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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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14 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

William I think the President's son being a crack head that broke laws and is avoiding being charged by an FBI the GOP. is accusing of being politically bias, is relevant. Especially considering that Ukraine who Joe Biden is currently sending billions of dollars of military equipment to. Which might draw NATO and the United States into possible Nuclear conflict was relevant to the Topic based on Trumps first impeachment being over Hunter Biden. 


Based on the two videos Hunter doing drugs on camera when he said on a Federal Document he wasn't. And his ex wife saying she threw the gun in a grocery store trash can .. I think it's a slam dunk unless it's a case like Durham where the jury didn't care and voted 'Not Guilty' because they didn't care the Clinton Staffer lied to the FBI. 

This is small potatoes and personal shortcomings. I do not care about Hunter Biden's private life. 

Why the Biden family took $4.8 million from entities connected to the People's Liberation Army in China is a real story. 

Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.



BTW, Hunter Biden's "uncle" in the above paragraph is President Biden's full blood brother

So what kind of policy towards China will the Biden Administration follow? 

Of course, the Biden family also extracted $1 million or so from Ukraine. Did that influence policymaking towards Ukraine? 

With rivers of grifting money swamping Washington...does anyone have confidence in the Biden, the Trump, or the Obama administrations? 

The M$M and FBI want to know about Hunter Biden's gun? 

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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"This is small potatoes and personal shortcomings. I do not care about Hunter Biden's private life. 

Why the Biden family took $4.8 million from entities connected to the People's Liberation Army in China is a real story..." 


"..Of course, the Biden family also extracted $1 million or so from Ukraine. Did that influence policymaking towards Ukraine? 

With rivers of grifting money swamping Washington...does anyone have confidence in the Biden, the Trump, or the Obama administrations? 

The M$M and FBI want to know about Hunter Biden's gun?" 

Interesting take Ben, I hadn't thought about it as a limited hangout. 

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54 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

William I think the President's son being a crack head that broke laws and is avoiding being charged by an FBI the GOP. is accusing of being politically bias, is relevant.



    Are you truly concerned about broken laws?   Let's start with the big ones.

    We certainly need to investigate Trump's coup attempt and his theft of classified government documents. 

    Do you really think Hunter Biden's personal peccadilloes are of comparable significance? 

   These GOP deflections about Hunter Biden are reminiscent of the GOP's Billy Carter and Roger Clinton propaganda tricks back in the day-- attempts to smear a public official by focusing on the problems of a troubled relative.

    What public office does Hunter Biden hold?  Unlike Trump's family members, Hunter Biden has held no position in the Biden administration. 

    So, Hunter Biden's personal struggles really have nothing to do with U.S. affairs of state, or with the many critically important political issues of our time, such as;

1) dealing with Putin's nuclear threats and war crimes in Ukraine

2) mitigating catastrophic climate change

3) fixing our debt-producing Reaganomic tax policies

4) maintaining affordable healthcare and education

5) bringing Trump and his J6 Willard Hotel accomplices to justice for their coup attempt

6) countering GOP voter suppression

    As for Ukraine, Trump's impeachable offenses in Ukraine involved Trump undermining U.S. foreign policy objectives in order to extort personal political favors-- i.e., false statements from President Zelensky to defame Joe Biden.  Even Ted Cruz, reportedly, told his Senate colleagues that Trump committed impeachable offenses in Ukraine.

    Did you listen to the testimony of Dr. Fiona Hill and our former U.S. ambassadors to Ukraine during Trump's first impeachment hearings?




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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Are you truly concerned about broken laws?  

Of course he isn't LOL

W- honest question: why are you engaging with the an obvious MAGA xxxxx whose purpose isn't to honestly debate, but to spread the usual untruthful MAGA propaganda on a thread that regularly exposes Trump and the MAGAs for the criminals and terrorists they are?

Edited by Matt Allison
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39 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Of course he isn't LOL

W- honest question: why are you engaging with the an obvious MAGA xxxxx whose purpose isn't to honestly debate, but to spread the usual untruthful MAGA propaganda on a thread that regularly exposes Trump and the MAGAs for the criminals and terrorists they are?

Good question.

