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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

On Alberts: No, I doubt he was an official secret agent, but possibly a federal informant, plant, or instigator.

Regardless of politics, and against Islamic, left-wing or right-wing groups, the FBI and other agencies have used hundreds and possibly thousands of plants, informants and instigators in recent years, as copiously recorded. The whole Gov. Whitmer case is looking iffy.  

These plants, informants and instigators can go off the rails, even while plied with federal money.

The reason I bring this up, is that before the JFKA, the CIA was running thousands of Cuban exiles in the US and nations along the Caribbean, and also ex-military guys, some mercenaries and so on. They are not employees, but they are assets, and they are not controlled in the manner of employees or soldiers in uniform. 

There are grounds to suspect a few of the CIA-run Cuban exiles splintered off, and performed the JFKA. 

So, there are precedents to suspect such individuals could play a role in public political events. 

That does not mean Trump was a nice guy. In politics, there can be more than two teams on the field at once. And alliances and loyalties are as thick as a dollar bill. 

Well send them money to uncover it! They'll need a bunch. That's where all this is coming from Ben. 

In what world do we live in where informants and undercover cops don't exist? You think that's unusual? On what planet?That's how arrests are made all over the country. Standard operating procedure Ben. But if we call them instigators that insinuates that it was the Trump DoJ and FBI that created the whole thing! Wait! That can't be! It must be secret Hilary supporters, fresh from their pedophile meeting, setting up those poor white nationalist patriots etc etc etc. Sorta like Carter's claiming Syrians were dropping chemical weapons on their own children to embarrass Putin.

Sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be. The bar is high to prove otherwise and claiming so isn't evidence. Articles from the New York Post aren't either.

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In response to speculation that he used prepaid burner phones to talk with allies during a key seven-hour period on January 6, 2021, former President Donald Trump on Tuesday denied even knowing what burner phones were.

"I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term," Trump claimed.

However, former Trump national security adviser John Bolton now tells The Washington Post's Robert Costa that he's not buying Trump's explanation.

Specifically, Bolton tells Costa that he recalls Trump discussing burner phones multiple times and being generally aware of what the devices are used for.

People who do not wish to have their communications tracked or monitored typically buy burner phones, which come with a finite number of prepaid cellular minutes and that do not require users to register an individual account with wireless carriers.

In fact, Bolton tells Costa that he remembers Trump talking about how people have used such phones to avoid having their calls scrutinized.


It's always that pesky cover-up.

Steve Thoma

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

In response to speculation that he used prepaid burner phones to talk with allies during a key seven-hour period on January 6, 2021, former President Donald Trump on Tuesday denied even knowing what burner phones were.

"I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term," Trump claimed.

However, former Trump national security adviser John Bolton now tells The Washington Post's Robert Costa that he's not buying Trump's explanation.

Specifically, Bolton tells Costa that he recalls Trump discussing burner phones multiple times and being generally aware of what the devices are used for.

People who do not wish to have their communications tracked or monitored typically buy burner phones, which come with a finite number of prepaid cellular minutes and that do not require users to register an individual account with wireless carriers.

In fact, Bolton tells Costa that he remembers Trump talking about how people have used such phones to avoid having their calls scrutinized.


It's always that pesky cover-up.

Steve Thoma

Well, Steve, I'm shocked, shocked to hear that Donald Trump lied about his familiarity with burner phones... 🤥

The 7 1/2 hour gap in Trump's 1/6 phone logs makes Nixon and Rosemary Woods look like amateurs.



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5 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Well send them money to uncover it! They'll need a bunch. That's where all this is coming from Ben. 

In what world do we live in where informants and undercover cops don't exist? You think that's unusual? On what planet?That's how arrests are made all over the country. Standard operating procedure Ben. But if we call them instigators that insinuates that it was the Trump DoJ and FBI that created the whole thing! Wait! That can't be! It must be secret Hilary supporters, fresh from their pedophile meeting, setting up those poor white nationalist patriots etc etc etc. Sorta like Carter's claiming Syrians were dropping chemical weapons on their own children to embarrass Putin.

Sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be. The bar is high to prove otherwise and claiming so isn't evidence. Articles from the New York Post aren't either.

To be sure, plants, informants and assets are standard fare at the FBI, CIA and probably every major police department. 

It is when those assets become instigators or agents provocateurs that my curiosity is piqued. 

Although even the idea of state-spying on civilian groups through plants and informants is hardly appealing... 

