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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris said of Kirk-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule

Kirk said:-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule, or shouldn't.

And that's a lot different! That was specifically added because in my country, we currently have a clear minority of people who think they should rule, and we're determined they won't.


Chris, Stop BSing' us  by trying to change the subject. You misquoted me badly, to try to make a belittling joke, and you ended up being the joke, and if you were a mature adult, you'd acknowledge it and apologize. 

If you want to be treated as an adult, you have to act like one. 

Now we have the boy who cried wolf. I prefer the septic, mischievous, Kirk, to the one playing the victim. 

Your words are there for everyone else to read, I just used the quote button, unlike your usual thing of just changing the script and properly misquoting. I hate to break the news to you but, you are really not in any position to take any high ground or play hurt. You set the tone long ago. 

I am just teasing you a bit. You gotta be able to take it as well as give it. ;) 

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I wonder if this will prove prescient. 


”As I have mentioned recently, the situation in NATO occupied Kosovo is quickly deteriorating (see here and here).  NATO’s humiliation in the Ukraine is pushing NATO leaders to try to prove their “martial valor” and “manhood” by, quote, “every now and again the United States has to pick up a crappy little country and throw it against a wall just to prove we are serious (Michael Ledeen).  And, again, the AngloZionists want to attack a Orthodox country to “show Russia” what could happen to her next (Strobe Talbott).

NATO also must feel that time (and even ammo stocks!) is running out: right now Russia cannot help Serbia in any other way than to express Russia’s political support.  Furthermore, geography can be a curse and Serbia is deep inside NATO territory, surrounded on all sides by enemies which have the means to prevent Russia from offering any other forms of support besides words.

Serbia herself could easily deal with the KLA terrorists, but that would almost certainly trigger a NATO retaliatory attack and, objectively, Serbia does not have the capabilities to take on NATO.  The folks at Mons know that, and so they provoke as much as they can while they still can.

[Sidebar: once the NATO defeat in the Ukraine becomes impossible to obfuscate or deny, then NATO will basically have to run, just like it did in Kabul.  Once that happens, Kosovo (and the RS in Bosnia) will be liberated.]

There are many parallels between the situation in the Ukraine and the situation in Kosovo, the main one being that in both cases the West was trying to buy time to prepare for war (which they successfully executed against the UN “protected areas” in Croatia).  The recent admission by Merkel that the sole point of the Minsk Agreement was to give time to prepare the Ukraine for war (they somehow managed to overlook that Russia would use the same time to ALSO prepare for war) has now confirmed the following conceptual plan:

  1. Begin by pretending to want to broker some semi-reasonable deal which, while not perfect, would preserve peace and give time to negotiate (they did that with the Palestinians, the Serbs, the Russians and many others!).
  2. Then break the terms of this deal over and over again and dare the other side to “do something about it”.
  3. If the other sides does nothing, keep on provoking until the entire deal is clearly dead, then let your proxy attack in “retaliation” against some putative “violation” by the other side.  And if your proxy is weak and mostly apt at murdering civilians, give them the full NATO support (which in Kosovo became the “KLA airforce”).
  4. If the other side does preempt your attack, accuse it of breaking the terms of the deal and attack it in “retaliation”.
  5. Mantrically repeat that “Country X” (Kosovo or Israel, same difference) has the “right” to “defend” itself from “attacks” but never recognize that same right for the other side.

In the case of Serbia this is all made much worse by the “multi-vector” policies of the Vucic government which, on one hand, seeks EU membership and support and, on the other, has to deal with an outraged public opinion.  Truth be told, Serbia’s economy is entirely dependent on her neighbors so any perceived “excess patriotism” (no matter how minimal and even lame) could result in even more devastating sanctions from a united West hell-bent on breaking every and any sovereign country out there.

Even worse is the fact that the EU/NATO are both party to the conflict AND the judge and jury which has the right to impose anything or ignore any complaints.

We now see the strange spectacle of Vucic asking KFOR (the NATO force in Kosovo) for the “permissionto exercise a right” (?) granted to it by UNSC Resolution 1244 which allows Serbia to sent 1000 police/security forces into Kosovo.  By asking rather than informing KFOR, Vucic is trying as hard to inspire KFOR authorities to act with a modicum of decency.  I very much doubt that this will work.

And even the fact that Vucic made that request after the Albanians sent in 1000 of their own forces into the Serbian enclave in Kosovo won’t help Vucic in any way: the West has shown its truly amazing ability to be selectively blind not only during the US/NATO/EU war against the Serbian nation in 1990s, but even as late as the “selectively blind” “human rights” “monitors” and other “observers” in the LDNR or the “selectively blind” IAEA inspectors at the ZNPP.

