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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Probably life is not boring for those on the ground in Ukraine.

Biden and the NATO have failed. 

Sure Putin looks to have bogged down, a "stalemate."

That outcome is perhaps the worst result for the people of Ukraine. How boring!

1. If Putin tanks had simply rolled into Kyiv, then bad, but nobody's dead and Ukrainians can wait for Putin to die and maybe better times. 

2. If Biden/NATO had offered stiff resolve pre-invasion, perhaps no invasion. Good. 

3. (The option chosen). Globalists and Biden decide Ukraine is not worth fighting for, and publicly invite Zelensky to leave. Signal they will not fight for Ukraine, and all but invite a thug like Putin in. 

Ukrainians stole the narrative by showing the stiff resolve lacking in Biden/NATO.

So now, what is antiseptically called a "stalemate" is daily death and dis-membering for thousands of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers weekly, and incredible damage to Ukrainian housing stock and infrastructure. 

But if you drink the blue kool-aid, you must cheer this result? 

Sheesh, I don't have a TV and live offshore. Whatever they say on Ukraine on U.S. TV shows I don't know. 

My opinion is just one. What if we ask 40 million Ukrainians what is their opinion? Is my point of view "boring" to Ukrainians? 



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4 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

US-NATO intel/targeting. Take it to the bank.

Why are you so sure? How will this death end the Ukrainian slaughter more quickly? 

The Western press seems off-point.

Ukrainians and Russian soldiers are dying by the hundreds daily, and Biden/NATO seem to have no real plans other than to watch and (perhaps unintentionally, but nevertheless) prolong the conflict. 

But we chortle at the death of replaceable officers? 


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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

With the current stalemate, it's the same as saying Putin has lost this war, as things are not going to improve for him from the supplies-side of his situation, and the massive re-arming the Ukranians are getting from the U.S.

He's lost. All he'll do now is commit war crimes by killing and terrorizing innocent civilians. 

His fate should be a lamp post, but the world will settle for some brave Russian with accurate aim.


You realize that a "stalemate" is the worst result for the people of Ukraine? 

This is the best that NATO/Biden can do? 

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The WaPo chortles that Russia is no longer a superpower.

How delightful!

This is the globalist point of view.  Russia has bogged down in Ukraine, a stalemate and that is a good outcome. Whew! That's a relief. 

The M$M chimes in. 

As for the people of Ukraine....

The thug Putin has the bombs coming....while Biden/NATO are on a vowed, permanent standby. 



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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You realize that a "stalemate" is the worst result for the people of Ukraine? 

This is the best that NATO/Biden can do? 

Not sure about it being the worst result, but nonetheless, it is the current status, not the the end result.

As far as the best Biden/NATO can do, that's pretty difficult for you to opine on, isn't it? You don't actually know everything they're doing, do you?

Do you think it's pure luck that the Russians have been a miserable failure? Hmm?


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1 minute ago, Matt Allison said:

Not sure about it being the worst result, but nonetheless, it is the current status, not the the end result.

As far as the best Biden/NATO can do, that's pretty difficult for you to opine on, isn't it? You don't actually know everything they're doing, do you?

Do you think it's pure luck that the Russians have been a miserable failure? Hmm?


Yes, that is always the irritating (and more) aspect of national security and military operations. There is a monopoly on information by the national security state, and the M$M, instead developing serious, long-term skilled (fair) observers, usually just mouthpieces for authorities.  

The national authorities can say they working hard behind the scenes, or "If you knew what we knew, you would change your attitude."

I will say it appears the Russians have bogged down, but that also appears to be have been the result of Ukrainian resistance, not Biden/NATO, who all but invited Putin into Ukraine, have not issued a no fly zone, or given weapons to the Ukrainians such a A-10 attack planes.

The consensus seems to be that Ukrainian resistance combined with Russian battlefield incompetence is leading to a stalemate. 

The Biden/NATO position appears to be that a stalemate is a good result, and will drain Putin. It may, but in the meantime Ukrainians, and Russian soldiers die by the hundreds every day. 

In humanitarian terms, the Biden/NATO result is a cruel debacle. 

Like you, I wish for a putsch in Moscow. But Stalin stayed in until he died. 




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How Putin’s invasion became a holy war for Russia
"Kirill's response to the war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith"
March 19, 2022 Jack Jenkins
"Two days before he launched a bloody invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin sat alone in front of a camera and delivered a rambling, hour-long address. It outlined the ideological justification for what would ultimately become his “special military action” in Ukraine — an invasion that, as far as Putin was concerned, had more than a little to do with religion “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,” he said.
Two days later, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke to military leaders and published a statement in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The cleric congratulated Putin for his “high and responsible service to the people of Russia,” declared the Russian Orthodox Church has “always striven to make a significant contribution to the patriotic education of compatriots,” and lauded military service as “an active manifestation of evangelical love for neighbors.”
Within hours, bombs began to rain down on Ukraine.
This religious ramp-up to war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith — specifically, the flowing vestments of the Russian Orthodox Church. Fusing religion, nationalism, a defense of conservative values that likens same-sex marriage to Nazism and a version of history that seeks to define Ukraine and other nearby nations as mere subsets of a greater “Russkiy mir” (Russian world), the partnership of Putin and Kirill laid the ideological and theological groundwork for the current invasion.")" 

