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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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27 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- I thought you thought Mr. Buffalo Horns was a joke, no? Wasn't that the basis of your 1/6 mocking for so many months?

There's tons of video, alright; can be found all over the net...



There are undeniably tragedy-comic aspects to Mr Buffalo Horns.

He was a homeless gadfly from Phoenix, and appears mentally challenged. He also appears  harmless, and utterly incapable of operating an insurrection, and was regarded as unaffiliated with anybody. Mr Buffalo Horns appearance is definitely unusual. 

The unfunny part is putting a man like that---perhaps someone's tool---into prison for four years. Remember, the guy turned himself into the FBI in Phoenix. 

Why were Capitol Police politely ushering the meek Mr. Buffalo Horns around the hallways and stairways of the Capitol? 

Mr Buffalo Horns was a violent insurrectionist? That would be funny, except it is sad. 


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11 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

You go into your account setting and on the right side there is an ignore users button from there you just type the person's name you want to ignore, remember you will have to put W. to get him to come up. I look at the forum on my phone off line so I still see when he slanders my name and bares false witness against me like I'm a Neo Con Bush Supporter, which is why I still respond to is lunacy.. 

Thanks, Matthew.

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9 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- I thought you thought Mr. Buffalo Horns was a joke, no? Wasn't that the basis of your 1/6 mocking for so many months?

There's tons of video, alright; can be found all over the net...


Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor

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13 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I think we've all seen the extensive violent J6 Capitol footage-- with the possible exceptions of Mathew Koch and Benjamin Cole, who both adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 hearings last year.

     What we are witnessing on this forum is a microcosm of American society-- including a sub-population that embraces false narratives and refuses to answer questions about the damning evidence.

Wow.  An entire page and a half of Tucker Carlson's MAGA spam has been posted on this thread during the past 12 hours--mostly by Mathew Koch...

As George W. Bush said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

And, as we have have witnessed with the Faux narratives about Putin's invasion lately, Chris Barnard and John Cotter have thrown in their lot with our delusional MAGA spammers, Ben Cole and Mathew Koch.

It's the Education Forum's Coalition of the Clueless-- those opposed to Phil Spector dominance.

War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Fox is news.

Pic of the Moment

Edited by W. Niederhut
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22 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Yes I notice Chris's and Matthew's posts are becoming more alike everyday. ( even John to a degree) Then in his next post,  Chris segues to "The Sounds of Silence". Yes, very genuine, Chris!
But what would you expect?  Chris is a self proclaimed "marketer" who tells us he  lives in an idyllic enclave in an island of only the top 1%! And it's very important to  Chris to let us know that he avoids paying taxes!
Ok, enough said about that.
I didn't want to be critical with Chris's recent posted manifesto here entitled. "20 reasons why the public are blind to the jfk conspiracy  and many others," where he list many psychological biases and predispositions people have to accepting conspiracy theories. Because I could see he put a lot of effort into it and made some very salient points. Nothing I personally hadn't thought before, but worth a general revealing. So I thought it right that I shouldn't be critical.
At one point Greg Doudna politely brings up the idea, that sometimes when people reject conspiracy theories, it's for none of Chris's 20 reasons, but because they've reasoned,  used their judgment and determined the theory to be false,  where Chris's next responses are attacking  Greg, citing the he's noticed from his previous experiences with Greg that he falls into a number of Chris's 20 categories, and then snickering about Greg's alleged biases to his aide Matthew, just intolerantly pigeonholing Greg. Greg responds very graciously and  successfully deescalates Chris by praising some of Chris's  good work in his thesis.
Though Chris's title is precise. It could have just as easily been entitled "My Struggle"..
Chris really at one time or another accused everybody here of a lot of his points made here, often falsely IMO, just because people won't accept all his proposed conspiracies. Chris has more often pigeonholed people here than any other person I can recall, IMO. I can't tell you how many times Chris has gotten pouty and made  arrogant accusations, sometimes that we were just D's(like above) , and that clouded  our judgment or that we were blinded by patriotism that we just couldn't accept the real truth about our country, because we aren't "consciously able to realize it". He was actually very arrogant and insulting. Early on here, Chris would cry out in astonishment, in essence to say. "How could you abandon me? You were guys were supposed to be so hep! "
But what's funny is that it's not as if some of us haven't seen many lapses in Chris's critical judgment. Which to one degree or another, might be said of anybody, without trying to pre pigeonhole them. Yet Chris makes this list for his ideological enemies so he can say later that you fall into such and such category, just like he did in his  response to Greg.
Bottom line: I would never want to live under Chris's rule.


