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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

It's funny that you're supposed to be Irish, yet you call everything outside Mother Russia "the West."

Poor Matt doesn’t seem to realise that the “shooting the messenger” ad hom is a validation of the message by failing to rebut it.

Thanks Matt.

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6 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Poor Matt doesn’t seem to realise that the “shooting the messenger” ad hom is a validation of the message by failing to rebut it.

Thanks Matt.

In the US when the Donald Trump was elected there was a movement of people just like matt that started bullying people and their slogan was "Lover Trumps Hate" that is what is going on in matt's small mind he thinks his emotional terrorism is Love. 

Meanwhile in matt's war in Ukraine isn't going so good, which is why he is choosing to misrepresent Scott Adams, did you see how NATO put the tank infront of the Russian embassy and anti war protesters starting covering the tank in flowers, which has caused people like matt to accuse them of being Russians working for the Kremlin. In Latvia they just put a fence around the tank there because the same thing started happening, now they are investigating whether the Kremlin is doing this; reminds me of when LBJ admin believed the anti war protests had to have been whipped up of the KGB. 

The most ironically hilarious thing about matt is he fancies himself a be "Punk Rocker" meanwhile he's more of Post Teen McCarthyist who supports displaced government Death Squads.. Very Punk Rock indeed🤡


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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

      If some of you new members want to read a fascinating, informative, non-JFKA forum discussion from the days before the MAGA spammers-- Ben, Mathew Koch, et.al.-- ruined this forum, check out our "Journal of the Plague Year" thread from three years ago.

     We had some fascinating, convivial conversations here with James DiEugenio, and a wide array of scholarly forum members-- more or less "live blogging" the early days and weeks of the pandemic.

     It's depressing to see how far the non-JFKA related discussions around here have deteriorated during the past year.  70-80% of the thread is now comprised of MAGA spam and those who still take the time to debunk it.

    Even this particular thread has been ruined, compared to its early days, by the daily deluge of MAGA spam-- fake Fox News "Patriot Purge" narratives, Russiagate denial, Putin apologetics, etc.


William Niederhut, the self-styled logician and omniscient savant, would be wise to heed the Biblical dictum, "Physician, heal thyself", and try to refrain from filibustering the thread with reams of self-righteous Manichean nonsense which has already been refuted many times over.

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17 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

William Niederhut, the self-styled logician and omniscient savant, would be wise to heed the Biblical dictum, "Physician, heal thyself", and try to refrain from filibustering the thread with reams of self-righteous Manichean nonsense which has already been refuted many times over.


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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Maybe that's what he's trying to do.  Spread the truth as he see's it?  Isn't that why we're all here well more than 56 years later.  Searching for the truth in the JFKA and how we got from it to here?

I think scoring egotistical points comes ahead of truth, logic or rationality at times, particularly in this thread, because of reasons I outlined in my “20 reasons” thread.

On strictly the JFK side, we do much better IMO. I do think that most people mean well, most of the time. 

I am not expecting utopia, as humans we are flawed, and have to work very hard on that. 



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6 hours ago, John Cotter said:

This is a remarkable presentation by Tucker Carlson about the Chinese lab leak story, Fauci's complicity in it, Trump calling it out and the "liberal-left" mainstream establishment and media colluding in lockstep to suppress the truth.

And still Carlson will be vilified by these same entities as being merely a "right-wing" partisan propagandist and the like.

Is it any wonder that the USA and the west - which has been promoting the carnage and destruction in Ukraine for the sake of "democracy" - has been called an "empire of lies"?

Tucker Carlson begged that a coworker be fired for TELLING THE TRUTH about Trump's election lies. Enough said. 

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34 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

Tucker Carlson begged that a coworker be fired for TELLING THE TRUTH about Trump's election lies. Enough said. 

If that's true, it reflects very badly on Carlson.

However, it's irrelevant to my post.

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43 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

TIL: Twitter Files round 8, the pentagon was running blue check accounts for covert influence pushing.. 



Sounds an awful lot like this: 


So obvious isn’t it ... apparently not to all here. 

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Once again, Donald Trump throws people under the bus.

Trump mocks Fox News' Dominion lawsuit woes: 'They look scared and frightened'

by Matthew Chapman February 28, 2023


"Former President Donald Trump slammed Fox News for not doing more to stand up for the validity of its false "voter fraud" claims in the $1.6 billion Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, in a furious rant on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday.

"There was so much Voter Fraud & Irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election that it amazes me how weak and ineffective FoxNews is at portraying itself in the lawsuit against them," wrote Trump. "They look too scared and frightened to reveal the massive amounts of voter fraud & Irregularities already found, and it would actually help them in the lawsuit. Instead FoxNews wants to silence its anchors and reporters, the reason so many of their viewers fled. The Election was that of a Third World Country!""


Now, give me money.

Steve Thomas

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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

TIL: Twitter Files round 8, the pentagon was running blue check accounts for covert influence pushing.. 



Sounds an awful lot like this: 



Regardless of your political sentiments, or mine, or that of people reading this forum, you have pointed out a serious story.

The intel state (again and in spades) manipulating information, usually with the abject cooperation of M$M and social-media gatekeepers. 

Sadly, some modern-day Donks may chortle that the intel state savaged certain right-wing pols recently. Consider Rachel Maddow and Sen. Schumer chuckling over the intel state putting the knife in Trump. 

Fine and dandy---but this means the left-wing must also be compliant to the wishes and whims of intel state.

Then consider the Donks now get as much campaign dough from Wall Street and defense contractors as the 'Phants. 

Whether you are blue or red, most likely you appear white---as in snow.

You are getting snowed, friends. 

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