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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Joe,even though you can't take the royal family seriously. Then why are you writing in ALL CAPS??!

Just an unconscious thing. Something different.

Also, I think my CAP key was engaged and I was just too lazy to press it off.

But let's be honest here.

Diana joining the royal family lifted their celebrity appeal like crazy, world wide.

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On another topic, what is the thinking here as to why Bobby stole JFK's brain?


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21 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump takes credit for Kevin McCarthy's victory and says 'crazy' selection process made result MORE important after new Speaker thanks former president for his support

"Hours after Rep. Kevin McCarthy was finally crowned Speaker of the House following four days of voting chaos and a near-punch up in Congress, former President Donald Trump was quick to take credit for the success.  

McCarthy had earlier paid tribute to Trump for his support during the voting process while speaking to reporters. 
Trump responded by posting a video of McCarthy thanking the former president on his Truth Social platform and wrote: 'Thank you Kevin. It was my great honor!'"

That's the second time McCarthy has brought Trump back from the dead.

What's going on?

Steve Thomas


Interesting in that it looks like what Trump did was to get one or two holdouts to vote 'present' instead of for a candidate, and that lowered the threshold for McCarthy to win. 

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On 1/7/2023 at 8:58 PM, Joe Bauer said:

Harry sure looks like Hewitt imo.

He does, but Spencers have red hair...

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On 1/7/2023 at 3:26 PM, W. Niederhut said:

I have never paid much attention to the tabloid gossip about the Royal Family, so I was surprised to learn this weekend that Prince Harry is, apparently, the biological son of a British officer named James Hewitt.

No wonder Harry has had a falling out with King Charles and Prince William.

This is beginning to sound like a Shakespearean tragedy, or comedy.

No, he isn't He's a Spencer, and they have red hair.  

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Five NM Democratic Leaders Have Had Homes Or Offices Shot Up
 Crooks and XXXXX — January 8, 2023

"Investigators  have not definitively tied the attacks to politics or ideology but Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said he is “worried and concerned” that is the case. But he also warned against drawing conclusions while the investigation continues, saying, “we don’t know that for a fact.”"

Steve Thomas


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My wife asked me how the political world is going today.

Let me see:

The Republicans are at war with each other over plans to cut the defense budget

Donald Trump has now started making demands - now that I gave you the Speaker that you wanted, here's what I want you to do for me

Lauren Boebert is calling Marjorie Taylor crazy as a loon and Greene is responding, "Don't believe anything I say, or the interviews I give, or the social media posts or emails I put out

George Santos's aide was calling wealthy Republican donors pretending he was McCarthy's aide and sending follow-up mails with a fake address

It's only been one day. I can't keep up.

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Mixed feelings.

Obviously, the US needs a serious reform, or even a nonviolent "insurrection" to reshape establishment powers. 

We have runaway national security agencies and spending, and a globalist-imperialist mindset in DC. 

De facto globalist US trade and immigration policies have been a daily disaster for the middle and employee classes. 

The Donk President just knifed railroad unions in the back. And that is the Donks! The 'Phants are likely worse...

To this forum, the fact that neither party wants to reveal what happened on 11/22 is another reason to want serious reforms or a non-violent "insurrection." 

 But this crowd of Trump Republicans is very off-putting. Even more off-putting than the establishment? Maybe. 

As usual, I don't feel I have a dog in this fight....



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Well.. would you look at this!

Can't wait to hear from our Left Blue Koolaid drinking Derangement Syndrome forum member's cognitive dissidence on this.. #NewNothingBurger




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Been knocked off line 12 times with electrical power losses in the last 10 days due to these never ending "atmospheric river" (mini-hurricanes ) battering the California Coast.

We are in the thick of it here in the heavily forested pine tree forest in the hills above Monterey.

Next door neighboring towns of Carmel, Pebble Beach and Pacific Grove are being hit just as hard as they are also located in heavy pine tree forests. Not to mention the Big Sur coast line.

Spanish Bay golf course had some holes covered in surging ocean waters.

One large expensive home on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in the Carmel Highlands area had a 50 foot wave clear the cliff below them and take out a section of their home!

I've never seen so many trees come down in my 70 years here. We can't sleep at night due to constant fear of 100 foot pines coming down on our house as there are two close by and right in the 50 MPH gust direction way.

Santa Cruz area hit the hardest. Those poor people there are seeing roads closed, washed out, bridges taken out, rivers over flowing, huge ocean surges taking out beach side roads and even the Capitola pier and inundating many of the restaurants next to Capitola Beach. etc.

Highway 17 and 9 closed. Even 101 South of San Jose! 

Many people who commute from Santa Cruz or the Bay area for work can't get back home!

Our power just came back on 30 minutes ago after an 18 hour loss. We had to toss $300 of food from our frig just 5 days ago. Now we may have to toss another $150 worth we just purchased 3 days ago.

The entire town of exclusive Montecito ( above Santa Barbara ) was evacuated this last evening. Enormous mud slides predicted there. This includes Oprah!

Fresno...yes dry hot Fresno ( way inland just below the Sierras and Yosemite) is predicted to get 1 to 2 inches of rain tonight and tomorrow.

This would be an "all time" 24 hour rain total for them. So, flooding expected there. Sacramento has been hit hard with flooding as well.

Just sharing as this is a big effecting event here for us in California. Global warming? Not sure.

Another big rain and gust event just starting here in last 30 minutes as well.

Fellow member JB.

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