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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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7 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I’ve had Huxley’s book on my desk for a few months, perhaps I’ll try and read it on a travel trip to the Scottish isles next week. 

One of the many books I'd like to read if I were granted the gift(?) of another life.

In her wonderful memoir, Irish novelist Edna O'Brien, close friend of Jackie Kennedy, gives a great description of an LSD trip she took under the supervision of Scottish psychiatrist RD Laing.

Perhaps some such exercise should be included in every college curriculum.

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11 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

One of the many books I'd like to read if I were granted the gift(?) of another life.

In her wonderful memoir, Irish novelist Edna O'Brien, close friend of Jackie Kennedy, gives a great description of an LSD trip she took under the supervision of Scottish psychiatrist RD Laing.

Perhaps some such exercise should be included in every college curriculum.

Only problem is, if you have schizophrenia it turns you into Brian Wilson or Syd Barret. DMT is a safer drug imho, Shrooms are very similar to a low level DMT trip (visually)with added euphoria. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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From a New York Times article today about "Voters Who Trust Elections Are More Likely to Vote":

HOENIX — It was early on Election Day when polling places in Maricopa County started experiencing a glitch. Tabulation machines were rejecting thousands of ballots, a result of a printer error, and the confusion was causing lines and frustration at the polls.

There was a simple fix: Voters could place their ballots in a secure box — called Box 3 — kept at every polling station for just such situations. Their votes would be counted later, at the county’s central tabulation center.

But for the state’s most conservative voters, a group primed by two years of former President Donald J. Trump’s stolen-election lies to see conspiracy in every step of the voting process, Box 3 smelled of trouble. Election deniers in the state’s Republican Party soon began warning voters away from the boxes, as suspicions flew across Twitter and right-wing media. “Do not trust them,” Charlie Kirk, the conservative leader, warned his followers.

That message reinforced Republicans’ skepticism about elections, but it didn’t do much to help their candidates win. Later that morning, the Republican candidate for governor, Kari Lake, held a news conference to deliver the opposite message. Box 3 was safe, her campaign lawyer said.




“Vote, vote, vote,’’ Ms. Lake added. “We’ve got to vote today.”

Whether the suspicion and mixed messages around Box 3 made a difference in a race that Ms. Lake lost by a hair to her Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs, might never be known. (Her campaign maintains the fault lies with the county.)

But the moment crystallized one of the main lessons of the 2022 midterms: Casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections might be an effective tool for galvanizing true believers to participate in a primary — or, at its origins, to storm the U.S. Capitol in order to overturn a losing result. But it can be a lousy strategy when it comes to the paramount mission of any political campaign: to get the most votes.

“If you tell people that voting is hard, or voter fraud is rampant, or elections are rigged, it doesn’t make people more likely to participate,” said David Becker, executive director of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, a nonpartisan group that works with election officials to bolster trust and efficiency in voting. “Why would you want to play a game you thought was rigged?”


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31 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Only problem is, if you have schizophrenia it turns you into Brian Wilson or Syd Barret. DMT is a safer drug imho, Shrooms are very similar to a low level DMT trip (visually)with added euphoria. 


I’ve just looked up DMT, Matthew, and apparently it too can have serious side effects.

As for schizophrenia, like many so-called mental illnesses, its nature and even existence is somewhat problematic. ‘Deciding that a symptom or a human behaviour is evidence of ‘mental illness’ is an arbitrary decision, a form of moral judgment.’ (Dr Terry Lynch, Beyond Prozac, p 172)

The following is a quote from the Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry:

‘Of all the major psychiatric syndromes, schizophrenia is much the most difficult to define and describe. The main reason for this difficulty is that over the past 100 years many widely divergent concepts of schizophrenia have been held in different countries and by different psychiatrists. Radical differences of opinion persist to the present day.’ (Quoted in Beyond Prozac by Dr Terry Lynch, p 174.)

I recall Ingmar Bergman being asked in an interview if he had ever tried recreational drugs. He replied that he hadn’t, since he thought real life was weird enough without them. It’s hard to argue with that.

