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I see, elevating to the personal. Of course, I understand. What choice do you have?

Well the weather is pristine and fantastic where I am, and my first impression is that a middle aged guy who spends 100 hours a week on a conspiracy website with a Coleman stove might very well, be lonely, at the very least!                           But that's why we provide a place at a picnic table.🙂


heh heh

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2 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I see, elevating to the personal. Of course, I understand. What choice do you have?

Well the weather is pristine and fantastic where I am, and my first impression is that a middle aged guy who spends 100 hours a week on a conspiracy website with a Coleman stove might very well, be lonely, at the very least!                           But that's why we provide a place at a picnic table.🙂


heh heh

You always struggle in these back and forth’s and run out of ideas. Try not to project old boy. 😘

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15 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

As the California Attorney General she shut down the reopening of the RFK case. No thank you. 




Oh yeah. 

And Biden put the torpedo into an "outsider" CIA director nominee that the CIA did not like, a few years back. 


For me, this is not about Biden and Harris, so much.

It is, again, that the JFKA and RFKA remain radioactive, and the CIA does not answer to the President. 

See Biden's total cave-in on the JFK papers, matched only by Trump's total cave-in. 

You can vote for Trump. Or you can vote for Biden. Or you can vote for Robert Burrows. 

But the CIA will be the CIA (and the intel state the intel state). 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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42 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Oh yeah. 

And Biden put the torpedo into an "outsider" CIA director nominee that the CIA did not like, a few years back. 


For me, this is not about Biden and Harris, so much.

It is, again, that the JFKA and RFKA remain radioactive, and the CIA does not answer to the President. 

See Biden's total cave-in on the JFK papers, matched only by Trump's total cave-in. 

You can vote for Trump. Or you can vote for Biden. Or you can vote for Robert Burrows. 

But the CIA will be the CIA (and the intel state the intel state). 

I will not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president...

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6 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Glad to see your recovering Joe.

Thank you Ron.

In some ways yes. In some ways no.

I feel I've been knocked down 50%.

My balance is still off. Worry it may be permanent. Still using a walker outside of home.

And my legs are very weak.

Reading all the never ending, supremely outrageous and whacky stories of George Santos ( a new one every day ) has been a nice humorous distraction for me.

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11 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 

Do you see how anybody would view this answer as total jive?

And you're running away and deliberately losing focus from first Sandy and my question.

What you're really trying saying is yes, I haven't a clue what any of these President's accomplishments are, or how any of my superficial perceptions of Biden  have anything to do with Biden's policies or his Presidency..


Kirk people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.. I'm still waiting on my reply about Iranian Sylvester Stallone btfo'd your 'I heckin' love science' man Neil Degrasse Tyson about Covid and the Scamdemic. 

What makes Biden pathetic is that he speaks badly; can't carry a sentence or hold a coherent thought that isn't on a note card. Can't take questions or answer them. Biden Staff are diversity hires and weren't selected on merit. Unfortunately that can be explained away to midwits as MAGA's racist sexist homphobes and their misogyny. Biden used executive orders to resend Trump;s, including on Insulin and other positives. Biden called for people to rush the border and created a humanitarian crisis. Then dumped it off on his giggling VP who has done nothing making it worse. I know that lefties don't understand that most illegal aliens (Migrants) are not Mexican and come into Mexico and create crime and a drain on social resources. Biden's son is being protected by the FBI and DOJ that Obama admin weaponized against conservatives. Biden helped overthrow democratically elected Ukraine with the help of Victoria Nuland and Azov Snipers. Then fired the prosecutor looking into the company his son would be employed at such a rate that it appears to be a bribe. From this we examine Hunters LapTop and find all kinds of shady money connections going to Hunter and the Big Guy (Wonder who that is, [sarcasm added]) also wonder how Biden made all that money being a idiot racist senator for Delaware all his life? Now we have Ukrainian Top Secret documents being found how many times now? 5? Trump had his under video supervision and in a locked room with security like a Presidential Library would. Biden's are most likely corruption from Ukraine that he or his son is involved in.. Because we know that they were and are involved. Biden then didn't tell the country bribing his son that they should take the Russian deal, instead Ukraine got like 6 billion dollars worth of aide. Pretty good investment if you ask me Kirk. Everything about Biden is pathetic and like every pathetic dictator he has to use a scape goat to rally his supporters. That boogie man is Trump and his "mAgA tErRoRiSts" because the only thing more pathetic than Biden are the NPC's that support him... 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Was asked to take an joke out for being offensive.
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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. 
Such a typical Chris non specific BS answer to in fact say he has no answers..Stop BSing us Chris. You're being asked what's Chris's measure of competency and effectiveness. Do you have any you're able to articulate?
Chris:I am not sure I have the appetite to get into this
That's because Chris never has the appetite or the ability to answer any questions involving specificity. Accomplishments? Chris has absolutely no knowledge of any  of those Presidents accomplishments, Sandy. Which would be ok, if he'd say so. But he's really trying to pull a complete George Santos about all of this.
Chris re Biden"Sandy. I don’t know if somehow in the USA the videos of Biden’s gaffs, the obvious cognitive decline are censored.
More BS, they're not censored at all Chris. That's just another deep state fantasy of yours. In fact, I showed you a clip the other day of a liberal comedy show in the U.S. that shows Biden stumbling multiple times walking up to Air Force One.But that doesn't have anything substantive to do with his Presidency.
Ok, you've heard me say ,there's a cognitive decline from his earlier times.It's a concern for me. I wouldn't call jt "pathetic". But how is that effecting his policy? Or do you have any knowledge of policy?
If you want a seat at the grown up table, you're going to know more than JFK and RFK were "really great" before you were  born.


