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Unveiling The Limo Stop

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At least in trying to create the overall WC fantasy:

The pylons were supposed to represent the limo front end(bumper edge) when JFK was hit by a bullet.

The rear bumper edge was supposed to represent JFK's position in the limo(Station#) when hit by those same bullets.



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On 5/10/2020 at 2:03 PM, Chris Davidson said:

My plotting of z301-z313 = 7.2ft

7.2ft /12 frames = .6ft per frame x 18.3fps = 10.98ft per sec / 1.47 = 7.47mph

.6ft per frame at twice the frames = .3ft per frame (see previous posting for appropriate explanation)


Hit the brakes.

Remove the apropos frame total increasing limo speed back to its pre-brake speed.

Simple math using info from above/below will give you the answer.


Added on Edit: Addition to graphic below in white boxes.







Edited by Chris Davidson
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On 5/7/2020 at 9:59 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Mark's plotting of Cabell and the National Presspool car at Z295. Notice the CameraCar1 LOS in yellow for both vehicles.

I've included Wiegman2 since Wiegman1 is even more quality challenged.



The start of Wiegman actually begins between where Myer's(z246) and I(z257) initially,  placed it.

The reason for this is the Wiegman/Z447 (limitation) sync.

My apologies for not checking a full frame Altgens version against the Motorcade Animation.



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On 5/20/2020 at 11:06 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Hit the brakes.

Remove the apropos frame total increasing limo speed back to its pre-brake speed.

Simple math using info from above/below will give you the answer.


Added on edit: Additional info graphic above from a previous post.






A visual representation from the graphic above.

For your frame counting enjoyment!!!


Edited by Chris Davidson
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9 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

A visual representation from the graphic above.

For your frame counting enjoyment!!!


Z310 Shot From Behind - Z313Hit- Z314+ Shaneyfelt Brakes - Z318 Limo Instantaneous stop - Z318.41Headshot from the front / Remove 8+ Frames

Essentially two shots in one with the braking reaction giving the false impression of the initial "back and to the left".

Audibly possible, visually impossible to distinguish between the two shots in real time. imo

The Z313 headshot came from the DalTex 7th floor ledge:



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Chris, may I use my own words to describe what I think you're saying?  And then you can tell me where I've got what you're thinking correct or incorrect.

A shot from the Dal-Tex 7th floor ledge @ z310.  We see Kennedy's head move forward slightly from z312 to z313.  Then, at virtually the same moment in time, the head is driven back by a shot from the front which also causes the back of head blowout.  The limousine has come to a stand-still just after z313 and before the shot from the front.  Kennedy's head is driven "back and to the left" by the frontal shot.

So, the frame removal was done to hide the fact that there were two shots, at virtually the same moment in time, which would have been impossible for a lone gunman.  And the "blob" is real and not painted in, as has been suggested.  The "blob" was created by the first of those two shots which came from 7th floor Dal-Tex.

Do I sort of have this right?

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1 hour ago, Paul Bacon said:

A shot from the Dal-Tex 7th floor ledge @ z310.  Yes

We see Kennedy's head move forward slightly from z312 to z313. Yes

Then, at virtually the same moment in time, the head is driven back by a shot from the front: Close -The limo braking at z314/315 begins JFKs backward head motion, the limo stops instantaneously from braking @z318 Kennedy's head continues driving "back and to the left" by the frontal shot which also causes the back of head blowout. 

So, the frame removal was done to hide the fact that there were two shots, at virtually the same moment in time, which would have been impossible for a lone gunman. Yes, besides hiding the limo stop.  And the "blob" is real and not painted in, as has been suggested. Shot from behind - Enhanced blob or not. The "blob" was created by the first of those two shots which came from 7th floor Dal-Tex. First headshot from the Dal-Tex 7th floor ledge.

Do I sort of have this right? Yes

Paul, my interjection above in red.

It's also impossible to initially see JFK's head start the "back and to the left" process at z315 in real time.

More coming.

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8 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:



The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

They lied about where it originated from.

I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


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1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

Paul, my interjection above in red.

It's also impossible to initially see JFK's head start the "back and to the left" process at z315 in real time.

More coming.

Wouldn't the limo braking sharply cause JFK's head to move forward, not backwards?

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1 hour ago, Ian Lloyd said:

Wouldn't the limo braking sharply cause JFK's head to move forward, not backwards?


That's a valid point.

At 7.47mph I don't know how a human head would respond(already shot from behind) to the initial braking.

For now, I'll stick with the initial limo distance traveled at approx 2.4ft(braking calculator) = 4 zframes @ .6ft per frame stopping at z318 1/2.

