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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'd say coastal California has more Teslas per capita than any place in the world, and they use to all be very shiny, but now they're a lot of dirty Teslas around and even junkers!

Greenwald's relit his hair on fire on twitter again!  Hope he's ok!

Majority rule's a bitch, ain't it Glenn?

Let's move this along. Bring on the hard core nespotism!

heh heh



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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

10% of our population now.

And you need to make $50,000 to $60,000 gross yearly income or more to afford a one to two bedroom apartment in a safe area to boot. Unless you share this with one or more persons.

Oh, more than that.

Average Rent and Costs in Los Angeles, CA · 1-bedroom rentals prices have increased by $18 (0.80%) year-over-year from $2,282 to $2,295. · 2-bedroom rentals ...
So, $26k a year on rent. Just just rent for an average one bedroom. Would a woman live in an average neighborhood in Los Angeles? Dicey. 
Remember, taxes take about 1/3 of income.
How about health insurance? I dropped my coverage and went bare in America when it topped $900 a month, and I had no health issues.
Living standards have fallen in America, wages have been stagnant since the early 1970s, the rich do better than ever...but both parties want to talk only about about divisive issues.  
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     So, in anticipation of the Kennedy Center awards ceremony that will be telecast next Wednesday night, (December 28th) here's a poignant U2 anecdote that I recently read in Bono's new memoir, Surrender.

     In early 1985, the young Dubliners were scheduled to perform in Phoenix, Arizona on their Unforgettable Fire Tour.  Their top single from the 1984 Unforgettable Fire album was their MLK tribute song, Pride-- in the Name of Love, and they wanted to perform the song in their Phoenix show, partly because Arizona Republicans were refusing to establish MLK Day as a holiday at the time.

    Unfortunately, before the show, Bono received some death threats, warning that he would be assassinated if he sang Pride on stage.  He decided to sing it anyway, but he was frightened, and was crouching down on the stage as he began to sing the song.  Then, as he tells it, he looked up and saw that his band mate/best man, bass player Adam Clayton, was standing up in front of him, waiting to take a bullet.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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On 12/19/2022 at 2:02 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Yo, Ron, speaking of Christmas, there's another deep freeze heading your way for the holiday weekend.

My weather app notified me today about a wind chill warning of -50 F for Denver later this week.

Santa will need to use a battery-powered gonad warmer this Christmas Eve.

I know it's not Denver or Bismark, but as I mentioned our 7 degrees with 45mph gusts, that works out to a chill factor of -20.  Way too cold for me.  Stream the faucets, not drip weather.  Hopefully no rolling blackouts or worse like Valentines week two years ago. 

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FBI Behind Twitter's Censorship Of The Hunter Biden Laptop

The FBI and intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed them in October 2020

Over the last two weeks, a team of journalists that includes me has enjoyed extraordinary access to the internal emails and other documents of the social media platform Twitter. The only condition we agreed to was to first publish our findings on Twitter, which I have done so twice, first, on December 10 in Twitter Files Part 4: The Removal of Donald Trump, and yesterday in Twitter Files Part 7: The FBI and the Hunter Biden Laptop. This report was made possible by Bari Weiss and The Free Press, an exciting new publication to which I am proud to contribute.

In Twitter Files Part 6, the journalist Matt Taibbi described an FBI relentlessly seeking to exercise influence over Twitter, including over its content, its users, and its data. In Twitter Files Part 7, I present evidence pointing to an organized effort by representatives of the intelligence community (IC), aimed at senior executives at news and social media companies, to discredit leaked information about Hunter Biden before and after it was published.


So add Michael Schellenberger and Lee Fang to the growing list of heretofore top journalists who are now no good. 

So...Musk buys Twitter.

Musk reveals Twitter has been an arm of the US government, in implementing censorship and propaganda. 

Musk, a hero until recently for his EV company, is overnight now a bad guy. 

Operation Mockingbird? 

Carlson is the bad guy too...Tabbi, a bad guy, Greenwald, a bad guy. Mate really bad. Bari Weiss is no good. 

Makes one wonder. 


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- do you follow Musk on Twitter? Read his tweets? He's a d-bag. He's a right-winger that's re-platforming horrible people that were kicked off Twitter for good reason.

No op necessary for the backlash he's facing. I can assure you the disdain for him is quite real lol


No, I do not follow Twitter. 

Musk also is providing a large fleet of satellites gratis to Ukraine to keep their communications system operating, in time of war. 

Musk is allowing people on the platform who were booted before.

I dislike any overt form of hate speech, and would prefer such speech, or doxxing, not be allowed on social media. 

But, before Musk, were some people booted for having unconventional views on the pandemic, or the 2020 election? In the past, people were booted (or blocked) for contending the Wuhan lab leak came from a CCP lab, or that the Hunter Biden's laptop was real (which it was). 

Are left-wingers still active on Twitter? I gather they are from the complaints they are making. So how much censorship is Musk perpetrating?

Again, the M$M media tide shifted against Musk overnight, and almost precisely when he revealed Twitter had been a government censored platform, advancing Pentagon propaganda. 

Musk may have brought some enmity on himself with ill-considered commentary. Seems to be his nature. 

But you don't think M$M-Deep State long knives are out also? 

Operation Mockingbird 2022-23?



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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But, before Musk, were some people booted for having unconventional views on the pandemic, or the 2020 election?

I just read your link to Taibbi's tweets about people getting booted during the 2020 election; he mentioned a couple guys that got booted for joking about voting on a Wednesday; they were both Dems!

2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But you don't think M$M-Deep State long knives are out also? 

He's very unpopular, Ben, with a lot of people...

In fact, according to his own poll here, over 10 million of 'em



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53 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I just read your link to Taibbi's tweets about people getting booted during the 2020 election; he mentioned a couple guys that got booted for joking about voting on a Wednesday; they were both Dems!

He's very unpopular, Ben, with a lot of people...

In fact, according to his own poll here, over 10 million of 'em



Maybe Musk should leave. In today's hyper-partisan-politicized world, he managed to alienate many of the very people who wore "driving a Tesla" on the sleeves. 

Though...maybe Musk did not do that so much as the media did it to him. 

Suppose the media instead had been trumpeting Musk as a hero for providing the anti-Putin Mr. Z with a communication network that allowed the nation to keep its defense informed in wartime? 

Personally, I get can't get riled up about Musk, one way or the other, Helping Ukraine is a good thing. 

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IMO, much of the antagonism about him has been building up for a long time. He seems allergic to paying taxes, and has been vocal about it. That's despite Tesla floating by for years with the help of Uncle Sam. Also, his cars catch on fire far too frequently, and the self-driving aspect is plenty questionable anywhere near places where pedestrians are common.

If you google it, there's plenty more, as he's taken on quite a heel persona the past year.

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