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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

And one of the reasons they won't admit it is that they genuinely don't know it.  They simply aren't getting the facts from their right wing "news" sources -- Fox, WSJ, Breitbart, Newsmax, OANN, Sinclair, Washington Examiner, etc.

This phenomenon was documented by the recent five-year UC Berkeley study of delusional Fox News viewers.

Of course, disinformation isn't limited to right wing media sources, but a recent analysis from MIT (by Guay, et.al.) has debunked the standard false equivalence trope about both sides of the political spectrum in the U.S. engaging in comparable propagation of disinformation.  

Dana Millbank referenced this MIT study in his WaPo op-ed today.*

(Ben, please don't clutter the board again with your oft-repeated WaPo/CIA trope.  Everyone here knows that WaPo has collaborated with the CIA for decades to suppress reporting about CIA and military black ops.  This is about non-military/CIA propaganda.   In fact, it's about NRA/GOP sabotage of gun control in the U.S.)

* There’s no reasoning with a GOP hijacked by disinformation



Here is a interesting one.

In the past, you have indicated you contend there was a major plot behind 9/11, involving actors in the US government, Israel, and in New York real estate circles, and going right to the top. 

Robert Mueller was appointed FBI director of the FBI a week before  9/11. 

"Mind Control Through the Mass Media: Transmission of the Politics of Inequality"----this book contends that Mueller "stymied" FBI agent warnings of the pending 9/11 attack.

Do you think Mueller played a witting, or unwitting, role in facilitating and then covering up 9/11? 

If what you say is true about 9/11, after the event, how could Mueller, perched atop the FBI, not know the truth about 9/11? 

Was Mueller brought into the FBI to handle the pending 9/11 situation? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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A Justice of the Peace forced into the role by circumstances as a coroner.  To identify his friend's children and a HS friend in Four rooms.

Uvalde man describes how he had to identify the bodies of slain children and his high school friend: 'It's a picture that's going to stay in my head forever' (msn.com)

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18 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- Rand Paul is a giant POS; a bad American and a bad human. The Confederacy is the only place he could ever win an election.


Well, OK, you have mixed opinions about Rand Paul. Maybe it is time to sort out the nuances and come to a firm position. 

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     Regarding Bill Barr's Durham Psy Op, some pictures are worth a thousand words. *

     As for 9/11, Louis Freeh was the FBI Director prior to 9/11, so the FBI field reports about the alleged hijackers prior to 9/11 were not suppressed by Mueller, but by Freeh. 

     Mueller became FBI Director on 9/12, and one of his first public acts was to release the names of the alleged 19 hijackers that had been conveniently planted-- along with a copy of the Koran-- in a rental car at Logan Airport.

     Former FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds, has documented some of the suspicious history of the FBI in relation to 9/11 in her memoir, Classified Woman.

     The FBI was also, allegedly, involved in confiscating the CCTV video cam evidence around the Pentagon on 9/11.  To my knowledge, this video evidence has never been released to the public-- although I haven't kept up on the research literature for a while.  

    Additionally, the FBI detained and interrogated the five "Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents (arrested near the George Washington Bridge on 9/11) for 70 days, before quietly releasing them to Israel.

     So, Mueller had to be "in the loop" on some level in the suppression of the 9/11 evidence.  So was FBI-philic Rudy Giuliani, who lied to the Zelikow 9/11 Commission about the fact that he had been forewarned on 9/11 about the impending demolition of the WTC towers.

     My own studied opinion is that the 19 alleged Muslim hijackers were CIA- and Mossad-affiliated patsies who never hijacked any planes on 9/11.  Nor did Osama Bin Laden (long affiliated with the CIA) have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks -- as he told Al Jazeera and a Pakistani journalist shortly after 9/11.  (These Bin Laden denials were suppressed by the M$M in the U.S.)

     Bin Laden was promptly blamed for the 9/11 attacks in the world media, by Kissinger's associate L. Paul Bremer, (on CNN) Henry Kissinger, (on Sky Television) and Ehud Barak (on BBC television.)

     Robert Mueller later said, publicly, that the FBI "never found a single scrap of paper" implicating Bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks.  Nor was there any CCTV or flight manifest data indicating that Muslim hijackers had boarded any planes on 9/11.