[The parallels between Banderastan and “Kosovë” are numerous and striking, including the fact that in both cases these regimes are run by terrorists and thugs who make millions out of various financial schemes and even the traffic of body organs.  Both entities are run by “our sons of bitches” and, therefore, get a pass on everything, ranging from basic human rights to major military provocations all, of course, in the name of democracy, pluralism and everything good under the sun.  I suggest that the following might be an interesting rule of thumb: “show me your proxies and I will tell you who you are“.  A Hegemony which federated, financed, trained and engaged al-Qaeda/ISIS will have no problem dealing with the thugs in power in Kiev or Pristina no matter what the latter do]

One would be forgiven for thinking that UNSC Resolutions cannot be ignored but, in reality,  they very much can (ask the Israelis!).  If a UNSC member complains about a violation, you can always count on a UNSC veto by US/EU/NATO representatives.

Sadly, at the current moment Serbia simply cannot help the Serbian minority in Kosovo.  Even if Vucic decided to reject the demands and decrees of the Empire, Serbia cannot do much more than verbally protest.

Considering the truly amazing ability of the people of Europe to be selectively blind we can rest assured that any Serbian protests will fall on deaf ears.  The same Europeans who shed oceans of crocodile tears about the “bombing of Sarajevo” or, better, the “Srebrenica genocide” noticed absolutely *nothing* during the eight years in which the UkroNational Socialists used their own armed forces (in direct violation of the Ukrainian Constitution) to murder, maim, kidnap, torture and even strike with ballistic missiles the civilians of the Donbass.

[Sidebar: I can’t prove it, but it is my strong belief that the main reason why the Europeans hate Russians and Serbs so much is because, unlike the Europeans, the Russians and Serbs never accepted to become slaves to any empire.  On some, possibly subconscious level, the Europeans must feel that compared to the Russians and Serbs they look like pathetic, broken, slaves with no sense of pride or even identity.  Simply put: Russians and Serbs make the rest of Europeans look like the “great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies” (to use BoJo’s very accurate description) which they all so much are.]

To expect the Europeans to show even a modicum of decency would be absolutely naive.  They are too busy hating and freezing…

But time is running out for the Hegemony.

Once the NATO defeat in the Ukraine becomes undeniable, the organization will quickly become irrelevant and unable to agree on yet another military operation.  As for the USA, having lost the “fig leaf” provided by NATO, they are unlikely to have what it takes to attack Serbia, not after having being comprehensively defeated in the Ukraine (the collapse of NATO will also trigger a major crisis inside the USA).

The problem for Serbia is that it will take time (many months, probably a few years) to fully defang NATO while not triggering a fullscale continental war in Europe.  And, let’s be honest here, if the Russians can now take their sweet time “demilitarizing” Banderastan, the Serbian minority in Kosovo cannot.

So what can the Serbs do in this situation?

Do nothing would only empower the KLA terrorist and their western bosses and leave the long-suffering Serbian minority in Kosovo defenseless.

Move in forces, even if fully allowed by the UNSC Resolution, would risk triggering a major economic and military US/NATO/EU attack on Serbia.

Evacuate Serbian civilians from Kosovo?  In theory that would be an option, but we have to understand that for the Serbian people Kosovo is truly sacred ground and that many would refuse to leave.  Also, emptying Kosovo from its Serbian minority would only embolden the KLA and their patrons.  Finally, when the Russians evacuated their civilians from Kherson it was at least credible that this was a temporary move and that the Russian military would be back, sooner rather than later.  But in the case of Kosovo, Serbia is the weaker party and will remain so until:

  1. Serbia regains her sovereignty (right now Serbia is basically administered by the West, hence the threats from EU politicians like Baerbock)
  2. Reunites with historically Serbian lands in Montenegro, Bosnia and Kosovo
  3. The US/NATO/EU are demilitarized and deNational Socialistfied, at least in Europe.

This will all happen, the problem is *when*.   I sure don’t know.

What I do know is that the Serbian nation has survived absolutely horrific and even overtly demonic persecutions by both the Ottomans, the Anglos and the Latins (Pavelic, like Bandera, Franco or Petain, was a pure product of the Papacy, unlike Hitler and Mussolini who were, respectively, a pagan and an atheist).

In their current situation, the Serbians might have to accept the very real possibility of setbacks which they will have to tolerate, even if only temporarily.  The West has also very successfully divided the Serbian nation to better rule over it (what else is new?).  The Serbians know that only unity can save Serbia, and they will seek that unity, even if that is extremely difficult in the current circumstances.  But eventually, and inevitably, the Serbian nation will survive this deep crisis: we remember the promise of Christ that “but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved“.




