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5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Now, I have no idea how elections are handled where you live. Here in southern Indiana, USA, before we go to the polls, we must have a valid government-issued ID, with signature, in order to register to vote. We must leave a copy of our signature on file to be compared with our signature on Election Day. And our bipartisan poll workers not only keep an eye on one another, but they hand the voter a PAPER ballot. The voter goes to a booth, makes his/her selection on the paper ballot, and then enters the paper ballot into a machine which reads the selections made on the ballot and tallies them [the tally is not displayed at the voting site], 

For absentee ballots, once again they are paper ballots just like the ones used at the polling site. The envelope in which the ballot is returned to the county clerk's office is initialed by poll workers before it is sent to the voter. Any ballot envelopes without the required initials are considered suspect and are not "automatically" counted. Also, the voter must sign the envelope before it is returned, and that signature is compared with the signature on file for that voter BEFORE the ballot is fed into the machine that tallies the votes by a certified poll worker. THIS is why it takes so long to process absentee ballots, as each is manually checked Again, the bipartisan, trained, and certified poll workers don't do this alone. They keep an eye on one another to ensure that no shenanigans occur by members of either party.

And early voting is handled exactly like an absentee ballot...which, for all intents and purposes, it is.

So I hardly see how electronic manipulation can occur, since these voting machines that tally the local ballots are NOT connected to the internet, and they are tested by the bipartisan county election commission prior to any voting to ensure that the votes are properly tallied. Perhaps in other jurisdictions, the election commissions are not bipartisan, though I see no reason for that to occur and EVERY reason for that NOT to occur. Perhaps in other jurisdictions, their voting is completely electronic, but without a paper ballot there can be no paper trail in the event a recount is necessary.

To you, perhaps our methods of voting here are "quaint." But there is adequate security, there are bipartisan election commissions and trained, certified, and bipartisan poll workers to ensure that no irregularities occur. If there is an extremely close race, one party or the other may request either a recanvass, in which the paper ballots are recounted by the machines, or a recount, in which a bipartisan election commission, with witnesses from both candidates, perform a hand recount. [I was a designated witness at a hand recount for a county office a few years back.] 

If a voter shows up at the wrong polling place for their voting precinct on election day, they are directed to the proper polling place. If they insist on voting at the wrong polling place, they cast what is called a "provisional" ballot, which is not tallied until and unless it is confirmed that the voter didn't also vote at another polling place. And those provisional ballots are secured by the bipartisan election officials at the polling sites until they are taken in locked boxes to the county clerk's office to be verified before being tallied.

The system here, while slightly cumbersome, has worked for years, and continues to work. If all localities in the US used a similar system [which I suspect they do], the chances for voter fraud become quite miniscule.

Thank you for the explanation, Mark. After reading all that, it seems you agree with my statement in your last paragraph. Perhaps I am splitting hairs to ask how you have bi-partisan overseers in a country that is almost entirely partisan? Even if seeking from abroad, they have exposure to news and almost everybody now is sported into two tribes. 

Did you watch the hearings in some of the contested states? It explained how the fraud can occur in some states, it wasn’t all that complicated.  There is also the matter of the Venezuelan chap who fixed Chavez’s elections, he has a company in Germany that was used to supply some of the technology in some states. I believe I posted links at the time.

Just so you understand me; this isn’t me singling out your process in Indiana, who may or may not got it as good possible. Electoral fraud does occur in the US, the question is to what extent?!



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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I don't think Chris is old enough to vote, but his wealthy father might have some right winger "insight" for us.

Showing the resentment that the radical lefties tap into. I think you’d quite like communism, Matt. It’d be a scope of thinking that you’d be very comfortable with. Your internal confusion is fascinating from a neutral perspective, as in the next breath you’ll be baying for Russia blood in Ukraine, like a Curtis Le May, jingoistic right winger. 

Here is something for you to think about; fix yourself, before you think about fixing the world. 

