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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Your entire, imaginary "refutation" of Princeton historian Stephen Kotkin's critique of Mearsheimer hinged on one word, "greatest" (vs. "great") as a description of Russia's imperialist aspirations.

So you don’t understand my argument in this regard, William.

Therefore, all of your purported rebuttals were irrelevant nonsense.

Thanks for the confirmation.

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Yesterday I attended an evening with Alexander Vindman who was the guest speaker at the Progressive Forum in Houston. The sold-out event was held at the Jewish Congregation Emanu El. Most recently Vindman was Director of European Affairs on the White House National Security Council. It was his congressional testimony about Trump's "quid pro quo" demand to Ukrainian President Zelensky that before that country could receive arms from America Zelensky had to provide compromising information on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden which in part led to Trump being impeached (the first time.)

Listening to Vindman talk was like sitting in on a foreign affairs briefing for President Biden. Here are a few highlights: 

1) The chance of a Nuclear War is minimal now. There is a six-step process that Russia has to go through before reaching the decision to use nuclear weapons. 

2) It will take two to three decades before Russia returns to what it was like before Putin declared war on the Ukraine in February.

3) Putin is a survivor. He will do anything to retain power and ward off any revolt by the Russian people.

4) It is only a matter of time before the Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union and NATO.

5) Putin's decision to invade Ukraine came about because he viewed the January 6th insurrection as evidence that the U.S. was on the verge of governmental and societal paralysis. He believed it as the time was ripe to act.

I spoke with him afterwards at his book signing and he told me that there was also real possibility that Russia will fragmentize.  The danger in this is about who or which group would end up with control of the nuclear weapons. I mentioned to him that I worked with Ukrainian Professor Lev Dobriansky at Georgetown University in the 1950s when I was a student, and the Professor was head of the Captive Nations Coalition that fought control of its members by the Soviet Union. 





Edited by Douglas Caddy
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42 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

Getting back to reality.



I say nobody looked like they were worried for their lives in Kirk's video 
So Chris posts a different video 
Before I check, which logical fallacy do you think this argument should be filed under Chris? 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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4 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

Joe - you were responding to the words of Chris Hedges, which John generously shared. Hedges has written numerous books, and his articles are published regularly by Consortium News. He used to host a terrific interview program, which unfortunately was "cancelled" this past spring by the mavens of our diminishing liberal-democracy, and all past episodes deleted from YouTube. Hedges, like Consortium News' founder Robert Parry, once had a Pulitzer Prize winning career within the journalist establishment (NY Times in his case), but displayed too much integrity to remain. 


Thanks Jeff. The manner in which people like Chris Hedges have been silenced in our so-called democracies in recent years is a tacit admission by governments that their policies don’t stand up to rational scrutiny and are in fact disastrous. The Ukraine situation is one example.

Unfortunately, the authoritarian majority are happy to be told how to think and behave by the authorities, as in the Milgram obedience experiment. All the dissenting minority can do is to make sure the official narrative is not the only one heard.

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30 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


Your logical fallacy theory gets filed under illogical thinking.


yeah, Not false comparison, huh? 
They do look more scared than the person looks like Oswald in your photos, I will give you that! 

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3 hours ago, John Cotter said:

So you don’t understand my argument in this regard, William.

Therefore, all of your purported rebuttals were irrelevant nonsense.

Thanks for the confirmation.


     Let's stop the silly bickering.  In reality, you and I probably agree on most things.  We're both pro-working class fans of John F. Kennedy, right?  I'm even a musician who has recorded a lot of Celtic folk music over the years.

     Here's one of my Irish recordings.   (Can't vouch for my Gaelic.)

Mo Choill (My Love) by Guillermo Ambrose | SoundClick

     Isn't the gist of your argument that Princeton Professor Stephen Kotkin was merely "projecting" American exceptionalism onto Putin and the Russian Federation?

     The issue is far more complex.  Russians have their own apocalyptic grandiosity.

    Are you familiar with the apocalyptic early 16th century Russian Orthodox concept of Moscow as the "Third Rome...and there shall not be a Fourth?"

     Here's an interesting recent commentary on the subject of Putin's imperialism.


The Kremlin’s suicidal imperialism – Nina L Khrushcheva (socialeurope.eu)

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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Wow thanks for sharing, that looks like a total nothing burger!

Nobody looked like they thought their lives were in danger or any alarmist bs your side has been alleging with this Jan. 6 Soviet Commission. Kirk, CNN really? This is worse than Tim Pool.
But then again, I see why Nancy is going to Italy, if you look at her hand in the beginning of this, she is clearly speaking in Italian ; ) This further convinces me that those dummies that Nancy was talking about at the end were set up. 
It's an INSIDE JOB, Nancy probably unlocked the doors, she has a lot of motive means and opportunity judging by this clip... 

