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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Regarding Bill Barr's Durham Psy Op, some pictures are worth a thousand words. *

     As for 9/11, Louis Freeh was the FBI Director prior to 9/11, so the FBI field reports about the alleged hijackers prior to 9/11 were not suppressed by Mueller, but by Freeh. 

     Mueller became FBI Director on 9/12, and one of his first public acts was to release the names of the alleged 19 hijackers that had been conveniently planted-- along with a copy of the Koran-- in a rental car at Logan Airport.

     Former FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds, has documented some of the suspicious history of the FBI in relation to 9/11 in her memoir, Classified Woman.

     The FBI was also, allegedly, involved in confiscating the CCTV video cam evidence around the Pentagon on 9/11.  To my knowledge, this video evidence has never been released to the public-- although I haven't kept up on the research literature for a while.  

    Additionally, the FBI detained and interrogated the five "Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents (arrested near the George Washington Bridge on 9/11) for 70 days, before quietly releasing them to Israel.

     So, Mueller had to be "in the loop" on some level in the suppression of the 9/11 evidence.  So was FBI-philic Rudy Giuliani, who lied to the Zelikow 9/11 Commission about the fact that he had been forewarned on 9/11 about the impending demolition of the WTC towers.

     My own studied opinion is that the 19 alleged Muslim hijackers were CIA- and Mossad-affiliated patsies who never hijacked any planes on 9/11.  Nor did Osama Bin Laden (long affiliated with the CIA) have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks -- as he told Al Jazeera and a Pakistani journalist shortly after 9/11.  (These Bin Laden denials were suppressed by the M$M in the U.S.)

     Bin Laden was promptly blamed for the 9/11 attacks in the world media, by Kissinger's associate L. Paul Bremer, (on CNN) Henry Kissinger, (on Sky Television) and Ehud Barak (on BBC television.)

     Robert Mueller later said, publicly, that the FBI "never found a single scrap of paper" implicating Bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks.  Nor was there any CCTV or flight manifest data indicating that Muslim hijackers had boarded any planes on 9/11.

     (BTW, the FBI's top Bin Laden expert, John O'Neill, was killed in the WTC on 9/11.  It was his first day on the job as the new security director for the WTC.)






"Nevertheless, on October 10 (less than one month after 9/11), with this "complicated and difficult" problem unsolved and dozens of other facts seeming to scream out for an extensive and intensive investigation, FBI Director Mueller, calling the FBI's month-long investigation of 9/11 "the most exhaustive in its history," declared it over. Officials reportedly said that Mueller's attitude was that his agents now had "a broad understanding of the events of September 11" and that it "was now time to move on.">

The New Pearl Harbor, book by David Ray Griffin. 

Later, Mueller would testify before Congress that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. 

It sure looks like Mueller was brought in to make sure the FBI was on board with a plan to get the US into multiple wars in the Mideast. Mueller was in the Marines in Vietnam, and never spoke against that war (unlike Oliver Stone, for example).

Mueller, in his FBI position, must have been aware of his role in suppressing evidence, and falsely testifying before Congress. 

Later...having proven service, Mueller is brought in to investigate Trump. 

Mueller...a Deep State apparatchik? 

In his latest iteration, Mueller was lionized by the M$M, along with Liz Cheney. 

Remember, useful idiots: The story is Trump, Trump, Trump...and not the $1.4 trillion annual budget Deep State, and Deep State control of media and US policies, or a system that has destroyed the middle class. 



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52 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Just imagine the compliance ...

"One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small, go ask Alice when she's ten feet tall"

I take nine a day.


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9 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Perhaps you’ve answered this question in past posts - What is your theory on what happened on 9/11? If those 19 hijackers didn’t do the deed who did and why? 


     I believe David Ray Griffin's theory that 9/11 was PNAC's "New Pearl Harbor" -- a carefully staged, catastrophic false flag event and psy op  used to mobilize popular support in the U.S. for the Bush/Cheney administration's PNAC military agenda in Afghanistan and the Middle East-- our multi-trillion dollar "War on (Islamic) Terror."


    In terms of logistics, by September of 2001, the U.S. military had successfully developed and tested precise, GPS-guided remote piloting technology for Boeing jetliners.  They didn't need hijackers to fly planes into buildings.

