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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

May be a meme of 8 people and text that says 'We'll see you in Roe-vember. Hell hath no fury like 167 million scorned women'

Doug, I think we are all mistakenly over estimating and taking for granted that millions of women in this country who may not have voted previously or voted for Donald Trump previously will automatically go to the polls this next November to send a fighting back message to the Trump/Desantis led Republicans and their extreme right wing women's rights stripping rigged SCOTUS.

Remember, this is an "off year" election.

There is ALWAYS a huge drop off in the number of American citizens voting in an off year election. National news coverage of these is nothing compared to presidential elections.

Presidential election primary and final candidate debates get massive media coverage and in turn this works up tens of millions of voters more to vote than off year elections.

I sense that even though millions of American women are upset with the overturn of Roe Vs Wade...it will still not be enough to get them to vote in numbers significant enough to stop the Trump resurrection wave.

Trump voters are fanatical!  Progressive women's rights advocates are much less so imo.

I don't think my personally contacting the National Democratic Party headquarters and passionately recommending they take much more aggressive steps to try to get millions of women's rights advocates out to vote this November would make it past the first mail receiving clerk's trash can ...but if I could get through this is what I would recommend.

In the next 7 weeks, do everything you can to restart large city demonstrations inspiring women of all ages in the country to get out and vote this November...and vote against all Republicans.

A vote for any Republican is a vote supporting the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade.

A vote for every Democrat is a vote supporting women's right to choose.

The message is that simple!

Ask as many women's rights defending American women who have financial means to immediately pitch in as much money as they can to help fund these massive demonstrations. Have one every weekend until the election. The power of that kind of mass media coverage could be the key.

The national media will have to cover these weekly or even daily demonstrations if they are large enough. It will take that kind of massive everyday urgency message media coverage to get into the hearts and minds of like-minded women who otherwise won't vote out of habit.

And here's a great idea. Again if funding can be found.

Quickly organize and have one or two "nationally televised" heavily star studded "WOMENS RIGHTS" defending and benefitting telethon gala shows.

Make them super grand crusade theater affairs.

Music, performances, passionate inspiring speeches, fun entertainment, touching vows of courage. Imploring every women's rights concerned women and girls who can vote this November to do so.

Get the absolute biggest stars to appear. Male as well as women.

All our top stars in theater, music, sports, journalism, literature, government, religion, education, business, you name it.

If you can get Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Blanchett, Beyonce, Rachel Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, Oprah, Meghan McCain, Marisa Hargitay, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Amy Shumer, Sarah Silverman, Stormy Daniels, Denise Richards, Caitlyn Jenner, and hundreds of other American female role models ... all passionately asking for every able bodied women's rights concerned woman to vote...I really believe millions more than normal would.

It's going to take something unprecedented like this to make a SCOTUS backlash movement with American women voters a successful reality.

Otherwise, I sense and fear this talk of such a backlash vote effort is over estimated and not going to become a reality.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Doug I just read the entire interview transcript.

Yes, I hope at least a few other members do too.

It is incredibly full of the most important truths regards the many, many crimes Trump has committed against all of us and our constitution.

However, it's very depressing to read the interviewee's prediction that Trump will cop a plea deal and just pay some fines and simply walk away. 

All this massive time, work and money spent building a strong probable case of criminality on Trump's part ..and even if found guilty, he will walk.

In my thinking however, Trump's inciting the violent mob attack on our Capital building filled with our entire Congress, their aides and hundreds of life and death struggling Capital police on Jan 6th, 2021 and then allowing it to go on by purposely withholding begged for reinforcements and begged for calls to his mob to stop and go home ( for 3+ hours! ) is much, much more worthy of criminal indictment than the Mar-A- Lago affair.

This purposeful non-action to stop the attack on Trump's part resulted in serious injury and even death as well as deep fear trauma to those around and inside the Capital building and serious building damage as well.

Dozens of serious injuries ( including later suicides from the life and death fear trauma ) to that besieged police force could have been prevented if only Trump would have carried out his constitutional oath duties of defending and protecting the constitution which clearly meant protecting our entire Congress and most sacred Capital buildings from violent attack!

To me, Trump's purposeful withholding of help to quell and stop his violent rampaging supporter mob attack on our Congress and our Capital building for 3+ hours is much more a serious crime than any others being currently laid at his doorstep.

