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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

It will be interesting to see if Kevin McCarthy acquiesces in the persistent Trumplican contempt for the rule of law.

Wanking Rudy Giuliani refused to meet with the committee last week.

From what I've read, McCarthy was not as involved in Trump's coup plot as some of the other subpoenaed Republican screwballs in Congress-- e.g., Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, et.al.

What is equally troubling is the tendency of Trump fans to dismiss the investigation of the historic January 6th coup plot as mere "political theater"-- as if this were a merely partisan, political "investigation" like Benghazi or White Water...

When in American history did a sitting President ever attempt to obstruct and overturn the results of an election he lost?

This is terra incognita in our history.

In my view the more troubling point is why, if there was treason afoot, no one has been jailed. Saying that McCarthy or anyone else faces possibly 3 years in prison is just hot air. 

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50 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

In my view the more troubling point is why, if there was treason afoot, no one has been jailed. Saying that McCarthy or anyone else faces possibly 3 years in prison is just hot air. 


Well, for one, all citizens, and even residents on US soil, are entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law before jury of peers (or the defendants plea).

To date, there has been no indication the 1/6 scrum at the Capitol had any connections to Trump & Co. 

That is, federal government has seized smartphone texts, geo-locations and phone calls of literally hundreds of 1/6 scrummers, and used such evidence to convict hundreds of scrummers.  They have not found a single text from a scrummer to the Trump Administration, or vice-versa. (BTW, if you carry and use a  smartphone you live in a panopticon state that dwarfs the imagination of 1984). 

2. Many high-level Trumpers were laying out machinations to each other regarding a Constitutional method, or pseudo-Constitutional method, to halt the Electoral College vote. They did not implement any of these plans, which strike me as half-baked, though I am hardly a Constitutional lawyer.  Perhaps these machinations "crossed the line" into treason, or some other violations of law.

I am happy to see anybody, Donk or 'Phant, go to prison after being convicted in a court of law. 

Read widely and stay skeptical. 


And remember, the Wuhan lab leak theory has been debunked, and the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation. Brian Sicknick was murdered by a mob that crushed his skull with a fire extinguisher. 






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15 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

In my view the more troubling point is why, if there was treason afoot, no one has been jailed. Saying that McCarthy or anyone else faces possibly 3 years in prison is just hot air. 


      I know some Trumplicans on another forum who kept bringing up the point last year that none of Trump's January 6th insurrectionists had ever been charged with sedition.  It was probably a Faux News talking point at the time.

     Guess what?  Several Trump insurrectionists have now been charged with seditious conspiracy, and some have even plead guilty to the charges.

     As for Trump, the guy has spent half of his life committing crimes, and the other half evading consequences for his crimes.  He's a skilled, wealthy sociopath.

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I think one of the silliest portrayals of Trump by Ben and others is that he's a peacenik. This is the 60 minutes  transcript of Trump's former secretary of  defensa Mark Esper saying.

Esper:At various times during certainly the last year of the administration, you have folks in the White House are proposing to take military action against Venezuela, to strike Iran. At one point, somebody proposed we blockade Cuba.


Esper:The President pulls me aside on at least a couple occasions and suggests that maybe we have the US military shoot missiles into Mexico!

Speaker:You politely push back on the idea. Did President Trump really say, no one would know it was us?

Esper:Yes. Yes. He said that and I just thought it was fanciful, right? Because of course it would be us. I was reluctant to tell this story because I think I thought people won’t believe this. That they’ll think I’m just making it up.


Then about the George Floyd protestors at Lafayette Park at the Capitol.

Esper:He says, can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something. And he’s suggesting that’s what we should do, that we should bring in the troops and shoot the protestors.


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21 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

It will be interesting to see if Kevin McCarthy acquiesces in the persistent Trumplican contempt for the rule of law.

Wanking Rudy Giuliani refused to meet with the committee last week.

From what I've read, McCarthy was not as involved in Trump's coup plot as some of the other subpoenaed Republican screwballs in Congress-- e.g., Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, et.al.

What is equally troubling is the tendency of Trump fans to dismiss the investigation of the historic January 6th coup plot as mere "political theater"-- as if this were a merely partisan, political "investigation" like Benghazi or White Water...

