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5 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ron, what do you think MSNBC hosts have said in the their texts about Biden, probably only goods, right!? 

Personally, I can't wait to find out what the rest of the context is because I've gone through 7yrs of this and now know to wait for the rest of the info to come out that disproves the narrative that the BlueAnon Donks are running with like Russia collusion, Quid Pro Quo, George Floyd, J6.. 

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23 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

@Leslie Sharp here's a great example of why the word was censored, it's because midwitted lefties like you and Kirk can't understand the difference between Conservatives and (N)azis

Yeah, now any reference to someone's personal "struggle" is off limits?

Noo noo noo, Matthew the word was obligatorily censored,  because of the your new hybrid, pansy ass,screaming for mommy, right wing kiddie kancel kulture. 
Oh , did I spell that wrong? Damn!, cancelled again!
In the future, can I speak in anagrams?
heh heh heh    ho ho
Or clinically stated , generations that have been mistakenly coddled from the slings and arrows of life until now they are screaming out with vengeance!.
Matthew: What leftoids don't understand is that most Trump supporters don't really like Trump as a person, we just like the funny stuff he says and that he does the things we want him to do..
Oh yeah, is that the inside Q word? Is that why they're either a crazy cult of loonies or the most cowardly party in the 250 year history of the U.S. and won't say anything because they fear they'll  upset their strong man?
Well then,  You might as well use your free will to vote for Republican Sonny Bono or if you're really hep, George Santos and get him to claim he's Donald Trump.
Matthew, I'm a traditional Catholic!
Yes we figured out long ago you were a virgin, Matthew. Stop bragging!
We don't need to be continually dog whistled anymore about your "virgin experience."
heh heh heh
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Tucker Carlson deserves kudos for making video evidence on Jan. 6 available to the public. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Carlson deserves credit for asking tough questions on the JFKA. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Would that larger factions of the US media, left or right, followed Carlson's leads. 

And who wants to suppress evidence now? 

On the JFKA, it is the Biden Administration. 

On Jan. 6, almost all of the old-line establishment. 

Why has suppression of evidence become acceptable?


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16 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yeah, now any reference to someone's personal "struggle" is off limits?

Noo noo noo, Matthew the word was obligatorily censored,  because of the your new hybrid, pansy ass,screaming for mommy, right wing kiddie kancel kulture. 
Oh , did I spell that wrong? Damn!, cancelled again!
In the future, can I speak in anagrams?
heh heh heh    ho ho

Kirk you are not as clever as you think, it doesn't take a nasa rocket scientist to know that your reference to Chris "My Struggle" when translated into German is the title of Adolph Hitler's Book Mein Kampf.. 
Keep and whining like a child grasping at those straws though.. ; ) 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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13 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Tucker Carlson deserves kudos for making video evidence on Jan. 6 available to the public. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Carlson deserves credit for asking tough questions on the JFKA. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Would that larger factions of the US media, left or right, followed Carlson's leads. 

And who wants to suppress evidence now? 

On the JFKA, it is the Biden Administration. 

On Jan. 6, almost all of the old-line establishment. 

Why has suppression of evidence become acceptable?


C'mon, Ben.  Get a clue for once, and stop stinking the joint up.

First of all, Tucker Carlson didn't make this video evidence selectively available to the public-- Kevin McCarthy did, in an effort to mislead the public about Trump's violent J6 coup attempt.

Secondly, both McCarthy and Carlson were shocked and appalled by the J6 violence at the Capitol.

Then McCarthy flip-flopped from condemning to covering up J6, in order to preserve the loony Trump MAGA base of the dysfunctional GOP.

McCarthy is a joke, as is Tucker Carlson.

And you and Koch are what a media scholar at Stanford has aptly dubbed, "ampligandists"-- people who amplify propaganda on social media.

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They keep coming!  Ingenuine  generations of kiss ass devotional fanboys!

A sign of the times!

These are from Carlson's  e mails on Jan 4th, 2021

Carlson: We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.

Carlson: I hate him passionately.


And this is Carlson with Trump only last August!


Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson attend LIV Golf Invitational final round at ...



Carlson: Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters.

Carlson: He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years.

Pfeiffer: You’re right. I don’t want to let him destroy me either. [REDACTED]. The Trump anger spiral is vicious.

Carlson: That’s for sure. Deadly. It almost consumed me in November when Sidney Powell attacked us. It was very difficult to regain emotional control, but I knew I had to. We’ve got two weeks left. We can do this.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Among other career highlights, Kevin McCarthy once bragged publicly about how Congressional Republicans had damaged Hillary Clinton's approval ratings by conducting endless "investigations" of the Benghazi non-scandal.