Kirk please edit and delete your (N)azi reference about Chris.. or I will be forced to ask the mods to do it 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Wow.  An entire page and a half of Tucker Carlson's MAGA spam has been posted on this thread during the past 12 hours--mostly by Mathew Koch...

As George W. Bush said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

And, as we have have witnessed with the Faux narratives about Putin's invasion lately, Chris Barnard and John Cotter have thrown in their lot with our delusional MAGA spammers, Ben Cole and Mathew Koch.

It's the Education Forum's Coalition of the Clueless-- those opposed to Phil Spector dominance.

War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Fox is news.

Pic of the Moment



Thanks for the great morning laugh lift WN!

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Apparently you can lead a Donkey to water but unless MSNBC tells them do drink they won't..

The J6 Cheney narrative you guys cherish has been debunked but the BlueAnons won't let it go and see that the armed insurrection was really a Fed driven "Nothing Burger"


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9 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Yes I notice Chris's and Matthew's posts are becoming more alike everyday. ( even John to a degree) Then in his next post,  Chris segues to "The Sounds of Silence". Yes, very genuine, Chris!
But what would you expect?  Chris is a self proclaimed "marketer" who tells us he  lives in an idyllic enclave in an island of only the top 1%! And it's very important to  Chris to let us know that he avoids paying taxes!
Ok, enough said about that.
I didn't want to be critical with Chris's recent posted manifesto here entitled. "20 reasons why the public are blind to the jfk conspiracy  and many others," where he list many psychological biases and predispositions people have to accepting conspiracy theories. Because I could see he put a lot of effort into it and made some very salient points. Nothing I personally hadn't thought before, but worth a general revealing. So I thought it right that I shouldn't be critical.
At one point Greg Doudna politely brings up the idea, that sometimes when people reject conspiracy theories, it's for none of Chris's 20 reasons, but because they've reasoned,  used their judgment and determined the theory to be false,  where Chris's next responses are attacking  Greg, citing the he's noticed from his previous experiences with Greg that he falls into a number of Chris's 20 categories, and then snickering about Greg's alleged biases to his aide Matthew, just intolerantly pigeonholing Greg. Greg responds very graciously and  successfully deescalates Chris by praising some of Chris's  good work in his thesis.
Though Chris's title is precise. It could have just as easily been entitled "My Struggle"..
Chris really at one time or another accused everybody here of a lot of his points made here, often falsely IMO, just because people won't accept all his proposed conspiracies. Chris has more often pigeonholed people here than any other person I can recall, IMO. I can't tell you how many times Chris has gotten pouty and made  arrogant accusations, sometimes that we were just D's(like above) , and that clouded  our judgment or that we were blinded by patriotism that we just couldn't accept the real truth about our country, because we aren't "consciously able to realize it". He was actually very arrogant and insulting. Early on here, Chris would cry out in astonishment, in essence to say. "How could you abandon me? You were guys were supposed to be so hep! "
But what's funny is that it's not as if some of us haven't seen many lapses in Chris's critical judgment. Which to one degree or another, might be said of anybody, without trying to pre pigeonhole them. Yet Chris makes this list for his ideological enemies so he can say later that you fall into such and such category, just like he did in his  response to Greg.
Bottom line: I would never want to live under Chris's rule.


Kirk I'd tell you to stick to JFK research but you don't do any of that.. 


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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

You can lead a man to data, but you can't make him think.

-- W. Niederhut   (2017)


Reality check for Mathew Koch, Chris Barnard and the Coalition of the Clueless


Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Wow.  An entire page and a half of Tucker Carlson's MAGA spam has been posted on this thread during the past 12 hours--mostly by Mathew Koch...

yea, the MAGAs got the "Lucy and the football" treatment yet again from the Fox propaganda channel. Besides Trump, Tucker Carlson is the country's most famous serial l i a r, and they trusted him yet again. Whoops!

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