Nobody's trying to play up anything. They were taken to another building.  You're not even aware of the story that they all got taken out of the Capitol  and photos show Mike Pence came within 40 feet of the rioters? Are you aware they broke into her office? Since you call yourself a proud Catholic, do you just laugh at that fact, and proudly proclaim you "own the libs?'
Matthew's choices to impress us..
 Definitely Matthew is the first person  to make a serious post here extolling the virtues of the Senator from Louisiana, Captain Corn Pone, John Kennedy which assures all you have to be is an old folksy southern boomer  talking tough on crime to appeal to millennial Matthew, who you'd think would be more compassionate about Pelosi and Congress getting their offices ransacked  because Matthew's estates have now been robbed many times forcing him to now move down to his Mexico home temporarily. Right Matthew?
heh heh
Incidentally what grade gringo actually settles in Vera Cruz? Are you hoping to catch a freighter going to Panama City?
We as baby boomers, maybe  can feel secure as long as we keep Kennedy's  "tough on crime" formula. which does have unique appeal to Republican wannabe millenials and that might be the key for  baby boomer rule for at least another generation!
Then when Matthew is feeling a bit racy, and defiant, and fathoms himself as a Civil War Maga Republican. He likes Tim Pool, whose biggest fear is if he dares to take off his ski cap, the FBI will track him down!
Tucker Carlson?, how mundane. Isn't he sort of the halfway house for  young people who started out with Alex Jones, and now realize they've got to go out and get a job?
heh heh
Matthew Bromance item
Tim Pool!
May be an image of one or more people and beard
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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Yesterday I attended an evening with Alexander Vindman who was the guest speaker at the Progressive Forum in Houston. The sold-out event was held at the Jewish Congregation Emanu El. Most recently Vindman was Director of European Affairs on the White House National Security Council. It was his congressional testimony about Trump's "quid pro quo" demand to Ukrainian President Zelensky that before that country could receive arms from America Zelensky had to provide compromising information on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden which in part led to Trump being impeached (the first time.)

Listening to Vindman talk was like sitting in on a foreign affairs briefing for President Biden. Here are a few highlights: 

1) The chance of a Nuclear War is minimal now. There is a six-step process that Russia has to go through before reaching the decision to use nuclear weapons. 

2) It will take two to three decades before Russia returns to what it was like before Putin declared war on the Ukraine in February.

3) Putin is a survivor. He will do anything to retain power and ward off any revolt by the Russian people.

4) It is only a matter of time before the Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union and NATO.

5) Putin's decision to invade Ukraine came about because he viewed the January 6th insurrection as evidence that the U.S. was on the verge of governmental and societal paralysis. He believed it as the time was ripe to act.

I spoke with him afterwards at his book signing and he told me that there was also real possibility that Russia will fragmentize.  The danger in this is about who or which group would end up with control of the nuclear weapons. I mentioned to him that I worked with Ukrainian Professor Lev Dobriansky at Georgetown University in the 1950s when I was a student, and the Professor was head of the Captive Nations Coalition that fought control of its members by the Soviet Union. 





1) The chance of a Nuclear War is minimal now. There is a six-step process that Russia has to go through before reaching the decision to use nuclear weapons.--Vindman, through JC

If this is true, why so much fear-mongering by Deep Staters, including President Biden?


Biden: Pentagon Planning For NUKE ATTACK In Ukraine | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

West makes plans to avoid panic if Russia uses nuclear bomb ...

3 days ago  In recent speeches, Putin has made it clear that he is willing to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Such an attack would be the first ...
3 days ago  What began as a criminal Russian aggression against Ukraine has become a proxy war between Washington and Moscow. The two sides are locked in an ...
On and on. Mostly neo-libbers and neo-conners (can you tell the difference?) positing a nuclear war is quite possible. 
My prediction (based on what one can read in the M$M):
The US will endure a civil war and a nuclear war at the same time!  Well, at least we won't be bored. 
And think of the movie scripts and news careers that will be launched! 
And most importantly (at least to some readers here): Will a simultaneous nuke-civil war scenario benefit the Donks or 'Phants the most? 
How can these twin catastrophes be spun to your party's favor? 
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44 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Matthew Bromance item
Tim Pool!
May be an image of one or more people and beard

OMG, you crossed the line.. How dare you!!
Ok.. Kirk, let me give you an insult you can actually understand:

"..Why don't you get on San Vicente, and take it to the ten, then switch to the 405 north and exit off to mulholland! WHERE YOU BELONG!!!" 

The riot was SO dangerous they had time to film a documentary while they fled for their lives (Sarcasm added) 

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14 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

oof, why is Tim Pool's ugly mug on my screen.

Tim Pool is a boilerplate Southside Chicago racist.

A dime a dozen here in the Windy City.


Keep dropping those Blue Pills.. Matt! 

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