     (BTW, the FBI's top Bin Laden expert, John O'Neill, was killed in the WTC on 9/11.  It was his first day on the job as the new security director for the WTC.)






Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Indictments of Trump and his schemers in crime may be come before June 9 hearings.

I think he believes DOJ is worried that the outrage factor will be so big after the hearings that people will be demanding heads on a platter. There won't be any indictments prior to the hearings, IMO. But after? Expect a continuous stream.

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On 6/1/2022 at 1:36 AM, Paul Brancato said:

I love it - the Nasdaq loses 30% and that’s not a big crash. I’m tempted to take your comment as a bullish signal. It does look like markets are reacting to real world problems when they go down like that. I spend an hour a day looking at the markets and reading commentary and advice. Experts are so often wrong in their predictions. I’ve tried to use fundamental analysis for years. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a poor predictor. In its simplest terms, stock prices rise when people and institutions buy more than they sell. So there are actual investors who do just that - invest in the future of a company. But most trading is just the herd following the herd. It’s self reinforcing. The well known Wall Street saying that the markets ‘climb the wall of worry’ seems to be a way of explaining this contrarian price action. Chris is surely correct when he says that inside information is rampant. George Carlin said “ Its a big club, and you ain’t in it”.


The MSM is giving us their usual alternate reality of things. Barely anyone dare explain the implications of inflation or a bear market to the layman. It seems to me that people will find any reason to believe a failing system will continue and recover, especially when they have no tangible alternative offered. We know all fiat systems have a shelf life, they ultimately collapse once you hollow out your industrial base like the US has, and resort to debt. It is unclear whether we have 5 years left or 20.

One thing seems certain to me, that is that the powers that be will have a replacement system ready to roll out and sell to us during the worst part of the crisis. It’ll be worse for us. We’ll cheerlead it in, as we’ll have no obvious alternative to what is marketed to us. if you follow the WEF and read their website, particularly strategic intelligence, it’s clear tons of planning and infrastructure is being put in place for a big change in the way the world works. They don’t want the smell of revolution in the air, they want it controlled. 

@Paul Brancato I do wonder if you’d enjoy the insight from Tom Luongo’s subscription service. It’s mostly centred around the markets and the impact of global affairs / geopolitics. I disagree with him on some stuff, mostly Russia/Putins role in this conflict. I am far from certain that its me that’s right on that particular topic.

Paid newsletter:



Other material:


My gut is that its all ominously close to the big collapse, it’ll only take one or two more significant events to bring that about (perhaps). We’ve already had two seismic events in the pandemic and this Ukraine war.  

Regarding the rife insider trading; its horrible to operating in a way that you need to react as quickly as possible to second hand or third hand information. We do have Bitcoin or gold as alternatives, with former being something relatively new in the mix and seemingly less open to manipulation by some of the big players. If you’re doing an hour a day studying this, you’ll be at an advantage compared to most. Some of my pals are on it all day, it would drive  me nuts. 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

     The FBI was also, allegedly, involved in confiscating the CCTV video cam evidence around the Pentagon on 9/11.  To my knowledge, this video evidence has never been released to the public-- although I haven't kept up on the research literature for a while.  


I seem to recall seeing a clip at one point years ago. What was on it could not be identified as an airplane.

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2 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

I seem to recall seeing a clip at one point years ago. What was on it could not be identified as an airplane.

Correct.  Nor was the titanium engine rotor photographed in the Pentagon wreckage from a Boeing jetliner engine.  It was too small.

If I recall correctly, some people familiar with the technical details thought the rotor was from a Sky Hawk cruise missile engine.

But, as always, Google searches will yield a vast array of rational-sounding websites purporting to "debunk" the actual evidence.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Correct.  Nor was the titanium engine rotor photographed in the Pentagon wreckage from a Boeing jetliner engine.  It was too small.

If I recall correctly, some people familiar with the technical details thought the rotor was from a Sky Hawk cruise missile engine.

But, as always, Google searches will yield a vast array of rational-sounding websites purporting to "debunk" the actual evidence.

Perhaps you’ve answered this question in past posts - What is your theory on what happened on 9/11? If those 19 hijackers didn’t do the deed who did and why? 

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