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The message from former MI6 chief, Sawers: We must leave Putin a way out. For me, it's difficult to take this knighted individual seriously, who goes from MI6 chief to the board of BP, he proves the system works.
The video is a month old, I expect some of you will enjoy it. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

The message from former MI6 chief, Sawers: We must leave Putin a way out. For me, it's difficult to take this knighted individual seriously, who goes from MI6 chief to the board of BP, he proves the system works.
The video is a month old, I expect some of you will enjoy it. 

For me, it's difficult to take this knighted individual seriously, who goes from MI6 chief to the board of BP, he proves the system works.--CB

You mean he didn't get a broadcasting gig? 

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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:
14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

For me, it's difficult to take this knighted individual seriously, who goes from MI6 chief to the board of BP, he proves the system works.--CB

You mean he didn't get a broadcasting gig? 

🙂 Too lowly, he gets invites to Bilderberg and sits on a committee.

He is endorsed by the World Economic Forum; he must be ok. 

You just can’t make this up. 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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7 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Well send them money to uncover it! They'll need a bunch. That's where all this is coming from Ben. 

In what world do we live in where informants and undercover cops don't exist? You think that's unusual? On what planet?That's how arrests are made all over the country. Standard operating procedure Ben. But if we call them instigators that insinuates that it was the Trump DoJ and FBI that created the whole thing! Wait! That can't be! It must be secret Hilary supporters, fresh from their pedophile meeting, setting up those poor white nationalist patriots etc etc etc. Sorta like Carter's claiming Syrians were dropping chemical weapons on their own children to embarrass Putin.

Sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be. The bar is high to prove otherwise and claiming so isn't evidence. Articles from the New York Post aren't either.

Bob:In what world do we live in where informants and undercover cops don't exist? You think that's unusual?

Exactly, Ground U.S. to Ben. If you took polls, you'd find out the vast majority of average Americans want undercover agents on the ground at the Capitol on 1/6. That's not evidence of anything, but as it turned out prudent judgment.

Bob: Sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be

As  disappointing as this may sound to some. 95% of the time things are what they  appear to be.

You look at  that group of people at the Capitol on 1/6. Use logic. Is it any real surprise they eventually broke into the Capitol with their own leaders, through their own volition,. without Ray Epps, or FBI agents leading them? How is that not the most obvious conclusion?? Why is Occam's razor so seldom applied?

Bob:The marks are so far into the con at this point they can't possibly admit to themselves they've been played for fools. That's the definition of the ideal con game

I'm not sure I'd put Ben in the category of a person who couldn't admit he was played. But I think in general the notion of Trump was assimilated almost as if  in a dream as a comrade and a fellow victim to a vast conspiracy that is taking control of their lives. This affiliation is very powerful to those who hold it.


Bob: Trump wasn't set up. He was recognized for what he was.

Well put!, that's exactly what it was. A good majority first spotted Trump as a con, even if you didn't Ben.  People in power spotted it when they came in contact with him. Putin spotted him as weak person who could easily be compromised. It's false to assume that the people who resisted Trump  are  some evil "deep state" faction of the government, whose aim was to usurp the rights of everyday citizen's and take power away from the people. They represent people of sound mind and thinking everywhere. They are us. The solid  majority




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24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm not sure I'd put Ben in the category of a person who couldn't admit he was played. But I think in general the notion of Trump was assimilated almost as if  in a dream as a comrade and a fellow victim to a vast conspiracy that is taking control of their lives. This affiliation is very powerful to those who hold it.

No, I don't put Ben in that category .

To put another way: Trump's an oasis in the desert of real and perceived grievance. Trump can only appeal to people in that way because it's not possible for him in any other way. His followers function as if they're battered children fearing his disapproval because any slight deviation from the bargain they receive from worshipping him is instantly retracted and they get punished.

Trump knows all this - it's not done unconsciously.

Edited by Bob Ness
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48 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

🙂 Too lowly, he gets invites to Bilderberg and sits on a committee.

He is endorsed by the World Economic Forum; he must be ok. 

You just can’t make this up. 


I am not a socialist, as I have lost faith in big government, and I am wary of big government abuses. See China for pointers. 

But I sometimes say, "Marxist diagnosis is right 95% of the time, but Marxist medicine is poison."

This is a fascinating take on the modern Donks, by socialists: 

"The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party"

Patrick Martin

13 March 2018


The is the World Socialist Web Site. 

A CIA takeover of the Donks...explains a lot. 




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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It is when those assets become instigators or agents provocateurs that my curiosity is piqued. 

This is the easiest claim to make without any shred of real evidence. In fact, any evidence needed is better created with innuendo (please see Hunter). That doesn't have the nasty connotation of actually having to be true. It only requires a wink and a nudge. Everyone gets it who is disposed to get it.

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