Edited by John Cotter
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33 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

I recall Ingmar Bergman being asked in an interview if he had ever tried recreational drugs. He replied that he hadn’t, since he thought real life was weird enough without them. It’s hard to argue with that.

Totally agree.

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

One of the many books I'd like to read if I were granted the gift(?) of another life.

In her wonderful memoir, Irish novelist Edna O'Brien, close friend of Jackie Kennedy, gives a great description of an LSD trip she took under the supervision of Scottish psychiatrist RD Laing.

Perhaps some such exercise should be included in every college curriculum.

I met R.D. Laing at a round table conference back in (?) 1986 or '87 at the Colorado Psychiatric Hospital.  Interesting guy.

But, I was always prejudiced against LSD growing up.  Like a lot of my peers, I was indoctrinated to believe that people who took LSD were at risk of leaping out of windows to their deaths.

Many years (decades) later I finally learned the true story about Frank Olson, Sidney Gottlieb, and MK-Ultra.

And I have only recently begun to realize that psychedelics may have genuinely therapeutic effects, under the right circumstances.  Johns Hopkins University has done some pioneering research in that area recently.

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9 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

@Benjamin Cole 




My guess is Sam BF was his own man, but thought to buy protection by donating heavily to a major political party in charge of the US Justice Dep't. 

But who knows? Maybe a major political party set Sam BF up in business, to get the donations, and promised him cover should anything go wrong. 

One wonders if there is an objective news team out there that could dig to the bottom of this. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

One wonders if there is an objective news team out there that could dig to the bottom of this. 

Not many Gary Webb’s about anymore. If they were, they’d be hounded out of time. My gut is that they’re all at it. 

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Head of the FBI refuses to say if there were FBI agents or assets dressed up as Trump supporters in the Capital on Jan 6th



(CNS News) -- At a hearing held before the House Homeland Security Committee on Nov. 15, FBI Director Christopher Wray declined to say whether the FBI had used "confidential human sources" "dressed as Trump supporters" in the Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. 

House Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) asked Wray, "Does the FBI have confidential human sources -- did the FBI have confidential human sources embedded within the January 6 protesters on January 6, 2021?"

FBI Director Wray replied, "Congressman, as I'm sure you can appreciate, I have to be very careful about what I can say about when -- may I finish -- about when we do and do not and where we have and have not used confidential human sources."

"But to the extent that there's a suggestion, for example, that the FBI's confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way, instigated or orchestrated January 6, that's categorically false," said Wray.

Higgins then asked, "Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on January 6, prior to the doors being opened?"

Wray replied, "Again, I have to be very careful --."

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Never have, but I may try a dose or two now that it's legal.

I'm curious about the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, especially in relation to musical creativity.

I never tried the "magic" mushrooms referred to in Stephen Kinzer's Poisoner In Chief, "discovered" in Mexico in the mid 1950's.  

But I did try some once supposedly from a cow pasture in Texas or Oklahoma.  The story I was told was they often grow best in a pile of fertilizer, as in the cows eat mushrooms themselves then deposit the seeds in a pile of, fertilizer.  These were also reputedly picked by a person who knew the difference between poison mushrooms and ones that get you high.  Also, I was urged to try them by a couple of friends who had already done so a couple of days before and they were not dead yet.

The main thing I remember is they had been frozen to preserve them and were mostly thawed out.  Slimy and gross tasting, eating them was kind of like an oyster, chomp, chomp, ulp.  Thirty minutes to an hour later I regurgitated them.  But that's about when they kicked in.

After that it was pretty much like mescaline or LSD, which combined I tried maybe a dozen times.  The latter has more of an edge or intensity than the former.  I never had a bad trip though one was tense because of an unforeseen situation that came up.  I also never really hallucinated, seeing things that were not there.  More like a dream state, colors vibrant, getting intensely into a movie or tv show.