In my opinion...it is the ultimate crime for a POTUS. Worse than any in our entire history.

That of allowing a huge violent mob 3+ hours to have a chance to overturn a constitutional law abiding election and initiate a coup.

And maybe even a chance to get at and physically accost or hurt his own Vice President Pence and our Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi !

In the least, Trumps' purposeful non-protecting action against his own Congress traumatized everyone in and around that Capital building with truly life and death sensing fear.

Imagine armed and screaming bank robbers holding an entire bank full of employees and customers hostage for 3 + hours. Screaming "Hang The Bank Manager" or let's find the head bank clerk as well! Beating up the security guards the whole time.

Those terrified, terrorized hostages would have serious PTSD flashbacks, nightmares and panic/anxiety attacks about that life and death fear experience the rest of their lives!

You know this analogy is exactly fitting of the Jan 6th Capital building siege attack.

It was no less terrifying that that analogous bank hostage taking example.

If Trump walks away from "any" serious consequences for the allowed Jan.6th assault on our Congress and constitutional election certification ...

We will have lost our Constitutional framed Democracy altogether.

If we don't defend our constitution and it's sacred Democracy protective governmental framework right now with every fiber of our truth and justice beings and hold accountable those that allowed and carried out this unprecedented attack against it like the Jan. 6th one...God Help Us.


If Trump is backed into a corner and knows he would be convicted if he stood trial, he most likely will seek a plea deal. But the Justice Department will make the conditions of it so onerous that Trump may be spared a conviction and incarceration but will be ruined for the remainder of his life. I expect the public exposure of his treasonous activities with the classified documents will finally shock even his hard-core supporters.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Doug, I think we are all mistakengly over estimating and taking for granted that millions of women in this country who may not have voted previously or voted for Donald Trump previously will automatically go to the polls this next November to send a fighting back message to the Trump/Desantis led Republicans and their extreme right wing rights stripping rigged SCOTUS.

Remember, this is an "off year" election.

There is ALWAYS a huge drop off in the number of American citizens voting in an off year election. National news coverage of these is nothing compared to presidential elections.

Presidential election primary and final candidate debates get massive media coverage and in turn this works up tens of millions of voters more to vote than off year elections.

I sense that even though millions of American women are upset with the overturn of Roe Vs Wade...it will still not be enough to get them to vote in numbers significant enough to stop the Trump resurrection wave.

Trump voters are fanatical!  Progressive women's rights advocates are much less so imo.

I don't think my personally contacting the National Democratic Party headquarters and passionately recommending they take much more aggressive steps to try to get millions of women's rights advocates out to vote this November would make it past the first mail receiving clerk's trash can ...but if I could get through this is what I would recommend.

In the next 7 weeks, do everything you can to restart large city demonstrations inspiring women of all ages in the country to get out and vote this November...and vote against all Republicans.

A vote for any Republican is a vote supporting the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade.

A vote for every Democrat is a vote supporting women's right to choose.

The message is that simple!

Ask as many women's rights defending American women who have financial means to immediately pitch in as much money as they can to help fund these massive demonstrations. Have one every weekend until the election. The power of that kind of mass media coverage could be the key.

The national media will have to cover these weekly or even daily demonstrations if they are large enough. It will take that kind of massive everyday urgency message media coverage to get into the hearts and minds of like-minded women who otherwise won't vote out of habit.

And here's a great idea. Again if funding can be found.

Quickly organize and have one or two "nationally televised" heavily star studded "WOMENS RIGHTS" defending and benefitting telethon gala shows.

Make them super grand crusade theater affairs.

Music, performances, passionate inspiring speeches, fun entertainment, touching vows of courage. Imploring every women's rights concerned women and girls who can vote this November to do so.

Get the absolute biggest stars to appear. Male as well as women.

All our top stars in theater, music, sports, journalism, literature, government, religion, education, business, you name it.

If you can get Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Blanchett, Beyonce, Rachel Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, Oprah, Meghan McCain, Marisa Hargitay, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Amy Shumer, Sarah Silverman, Stormy Daniels, Denise Richards, Caitlyn Jenner, and hundreds of other American female role models ... all passionately asking for every able bodied women's rights concerned woman to vote...I really believe millions more than normal would.

It's going to take something unprecedented like this to make a SCOTUS backlash movement with American women voters a successful reality.

Otherwise, I sense and fear this talk of such a backlash vote effort is over estimated and not going to become a reality.