It would probably have you in a conniption fit to think that I am self-made, to whatever extent anyone can be. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Thank you for the explanation, Mark. After reading all that, it seems you agree with my statement in your last paragraph. Perhaps I am splitting hairs to ask how you have bi-partisan overseers in a country that is almost entirely partisan? Even if seeking from abroad, they have exposure to news and almost everybody now is sported into two tribes. 

Did you watch the hearings in some of the contested states? It explained how the fraud can occur in some states, it wasn’t all that complicated.  There is also the matter of the Venezuelan chap who fixed Chavez’s elections, he has a company in Germany that was used to supply some of the technology in some states. I believe I posted links at the time.

Just so you understand me; this isn’t me singling out your process in Indiana, who may or may not got it as good possible. Electoral fraud does occur in the US, the question is to what extent?!



 This is the best video I could find but this video has been around for a long time, and this is what people like William and Matt were saying before the election rigging went their way. When it didn't like 2016 we get a mental break down and temper tantrum akin to a toddler because the MSM media didn't prepare them for any other outcome than Democratic victory. For a while it was funny seeing these fools cry and complain. But as we see with William believing that Rand Paul passed information to Russia "Conspiracy Theories" can be dangerous like the establishment says. (Hopefully William doesn't phycically attack Mr Paul like Mr DePape did) But what happened during this time is these people spent 4 years brainwashing children as we have seen with the recent "groomer" scandal hitting American public schools. So now in America there is a real problem of people who shouldn't be voting because they are not contributing to overall society are voting based on learned anti conservative behavior that is reenforced at the public school and state level. If this current trend keeps happening of people acknowledging that these problems exist but that doesn't matter because I vote based on Skin Color or Sexual Orientation thus low hanging fruit democrats. (Which is why we see a push to brain wash public school children on "racism" and Gay Propaganda) America will fail via Chaos Theory, in California they are now dropping standards for minority students because they can't be met and thus are "racist" this kind of thinking only makes the problems worse like No Cash bail reform as we say in SF and NYC with the spike in crime. The morons here gloating over the election are the same as the idiots in Thailand when that tsunami sucked the ocean out and were taking pictures with starfish instead of heading for the hills like the animals there did. The Leftist liberal thesis, I agreed with until it got hijacked by Obama and the Neo Libs, now these fools have unknowingly become tools of the establishment the same way the Neo Cons were before MAGA came in and started the Rino hunt. That is what is currently happening the Neo Cons like McConnell back stabbed the MAGA candidates and what do we see NPC Leftist people here do? Join the attack because these people are Neo Lib as their extreme cheerleading of Ukraine war shows. 


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The Supreme Court Of The United States stepping in while the 2000 Florida presidential election vote count was still ongoing and then shutting it down ( overruling the Florida State Supreme Court decision to keep it open ) and just as Al Gore had pulled within mere hundreds of votes of George Bush Jr. and with every new hour cutting even more into that tiny and ever shrinking Bush lead was unprecedented and even Vincent Bugliosi called this SCOTUS shutting down of the Florida voting count the worst breach of their constitutional authority in their history.

It was the greatest and most obvious "politically biased" abuse of SCOTUS power ever.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Just looked at the breakdown of the Katie Hobbs ( Democrat ) versus Kari Lake ( Trumplican ) Arizona Governor's race results by ethnicity.

Just like the 2020 U.S. Presidency election...if only the white vote counted...Kari Lake wins the election.

This simple math ethnicity breakdown vote count fact is what is driving the Trumplican/Wealthy Oligarchy base mad with threatened power loss fear, frustration and rage.

The truth is the white vote in America on it's own, has lost it's majority numbers power.

In our majority vote constitution based democracy this is the great boogieman fear now driving the all out war like efforts to regain control in anyway possible, imo anyways.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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“It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,”

“Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.”

- Representative Mo Brooks –

who spoke at the January 6th insurrection and said, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.”



Steve Thomas

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43 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

“It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,”

“Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.”

