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Earth to Mathew, Chris, and John..

Have you gentlemen studied the COVID mortality stats for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated adults in the U.S.?

Among other shocking stats, since mid-2021, almost TWICE as many Republicans have died in the U.S. (excess deaths) as Democrats.

Vaccine refusal has been far more prevalent in Republican populations.

How do you explain that ghastly statistic?


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40 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Earth to Mathew, Chris, and John..

Have you gentlemen studied the COVID mortality stats for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated adults in the U.S.?

Among other shocking stats, since mid-2021, almost TWICE as many Republicans have died in the U.S. (excess deaths) as Democrats.

Vaccine refusal has been far more prevalent in Republican populations.

How do you explain that ghastly statistic?



English Queen Mary University professor of mathematics and statistics, Norman Fenton, has analysed the relevant official statistics and he has concluded that there is no evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of the covid jabs. The official covid “Science” before which everyone was required to genuflect and (unscientifically) not question was corrupted by the deliberate conflation and confusion of the numbers of deaths from covid with the numbers of deaths with covid.

That mess was facilitated by WHO changing the protocol by which covid related deaths were recorded in order that the number of such deaths would be inflated.

Here’s a short video by Irish researcher Ivor Cummins in which he presents an analysis of the Irish government covid mortality data for 2020 and 2021 and which he says reflects the general picture worldwide:


Summary of Ivor Cummins’s analysis:

1.   According to Worldometer, there were 7,397 deaths relating to covid in Ireland (population c 5 million) up to and including May 2022.

2.   In 2020 there were only 61 covid deaths of people with no co-morbidities. In 2022 there only 92. This gives a total of 153 such deaths.

3.    There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years. There were excess deaths in 2021. The latter doesn’t seem to make sense because (a) by then the vaccines had been rolled out, (b) many of the most susceptible had died in 2020 and (c) natural immunity had developed in many by the end of 2020.

4.   The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years.

5.   A Johns Hopkins study found that the effectiveness of lockdowns was negligible.


There was no covid pandemic as officially defined, because there was no significant number of excess deaths caused by covid. The significant number of excess deaths in 2021 must have been caused not by covid but by inappropriate “public health” responses to covid.

Edited by John Cotter
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I was unaware that certain Oath Keepers have been in prison for two years, even before a finding of guilt. I do not know why this is. 

So far, in trial, the Oath Keepers have been saying the was no plan to storm the Capitol, that it was spontaneous. 

AP Story 11/17

A former Ohio bar owner who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a military-style stack formation with fellow members of the far-right Oath Keepers extremist group told jurors Wednesday that it was a “really stupid” decision, saying she got swept up in what seemed to be a “very American moment.”

In a decision that surprised even the judge, Jessica Watkins took the the stand to testify in her defense as the high-stakes seditious conspiracy case against her, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and three others nears a close.

Watkins, an Army veteran who has been locked up since her arrest nearly two years ago, testified that she never intended to interfere with Congress’ certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral victory and never heard any commands for her and other Oath Keepers to enter the building on Jan. 6, 2021.

Watkins recalled consuming a “steady diet” of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ “Infowars” show, which pushed the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. She called herself “just another idiot” in the mob on Jan. 6 and likened the scene outside the Capitol — where rioters smashed windows and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with police — to a Black Friday sale.


“Are you proud of what you did?” her attorney, Jonathan Crisp, asked.

“Not anymore,” Watkins replied.

Watkins, of Woodstock, Ohio, is the third defendant in the more than monthlong trial to take the witness stand — a move generally considered by defense lawyers as a last-resort option as it opens defendants up to intense cross-examination by prosecutors and often does more harm than good. Prosecutors will get a chance to question Watkins on Thursday.

Watkins took the stand in the seventh week of testimony in the case accusing Rhodes, Watkins and three others of a violent plot to stop the transfer of presidential power. Closing arguments could happen as early as this week.

Jurors have heard how Watkins before the riot was messaging with people who expressed interest in joining her Ohio militia group about “military-style basic” training planned for early January. She told one recruit: “I need you fighting fit” by the inauguration, which was Jan. 20, 2021.

