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10 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Does this look like men golfing?

I guess they're sharing one club, if that's what the fellow in red is holding.  These guys would not even meet the dress code at clubs I've played at (and they aren't that swanky).

I hope this is an FBI surveillance picture and it makes all the MSM.

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

This was taken today at Trump's Virginia golf course.

Does this look like men golfing?

Or does this look like a group of mobsters meeting outside to avoid audio bugs and surveillance?


What, exactly, is "witness tampering" supposed to look like?

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Alas, it sounds like this was a meeting of golf course employees. An apparent false alarm, at least with regard to this group of people.

Does he often fly into Dulles to go to Virginia to meet with several employees, on the golf course?  Or would he normally talk to the manager or send a message to him about any problems at the course?

Does he normally drive a golf cart by himself, no SS, or clubs?  

This as cover for the meeting with the two lawyers?

It still seems fishy to me.  But then again he's known for his slipperiness and sliminess. 

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10 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Alas, it sounds like this was a meeting of golf course employees. An apparent false alarm, at least with regard to this group of people.

Oh come on Matt. You can do better than that. 

What happened to guilty until proven innocent? 

Those two fellows with arms akimbo---body sign language says they are reluctantly agreeing to a criminal plot or cover-up. 

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