    But, as with any false flag op, they needed designated enemies/patsies (either dead or imaginary) to blame for the attacks-- and a carefully coordinated M$M narrative about them.

    (IMO, the Saudi government also worked with the CIA and Mossad to implement the 9/11 op.)

     And cui bono?  Who benefited from 9/11?  Certainly not Osama Bin Laden and his CIA-trained mujaheddin militants (aka "Al Qaeda.")

     The beneficiaries were the U.S., British, and NATO military-industrial complex, (including, of course, oil companies and Halliburton) Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE-- i.e., nations in the Middle East who were threatened by Saddam Hussein's Baathist state, Iran, the Taliban, the Assad regime, etc.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I believe David Ray Griffin's theory that 9/11 was PNAC's "New Pearl Harbor" -- a carefully staged, catastrophic false flag event and psy op  used to mobilize popular support in the U.S. for the Bush/Cheney administration's PNAC military agenda in Afghanistan and the Middle East-- our multi-trillion dollar "War on (Islamic) Terror."


    In terms of logistics, by September of 2001, the U.S. military had successfully developed and tested precise, GPS-guided remote piloting technology for Boeing jetliners.  They didn't need hijackers to fly planes into buildings.

    But, as with any false flag op, they needed designated enemies/patsies (either dead or imaginary) to blame for the attacks-- and a carefully coordinated M$M narrative about them.

    (IMO, the Saudi government also worked with the CIA and Mossad to implement the 9/11 op.)

     And cui bono?  Who benefited from 9/11?  Certainly not Osama Bin Laden and his CIA-trained mujaheddin militants (aka "Al Qaeda.")

     The beneficiaries were the U.S., British, and NATO military-industrial complex, (including, of course, oil companies and Halliburton) Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE-- i.e., nations in the Middle East who were threatened by Saddam Hussein's Baathist state, Iran, the Taliban, the Assad regime, etc.

Mueller was director at FBI from just before 9/11...would you say he was at least an "accessory after the fact" in one of the most heinous crimes in modern history (from your point of view)?

Was Mueller inserted into the FBI pre 9/11 to "ride herd" and bring the desired results, and control investigations, regarding any 9/11 investigations?

From your point of view, how could Mueller not know what happened on 9/11, while you do? 

Mueller testified before Congress in 2003 that Saddam had WMD. 

Is Mueller a Deep State apparatchik? 

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- Matt Gaetz -

“I sort of like Massie’s legislation that maybe everyone who’s a voter or on their way to vote ought to have the opportunity to carry a firearm to ensure that they’re not subject to any intimidation.”

Gee, I wonder what could possibly go wrong.

Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Yes indeed; I'm referring more to the inevitable charges he'll face for his coup plotting.

I thought that was your inference and I agree wholeheartedly.  I hope he has plenty of company so they can fill an entire cell block or more with his cohorts.  Then we can hear some real heartfelt whining.  They will all want the wall at their back so another can't get behind them.

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The Hill is a non-M$M website that does good work. 

Keep an open mind. 

Aaron Mate explains his POV, which seems very strong, that the FBI and Clinton campaign coordinated efforts to try to torpedo Trump pre-election. 

This is what I am talking about: The increasing coopting of mainstream political parties (ie, the Donks and the 'Phants) by the Deep State. 

This does not make Trump a nice guy. 

But if you are obsessed with Mr. Big Bad Orange...you are barking up a bonsai tree in a redwood forest.  


Some here have posited that 9/11 was actually a Deep State plot, involving the Team Bush & Cheney, Israelis, Saudis, NY real estate developer, and the Deep State. The most heinous crime of 21st century and also the trigger for $6 trillion in military waste in the Mideast and oceans of human carnage. 

Robert Mueller was the newly installed head of the FBI on 9/11, declared the investigation into the event mostly over a month later, and then told Congress Iraq had WMD. 

(See THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin---The Bible for some.)

Mueller then shows up in Russiagate witch-hunt. Cheney's daughter shows up in 1/6 committee. 

But remember..the story always and everywhere is Mr. Big Bad Orange. 

Does anyone here think there might be something beyond the M$M-approved red-blue kool-aid pissing contests? 


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