When in American history did a sitting President ever attempt to obstruct and overturn the results of an election he lost?

This is terra incognita in our history.

More food for thought.

Republicans' decision to ignore Jan 6th subpoenas will come back to haunt them: legal expert (msn.com)

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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I think one of the silliest portrayals of Trump by Ben and others is that he's a peacenik. This is the 60 minutes  transcript of Trump's former secretary of  defensa Mark Esper saying.

Esper:At various times during certainly the last year of the administration, you have folks in the White House are proposing to take military action against Venezuela, to strike Iran. At one point, somebody proposed we blockade Cuba.


Esper:The President pulls me aside on at least a couple occasions and suggests that maybe we have the US military shoot missiles into Mexico!

Speaker:You politely push back on the idea. Did President Trump really say, no one would know it was us?

Esper:Yes. Yes. He said that and I just thought it was fanciful, right? Because of course it would be us. I was reluctant to tell this story because I think I thought people won’t believe this. That they’ll think I’m just making it up.


Then about the George Floyd protestors at Lafayette Park at the Capitol.

Esper:He says, can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something. And he’s suggesting that’s what we should do, that we should bring in the troops and shoot the protestors.



Why should the Deep State go to the ends of the earth to fight wars, where it is so expensive? Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam are too costly, and counterproductive besides, and separate soldiers from their families. 

Trump was right to direct Deep State warmongering upon Mexico, which would be less expensive, and we could keep military families together. 

Sad fact: As looney as Trump was, his warmongering was easily eclipsed by the two previous administrations.  




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????? Yeah Ben, Right. Go go to war with Mexico. More emotions generated from the "culture wars" Fox dogwhistle machine.

Ben ;Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam are too costly, and counterproductive besides, and separate soldiers from their families. 

Everyone here pretty much agrees with that but the emotional  "hot button Ben",  the forum Ukrainian hawk, far to the right of your most feared women Hil and Liz.. You don't seem to have any idea of the long term effects on the defense spending you repeatedly decry by jumping into a protracted war,  that would increase spending for the next decade, no matter what the result!

Now there's a change? Are you admitting now, that your knee jerk battle cry was way premature?

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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

????? Yeah Ben, Right. Go go to war with Mexico. More emotions generated from the "culture wars" Fox dogwhistle machine.

Ben ;Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam are too costly, and counterproductive besides, and separate soldiers from their families. 

Everyone here pretty much agrees with that but the emotional  "hot button Ben",  the forum Ukrainian hawk, far to the right of your most feared women Hil and Liz.. You don't seem to have any idea of the long term effects on the defense spending you repeatedly decry by jumping into a protracted war,  that would increase spending for the next decade, no matter what the result!

Now there's a change? Are you admitting now, that your knee jerk battle cry was way premature?

I stand by my sentiment that Russia is the aggressor nation in Ukraine, and there is a nation and peoples in Ukraine that are defensible. 

I could argue the West has caught up with my outlook, and much heavier military assistance is being provided to Ukraine. Still a bit timid in my view. 

Ukraine is not Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam, where we seemed to be on the side of instability, in un-winnable, counterproductive and fantastically expensive wars.

I agree with you on one point: Though a worthwhile mission, Ukraine will promote even higher and more-wasteful levels of military outlays in the US. 

I retract my comments that the US should invade Mexico.  Some reasonable border security may be in order. 

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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Trump was right to direct Deep State warmongering upon Mexico, which would be less expensive

Ben's goes ballistic at the idea that anyone would think him a racist. But I'll vouch for him. Ben is the least racist crotchety old man who would bomb Mexicans.

Of course these days angst ridden human potty talk doesn't even move the needle. We've  come to expect it from the usual sources.

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I spent a couple weeks working at a studio near El Paso in January and February of 2020; I could see the mountains of Mexico from my casita. Mexico is a very large country and there are problems with how it's governed. The locals believe the cartels control everything, and from the stories I heard I tend to believe them. It is not a healthy situation for those good people to have to live with. 

However shooting Patriot missiles into Mexico is not the solution.

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