They have seen video of Watkins and other Oath Keepers shouldering through the angry pro-Trump mob and into the building in what prosecutors have described as military-style stack formation. They have also heard a recording of a channel called “Stop the Steal J6” on the walkie-talkie app Zello that Watkins used to communicate with others during the riot.

“We are in the mezzanine. We are in the main dome right now. We are rocking it. They are throwing grenades, they are fricking shooting people with paint balls. But we are in here,” Watkins said in the recording.

“Get it, Jess. ... Everything we (expletive) trained for,” someone responded.

The defense has spent weeks hammering prosecutors’ lack of evidence of an explicit plan for the Oath Keepers to attack the Capitol before Jan. 6.

Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate from Granbury, Texas, told jurors that there was never a plan to attack the Capitol. He testified that he was surprised and upset when he learned that some group members had joined a pro-Trump mob in storming the building and that their only mission that day was to provide security for Trump ally Roger Stone and others at events before the rally.

Thomas Caldwell, another defendant whose trial testimony ended earlier on Wednesday, told jurors he wasn’t serious when he floated the idea in messages before the riot of getting a boat that could ferry “heavy weapons” across the Potomac River into Oath Keepers’ “waiting arms.” Caldwell, a retired U.S. Navy intelligence officer from Berryville, Virginia, described it as “creative writing.”

Watkins’ lawyer told jurors during opening statements last month that she is a transgender woman who served as an Army Ranger but was discharged early — a decision that has “haunted her for the duration of her life.”

“She’s never felt like she fit in,” Crisp said. “A lot of the things she did that day were to try and fit in.

Watkins told jurors that she struggled with her gender identity since she was a young child but kept it from her parents for years given her strict Christian upbringing. She described being confronted after a deployment to Afghanistan by a fellow soldier who borrowed her laptop and saw evidence of her contact with a support group for transgender people.

“I just panicked. Freaked out,” she said. “I panicked and went AWOL. I ran.”

Watkins said she went AWOL for about two months, spending time in Alaska before receiving an “other than honorable” discharge. She came out to her parents, who she said told her “never to come home again.” Watkins said she reconciled with her parents roughly 15 years later, and they welcomed her back home.

Her fiancé, Montana Siniff, testified earlier this month that Watkins’ 2003 discharge came after she was hazed on a deployment. “She was hazed to the point on one of her deployments that she absolutely feared for her life,” he told jurors.


The Oath Keepers appear very accepting of transgenders. Who knew? 

I guess under certain circumstances, a person can be kept in jail for years even before a trial. 

It appears that none of the dozens of government informants and plants inside the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys have testified that there were plans for a Jan. 6 occupation of the Capitol. 

One opaque area is the FBI evidently refuses to tell even the Congress how many plants or informants they had in or near the Capitol on 1/6.

The usual "sources and methods" cover.  See the JFK Records Act. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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48 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


English Queen Mary University professor of mathematics and statistics, Norman Fenton, has analysed the relevant official statistics and he has concluded that there is no evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of the covid jabs. The official covid “Science” before which everyone was required to genuflect and (unscientifically) not question was corrupted by the deliberate conflation and confusion of the numbers of deaths from covid with the numbers of deaths with covid.

That mess was facilitated by WHO changing the protocol by which covid related deaths were recorded in order that the number of such deaths would be inflated.

Here’s a short video by Irish researcher Ivor Cummins in which he presents an analysis of the Irish government covid mortality data for 2020 and 2021 and which he says reflects the general picture worldwide:


Summary of Ivor Cummins’s analysis:

1.   According to Worldometer, there were 7,397 deaths relating to covid in Ireland (population c 5 million) up to and including May 2022.

2.   In 2020 there were only 61 covid deaths of people with no co-morbidities. In 2022 there only 92. This gives a total of 153 such deaths.

3.    There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years. There were excess deaths in 2021. The latter doesn’t seem to make sense because (a) by then the vaccines had been rolled out, (b) many of the most susceptible had died in 2020 and (c) natural immunity had developed in many by the end of 2020.

