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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

We will see what happens with the Biden docs, won't we?

But let's remember, Donald Trump got in trouble not because a few classified documents accidently got mixed in with stuff, he got in trouble because he took Top Secret documents, lied about having them, got caught, and then refused to return them.

Biden? As soon as he heard about his document issue he pledged full cooperation and has done exactly that.

Trump f*cked up, just like he always has with every single situation in his entire life, because he's an incompetent dolt, and that's what has put him in the legal hot water he's currently in.

In this case, I largely agree with you (although Trump has had successes in his life, as with the Reality TV Show he hosted).

The funding of the UPenn Biden Center is very smelly.

It seems no matter who Americans elect as President, they are floating in foreign money, or soon are. 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The funding of the UPenn Biden Center is very smelly.

Are you sure that ain’t your upper lip?


A University of Pennsylvania spokesman denied any anonymous Chinese money had gone to the center.

“The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity. In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center,” Stephen MacCarthy said. </q>

The Chinese contributed to UPenn — what’s your proof any of that money went to the Biden Center?

2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It seems no matter who Americans elect as President, they are floating in foreign money, or soon are. 

Biden paid off the Chinese by sticking a shiv in their semi-conductor industry.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Are you sure that ain’t your upper lip?


A University of Pennsylvania spokesman denied any anonymous Chinese money had gone to the center.

“The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity. In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center,” Stephen MacCarthy said. </q>

The Chinese contributed to UPenn — what’s your proof any of that money went to the Biden Center?

Biden paid off the Chinese by sticking a shiv in their semi-conductor industry.


A government watchdog is demanding the US attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.


Jul 12, 2562 BE  The average salary for a Penn professor was $217,411 in the 2017-18 academic year, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. Biden's ...
7 hours ago  It launched in 2018 and is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, from which Biden earned more than $900,000 as an honorary ...
OK, so it was $900,000 the University of Pennsylvania paid to Joe Biden for a "no show" job.
Yes, money is fungible commodity. It does look like Biden got a $900,000 finder's fee from UPenn for doing nothing. It looks like China money was laundered through UPenn and handed to Biden. 
If I give you $100 and you give Matt Allison $100....who gave Allison $100? Not me! 
Beijing has thrown Hong Kong democracy-activist publisher Jimmy Lai in prison...the US has shown very little concern...
Disney, NBA, NBC Universal, BlackRock, Tesla, Apple, Citicorp, Morgan Stanley make China policy. Not Biden. 
On semiconductors....the devil is in the details. What will really happen? Like the tariffs...are they applied rigorously? They were supposed to raised if the US kept running large trade deficits with China. The US is and nothing happened...
If every issue or event is turned into the tired blue-red war...then the truth is always obscured....
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I read where Matt Taibbi when asked what happened to the twitter files. He now acknowledges that the complications are more formidable than he had realized at the start. Yeah, no kidding Dummy! Since you care so much free speech, maybe you should stop telling us what you think we're ready to hear and get together with your benefactor and release the files!

In 2021, Matt Taibbi in a Rogan  interview praises Seymour Hersch who was most popular investigative journalist of his day for an incident where the CIA  approached Hersch to leak files of information to the public of their catching an Israeli spy. Taibbi praises Hersch because Hersh said because he didn't find it, he couldn't accept it, and Taibbi says "Once you start getting handed things, once you cross that line , you've lost, they have you!"..
Then a year later Taibbi accepts files from a billionaire and becomes a conduit to us, declining to disclose what  the conditions of the employment were and for how much.
He's later questioned about this Twitter Files  situation by Krystal Ball, and starts squirming and says in essence, "well you do trust me?". When somebody says that, it's time to run! We don't have to accept any interpretation he says. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said it would be best to just release all the files to the public.
 But keep in mind, they are "selected" files! and the irony here is Taibbi is concerned about certain government  influence on the moderation of content but declines to tell us about the Trump Government's influence or communication with Twitter!, but does disclose Candidate Biden.
So now we have Matt Taibbi determining what's good for us to see in the Twitter files!
Taibbi's first proclamations start segment  start at 3:10. Hypocrisy at 9:41.


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

A government watchdog is demanding the US attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.


And what is your proof any of that money went to the Biden Center?

1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.


And when the spokesman for UPenn said no Chinese anonymous money went to the Biden Center, and they don’t solicit money for the Biden Center, he was lying — according to you.  What proof do you have he was lying?

Ben continued: Yes, money is fungible commodity. It does look like Biden got a $900,000 finder's fee from UPenn for doing nothing. It looks like China money was laundered through UPenn and handed to Biden. 

No Ben, that’s just the hyper-partisan spin you put on everything Donk.

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Printed before Biden became President....this was about UPenn and Biden, and not politics.....


Guest editorial | Is Penn getting what it’s paying for? Biden has made more than $775K as ‘professor’

  • The (Sunbury) Daily Item
    • Jul 18, 2019

The University of Pennsylvania, according to former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent financial disclosures, has paid Biden more than $775,000 to be the university’s Benjamin Franklin presidential practice professor over the past two years.

For that money – which is significantly higher than that of Penn’s other professors – Biden did not teach a single class or grade a single paper, according to Philadelphia Magazine.


OK, the $900k in Biden's pocket was not a finder's fee, if you say so. But it was not for teaching any classes, although Biden was listed as a professor. 

The UPenn received tens of millions of China money is a matter of public record. 

Sheesh, the 'Phants (except for the nutty populist wing) are probably worse globalists than the Donks. 

If you want to genuflect to one party or the other...




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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Printed before Biden became President....this was about UPenn and Biden, and not politics.....