If the head is supposed to move forward, I think you'll have an even more precise time for frame removal.






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3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

They lied about where it originated from.

I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


The Dal-Tex 6th floor is 10.5ft higher than  the TSBD 6th floor. 161.1ft vs 171.6ft

The elevation difference between z313 (88.8) labeled on Drommer and the DalTex building (101.0 ) = 12.2ft

Each DalTex floor(minus the bottom floor) is at least 10ft high. Possibly higher because of the 6th floor elevation differences.

Start at the TSBD 6th floor window ledge elevation of 61.1ft(I used Robert West 61.2 in the graphic)

61.2ft + 10.5ft  (DalTex 6th floor ledge) + 10ft (DalTex 7th floor ledge) + 12.2ft (DalTex base to z313)
minus JFK’s head height above pavement 52.78” = 4.4ft

Total = 89.5ft displayed in graphic.

This means the DalTex 7th floor is at least 20.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor.

Keep this in mind moving forward.


Edited by Chris Davidson
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2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

This means the DalTex 7th floor is at least 20.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor.



What other location at least 15ft above the TSBD 6th floor would fit the location, especially using the WC matching bullet 15.35° trajectory.

The obvious answer would be the TSBD 7th floor or rooftop, but then the trajectory changes to a minimum of 18.15° from the 7th floor ledge and steeper from the roof.



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5 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

The WC didn't lie about the angle(15deg21min = 15.35°) from which the z313 headshot hit JFK's head.

They lied about where it originated from.

I'll explain the rest of the graphic in awhile.

Sheldon Hershorn had it pegged.


Using the 338ft distance above for bullet travel: 338ft/2060ft per sec = .164/.0546(1zframe) = 3zframes bullet travel time. This is what I used for the z310shot - z313 hit.

I'm not inferring that I believe the shot came from the M.Carcano. This is more for the timing aspect.

Mr. FRAZIER - The first shot, Lot 6,000, the velocity was 2199.7 feet per second.
Shot No. 2, Lot 6,000, velocity 2,180.3 feet per second.
The third shot, velocity--same lot--velocity 2,178.9 feet per second.
The third shot, velocity--and this is Lot No. 6,003--velocity was 2,184.8 feet per second.
The fourth shot, Lot No. 6,003, was 2,137.6 feet per second.
Fifth shot, Lot No. 6,000, 2,162.7 feet per second.
The sixth shot, Lot 6,003, 2,134.8 feet per second.
An average of all shots of 2,165 feet per second.
Mr. EISENBERG - How would you characterize the differences between the muzzle velocities of the various rounds in terms of whether that difference was a large or small difference?
Mr. FRAZIER - This is a difference well within the manufacturer's accepted standards of velocity variations. They permit in their standard ammunition manual, which is a guide to the entire industry in the United States, a 40-foot-per-second, plus or minus, variation shot to shot in the same ammunition. .

The muzzle velocity would be near 2244ft per sec, reduced to 2060ft per sec at 113yds=339ft

2199.7 + 40 = 2239.7 fairly close to 2244.

Ballistics chart:



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23 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

Chris, may I use my own words to describe what I think you're saying?  And then you can tell me where I've got what you're thinking correct or incorrect.

A shot from the Dal-Tex 7th floor ledge @ z310.  We see Kennedy's head move forward slightly from z312 to z313.  Then, at virtually the same moment in time, the head is driven back by a shot from the front which also causes the back of head blowout.  The limousine has come to a stand-still just after z313 and before the shot from the front.  Kennedy's head is driven "back and to the left" by the frontal shot.

So, the frame removal was done to hide the fact that there were two shots, at virtually the same moment in time, which would have been impossible for a lone gunman.  And the "blob" is real and not painted in, as has been suggested.  The "blob" was created by the first of those two shots which came from 7th floor Dal-Tex.

Do I sort of have this right?


The shot from behind could have missed and the blob was added to give the impression of a rear shot at that moment.

I just believe that the forward movement of his head circa 313 is an indication of a shot.

And, as you said, impossible for 1 shooter.

But, this is more about timing using Wiegman's film as the clock, comparing it to the acoustical and showing the after affects of a limo stop/frame removal process.

More coming.


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I hope Mark Tyler will respond to this post to clear up the apparent difference in his view to Chris Davidson's.


264 Weigman frames are timed to pass through the camera in 11 seconds. Do you agree this shows that Weigman's camera ran at 24 fps? 

If you don't agree I would be very grateful if you could explain why?

If you do agree, could you then confirm if you then accept that the mismatch in the two films indicates that the extant Zapruder film has approximately 2 seconds missing?

I value your opinion as you've demonstrated excellent understanding of how to combine data from the available films. 

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