4.   The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years.

5.   A Johns Hopkins study found that the effectiveness of lockdowns was negligible.


There was no covid pandemic as officially defined, because there was no significant number of excess deaths caused by covid. The significant number of excess deaths in 2021 must have been caused not by covid but by inappropriate “public health” responses to covid.


     I've been studying the CDC statistics carefully since the pandemic began, and the data in the U.S. has shown pronounced efficacy for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in preventing mortality and morbidity from COVID.

    The co-morbidity metric used by the gentleman you reference here is grossly misleading, because co-morbidities increase the risk of mortality and morbidity from COVID infections.

    An analogy to your argument would be claiming that seatbelts don't reduce the risk of fatalities in car accidents if we look at the subpopulation of people who don't use automobiles.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I've been studying the CDC statistics carefully since the pandemic began, and the data in the U.S. has shown pronounced efficacy for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in preventing mortality and morbidity from COVID.

    The co-morbidity metric used by the gentleman you reference here is grossly misleading, because co-morbidities increase the risk of mortality and morbidity from COVID infections.

    An analogy to your argument would be claiming that seatbelts don't reduce the risk of fatalities in car accidents if we look at the subpopulation of people who don't use automobiles.


Your first sentence is merely an assertion. You haven’t explained how the US covid data has shown vaccine efficacy.

The problem with your second sentence is that there’s no way of knowing whether the deaths of those with covid and co-morbidities were caused by covid. That’s why Professor Fenton and Ivor Cummins focus on all-cause mortality. (Interestingly, there is no significant difference between the average age of covid-related deaths and that of the population generally.)

Your analogy doesn’t appear to make sense in this regard. If you’re serious about rebutting my post, you need to do it on point by point basis.

Finally, your typing of covid in capital letters (as in COVID) is bizarre. It seems an unwitting admission that covid was never anywhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be, and that therefore it has had to be “bigged up” or “monsterised” as literally enacted in your capitalised typing.

Such monstering reflects the scaremongering, the outlandishly draconian interventions and the other psychological and general abuses which authoritarian governments inflicted on their citizens in the name of covid.

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Gasoline is much cheaper here at the moment than a few months ago.  Which is a big help financially for me.

Biden The Master Oil Trader? Crude Drops Below $80 And US Government May Earn Windfall On Emergency Reserves, Relieving Pain At The Pump (msn.com)

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35 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Your first sentence is merely an assertion. You haven’t explained how the US covid data has shown vaccine efficacy.

The problem with your second sentence is that there’s no way of knowing whether the deaths of those with covid and co-morbidities were caused by covid. That’s why Professor Fenton and Ivor Cummins focus on all-cause mortality. (Interestingly, there is no significant difference between the average age of covid-related deaths and that of the population generally.)

Your analogy doesn’t appear to make sense in this regard. If you’re serious about rebutting my post, you need to do it on point by point basis.

Finally, your typing of covid in capital letters (as in COVID) is bizarre. It seems an unwitting admission that covid was never anywhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be, and that therefore it has had to be “bigged up” or “monsterised” as literally enacted in your capitalised typing.

Such monstering reflects the scaremongering, the outlandishly draconian interventions and the other psychological and general abuses which authoritarian governments inflicted on their citizens in the name of covid.


     I'm a physician, a graduate of Harvard Medical School in the U.S. (class of '83.)  To rule out COVID as a cause of death because of medical co-morbities makes no sense, scientifically.

    Why?  Because every infectious illness is a result of an interaction between a pathogen and a host organism.

    People with a number of co-morbid conditions (including old age) are at an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from COVID infections, but that doesn't mean that COVID didn't "cause" their deaths.

    Would they have died if they had not been infected with COVID?  The answer can be found by studying baseline morbidity and mortality data for those comorbidities before and after the advent of the COVID pandemic-- which is what the "excess deaths" stat is all about.

    Here's the latest CDC data in the U.S. on COVID mortality with and without vaccines.

    The risk of death for unvaccinated adults in my age group (65-79) was NINE TIMES HIGHER than for vaccinated adults.  I may very well be alive today BECAUSE I got vaccinated.