"Kirill has long perpetuated a version of history that insists many countries that made up the former Soviet Union are one people with a common religious origin: namely, the 10th century baptism of Prince Vladimir I of Kiev, known as St. Vladimir. It’s often paired with a geo-political (and geo-religious) vision hundreds of Orthodox theologians and scholars recently decried as a heresy: a “transnational Russian sphere or civilization, called Holy Russia or Holy Rus’, which includes Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (and sometimes Moldova and Kazakhstan), as well as ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the world.”

Steve Thomas

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'Biden's European trip will be heavy on displays of Western unity but could be light on actions to stop Putin's Ukraine war"

By Kevin Liptak, CNN

Updated 0600 GMT (1400 HKT) March 21, 2022


If the Donk in-house mouthpiece CNN says that....

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15 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

How Putin’s invasion became a holy war for Russia
"Kirill's response to the war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith"
March 19, 2022 Jack Jenkins
"Two days before he launched a bloody invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin sat alone in front of a camera and delivered a rambling, hour-long address. It outlined the ideological justification for what would ultimately become his “special military action” in Ukraine — an invasion that, as far as Putin was concerned, had more than a little to do with religion “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space,” he said.
Two days later, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke to military leaders and published a statement in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The cleric congratulated Putin for his “high and responsible service to the people of Russia,” declared the Russian Orthodox Church has “always striven to make a significant contribution to the patriotic education of compatriots,” and lauded military service as “an active manifestation of evangelical love for neighbors.”
Within hours, bombs began to rain down on Ukraine.
This religious ramp-up to war was the culmination of a decade-long effort to wrap Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in faith — specifically, the flowing vestments of the Russian Orthodox Church. Fusing religion, nationalism, a defense of conservative values that likens same-sex marriage to Nazism and a version of history that seeks to define Ukraine and other nearby nations as mere subsets of a greater “Russkiy mir” (Russian world), the partnership of Putin and Kirill laid the ideological and theological groundwork for the current invasion.")" 

"Kirill has long perpetuated a version of history that insists many countries that made up the former Soviet Union are one people with a common religious origin: namely, the 10th century baptism of Prince Vladimir I of Kiev, known as St. Vladimir. It’s often paired with a geo-political (and geo-religious) vision hundreds of Orthodox theologians and scholars recently decried as a heresy: a “transnational Russian sphere or civilization, called Holy Russia or Holy Rus’, which includes Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (and sometimes Moldova and Kazakhstan), as well as ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people throughout the world.”

Steve Thomas


      I consider myself an expert of sorts on the history of Russian (and Soviet KGB) Orthodoxy-- a subject that most Americans know almost nothing about. 

      IMO, Putin's KGB-controlled ROC Moscow Patriarchate is a pseudo church-- a cynical tool of Putin's fascist police state.  Kyrill Gundyayev and his MP heirarchs own the ROC buildings, chalices, and the vestments, but it's all for show.  They are, in fact, the non-canonical successors of Stalin's KGB agent heirarchs -- including the late Patriarch Alexei II Ridiger, who was the KGB agent "Drozhdov" overseeing Putin's seizure of the free Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in 2007.

      The current heirarchy of the ROC MP was never free of the NKVD/KGB/FSB.  It was always a tool of the state-- merely transitioning from service to Soviet communism (and atheism!) to servicing Putin's fascist police state.

      As we can see from Putin's current campaign of war crimes and mass murder in Ukraine, the man is no more "Christian" than Joseph Stalin.  He makes a show of lighting candles in the ROC buildings, while his ROC MP priests and bishops, literally, bless Russian missiles and assault rifles!  It's pseudo-Christian fascism, somewhat similar to right wing Protestant Evangelical fascism in the U.S. today-- where the focus is on a kind of hypocritical, Puritanical tribalism, rather than on compassion and love for humanity.

      I used to chant services in Russian and English on the ROCOR kliros for a number of years here in Denver before Putin and his KGB-controlled Moscow Patriarchate seized the ROCOR in 2007.  It was the end result of a multi-year, carefully orchestrated KGB op in Western Europe and North America.  For many years, our ROCOR parish here in Denver was comprised about 50-50 of American converts and second and third generation "White" Russian refugees from the Bolshevik revolution.  Since 2007, it has been comprised of recent Soviet emigre/Russian nationalists under the control of Putin's MP/KGB pseudo-church.

     After the Bolsheviks gained control of Russia, by 1925, they murdered the last legitimate Patriarch of Moscow, St. Tikhon, and used what was left of the ROC in Russia as a tool of the Cheka/NKVD.  In the process, thousands of Russian Orthodox hierarchs, clergy, and laity were murdered and/or sent to concentration camps-- beginning with Solovki, which Solzhenitsyn accurately described as the "grandfather" of Stalin's Gulag.

     Most Russian Orthodox churches were dynamited by Stalin, or turned into gymnasiums and skating rinks.

     Stalin re-opened some ROC church buildings after the N-a-z-i invasion in 1941 in a cynical appeal to Russian "patriotism"-- but the Stalinist MP "church" was always a KGB-controlled propaganda tool-- analogous to Eisenstein's WWII Soviet propaganda film, Alexander Nevsky.  

      If you watch Alexander Nevsky, notice that Stalin and Eisenstein never show any Russian Orthodox crosses, priests, or bishops in Novgorod or Pskov.  They show the golden domes of the Russian Orthodox church buildings, but the appeal was solely nationalistic and pragmatic -- defending the Russian land from the nefarious Teutonic knights and Roman Catholic monks.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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