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Of course you’ll refrain from responding. You do that every time you get called out when you are wrong. I am not the least bit surprised. 🙂

I am not at all surprised you again avoided a direct question in relation to how fear affects your judgment. Its telling. 


18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     As for my basic question about whether Putin has committed war crimes, it is entirely relevant to our opinions about U.S. and NATO interventions in Ukraine.

     Suffice it to say that I remain puzzled by the prevalent denial of Putin's crimes against humanity, including the murders and incarcerations of his own people during the past 20 years.

The ridiculous part of your question that was directed at me is; I accept that war crimes happen in wars, never have thought any different. You’re somehow surprised about this, like its something new, after the world has watched the US committing war crimes from Vietnam until now. If you had an understanding of your own history, there’d be no surprise to you now. Of course I understand this is just part of you not understanding that there is a position people can occupy where they are critical of Russia and the west in this dynamic. That does not make the person occupying such a position as pro war, pro putin or pro Russia. This is very simple and not difficult to understand, unless of course you are grip of a fear psychosis and you are just venting emotions.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Dead wrong, John.  I already rebutted Chris's inaccurate "psychic contagion" post in relation to contemporary American politics. (See re-print.*)

Some of you guys have adopted Ben Coles' habit of ignoring specific rebuttals and re-posting the debunked theses.

IMO, if people take the time to respond to arguments here, you all should take the time to read the rebuttals.

Also, Democrats in the U.S. do not espouse Republican Trickle Down economics.

They voted against Trump's December 2017 Trickle Down tax cuts, and against the Bush/Cheney Trickle Down tax cuts in 2001 and 2003.


John Cotter and Chris Barnard have quoted Nietzsche, Goethe, and Carl Jung here, but they, obviously, don't understand how the social psychology concepts they referenced actually apply to American society today.

In reality, fear mongering and shared mass delusions are essential characteristics of America's Trump cult in 2022.

In contrast, we liberals don't belong to any organized political party-- we're Democrats.

True story.  I played golf today with an elderly gent who believes that Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Godless liberals will soon be destroyed in a kind of Rapture, while Trump is reinstated in the White House!

(Needless to say, I didn't tell the old guy that I'm a liberal Democrat.)  🤥

Trump came to power by fear mongering about Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, and invading immigrants at the borders.

And the Republicans are currently fear mongering about almost everything before the elections-- crime, oil production, election fraud, "woke" liberals, the border, and what-have-you.

As for the current crisis in Ukraine, I'm still waiting for John, Chris, Mathew Koch, and other Putin apologists to answer a simple question.

Has Putin committed war crimes in Ukraine?

The only deflective response to my question all day was a post by Mathew Koch claiming that liberals were celebrating a "war crime" -- the demolition of the Kerch military supply bridge!  

Matt Allison isn't suffering from a mass delusion when he, appropriately, condemns Putin for committing war crimes in Ukraine.

That's reality.

W's completely right, John. Maybe that broad brush stuff appeals to you. But Chris, upon any scrutiny has absolutely no nuts and bolts understanding of current political realities, and maybe has no aptitude so he's not at all curious, but content to pontificate in broad strokes a repetitive dystopian theme of generalized mass psychosis, which he then projects on people who have developed viewpoints other than his own.  But.when asked in real life, what he wants, he's completely inarticulate and evades. That requires a bridge too far.

Chris, Oh, I've never heard of "divide and conquer" before. (Just like I've never read "1984" and "Animal farm", which were required reading when I was in high school.)  I agree it's a success, as evidenced here by how clueless people are about the nature of the enemy, and the priorities you must have to sustain an opposition, and I include you...

Matthew, it appears now, has no nuts and bolts understanding either, but at least to my thinking, has a sense of humor. Though the relevancy of his memes and chosen commentary vary greatly.

As for your photo, Matthew, it is mesmerizing. I can't see any facial features but your very presence is so enlightening I feel compelled to offer you the lead role in my newest project. It's a film biography of Mr. Peanut.

heh heh


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5 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

One for @W. Niederhut @Matt Allison

How do you propose we stop the war between Russia and Ukraine. If you were in charge of the USA tomorrow, what steps or actions would you take? 




Why is it the responsibility of the US to stop the war that Putin began? Shouldn't that be PUTIN'S responsibility?

It's in NATO's interest that they not allow the war to spread to European NATO member nations. Since NATO members would be the next affected nations should Putin not be satisfied with conquest of Ukraine, why isn't stopping a war that's virtually on NATO's doorstep be the responsibility of European NATO members, rather than the responsibility of the US?