Guest editorial | Is Penn getting what it’s paying for? Biden has made more than $775K as ‘professor’

  • The (Sunbury) Daily Item
    • Jul 18, 2019

The University of Pennsylvania, according to former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent financial disclosures, has paid Biden more than $775,000 to be the university’s Benjamin Franklin presidential practice professor over the past two years.

For that money – which is significantly higher than that of Penn’s other professors – Biden did not teach a single class or grade a single paper, according to Philadelphia Magazine.


OK, the $900k in Biden's pocket was not a finder's fee, if you say so. But it was not for teaching any classes, although Biden was listed as a professor. 

The UPenn received tens of millions of China money is a matter of public record. 

Sheesh, the 'Phants (except for the nutty populist wing) are probably worse globalists than the Donks. 

If you want to genuflect to one party or the other...





No, Ben, I want to be accurate.  When you say that the Chinese funded the Biden Center you are acting like a partisan.  

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Cliff, Ben's most effective communicative tactic is using huge print.

Other than that he's the most factually corrected person on this forum. But it's overwhelmingly on this thread as he does play more by meritocracy rules on the JFKA side and is a good contributor. i assume that's due to the stern guidance of Jim Di!!

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As I hold both parties in equally low regard....

BTW, I suggest reading  Robert Michels'  "Iron Law of Oligarchy."

Michael Pettis' "Trade Wars are Class Wars," is another explanatory text. 

The Donks have been running neck-and-back against the 'Phants in raising money from arms makers and Wall Street....

Really, every four years I hope for a viable option....my guess is Wall Street, media, Silicon Valley, the defense industry and military will not tolerate another party....

But have it. Genuflect to the party of your choice....


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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I really found this Estonian who now lives in the U.K.'s responses to this question interesting. I was hoping for a more pro russian response b to balance it a bit, but i ended up enclosing one response.r


 Ervin Puro

While I currently live in UK, I believe that I am in a much better position to answer this question than most of my compatriots.
In Estonia I originally come from one of the least integrated Russian speaking families and so I regularly come into contact with the most pro Russian people in the country. And while usually I am the only one arguing against them at the table, right now literally no one supports Russia or even tries to defend them. The most pro Russian position you will hear, is that the conflict needs to stop as soon as possible. For many of my own relatives this conflict served as an eye opening moment, that made them stop looking at Russian realities through their rose tinted glasses.

There used to be a real generational divide in opinions between those who were born in the USSR and those who were born after but now it is all gone. Another group that is slowly but surely changing their opinion are those who no longer have access to the Russian television as their primary news source. Even the last bastion of Russian propaganda, the orthodox church of Estonia condemned the conflict which helped sway the opinion of the most conservative/reactionary people.

Now to why I believe that I am in a much better position to answer. Currently the plurality of my social circle is represented by ethnically Russian Latvians and Lithuanians. Among them I find a much larger degree of difference in their opinions when compared to Estonians.

In the first few days of the invasion you could see a real split in opinion that allowed to divide people in 3 groups based on their thinking. Pro Ukrainian side, Pro Russian side and anti politics side (or not my problem side). Surprisingly you could guess a lot about the person based on their position. The biggest difference was what came first: your ethnicity or your nationality?
Almost all people who support Ukrainian side think of themselves as russian speaking but first and foremost citizens of their respective country (Latvians, lithuanians and Estonians). Those who supported Russia tended to hold a mirroring position. Those who said: ‘don’t raise your head or you get in trouble’, are usually the most Russian of them all.
Also according to most of my mates, people from their parents generation still hold a much more pro Russian position than those in Estonia, and it causes a lot of conflict inside their families. Surprisingly it looks like comparatively, in Estonia older ethnic Russians are much more integrated into social and political life than in our southern neighbours.

But the previously mentioned split is changing and right now most people are against the war. Interestingly the biggest factor seems to be the refugees. Among the ethnically Russian people there are much more negative opinions about the refugees whom they see as freeloaders and bane of their future existence. This forces them to look at Russia as a reason for why they have to deal with them and stop their support of the conflict.

All in all most of us are pro Ukraine and/or against the conflict, so please don’t name us the 5th column or lump us together with the invading muppets of Putin.

I Latvia most russian people do not support Russia in this war. They even organize protest events to show their support to UA, take part in voluntary work etc. But there is a small part of people who do support Russia and still are victims of russian propaganda. Mostly in Eastern parts of Latvia where they are under the russian media space and this influence has lasted for years even with European media alternatives, even if these alternatives are in russian. They live in LV but their country and president is Putin. But as we see this is far not only the Baltic states’ problem. Such people are everywhere.


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Michael Moore for months before the November 2022 election predicted the Democrats would do well. No one else was saying this.

Now he continues to broadcast how the Blues can continue to beat the Reds.

Blue Dots in a Red Sea (Ep. 12 — Final Episode) (michaelmoore.com)

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 My take on the discovery of the Biden classified documents is that it is a gift to the prosecutors if they indict Trump for his theft of many classified documents, some of which are still missing.

This is because if Trump is indicted (as is expected to happen soon), at the forthcoming trial the prosecution can show that Biden handled his discovery of the documents the proper way by turning them over the next day to the National Archives. Now, jury members, contrast what Biden did and what Trump did and didn't do. 


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57 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

 My take on the discovery of the Biden classified documents is that it is a gift to the prosecutors if they indict Trump for his theft of many classified documents, some of which are still missing.

This is because if Trump is indicted (as is expected to happen soon), at the forthcoming trial the prosecution can show that Biden handled his discovery of the documents the proper way by turning them over the next day to the National Archives. Now, jury members, contrast what Biden did and what Trump did and didn't do. 


Absolutely Doug.

You are a major American historic event lawyer and your assessment above is uniquely qualified and insightful.

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