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23 hours ago, John Cotter said:


Please see @Matthew Koch's most apposite reply to your post.

Yes,  you know something's rotten in Feudalville when John seeks "full spectrum umbrella" coverage from Matthew.
Yes I've noticed John, you were the one who said you have an extensive Beavis and Butthead video library, right?
Aren't you a little old to be Matthew's groupie, John?
So you're trying to find your lost youth?
John: Teriffic satire Matthew!
Oh yeah, that level of sophistication could only come from Plato's hallowed Guardian Class! Right John
Yes, it must be a "full spectrum" rejuvenating process for you, watching all those swell youtube videos!
Matthew's  my groupie, he has an insatiable curiosity to know me more and more and shadow me. Particularly because I'm not here 100 hours a week, like him!
So I guess I'm top dog, huh?
jej  jej  jej  je j jej       A little shout out, to my Spanish speaking audience!
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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

yea, the MAGAs got the "Lucy and the football" treatment yet again from the Fox propaganda channel. Besides Trump, Tucker Carlson is the country's most famous serial l i a r, and they trusted him yet again. Whoops!


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This tweet is obviously true, but I think in the macro, people don't realize how far and fast Tucker and Fox have fallen in the past few years. 5 years ago, they were at least tolerated as "right-leaning"; they've now lost any shred of credibility.

It's all gone.



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21 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

yea, the MAGAs got the "Lucy and the football" treatment yet again from the Fox propaganda channel. Besides Trump, Tucker Carlson is the country's most famous serial l i a r, and they trusted him yet again. Whoops!


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18 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

This tweet is obviously true, but I think in the macro, people don't realize how far and fast Tucker and Fox have fallen in the past few years. 5 years ago, they were at least tolerated as "right-leaning"; they've now lost any shred of credibility.

It's all gone.




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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Yes,  you know something's rotten in Feudalville when John seeks "full spectrum umbrella" coverage from Matthew.
Yes I've noticed John, you were the one who said you have an extensive Beavis and Butthead video library, right?
Aren't you a little old to be Matthew's groupie, John?
So you're trying to find your lost youth?
John: Teriffic satire Matthew!
Oh yeah, that level of sophistication could only come from Plato's hallowed Guardian Class! Right John
Yes, it must be a "full spectrum" rejuvenating process for you, watching all those swell youtube videos!
Matthew's  my groupie, he has an insatiable curiosity to know me more and more and shadow me. Particularly because I'm not here 100 hours a week, like him!
So I guess I'm top dog, huh?
jej  jej  jej  je j jej       A little shout out, to my Spanish speaking audience!

“Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

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49 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

My goodness! The poor Brits! Let's all send them some peanut butter or something lol



Well, Matt, this would certainly explain Chris and Paul Rigby's recent dyspepsia about Ukraine!  😦

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk please edit and delete your (N)azi reference about Chris.. or I will be forced to ask the mods to do it 


Thanks, Matt. I gather the moderators have removed something here that broke the rules from Kirk. Sounds true to form.

I wonder what got Kirk so agitated, upset and angry that he had to lash out with maximum spite? It’s the sign of a weak man who allows his emotions to be manipulated so easily. I’ve mentioned at great length how people behave in the emotional, animal brain (amygdala). It shows a primitive nature, a lack of sophistication and control. Isn’t it funny how people on one side when losing an argument just default to the lowest wit and call their opponent the worst thing they can think of?  They do this as they are looking to wound, because they feel pain themselves or humiliation and want others to feel what they are. 

Being on the forum for over two years and being analytical in nature, I have a road map to some peoples behaviours. Some are very predictable. Some people’s motivations are winning at all costs. And when they lose, they fulfil the “sore loser” archetype with aplomb. 