Music seemed clearer, more engrossing.  Hearing all the instruments, getting "into" the flow of a song. It's hard to describe.  The first time I saw Lynrd Skynrd with Bo Diddly on their second tour, then Eric Clapton with the palm trees on the stage, expanded my musical appreciation.  Watching the person in the white rabbit suit hop around the stage after the main lights went out before Jefferson Starship came out was a little freaky, but then Grace Slick came out and started singing the song and it was all cool.  Neil Young's garage band tour with the garage stage and the guy dressed as a mouse running around before the show and during intermission had us laughing our asses off. 

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21 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Head of the FBI refuses to say if there were FBI agents or assets dressed up as Trump supporters in the Capital on Jan 6th



(CNS News) -- At a hearing held before the House Homeland Security Committee on Nov. 15, FBI Director Christopher Wray declined to say whether the FBI had used "confidential human sources" "dressed as Trump supporters" in the Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. 

House Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) asked Wray, "Does the FBI have confidential human sources -- did the FBI have confidential human sources embedded within the January 6 protesters on January 6, 2021?"

FBI Director Wray replied, "Congressman, as I'm sure you can appreciate, I have to be very careful about what I can say about when -- may I finish -- about when we do and do not and where we have and have not used confidential human sources."

"But to the extent that there's a suggestion, for example, that the FBI's confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way, instigated or orchestrated January 6, that's categorically false," said Wray.

Higgins then asked, "Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on January 6, prior to the doors being opened?"

Wray replied, "Again, I have to be very careful --."

The full story of the JFKA...is still coming out. 

The full story of 9/11...is hotly debated. 

The full story of 1/6...well, some people state forthrightly they know exactly what happened, and there are no truths left to tell.

We have the definitive narrative on 1/6 already (or so they tell us).  

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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The full story of the JFKA...is still coming out. 

The full story of 9/11...is hotly debated. 

The full story of 1/6...well, some people state forthrightly they know exactly what happened, and there are no truths left to tell.

We have the definitive narrative on 1/6 already (or so they tell us).  

I remember going to the grocery store early that day because I wanted to watch what was going to happen and when I got home and turned on the live streams that I had been watching at the prior protests they were in the capital with and everyone was going crazy. I didn't understand what was happening but I thought at first that people were rioting because they didn't throw out the electors. So after the summer of BLM riots, I thought it was funny for a while, like Mr Buffalo Horn QAnon shaman doing a cleansing ritual on the senate chamber 😝.. until they said that they had interrupted the vote.. and when I heard that I knew the glowies had done another Charlottesville OP. 

I watched the whole thing live and never did I or anyone who was streaming or any of the people I called on the phone think that they were overthrowing the government.

The case for that was made just to try to impeach Trump so he could never run again and they failed at that, so they did a show commission like the Warren Commission because they want to control the narrative just like JFK same MockingBird media in both cases. 

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30 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Not many Gary Webb’s about anymore. If they were, they’d be hounded out of time. My gut is that they’re all at it. 


Recently I posted about CIA Chief's William Burns' background, as from 2014 to 2021, he served as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (one of the largest and oldest globalist institutions). 

Whether for better or worse, the CEIP has heavy, heavy ties to mainland China, including a branch at Tsinghua University in Beijing. 

Such as:


Yan Xuetong was president of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center Management Board until June 2020.

Yan Xuetong was president of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center Management Board and dean of Tsinghua University’s Institute of Modern International Relations.

Yan is editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of International Politics and serves as an adviser to several leading academic journals. A well-known academic in the Chinese foreign policy community, Yan is vice chairman of both the China Association of International Relations Studies and the China Association of American Studies, and is a member of the Consultation Committee of China’s Ministry of Commerce.  Yan also serves on several boards, including those of the China Diplomacy Association and the China Association of Foreign Friendship.

Yan wrote the books, Analysis of China’s National Interests, winner of the 1998 China Book Prize, and Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power.


To date, only a "right wing" news outlet has written anything about Burns' history at Carnegie, or much at all about Burns. The M$M is not covering Burns. 

These days you are as likely to find find real research and news in the Socialist Workers of the World website as in the M$M. 

I say that not because I am a Trumper or a socialist.

I say that as the M$M has become so absorbed by establishment elites that real news reporting is left to oddball outfits. 

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