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Just now, Mark Knight said:

Why is it the responsibility of the US to stop the war that Putin began? Shouldn't that be PUTIN'S responsibility?


Of course it is. Putin has no business being there and needs to leave.

I admire your tolerance for buffoonish questions like that, Mark.

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2 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Why is it the responsibility of the US to stop the war that Putin began?

Hi Mark,

It isn’t, in my view. However, I get the feeling Matt in particular is a proponent of US involvement, in fact the US already is if they are sending aid and weapons. 

Regarding the second paragraph, plenty would also argue that NATO are at least partly to blame for this conflict, with their expansion east. I am not certain they make the best peacemaker in this equation but, I wish they would try. As I repeatedly say, we need a detente, rapprochement, not a new cold war or a trajectory that leads to nuclear exchanges or even more suffering and loss of life. 


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15 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

As for your photo, Matthew, it is mesmerizing. I can't see any facial features but your very presence is so enlightening I feel compelled to offer you the lead role in my newest project. It's a film biography of Mr. Peanut.

heh heh


Kirk, I'm assuming this film is about Jimmy Carter?!

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@Kirk Gallaway I was wondering how you could possibly stay out of an opportunity to insult. Your reply is a reflection of your world view, clinging onto a dream of a virtuous state that is protecting you and everything being about heroes and villains. Geopolitics and many other domains are nearly always more nuanced than the re-runs you watch of John Wayne movies in your rocking chair, before your evening dose of CNN propaganda. 😌

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But.when asked in real life, what he wants, he's completely inarticulate and evades. That requires a bridge too far.

Not sure how you missed this; detente, rapprochement, peace. The opposite of the cheerleading conflict that some here are content to do. 

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32 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The sheer number of nonsensical and rabid posts by the MAGA/Kremlin crew demonstrate how bad things are getting for them. The stench of desperation is strong.

This is basically the same situation today..      

Zelensky is stalling and hoping that NATO/America comes to rescue and smashes Putin's board.. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Alex Jones must pay Sandy Hook families nearly $1 billion for hoax claims, jury says


"Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones must pay at least $965 million in damages to numerous families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting for falsely claiming they were actors who faked the tragedy, a Connecticut jury said on Wednesday,

The verdict, which came after three weeks of testimony in a state court in Waterbury, Connecticut, far outstripped the $49 million Jones was ordered to pay by a Texas jury in a similar case in August."




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I'm not sure how many abortions Herschel Walker has been party too, All the while campaigning that abortion is a crime against any exceptions of rape and the mother's health.

But this is truly funny but sad. Tom Coton and Rick  Scott go to Georgia to help Herschel Walker's faltering campaign. Obviously Walker being totally tone deaf to his recent hypocrisy launches into a story about a stud bull looking for greener pastures to impregnate. As he starts the story , watch the reactions of the 2 Senators and their fear of where there that story will go.

What's sad about this is the lengths the GOP will go to win in the election. They'll literally say any lie and endorse anybody!

Whew! But top it off with a little American Exceptionalism, Everything be cool!


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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm not sure how many abortions Herschel Walker has been party too, All the while campaigning that abortion is a crime against any exceptions of rape and the mother's health.

But this is truly funny but sad. Tom Coton and Rick  Scott go to Georgia to help Herschel Walker's faltering campaign. Obviously Walker being totally tone deaf to his recent hypocrisy launches into a story about a stud bull looking for greener pastures to impregnate. As he starts the story , watch the reactions of the 2 Senators and their fear of where there that story will go.

What's sad about this is the lengths the GOP will go to win in the election. They'll literally say any lie and endorse anybody!

Whew! But top it off with a little American Exceptionalism, Everything be cool!


Brilliant analogy by Walker.

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From today's New York Times:


Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey and a possible 2024 presidential candidate, is raising questions about how a fellow Republican with presidential ambitions plans to handle federal aid after a hurricane.

In an interview last week, Mr. Christie noted that Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida had sought federal support for cleanup after Hurricane Ian — and could seek additional aid through a congressionally approved package — despite having voted against federal aid for Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey and other states when he was a member of Congress in 2013.

“I remember at the time his argument was, ‘I won’t vote for this because they’re not paid for,’” Mr. Christie said of Mr. DeSantis’s approach to the funding for the Sandy aid package, which totaled nearly $10 billion. “I think those are symbolic votes and they feel like they can get away with those votes.”

He questioned whether Mr. DeSantis would still maintain that a federal aid package must be clearly paid for now that he is managing the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. “I trust as governor that he’ll act like a governor and not like a congressman,” Mr. Christie said.



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