The character assassination attempt form Kirk is nothing new. I have pointed out that he is driven my malevolence and I’ve had to correct him many times when he has tried to distort peoples words or manipulate the original context, even misquoting. For example; when I explained how societies are being raped by high taxation to the very hilt, and that the money is then misspent on wars or other corrupt rackets. I referenced that I live in an extremely low tax jurisdiction, that actually works for the community. There is very little corruption or misspending. Kirk interprets a functioning system that’s good for the people as some kind of mortal sin. What he supposedly missed is the point, governments will take every penny they can in taxes, it has got to stop. I expect Kirk really understood, its just another ripe example of him being deceitful in front of the gallery. 

The truth in all this, is what got Kirk into such a vengeful state was me pointing out that I was right again, amongst others. I am on quite a streak. Could it be that MSM can’t be relied for truth in the west? Perhaps you should look elsewhere for information? Either that, or you can assume I am a mystic.


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19 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Leslie, you tried to make the case in your afterward that Donald Trump was a Fascist being run by a Jewish Fascist Roy Cohen.. I see now, that asking you to remain logically consistent with the Azov Battalion (literal Neo (N)azi's) being run by Zelensky is too much to ask! 

Maybe check the Allen thread or the Allen Dulles and the Yahtzee's for my post about Bandera, Skorzeny and Ukraine because your cope of "I don't know history" is also humorous to me.. 

"Many argue that no candidacy or presidency has embodied what historian Hobsbawm described as "the ability to get, and get was with, what lesser citizens cannot" more than that of Donald Trump. Under his watch, the rise of hatred of the other and distrust of democratic government culminated on January 6, 2021, in a violent insurrection meant to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 election. Students of 20th-century history, during which the rise of Mussolini's fascism gave birth the (N)azis and Hitler's Third Reich, recognized the parallels between the Weimar Republic- the fragile constitutional democracy that governed Germany before the rise of Adolf Hitler- and the threat that a weak administration of the President-elect would pose to stability and the critical repair of America's experiment in democracy" 

I've never heard anyone refer to Weimar Republic like that, are you sure you understand history? But you are also the person who says [Carolyn Hawley Davis] assumed a respectable role in her community (Director of Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut) Instead of putting into the proper context of Eugenics.. Remember how Planned Parenthood's Margarett Sanger wrote Letters to Hitler about that? 😉 

"Several weeks before Hank Albarelli suffered a health crisis that would soon take his life in June 2019, he summarized for this coauthor, I think serious consideration should be given now to doing 3-4 pages that speak generally to Fourth Reich. Rise of - revamped to these times but true National Socialistsm.." 

What is your main evidence for that? That Trump in an early speech mentioned "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" We know that it was Il Duce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler's favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito's son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas.  




Let me know if you find anything in the Postscript that is factually incorrect.  

I could rebut your assertions point by point, but if you rely on Jack Posobiec as an intellectual, ideological authority figure, I suspect any detailed discussion between us would be an exercise in futility.

Perhaps if you haven’t, you might read Frances Stonor Saunders.   

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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19 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:


Let me know if you find anything in the Postscript that is factually incorrect.  

I could rebut your assertions point by point, but if you rely on Jack Posobiec as an intellectual, ideological authority figure, I suspect any detailed discussion between us would be an exercise in futility.

Perhaps if you haven’t, you might read Frances Stonor Saunders.   

Then do it.. apparently you are too dense to get that your whole postscript is inaccurate since it's based on Fascist Trump supporters doing an insurrection which has now been debunked by non other than Tucker Carlson who you even mention in it (How Ironic) 

The fact you used a logical fallacy straw man (Jack Posobiec) as a cope to not answer tells me all I need to know about your logical abilities as if your book didn't already. Why don't you start with your idol Margaret Sanger. 

Here's a review of your main source that you relied on for the book https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/627  The fact that you work for the Hunt family and didn't include any info on the suite 8f https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKgroup8F.htm group or his disproven story about the motorcade or his connection Claire Booth Luce or Alton Oshner tells me all I need to know about your skills as a "Researcher" and why I don't take you serious and I don't think other people should as well. 