- Representative Mo Brooks –

who spoke at the January 6th insurrection and said, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.”



Steve Thomas

And Mo Brooks was wearing body armor when he gave his January 6th "kicking ass" speech to Trump's armed MAGA mob.

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"America is the greatest country in the United States."

Herschel Walker.


 The well spoken Herschel would make Georgians proud in Senate debates.

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    Did you study Alexander Vindman's Ukraine-gate article in the Atlantic that I posted for you?

    Don't remain in the dark forever about why Trump was impeached for his Zelensky extortion stunt.

    You're a poster child for Fox News-watching Trumplicons who inhabit a MAGA-verse of false narratives and "alternate facts" about recent American history.

    It's a phenomenon that was described in a recent academic study of Fox News viewers.

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11 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

You're a poster child for Fox News-watching Trumplicons who inhabit a MAGA-verse of false narratives and "alternate facts" about recent American history.

    It's a phenomenon that was described in a recent academic study of Fox News viewers.

Rupert Murdoch's useful idiots.

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November 14,2022


Attorney General Merrick Garland

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC20530-0001


Attorney General Garland:


Last week, former President Donald Trump made allegations that, with the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Attorneys, he assisted in ending “ballot theft” in the 2018 election for Florida’s governor and prevented that “Election from being stolen.” It is imperative you address these allegations immediately.

There was no widespread election fraud in the 2018 Election in Florida. There was no broad allegation that the election was being stolen from Ron DeSantis in favor of Andrew Gillum. I know because I was on the ballot in 2018. Although there was a recount for both the race for governor, as well as my own, there was no fraud, and no foul play. To my knowledge, there was no involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Office of the United States Attorney.

As you know, voter fraud and tampering with ballots is a serious charge. It is also a serious charge to make these allegations in the name of politics when no such charge occurred. This is why I strongly urge you to address this matter publicly as soon as possible.


Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.



Nicole Fried

Commissioner of Agriculture


- Nicole Fried -

“To my knowledge, there was no involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Office of the US Attorney in the 2018 Florida election. If the President was tampering with state ballots, we need to know. If he is fabricating these allegations in the name of politics, we also need to know. Either way, these actions hurt our democracy and Floridians deserve to know their elections are operating with integrity.”


Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

"America is the greatest country in the United States."

Herschel Walker.


 The well spoken Herschel would make Georgians proud in Senate debates.


"Now let me tell you this here: If we was ready for the green agenda, I'd raise my hand right now. But we're not ready right now! So don't let them fool you like this is a new agenda, this is not a new agenda! We're not prepared, we're not ready right now! What we need to do is keep having these gas-guzzling cars, because we got the good emissions under those cars. We're doing the best thing that we can!"

Steve Thomas

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37 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Did you study Alexander Vindman's Ukraine-gate article in the Atlantic that I posted for you?

    Don't remain in the dark forever about why Trump was impeached for his Zelensky extortion stunt.

    You're a poster child for Fox News-watching Trumplicons who inhabit a MAGA-verse of false narratives and "alternate facts" about recent American history.

    It's a phenomenon that was described in a recent academic study of Fox News viewers.

No, I haven't "Looked into it" because I don't take you to be serious person on this issue William. You silence is speaks volumes about your honesty on the subject. The Whistle Blower was Eric Caramello, Rand Paul outted him on the floor of the senate similar to the reading of the Pentagon Papers which then made it legal to say his name. 

I'm a poster child? Says someone who repeated disinformation about Senator Rand Paul being a "Russian" asset without a source citation. You did this William and Ben made fun of you about it. SO, if you're going to ad hominem me and say propaganda so that you don't have to answer the question. That is totally unacceptable for a scholarly forum like you have literally said. Alexander Vindemin was fired for ethics violations.

Quit grasping at straws and answer the question about Rand Paul and Eric Caramello the impeachment failed because there was no high crimes and misdemeanor. 

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