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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

John Durham Tried to Prove Trump's Russiagate Theory.

Instead, He Debunked It.

Trump's Prosecutor Faceplants.

John Durham Accidentally Debunked Trump’s Russiagate Theory (archive.ph)


Trump’s prosecutor face-plant

Trump’s prosecutor face-plants.

I posted this New York Magazine article link because it isn't pay-walled, and it's historically important.

The big story today isn't really about Sussman per se.

It's about the ex-CIA lawyer who was recruited by George H.W. Bush to manage the Iran-Contra pardons-- Bill Barr.

Years later, Trump recruited the same man, Bill Barr, to shut down, redact, and publicly misrepresent the Mueller investigation and Report.

Bill Barr is a very slick lawyer and psy operator, and his Durham investigation has, basically, been a protracted psy op-- amplified by the right wing M$M propaganda apparatus in the U.S.

The worst example was the ridiculous Glenn Beck interview of Bill Barr yesterday, in which Barr aggressively tried to spin the Sussman trial as a debunking of Trump's Russiagate scandal.

Phil Anschutz's Washington Examiner propaganda rag ran the story yesterday.

Another right wing propaganda rag, The Daily Mail, even ran with this bogus Barr story today.


It's a false narrative that has been promoted on this very forum by the likes of Ben Cole and Jeff Carter.

Rather than ignoring the larger story here, it's time for Ben and Jeff to eat some crow.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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35 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I posted this New York Magazine article link because it isn't pay-walled, and it's historically important.

The big story today isn't really about Sussman per se.

It's about the ex-CIA lawyer who was recruited by George H.W. Bush to manage the Iran-Contra pardons-- Bill Barr.

Years later, Trump recruited the same man, Bill Barr, to shut down, redact, and publicly misrepresent the Mueller investigation and Report.

Bill Barr is a very slick lawyer and psy operator, and his Durham investigation has, basically, been a protracted psy op-- amplified by the right wing M$M propaganda apparatus in the U.S.

The worst example was the ridiculous Glenn Beck interview of Bill Barr yesterday, in which Barr aggressively tried to spin the Sussman trial as a debunking of Trump's Russiagate scandal.

Phil Anschutz's Washington Examiner propaganda rag ran the story yesterday.

Another right wing propaganda rag, The Daily Mail, even ran with this bogus Barr story today.


It's a false narrative that has been promoted on this very forum by the likes of Ben Cole and Jeff Carter.

Rather than ignoring the larger story here, it's time for Ben and Jeff to eat some crow.


I always regarded Sussman as innocent until proven guilty in court of law, and I happily do so now.

Sussman, the jury ruled, did not lie to the FBI when he said he was coming forth as a private citizen, rather than in his capacity as a lawyer hired by the Clinton campaign. 

I regard all as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, one of the minimums of a civil society, and necessary to avoid witch hunts. 

There is whiff of Salem in some commentary made in this small corner of the web, which reflects M$M excesses and propaganda, and was exemplified in large parts of the Russiagate hoax. 




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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I posted this New York Magazine article link because it isn't pay-walled, and it's historically important.

The big story today isn't really about Sussman per se.

It's about the ex-CIA lawyer who was recruited by George H.W. Bush to manage the Iran-Contra pardons-- Bill Barr.

Years later, Trump recruited the same man, Bill Barr, to shut down, redact, and publicly misrepresent the Mueller investigation and Report.

Bill Barr is a very slick lawyer and psy operator, and his Durham investigation has, basically, been a protracted psy op-- amplified by the right wing M$M propaganda apparatus in the U.S.

The worst example was the ridiculous Glenn Beck interview of Bill Barr yesterday, in which Barr aggressively tried to spin the Sussman trial as a debunking of Trump's Russiagate scandal.

Phil Anschutz's Washington Examiner propaganda rag ran the story yesterday.

Another right wing propaganda rag, The Daily Mail, even ran with this bogus Barr story today.


It's a false narrative that has been promoted on this very forum by the likes of Ben Cole and Jeff Carter.

Rather than ignoring the larger story here, it's time for Ben and Jeff to eat some crow.


CIA lawyer, GHWB, Iran Contra.  That alone should be enough to alert anyone of sound mind regarding future actions.

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

CIA lawyer, GHWB, Iran Contra.  That alone should be enough to alert anyone of sound mind regarding future actions.

Maybe so, on Barr.

Worth noting, Robert Mueller was appointed FBI director by Bush jr.