90% of the info in the book was already published by William Torbett in the Torbett document back in the 70's. 


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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Thanks, Matt. I gather the moderators have removed something here that broke the rules from Kirk. Sounds true to form.

I wonder what got Kirk so agitated, upset and angry that he had to lash out with maximum spite? It’s the sign of a weak man who allows his emotions to be manipulated so easily. I’ve mentioned at great length how people behave in the emotional, animal brain (amygdala). It shows a primitive nature, a lack of sophistication and control. Isn’t it funny how people on one side when losing an argument just default to the lowest wit and call their opponent the worst thing they can think of?  They do this as they are looking to wound, because they feel pain themselves or humiliation and want others to feel what they are. 

Being on the forum for over two years and being analytical in nature, I have a road map to some peoples behaviours. Some are very predictable. Some people’s motivations are winning at all costs. And when they lose, they fulfil the “sore loser” archetype with aplomb. 

The character assassination attempt form Kirk is nothing new. I have pointed out that he is driven my malevolence and I’ve had to correct him many times when he has tried to distort peoples words or manipulate the original context, even misquoting. For example; when I explained how societies are being raped by high taxation to the very hilt, and that the money is then misspent on wars or other corrupt rackets. I referenced that I live in an extremely low tax jurisdiction, that actually works for the community. There is very little corruption or misspending. Kirk interprets a functioning system that’s good for the people as some kind of mortal sin. What he supposedly missed is the point, governments will take every penny they can in taxes, it has got to stop. I expect Kirk really understood, its just another ripe example of him being deceitful in front of the gallery. 

The truth in all this, is what got Kirk into such a vengeful state was me pointing out that I was right again, amongst others. I am on quite a streak. Could it be that MSM can’t be relied for truth in the west? Perhaps you should look elsewhere for information? Either that, or you can assume I am a mystic.


The fact that the "pro-establishment" (for want of a better term) members on this thread seem generally incapable or unwilling to engage in rational dialogue and instead rely on ad hominems and other non sequiturs speaks volumes.

It could be viewed as reflecting the hollowing out of western democracy in recent decades, culminating in the quasi fascist dispensations of covid and the Ukraine shambles, which have been characterised by authoritarian groupthink, censorship, the shutting down of open debate, "cancel culture" and the vilification of dissenters.   

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1 minute ago, John Cotter said:

The fact that the "pro-establishment" (for want of a better term) members on this thread seem generally incapable or unwilling to engage in rational dialogue and instead rely on ad hominems and other non sequiturs speaks volumes.

It could be viewed as reflecting the hollowing out of western democracy in recent decades, culminating in the quasi fascist dispensations of covid and the Ukraine shambles, which have been characterised by authoritarian groupthink, censorship, the shutting down of open debate, "cancel culture" and the vilification of dissenters.   

Although my response to Kirk seems scathing, I can put my hand on heart its purely an accurate reflection of what I have seen for more than 2 years. ie a deserved critique. 

You are touching upon the way the masses have been weaponised, they are in a perpetual melee, fighting for one side of the divide and rule game. There is only ‘winning’ for them, at any cost, no matter how many ideals have to be sacrificed, forsaken and forgotten along the way. The moral compass has totally lost magnetic north. Truth is lost in a sea of irrelevance. Reality is distorted. The meaning of language is being altered. Any values western civilisation had from the ancient Greeks are being lost, and replaced with something without meaning or logic. The very reason for that is a formatting of society, rendering a neutral population who believes in nothing bar the state, conformity and mindless consuming for dopamine release. This society is helpless, apathetic, riddled with a feeling of futility, and has no identity. The family unit has been destroyed beyond recognition, and technology serves to isolate humanity. Its beyond me how people can’t see what is happening, tragic. Its a bit like a person being in an abusive relationship, they can’t see it, and anyone who points it out is attacked for suggesting it’s abusive. 

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