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"Donald Trump shared a bizarre video depicting himself as a “superhero” on his social media platform Truth Social in which he teased a “major announcement”. "


Donald Trump has become a caricature of himself. A cartoon character.

A Superhero with laser beams coming out of his eyes.

The man is a joke.

Steve Thomas

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Bloomberg says that Musk is the new Trump. Musk is dominating the news cycle so much that Trump is relegated to playing second fiddle. So, Trump now must dream up new angles to get back into the game. 

Here are to sociopathic and narcissistic individuals who cannot live without being at the center of attention, even if their news is bad.

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20 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


The vast majority of the party with the most registered voters approved of Trump getting kicked off twitter.
A strong majority of independents approved as well.
Traditional Republicans did as well.
Then there's a sizable group who don't care one way or another.
This isn't Thailand Ben, we don't have a Monarchy. We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.
Now the majority in it's infinite wisdom (which sometimes I question) turned out to make the right decision, as now verified by the last election and Donald Trump's present poll numbers.
Dream is over.

Kirk with the Kirkland filler... Maybe, stick to Cowboy movies I recommend my favorite 'The Wild Bunch'. 

America is a Democratic Republic which is a form of democracy. The whole point was to have checks and balances is to literally not be the wolves voting with the sheep on who to eat, like you are doing in your cliche talking point. 

 Traditional Republicans aka Neo Cons, You are siding with Dick Cheney Bush and War Criminals, this is such a slimy weasel way of wording things. Orwell called this kind of thinking double think, Kirk brags about spending a weekend Protesting the Iraq war yet because same people don't like Cheeto Benito he'll call them tRaDiTiOnAl rEpUbLiCaNs all the while telling people like me to not wash their KKKlan out fit with our Maga hat because it would be pink and that would be gay. I'l put this in your language Kirk you are this Frank Zappa song. 


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Trump sues Pulitzer Prize Board for defamation

New York Daily News


“Former president Donald Trump reportedly has filed a lawsuit against the Pulitzer Prize Board. In the suit, the 45th president claims the committee defamed him by honoring the New York Times and Washington Post for their reporting on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and by refusing to retract those awards.”


Well, I've had my chuckle for the week.

Steve Thomas

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Trump just made his "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" and it really is unbelievable

Carla Sinclair 8:36 am Thu Dec 15, 2022



“Following in the footsteps of MyPillow slippers, Donald Trump's anticipated announcement has just been released, and yes, it's a doozy. No, he's not being installed as the next House Speaker. And no, he did not announce his 2024 running mate.

But rather, his "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!" comes in the form of an advertisement, peddling his new limited edition "Donald Trump Digital Trading Card" collection. Yes, digital. And, unbelievably, "only $99 each!"”

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to collectrumpcards.com/ & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don't Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

“Whether it's Trump or Elon Musk who hits bottom first is anyone's guess.”



I wonder if they are going to have bubblegum.


This is beyond insane.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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You beat me to the punch there Steve, but like Trump, let me milk it one more time!
Hey still searching for that ideal Christmas present? Only $99!!!!
Got to make a push to monetize. Who knows how long this can last?
You know I love how people say  we're obsessed with Trump derangement syndrone or now Elon Musk. If you're so upset, tell them to stay out of the news or not get their thing stuck in the clothes wringer. We're simply commenting on ongoing events. Yes, we're amused with the spectacle. Any sane person would be. If you had a sense of humor, and you didn't take this stance to have a stick up your butt 5 years ago with Trump, you could have freed yourself as well, and not be continually defending yourself and be the  disdaining old fuddy duddy, but you've made a conscious choice.
Ok, you're not much into humor anyway, but there was no greater time for comedy in this century than the years Trump was President, and you've missed all that creative humor! In fact, it's only been a source of tension!
Join the festival of life! You have only one life to live!
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This is a perhaps generic story about “democratic” politics that some might find instructive. It concerns Daniel O’Connell, also known as The Liberator, the famous Irish lawyer and politician who campaigned for and won Catholic Emancipation (the removal of many of the restrictions on Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom) in the 1820s.

One day when O’Connell was travelling by coach from Kerry to Dublin, the journey was interrupted by roadworks and O’Connell got out to stretch his legs. One of the workmen who had heard about Catholic Emancipation had the temerity to ask the great Liberator what Catholic Emancipation meant.

O’Connell’s reply was, “Whatever it means, my good man, you’ll still be breaking stones”.

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