"President George W. Bush nominated Mueller for the position of FBI director on July 5, 2001.[38] He and two other candidates, Washington lawyer George J. Terwilliger III and veteran Chicago prosecutor and white-collar crime defense lawyer Dan Webb, were up for the job, but Mueller, described at the time as a conservative Republican,[39][40] was always considered the front-runner."

Mueller spoke highly of his own service with the US Marines...in Vietnam.  Evidently he has never spoken poorly of that war. 

Mueller, as FBI director, in 2003 advanced the narrative in addressing Congress that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. 

Yes Mueller helped get America into the Mideast quagmire....

My take: The Deep State is, well, very, very deep....

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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I always regarded Sussman as innocent until proven guilty in court of law, and I happily do so now.

Sussman, the jury ruled, did not lie to the FBI when he said he was coming forth as a private citizen, rather than in his capacity as a lawyer hired by the Clinton campaign. 

I regard all as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, one of the minimums of a civil society, and necessary to avoid witch hunts. 

There is whiff of Salem in some commentary made in this small corner of the web, which reflects M$M excesses and propaganda, and was exemplified in large parts of the Russiagate hoax. 




Eat your crow, Ben.

You continue to ignore the larger story here about ex-CIA lawyer Bill Barr's psy ops to mislead the public about Russiagate.

The sham Durham investigation is only the most recent example.

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The Durham fiasco


Trump's efforts in everything the last three years are 90% failures.

Dozens and dozens.

Seriously, the biggest "loser" to ever occupy the White House.

We all see this.

But Trump and his followers can't admit this reality.

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33 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Trump's efforts in everything the last three years are 90% failures.

Dozens and dozens.

Seriously, the biggest "loser" to ever occupy the White House.

We all see this.

But Trump and his followers can't admit this reality.

And one of the reasons they won't admit it is that they genuinely don't know it.  They simply aren't getting the facts from their right wing "news" sources -- Fox, WSJ, Breitbart, Newsmax, OANN, Sinclair, Washington Examiner, etc.

This phenomenon was documented by the recent five-year UC Berkeley study of delusional Fox News viewers.

Of course, disinformation isn't limited to right wing media sources, but a recent analysis from MIT (by Guay, et.al.) has debunked the standard false equivalence trope about both sides of the political spectrum in the U.S. engaging in comparable propagation of disinformation.  

Dana Millbank referenced this MIT study in his WaPo op-ed today.*

(Ben, please don't clutter the board again with your oft-repeated WaPo/CIA trope.  Everyone here knows that WaPo has collaborated with the CIA for decades to suppress reporting about CIA and military black ops.  This is about non-military/CIA propaganda.   In fact, it's about NRA/GOP sabotage of gun control in the U.S.)

* There’s no reasoning with a GOP hijacked by disinformation

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23 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Russia threatens to wipe out the entire US with just four Satan II missiles in chilling warning over Ukraine (the-sun.com)


This dolt is sadly mistaken if he thinks Russia could land a single missile anywhere in the U.S. besides Alaska.

He does not understand the extent of U.S. defenses. All those billions in the Defense budget went towards scenarios precisely like this.

But the U.S. would quickly take Russia back to the Stone Age if such a thing were attempted, so he should consider shutting his piehole.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:


This dolt is sadly mistaken if he thinks Russia could land a single missile anywhere in the U.S. besides Alaska.

He does not understand the extent of U.S. defenses. All those billions in the Defense budget went towards scenarios precisely like this.

But the U.S. would quickly take Russia back to the Stone Age if such a thing were attempted, so he should consider shutting his piehole.

Russia several years ago claimed its missile could destroy all of Texas in a single strike.

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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Eat your crow, Ben.

You continue to ignore the larger story here about ex-CIA lawyer Bill Barr's psy ops to mislead the public about Russiagate.

The sham Durham investigation is only the most recent example.

We disagree about the Russiagate hoax.

The Russiagte hoax, the Wuhan lab leak "debunked" narrative, the "Brian Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation" narrative, the "Brian Sicknick murdered by a mob story"....strike me as M$M-approved disinformation. Like the the M$M JFKA story. 

I agree that Sussman has been found innocent in a court of law of lying to the FBI, and we should accept that, and I happily do.

Indeed, given the difficulty in determining whether Sussman was earnestly telling the FBI what he said he believed in his capacity as a private citizen---or was merely a cynical Clinton operative---I rather suspect Sussman should not have been prosecuted. 

I prefer a civil society, rule of law and a day in court to one where guilt is decided by accusations, innuendo, headlines, or committee hearings, or commissions. 

I stand by the statement that people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and I happily assent to Sussman's innocence. 





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