Then, later, McCarthy was caught on an open mic joking with Paul Ryan and colleagues about how Trump and other Republicans had received illegal campaign funds from Russia in 2016.


Pic Of The Moment: Translating Kevin McCarthy's Opposition To A Jan. 6  Investigation - Democratic Underground

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Tucker Carlson deserves kudos for making video evidence on Jan. 6 available to the public. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Carlson deserves credit for asking tough questions on the JFKA. 

The anger should be directed at those who suppress evidence. 

Would that larger factions of the US media, left or right, followed Carlson's leads. 

And who wants to suppress evidence now? 

On the JFKA, it is the Biden Administration. 

On Jan. 6, almost all of the old-line establishment. 

Why has suppression of evidence become acceptable?


We’re always back to Gustave Le Bon. I do wish some of the Dems would consider reading books again, as opposed to headlines. 

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

Gustave Le Bon

Edited by Chris Barnard
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4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Carlson: We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.

Carlson: I hate him passionately.

Doesn't the guy realize he's become a national joke?

And Fox News has finally been exposed as a completely fraudulent corporation.

Reporting false news stories as real ones! For YEARS!

Even when they KNEW they were false!

Not a news organization. A right wing propaganda one.

Fox News epitomized Trump's own "FAKE NEWS" label to a "T."



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7 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

We’re always back to Gustave Le Bon. I do wish some of the Dems would consider reading books again, as opposed to headlines. 

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

Gustave Le Bon


    If you knew anything about American history, media, and politics, you would realize that this is a perfectly apt description of the delusional Trump/Fox/GOP cult in the U.S. today.

    Are you still unaware that Rupert Murdoch and the talking heads at Fox News admitted in their recent Dominion depositions that they had knowingly lied to the American public about Trump's Stop the Steal scam?

    Have you still not realized that Tucker Carlson selectively released J6 film clips to mislead the American public about Trump's violent J6 coup attempt?

   You're 0-for-2.


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28 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

We’re always back to Gustave Le Bon. I do wish some of the Dems would consider reading books again, as opposed to headlines. 

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

Gustave Le Bon

Chris , But it's not just the Democrats. This is at least the 5th time you've posted this.

So you find this inspiring? Does it give you confidence?

It's just the kind of shallow self reinforcement i see among really insecure perpetual conspiracy advocates.to convince themselves that they're smarter than everyone else.

Ok, I could see it once or twice, but by the fifth time, you're boring your audience.

Do you know why you need to keep posting this?


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I do not see how the suppression of evidence is ever a good thing, except in clear and present danger type circumstances. 

The Zapruder film, and Jan. 6 videos. 

The JFKA records. 

The true nature of LHO, or Mr. BH. 

Some socio-economic political groups want to control the narrative, through suppression of evidence and control of major media.

LHO was a leftie, loser, loner, and Mr. BH a dangerous insurrectionist. 

Sure would be nice to have another political party, or several, to vote for. 

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5 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris , this is at least the 5th time you've posted this.

So you find this inspiring? Does it give you confidence?

It's just the kind of shallow self reinforcement i see among really insecure perpetual conspiracy advocates.to convince themselves that they're smarter than everyone else.

Ok, I could see it once or twice, but by the fifth time, you're boring your audience.

Do you know why you need to keep posting this?


Its actually very easy to explain and logical. Besides psychological messaging being more effective with repetition, I do keep posting it in the hope that the superficially read, the ignorant, or those suffering from mass-psychosis will actually pick up the book and have a read. I guess that is rather wishful when people like yourself and William in your twilight years have been conned, coerced, scammed, bamboozled and beguiled your whole lives by the political elite and MSM. The special part is that you two can see it happening to one side but, you can’t see it happening to your side. 🤷‍♂️ 

“You can take a horse to water but, you can’t make it drink.” 

PS each time you are triggered, you give away another tell which enables me to agitate and target you going forward. You make it so easy for me. I have to come to the conclusion that you have an underdeveloped mind. I mean that respectfully. 

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6 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not see how the suppression of evidence is ever a good thing, except in clear and present danger type circumstances. 

The Zapruder film, and Jan. 6 videos. 

The JFKA records. 

The true nature of LHO, or Mr. BH. 

Some socio-economic political groups want to control the narrative, through suppression of evidence and control of major media.

LHO was a leftie, loser, loner, and Mr. BH a dangerous insurrectionist. 

Sure would be nice to have another political party, or several, to vote for. 

The silence of our Neiderhuts, Gallways, and Allisons on this is rather revealing. They’re not worried about censorship, hiding evidence from the tax payer or a distortion of the truth, as long as it goes their way. For whatever reason their parents failed miserably when it came to teaching them values like morality and honesty. 

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