I may be wrong, but I think women in general will realize that they have to vote Democratic or else they will become second-class citizens who do not have the right to control their own body.

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A couple of people on here have mentioned feeling sorry for me living in Texas with the likes of Abbott, Cruz, Ken Paxton and more for politicians.  I'd like to see them go.  But right now Georgia has a couple of not so bright stars.  Which is smarter Marjorie Taylor Greene or Aw Shucks, I'm not that smart, just a country boy Herschel Walker?

Marjorie Taylor Greene just took stupid to a new low and the jokes write themselves (msn.com)

Walker was a high school class valedictorian?

Herschel Walker says he's a 'country boy' and 'not that smart' ahead of debate against Raphael Warnock: 'I will do my best' (yahoo.com) 

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On 9/16/2022 at 9:04 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Given Putin's demented mindset, it may be Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was seen as weakness. 






Ben, I think you're forgetting that it was the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION who made the agreement to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. In fact, Biden left American troops in Afghanistan a month and a half longer than the exit date that Trump had negotiated.

Do some research, and then tell me whether I speak the truth or not. I'll wait.

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On 9/17/2022 at 1:12 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

I will certainly be in that line.

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1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:

Ben, I think you're forgetting that it was the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION who made the agreement to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. In fact, Biden left American troops in Afghanistan a month and a half longer than the exit date that Trump had negotiated.

Do some research, and then tell me whether I speak the truth or not. I'll wait.

If you want to give Trump the credit for getting out of Afcrapistan, fine with me. Trump was 20 years too late, but at least he changed the policy so the US could get out. 

I think you are being a bit partisan, in that that the logistics of the withdrawal happened on Biden's watch. That seems to be the rub. There was bad planning---the nuts and bolts stuff---on how to get out. 

I am open to the idea that the Deep State wanted the pull-out to be a catastrophe, as a lesson to any US President who had the temerity to withdraw US troops from a foreign country. 

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Just published by The New York Times:


Criminal Investigation Is Opened After Migrant Flights to Martha’s Vineyard

The sheriff of Bexar County, Texas, said it was clear that many of the 48 migrants flown to Massachusetts had been misled and lured away to score political points.


“They had a right not to be preyed on and played for a fool,” Sheriff Javier Salazar of Bexar County said.“They They had a right not to be preyed on and played for a fool,” Sheriff Javier Salazar of Bexar County said.Credit...Sam Owens/The San Antonio Express-News via AP



Sept. 19, 2022Updated 9:06 p.m. ET
The New York Times

SAN ANTONIO — A county sheriff in Texas announced on Monday that he had opened a criminal investigation into flights that took 48 migrants from a shelter in San Antonio to the island resort of Martha’s Vineyard last week.

Sheriff Javier Salazar of Bexar County, which includes San Antonio, said that he had enlisted agents from his office’s organized crime task force and that it was too early to determine which laws might have been broken. But he said it was clear that many of the migrants had been misled and lured away from Texas to score political points.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you want to give Trump the credit for getting out of Afcrapistan, fine with me. Trump was 20 years too late, but at least he changed the policy so the US could get out. 

I think you are being a bit partisan, in that that the logistics of the withdrawal happened on Biden's watch. That seems to be the rub. There was bad planning---the nuts and bolts stuff---on how to get out. 

I am open to the idea that the Deep State wanted the pull-out to be a catastrophe, as a lesson to any US President who had the temerity to withdraw US troops from a foreign country. 

Ben, your last sentence is one point upon which you and I might find agreement.

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More evidence that Aileen Cannon works for the GOP, rather than the American people:

"Judge Aileen Cannon was judge in the matter of Paul Vernon Hoeffer, who threatened Pelosi and AOC. He later pleaded guilty to three counts of interstate transmission of threats to kidnap or injure.

The federal sentencing guideline range was between 33 and 41 months in prison. Prosecutors asked Cannon to sentence Hoeffer to the full 41 months, to send a message about how serious his threats against Pelosi and AOC were.

Instead, Cannon sentenced Hoeffer to 18 months."


https://www.emptywheel.net/2022/09/19/the-rule-of-law-is-not-assured-the-cascading-constitutional-crisis-judge-aileen-cannon-deliberately-created/#comment-961598:~:text=September 19%2C 2022 at 1%3A51 pm

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