    Impact of Vaccination on Risk of COVID-19–Related Mortality (cdc.gov)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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9 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Your first sentence is merely an assertion. You haven’t explained how the US covid data has shown vaccine efficacy.

The problem with your second sentence is that there’s no way of knowing whether the deaths of those with covid and co-morbidities were caused by covid. That’s why Professor Fenton and Ivor Cummins focus on all-cause mortality. (Interestingly, there is no significant difference between the average age of covid-related deaths and that of the population generally.)

Your analogy doesn’t appear to make sense in this regard. If you’re serious about rebutting my post, you need to do it on point by point basis.

Finally, your typing of covid in capital letters (as in COVID) is bizarre. It seems an unwitting admission that covid was never anywhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be, and that therefore it has had to be “bigged up” or “monsterised” as literally enacted in your capitalised typing.

Such monstering reflects the scaremongering, the outlandishly draconian interventions and the other psychological and general abuses which authoritarian governments inflicted on their citizens in the name of covid.

I think this is a very difficult one for @W. Niederhut, simply because he has skin in the game of sorts. Nobody should misunderstand me, I am not saying that William profited, administered the treatments etc. I am pointed out that William’s career in the medical profession built a lot of faith and trust both academic institutions and the profession as a whole. In his defence I want to say that a lot of Dr’s are good people, who mean well. When a profession has provided everything for you in life, you attribute your success to it, it’s very hard to see it as anything but a paragon of virtue. People actively just don’t want to see the elephant in the room. I have a cousin who is a Dr, two family members in nursing for the NHS, all three have changes their views on C19 and the government treatment protocols/vaccines. They’ve chosen to accept what they are seeing at work, as opposed to trusting data that is tantamount to marketing material. We now have an excess mortality around 20%, when it should have gone down. We have investigations into the sharp rise in stillborns and neonatal deaths. It was the morgues who raised that alarm, not Dr’s. One such study by the Scottish government concluded with them opting not to release their findings, because it was not in the public interest (ie it would make waves and affect people psychologically). We see and read about people dropping down dead or collapsing at a rate we have never seen the likes of. We suddenly have blood clot warnings all over the TV that were never necessary before. The Johnson and Johnson jab is pulled from the market because of safety concerns and there is silence. Pfizer wanted to wait 55 or 75 years to release their data (sounds like the Warren Commission, right) until the release was mandated by a judge. Just as the data is being released and independents are scrutinising it, Ukraine dominates media. The US military finds rises in myocarditis after the jabs, silence. Remember; “trust the science”, like if you have the V you won’t catch C19 or spread it, you’ll save the lives of your relatives and neighbours. 2 weeks ago in an EU hearing it transpires it was all a lie. No studies were conducted at all were done to check transmissibility. As for a the efficacy, the rates advertised were lower than the average immune system performs. Yet we made the young take them. It transpires from some studies that their risk from the V was greater than that of the virus. This pandemic was simulated 3 times before it began. Nobody us accountable, it was modified and from a lab (dominant theory), a lab that the US poured tens of millions into, that conducted gain of function research. A week or so back I read that some good Dr’s have managed to splice Omicron and the original virus. What could go wrong?

I could sit and post hundreds of links. At which point will you acknowledge the elephant in the room, William? 

Look, I am not trying to wind you up, I totally get what you are not wanting to open pandora’s box. This is more glaring that 9/11 at this point. 

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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

"A very educated, intelligent population was able to be swayed to engage in the atrocities that took place in Germany based upon a demagogue,” Walton noted, according to Business Insider. “It seems to me you bought into that same type of mentality,” he added.

Walton called it “utterly scary that we still have millions of people ... still buying a lie that’s not based on anything other than someone who’s unhappy because they didn’t get what they want.”

I disagree that those that believed Trump's lie were very educated and intelligent. There's no evidence of that.

On the contrary, one had to be a gullible mark to believe that con.

The ones that are very educated and intelligent knew from day one it was a lie, but cared more about power than about the integrity of the United States.

Very bad Americans; enemies of our democratic republic.

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