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     "Woke" refers to being informed about actual history, including the true history of systemic racism, misogyny, and homophobia in American society-- slavery, Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, etc.

       The anti-Woke movement in contemporary Republican red states refers to active GOP measures to suppress education, public consciousness, and mitigation of and about racism, misogyny, and homophobia.“

@W. Niederhut they are your words above and I am moving the conversation here, as Larry has requested the divisive stuff doesn’t continue on the other thread. @Paul Brancato


Could the term “woke” be amply characterised as “historical inequality?”. And that the end goal of the woke movement is to achieve equality? 

@W. Niederhut You have specified ‘American society’, does ‘woke’ not apply to Europe, the wider West, or even the whole world? 

Do both of you identify as ‘woke’ ? 
Is there any middle ground between woke and anti-woke? Is it possible for anyone to occupy a third position? 


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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Whoever Lamond is, he has been convicted of nothing. He may have been conducting an intel op. 

Why not let a court decide, wherein there is an active defense counsel, and rules regarding admissible evidence? 

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US Energy Department assesses Covid-19 likely resulted from lab leak, furthering US intel divide over virus origin

Updated 5:24 PM EST, Sun February 26, 2023
Memories are short---this lab leak story was aggressively censored on social media, Twitter and Facebook, and mass media carried the federal government-M$M line that C19 arrived naturally, through an animal intermediary.
Lab leak theories were defined as "debunked," from the fevered imagination of right-wing crackpots and cranks. 
This is a cautionary tale: Be skeptical of M$M-government narratives...especially when they flatter your political biases. 
That is when you are most vulnerable to lies and inducements. 
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18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


 I just addressed an iniquity in the tax code---the heavy taxes on wages/

Meanwhile, mortgage payments on property ownership are tax write-offs, and profits from sale are treated as capital gains (when not entirely exempted from taxes).  

The higher your tax bracket, the bigger those mortgage payment write-offs become. 

Oh come, Kirk. You are being contrary for the sale of contrariness. 

I think I make a valid point. If you disagree, fine. 


I don't know how long you've been away from the US. But here are some FACTS:

I have a mortgage on my current home. I paid off the mortgage on my previous home.

NONE of my mortgage payments were tax-deductible.

Mortgage INTEREST hasn't been tax deductible for YEARS.

The only thing I can deduct is my property TAXES paid, and then ONLY if my total deductions exceed the "standard deduction." My total deductions have exceeded the "standard deduction" only ONE TIME in my entire 68 years of living, and that was when I was married and my wife had some very high medical expenses.

So the basic premise of your mortgage vs. property tax argument is FALSE. Yet you set yourself up as some sort of "authority" on all this.

Therefore, I question the basis of your alleged "authority."


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25 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:


I don't know how long you've been away from the US. But here are some FACTS:

I have a mortgage on my current home. I paid off the mortgage on my previous home.

NONE of my mortgage payments were tax-deductible.

Mortgage INTEREST hasn't been tax deductible for YEARS.

The only thing I can deduct is my property TAXES paid, and then ONLY if my total deductions exceed the "standard deduction." My total deductions have exceeded the "standard deduction" only ONE TIME in my entire 68 years of living, and that was when I was married and my wife had some very high medical expenses.

So the basic premise of your mortgage vs. property tax argument is FALSE. Yet you set yourself up as some sort of "authority" on all this.

Therefore, I question the basis of your alleged "authority."


Home interest tax deduction
You can deduct home mortgage interest on the first $750,000 ($375,000 if married filing separately) of indebtedness. However, higher limitations ($1 million ($500,000 if married filing separately)) apply if you are deducting mortgage interest from indebtedness incurred before December 16, 2017.
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- without cooperation from China, no one will ever know for sure what the origin of Covid 19 was.

And that cooperation ain't happenin.

So it will be a speculative subject for evermore.


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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- without cooperation from China, no one will ever know for sure what the origin of Covid 19 was.

And that cooperation ain't happenin.

So it will be a speculative subject for evermore.


We are worlds apart on this one.

A government that aggressively covers up and even makes people disappear (Beijing, for example) regarding C19, of course, raises a red flag. 

Another government that censors alternative narratives regarding C19, and also engages in massive cover-ups (since exposed) regarding C19 also raises red flags. 

Greater minds than mine have explained why the C19 virus is very very unlikely to have developed naturally, and also the animal intermediary host has never been found. 

The Wuhan lab was researching precisely this virus. 

True, perhaps we can never say, as a fact, that C19 was developed in a lab.

I would put the odds at about 10 to 1, and that is conservatively put, the virus came from the Wuhan lab.

BTW, what do you think about Beijing becoming best pals with Putin? 

If Beijing supplies arms and materiel to Putin, should there be a response from the Biden Administration? 

An even spookier question: Why was the US M$M so eager and determined to censor the Wuhan lab leak story? 

Do you trust M$M narratives on other major events? 


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Here's the thing with that- as non-scientists, our initial suspicion when C19 showed up was that it was a human error scenario; my personal belief that week in January 2020 and for a while after that was that there were attempts at vaccine research that had gone awry. But that was nothing more than a guess from a guy with absolutely zero background in medicine or science.

Scientists work differently than we do; to them, the most obvious origin was zoonotic because they see far more of that than they see of lab leaks. So until they saw better evidence, zoonotic origin it was.

I know of no person (outside the Chinese government) that wouldn't love to know exactly what happened; especially scientists like Fauci, because that's the way a scientist's brain works.

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9 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Here's the thing with that- as non-scientists, our initial suspicion when C19 showed up was that it was a human error scenario; my personal belief that week in January 2020 and for a while after that was that there were attempts at vaccine research that had gone awry. But that was nothing more than a guess from a guy with absolutely zero background in medicine or science.

Scientists work differently than we do; to them, the most obvious origin was zoonotic because they see far more of that than they see of lab leaks. So until they saw better evidence, zoonotic origin it was.

I know of no person (outside the Chinese government) that wouldn't love to know exactly what happened; especially scientists like Fauci, because that's the way a scientist's brain works.

If they eat different bats than the type of bats the virus comes from, and the Lab uses the type of bats that the virus came from, it doesn't take a genius to figure this out. John Stewart is able to grasp this point.

In a way is basic deduction like the mask mandate that Liberals like Matt forced on the population, if they don't filter out smoke particles and a virus is smaller than smoke particles.. they don't filer out viruses. Duh.. 


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12 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I know of no person (outside the Chinese government) that wouldn't love to know exactly what happened; especially scientists like Fauci, because that's the way a scientist's brain works.

Thanks for clarifying this, Matt. I am sure Fauci is very curious, he and Peter Daszak. Thats just the way scientists brains work. 


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