The short answer is that Mathew responded to my most recent post about the Hunter Biden tropes, and I responded to his response.

Regarding questionable business transactions of Presidential relatives, I wonder what Mathew and Ben have to say about Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, getting a $2 billion dollar loan from Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman at a time when Kushner was in charge of Trump's Middle East policies.

And, speaking of the Saudis, are they cutting oil production right now to sabotage Biden and the Democratic Party?


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Remember, whatever Trump did, he is not president now.

Biden is. 

Also, Biden has been part of the DC intel scene for decade and decades, and grifting money all along. 

Trump was an outsider, and loathed by the Deep State. Maybe Trump will be President again, but I doubt it. He is fading in the rear view mirror. Trump has no connections, no power base in DC, no institutions he can bring to bear. 

Trump has become a useful M$M diversion. 

Keep your eye on the ball. 




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On 10/8/2022 at 4:50 AM, Matt Allison said:

Yesterday was Vlad's 70th birthday, and Ukraine helped him celebrate by blowing up the illegal bridge he built after his 2014 illegal invasion of Crimea.

How about that, eh? Maybe at least his birthday cake was tasty.


The Ukrainian postal service announced that it would issue stamps commemorating the blast, saying in a statement that the images would draw on classic film posters to highlight the bridge’s “sacred significance” to Moscow.


Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Of course he isn't LOL

W- honest question: why are you engaging with the an obvious MAGA xxxxx whose purpose isn't to honestly debate, but to spread the usual untruthful MAGA propaganda on a thread that regularly exposes Trump and the MAGAs for the criminals and terrorists they are?

You reminded me of William F. Buckley with Mark Lane, so I'll tell you the same thing Mark told Buckley: " When you are a controversialist, you can go either go mad or ignore genuinely unjust criticism, I prefer the latter cause" 

The reason the thread is 877+ pages is because you're a prosecutor that can't prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt against the Donald. Which is why you and your side resorts to grasping for straws legal technicalities and Logical Fallacy based arguments so much. Because you're basing your opinions on your feelings and your feelings have clouded your perception. Matt your perception is so bad that in your mind you're Antifa and your fighting on the frontlines by paying more at the gas station and supporting the politicization of the justice department. The point of the articles I shared illustrated this and it's so bad it's like Monday night football. You guys litterlly watch it on TV. You would have done the same with the Warren Commission hearings back in the day.
Matt, we are not the same you are right I'm not like not like you, I don't like having my tax dollars supporting  Preemptive war or strawmannirg people who disagree with you as terrorists, you seem to get off on it... 

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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:



    Are you truly concerned about broken laws?   Let's start with the big ones.

    We certainly need to investigate Trump's coup attempt and his theft of classified government documents. 

    Do you really think Hunter Biden's personal peccadilloes are of comparable significance? 

   These GOP deflections about Hunter Biden are reminiscent of the GOP's Billy Carter and Roger Clinton propaganda tricks back in the day-- attempts to smear a public official by focusing on the problems of a troubled relative.

    What public office does Hunter Biden hold?  Unlike Trump's family members, Hunter Biden has held no position in the Biden administration. 

    So, Hunter Biden's personal struggles really have nothing to do with U.S. affairs of state, or with the many critically important political issues of our time, such as;

1) dealing with Putin's nuclear threats and war crimes in Ukraine

2) mitigating catastrophic climate change

3) fixing our debt-producing Reaganomic tax policies

4) maintaining affordable healthcare and education

5) bringing Trump and his J6 Willard Hotel accomplices to justice for their coup attempt

6) countering GOP voter suppression

    As for Ukraine, Trump's impeachable offenses in Ukraine involved Trump undermining U.S. foreign policy objectives in order to extort personal political favors-- i.e., false statements from President Zelensky to defame Joe Biden.  Even Ted Cruz, reportedly, told his Senate colleagues that Trump committed impeachable offenses in Ukraine.

    Did you listen to the testimony of Dr. Fiona Hill and our former U.S. ambassadors to Ukraine during Trump's first impeachment hearings?




William you love those M$NBC cliqués, that reads like a DNC talking point memo. This Black Pastor at the 2:00 Mark is saying the same thing I am saying. (You can Skip the rest of the video I couldn't find a shorter clip)  


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