Thanks for replying to Chris's response to the questions I posed him, Kirk.

One thing I was wondering is whether, by the word "pathetic", Chris meant compassionate pity or contemptuous pity. His answers reveal that he meant the latter. Which is a rather mean way to view a person who has imperfections, IMO.

Chris is surprised that I could think of Biden as a classy person given the fact that he has stumbled on stairs, made gaffs, and so forth. Well, to me a classy person isn't one who is stylish and graceful. Rather, he or she is one who has a strong sense of personal values. And who truly cares about the well being of others around them. Values like that.


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40 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Well, to me a classy person isn't one who is stylish and graceful. Rather, he or she is one who has a strong sense of personal values. And who truly cares about the well being of others around them. Values like that.

It’s ok having different interpretations of classy. How does plagiarism sit with your definition, Sandy? That at least to me, doesn’t sit well with my value set or make Biden likeable. 

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I am HIGHLY offended by Matthew Koch's comment that Biden "speaks like an amputee."

My grandfather lost his left hand in a farming accident in the 1940s. His amputation had NO AFFECT on his ability to speak clearly or coherently. To imply that there is something wrong with the speaking ability of those who have had an amputation of any sort is blatantly offensive.

I demand that Mr. Koch retract that offensive statement, on behalf of all the amputees around the world whose ability to speak was not affected by the amputation of an appendage or a limb.


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35 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

I am HIGHLY offended by Matthew Koch's comment that Biden "speaks like an amputee."

My grandfather lost his left hand in a farming accident in the 1940s. His amputation had NO AFFECT on his ability to speak clearly or coherently. To imply that there is something wrong with the speaking ability of those who have had an amputation of any sort is blatantly offensive.

I demand that Mr. Koch retract that offensive statement, on behalf of all the amputees around the world whose ability to speak was not affected by the amputation of an appendage or a limb.


Sorry I offened you Mark, I will edit it. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:

I am HIGHLY offended by Matthew Koch's comment that Biden "speaks like an amputee."

My grandfather lost his left hand in a farming accident in the 1940s. His amputation had NO AFFECT on his ability to speak clearly or coherently. To imply that there is something wrong with the speaking ability of those who have had an amputation of any sort is blatantly offensive.

I demand that Mr. Koch retract that offensive statement, on behalf of all the amputees around the world whose ability to speak was not affected by the amputation of an appendage or a limb.


Of course, Mark why would this be any surprise? We saw how his  complete lack of bereavement turned off everybody when David Lifton died.
Just a week ago,  he turns the manslaughter charge of Alec Baldwin which in any sense is a human tragedy into his usual R and D rant to try own the libs, which is his prime motivation above any human concern.There are numerous incidents where he's simply laughing at the misery of other human beings only because they don't share his philosophy.
Matthew: Kirk when did Donks like you become proud baby killers? I
He called all Democrats baby killers.
He said, Obama assassinated 300 people. But he may have posted someone else;s comment.i can't remember the details of that, but I don't believe it was about drone strikes. It's the kind of statement we've just become conditioned to ignore.
 Since we're inclined to be lenient,  do we rationalize it as an early 20 something whose never really lost anything in his life, and so has the emotionality of an early  teenager?
Matthew: Sorry I offened you Mark, I will edit it.
Sort of a minimalist  superficial  response. Matthew should at least be confronted with the idea that this  isn't an isolated incident.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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10 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Of course, Mark why would this be any surprise? We saw how his  complete lack of bereavement turned off everybody when David Lifton died.
Just a week ago,  he turns the manslaughter charge of Alec Baldwin which in any sense is a human tragedy into his usual R and D rant to try own the libs, which is his prime motivation above any human concern.There are numerous incidents where he's simply laughing at the misery of other human beings only because they don't share his philosophy.
Matthew: Kirk when did Donks like you become proud baby killers? I
He called all liberals baby killers.
He said, Obama assassinated 300 people. But he may have posted someone else;s comment.i can't remember the details of that, but I don't believe it was about drone strikes. It's the kind of statement we've just become conditioned to ignore.
 Since we're inclined to be lenient,  do we rationalize it as an early 20 something whose never really lost anything in his life, and so has the emotionality of an early  teenager?
Matthew: Sorry I offened you Mark, I will edit it.
Sort of a minimalist  superficial  response. Matthew should at least be confronted with the idea that this isn't an isolated incident.

Sounds a bit like you are trying to get someone banned or reprimanded on the forum. 

It’s not very endearing when you behave like Rifki in Midnight Express (1978). 🐍

For those who haven’t seen it, Rifki was the jail snitch who got perks from the guards for telling tales on people. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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