth, it is very smelly that the Biden family, and Biden's own son, is taking such a huge amount of money from CCP-related entities. 

But does that mean Biden is a creature of the CCP? Engaged in a conspiracy? 

I don't know. Depends of who writes the story, no? 

Have you ever read this story? 


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53 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I don't know what is going on. Hundreds were arrested on Capitol grounds. 

No, that did not happen. And many people, myself included, were extremely upset that day precisely because hundreds were not immediately arrested after the riot.

Hundreds have been arrested since that day, but not on the day of the insurrection itself, January 6th, 2021.

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7 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


I read a report either last night of this morning that stated that Russia is sending new conscripts to the front in Ukraine with ZERO TRAINING: Russia-Ukraine war: Russian conscripts being sent straight to front, Kyiv says; UK sanctions Russians linked to ‘sham referendums’ – as it happened | Russia | The Guardian

Since you're the chief Putin apologist on this forum, please explain to me how this decision by Putin is Biden's fault.

As is apparently everything to do with that war, in YOUR world.


How many times have I said Putin is a thug, and that a forceful response, even more-forceful than was applied, was necessary in Ukraine?

I do not think the US should honor a Russian no-fly zone over Ukraine, for example (still the Biden policy?). 

If there is a way to end the war quickly, through an armistice with self-determination for the eastern states of Ukraine, that might be worth doing (hoping for Putin to die off eventually).  

I have advised that hoping for the Russian population not to rally around Putin may be...well, wishful thinking. Russia has been attacked through its western flanks a few times, with horrific consequences.  

If you think 9/11 was a catastrophe, then read about WWII and Soviet losses. 

Populations globally tend to rally around a leader, once a war is on. A war right on Russian borders? The Russian population will side with the US? Not likely. 

Yes, I think a long stalemate in Ukraine is a likely outcome. That does not make me a Putin supporter. 




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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

No, that did not happen. And many people, myself included, were extremely upset that day precisely because hundreds were not immediately arrested after the riot.

Hundreds have been arrested since that day, but not on the day of the insurrection itself, January 6th, 2021.


You know what? I think you are right. 

Matt Allison is right. 

I had read a WaPo account of various police agencies from Maryland, Virginia, DC and the Capitol Police rounding up rioters on the lawn outside the Capitol for arrest. The WaPo account made it sound like a few hundred were arrested, not a few dozen. 

I guess the policy on 1/6 was to simply let Capitol occupiers leave---possibly including federal informants and assets, of course.  Possibly that was the reason to allow everyone to simply  walk out, then no federal assets would be netted. 

What possible sensible reason would there to be to allow rioters who had occupied the Capitol to simply walk away? 

It speaks volumes about the modern panopticon state that more than 900 have been arrested since.

Just remember, your texts, phone calls, and geolocation are all retrievable in perpetuity by the state. 

And don't leave your laptop around....





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For the first time I can remember, Ben admits he was wrong, I think we're all appreciative. I also mentioned to you a number of times that the vast majority of arrests on 1/6 were not at the Capitol. We  have figures that over 95% of the arrests made were not at the Capitol.,

We can probably agree that most of the people arrested at the Capitol were caught  at least allegedly  committing illegal acts. If you were armed, you'd be a fool to commit illegal acts. This completely shoots to hell any of your declarations over the last year and a half of how harmless this group was. You've also seemed to discount the harmfulness of any weapons outside  of firearms. Your claims haven't been disputed greatly, other than to tell you, that most of the arrests happened off the Capitol grounds because  we were aware that there was no way we could positively know how many rioters were carrying weapons.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Officer Fanone's article frames the Jan, 6th mob attack in the most coherent "true reality" context regards it's destructive power, damage and serious crime importance.
He rips other police forces and the SS for supporting the man who was most to blame for it's occurrence.
And speaking of heavy injury causing weaponry besides guns...how about Tasers and bear and pepper spray?
"HANG MIKE PENCE!"  Kill Nancy Pelosi !
Trump quotes hours after the violent Trump flag waving mob death and injury attack
"We feel your pain" "We love you."  !!!
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